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[IC] Headquarters of the Southern Cooperation Organisation - Printable Version

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[IC] Headquarters of the Southern Cooperation Organisation - Kris Kringle - 01-07-2015

What is now the Southern Cooperation Organisation was first the International Cooperation Council, a forum established by Kringalia and Awesomiasa to better coordinate their integration and cooperation efforts. It was given its current name during the 2013 Thanksgiving Summit, when Kringalian President Rodgers and Awesomiasan Vice President Jameson agreed to broaden its scope, from a bilateral institution to a multilateral organisation that other nations in the South Pacific could join, to promote friendship and cooperation in the region.

It is now an organisation dedicated to guaranteeing mutual defence, strengthening economic freedom and openness, promoting cultural and educational development, encouraging democratic values and ensuring peace and friendship throughout the South Pacific. We aim to achieve this through regular summits, cooperation and development programmes and international agreements, with the input of all members and through the search for new members.

Issues of particular interest to the Organisation are the following:
  • Suppression of visas and implementation of a common travel area
  • Reduction of tariffs and most duties with the objective of establishing a free trade area
  • Validation of university credits and diplomas throughout all member nations
  • Improvement of the transportation infrastructure
  • Creation of common international understandings on diplomatic, consular and state practices
  • Recognition of the importance of human, civil, political, economic and cultural rights
  • Common defence in cases of attacks by third parties

Nation or International Organisation
Republic of Kringalia
Federal Democratic Republic of Awesomiasa
Empire of Sovonor
Farengeto Republic
Democratic Republic of Bonaugure
Federal Republic of Karnetvor
Dominion of Feirmont
Federation of the Resentine Kingdom
Kingdom of Sedunn
Anarcho-Pacifist Technocracy of Hammerstar
Empire of the Sanghelios Legion
Federal Union of Kyrini, Irikya, Siculite, Valivory and the Ryccian Republics
Federal Principality of Caasd
Dominion of Noctenos
Confederation of Esfalsa
Island Republic of Cathalea
Frost Empire

Our International Treaties: Please use this space to ask questions about the Southern Cooperation Organisation or make comments on its policies, membership or actions. Fill out the applications in this space to become a member or an observer.

RE: [IC] Headquarters of the Southern Cooperation Organisation - Ryccia - 06-06-2015


We were denied entry into the SCO because of not having an economic growth. We ask you to reconsider, as our Civil War has affected our economy. We only grew by 1.3%.

Edit: No no no no no. We made a mistake. It seems that a miscalculation happened, and we actually grew by 1.6%(stupid economist we hired to calculate our economy. Yuo is fire!)

RE: [IC] Headquarters of the Southern Cooperation Organisation - Kris Kringle - 06-06-2015

Decisions by the Secretariat are only subject to reconsideration under special circumstances should reliable evidence be presented. Our staff does not believe that the excuse given by the Ryccian Government regarding supposed human error is believable or based on credible evidence.

Carlo Bazzoli
Secretary General

RE: [IC] Headquarters of the Southern Cooperation Organisation - Ryccia - 06-06-2015

*Sends documents where the miscalculation took place*

If you see, esteemed Secretariat, the circled miscalculation in the calculation of the economic growth.

RE: [IC] Headquarters of the Southern Cooperation Organisation - Farengeto - 06-07-2015

The Provisional Government of Farengeto must object to this "correction" by the unrecognized state of Ryccia. That such a significant "error" of a fundamental statistic went unnoticed draws the validity of every statistic Ryccia has given us into to ques. Does the Ryccian Ministry of Finance consist of one man who never checks his work? How many other errors and lies has the Ryccian government given on its applications?

RE: [IC] Headquarters of the Southern Cooperation Organisation - Ryccia - 06-07-2015

No, we are on a tight budget. We used to have lots of economists before our Civil War, but now with the budget cuts, we only hired one.

This was our error. We are truly sorry. We should've hired more.

[IC] Headquarters of the Southern Cooperation Organisation - Awe - 06-07-2015

Speaking of Ryccia's many wars, can the Representative account for how Ryccia is able to provide welfare for its people, such as subsidised healthcare? I will note that the Ryccian authorities have mentioned that the country is running on a 'tight budget'

RE: [IC] Headquarters of the Southern Cooperation Organisation - Ryccia - 06-07-2015

We had to cut some agencies to have money for those services. Government officials's salaries were cut to half, the King has deleted his salary as he, with his family has lots of companies, banks, wealthy companies and the rich were put higher taxes, state transport(like state-owned subways, buses, etc.) was stripped of 60% of its funding(we don't fund it that much anyway, as private companies just do that job), the army's funding was cut by 15%, the chemicals of our nuclear weapons were sold to companies, and many other cuts. Employees who also had overexcess salaries were also cut. We also utilized money from the "Rebuilding Ryccia" program to fund the agencies(about $600 million).

[IC] Headquarters of the Southern Cooperation Organisation - ProfessorHenn - 06-07-2015

With all the money cut from funding, we find it hard to believe your GDP has had an increase of at least 1.5%.

Samantha Bell

Appointed Representative to the Southern Cooperation Organisation

The Sporaltryan Union

~Professor Henn, Hardcore Leftist, Totally not a Dinosaur

RE: [IC] Headquarters of the Southern Cooperation Organisation - Rebeltopia - 06-09-2015

Not to interrupt the debate about Ryccia, but I would like to address the leaders of the SCO a moment.

Our new president, Mr Daniel Randal, has appointed me, Ronald Thompson, to be the new Chairman of the Exterior in Rebeltopia. Thus, it is my duty to appoint a permanent liaison to the Southern Cooperation Organization. But before I can do that, I need to ask these questions.
While it has been a long time that Rebeltopia has been inactive in the SCO, what member status do we currently hold, if any?
If none, what is the current process to regain access?

If any more information is needed from me, I will be happy to oblige.
Thank you.

Ronald Thompson
Rebeltopian Chairman of the Exterior