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Resolution on the Coalition - Printable Version

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RE: Resolution on the Coalition - Zak6858 - 02-03-2016

I support the idea of having a new Cabinet elected before we start mending TSP. It will allow more stability and it will be easier.

RE: Resolution on the Coalition - Sam111 - 02-03-2016

I support the idea of a new cabinet, but I don't support the measures to basically drive me out of the region, and to treat me like the ultra bad guy here, for reasons I won't make public, but will privately explain to those who it is necessary to do so.

RE: Resolution on the Coalition - sandaoguo - 02-03-2016

I can be convinced of a "general amnesty" -- but with the exclusion of Hileville. This is the second time he has directly caused a huge disruption to our community. None of this would have happened if it were not for him wanting it to and leading the charge. Whether some want to say Cabinet members were manipulated, or they believed they were doing the right thing, or whatever, Hileville was given a second chance and showed he doesn't care about the community unless it's his.

I think we've done a lot that post-coup regions don't do: we're allowing in several people who cheered on the coup, and granting retroactive citizenship to those who gained it in the Transitional Government. We're also embarking on a journey of serious and broad change. We've followed the "forgive and forget" path a lot, and it's ended up severely costing us several times. So for some people, like Hileville, who have more than once caused literal existential disruption, I can't forgive or forget.

Perhaps it's not a matter of banning him from TSP forever. But he's quite literally proven he can't be trusted with positions of power. So if not permanent banning, then he shouldn't ever be allowed to hold office again. A year from now, when a new generation of players is rising to the stage, they should be able to know what he did and why he can't be trusted. We're not all going to be around to tell them, and even if some of us are, they might not listen if it's just a story and not part of our laws.

RE: Resolution on the Coalition - Zak6858 - 02-03-2016

I feel like we should forgive him but at the same time I don't. I am that sort of person, forgive them when everything dies down.

RE: Resolution on the Coalition - Drugged Monkeys - 02-03-2016

I am all for giving everyone involved in this amnesty, the easiest way to move forward is to pretend none of this happened.
Most or all of the Cabinet has either expressed remorse, or shown that they only did this to help bring about change in the region.
I however do not agree with letting Hileville receive this same amnesty. This is not the first time he has gone over the top because he did not agree with something. Yes, he has done many a great service to this region in the years that he has been here, that does not give him free reign on his actions. I don't think he should be banned from the region, I don't think he should be banned from the forum, but I do think that he should have his citizenship revoked for at least 1 year. This will allow him to still be a part of the region, if he so chooses, but will limit him from running for office for at least 1 year. Many of us welcome his input in the coming months on fixing some of the issues that we have here in TSP, but I do not think at this time he deserves too much leniency.

Edit: Can we move the debate about who does and does not receive amnesty somewhere else, and leave that out of this amendment?
I know we don't want to rush into too much with this Amendment, but I do believe we at least need to have Special Elections to get some normalcy back into the region.

RE: Resolution on the Coalition - Punchwood - 02-03-2016

(02-03-2016, 04:42 AM)Sam111 Wrote: I support the idea of a new cabinet, but I don't support the measures to basically drive me out of the region, and to treat me like the ultra bad guy here, for reasons I won't make public, but will privately explain to those who it is necessary to do so.

You coup the region. No matter if you thought it was the right thing to do, it broke the law. You must face trail.

RE: Resolution on the Coalition - Punchwood - 02-03-2016

I think elections should be held within the next 3 days, I don't think a GC should be held straight away as there is no need for one.

I am fine with giving amnesty to those who supported the coup and those Cabinet members who left it before it's fall. I do have a problem however with giving Scylla and Sib their jobs back, I would much rather Res and Zak took their places. I am all for giving people second chances but giving they Cabinet positions right after they helped to coup the regions? No I don't think so and I think any reasonable person would agree with me.

RE: Resolution on the Coalition - Ryccia - 02-03-2016

Erm, Im reasonable, and I support amnesty for all.

RE: Resolution on the Coalition - Tsunamy - 02-03-2016

I'd really like to add my voice toward amnesty for the Cabinet members. Especially, since, the way we've been going about this has a marked effect with regard to timing. From Scylla removing the ban list and Bel taking over Hile's nation — everything moved really quickly. I don't think we should vilify Cabinet members who weren't on during that time.

RE: Resolution on the Coalition - QuietDad - 02-03-2016

Considering this all started as perceived notions of people being told how to play, amnesty to everyone would show a new desire to be more forgiving (which is what were once known for). From the view point of a "normal" citizen, I logged on one day and found myself on a new forum that the WFE was now pointing to and the whole cabinet there and supporting. It's safe to say there was NOTHING making me think this wasn't correct.