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[IC][RP-MT]Summit for the Creation of an International Organization - Printable Version

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[IC][RP-MT]Summit for the Creation of an International Organization - Farengeto - 03-31-2014

Awe Wrote:OOC thread HERE

The Summit has officially begun. Below is an agenda of matters to be considered:
  1. The name of the international organisation and its two chambers
  2. How legislation is passed
  3. Timeframe for which legislation is debated and put to vote
  4. Form of leadership in both chambers
  5. How the leadership is elected
  6. Defining the powers of said leadership of each chamber
  7. Approval of MoRA as executive head of the organisation
  8. Defining the MoRA's powers in the organisation
  9. Rules governing the conduct of member delegations
  10. How future membership is expanded upon
  11. In the case of arbitration chamber, should the chamber be allowed to rule that disputed territories be under the trusteeship of a third party nation?
  12. Territory in which both chambers are to be located
  13. Establishment of a peacekeeping force in time of conflict
  14. Rules governing the establishment of new organs
  15. Adoption of a flag or related insignia
List can be expanded upon member's request

The Grim Reaper Wrote:Noonday.

The shuttle across from Ostislenhafen was not too long, really, to Government Island. Still a pain in the arse, though, especially for the more elderly of the two delegates being dispatched. With them was a veritable platoon of service staff, somewhat unusual for a state that was as small as Vaterssuedpazifik.

However, for those students of international politics with more time than skill, the detachment was not really out of the ordinary. It's an important meeting, for the Fatherland. The entire colony - and as a result, the careful shows of power, the investigation into new and dangerous realms of communications technology, even the new surge in naval development unmatched in the Fatherland since the nationalization of Blood and Steele Industries (First Generation) in the 40s - hinges on this meeting.

Well, that is an exaggeration. It is perhaps more accurate to say the ability for Vaterssedpazifik to work overtly, rather than subvertly, is on the line. Something as minor as international condemnation has never stopped a Vatersvolk businessman before - or at least, none of note by the time their countrymen got wind of their strategic vulnerabilities. All's fair in business. Shell colonies designed to exist solely as ports of convenience, charging small amounts in 'maintenance' fees to buy template-printed licenses of WA compliance for traders, and money transferred from bank to bank, a little bit skimmed off the top for security and handling fees by seemingly independent actors. Eventually, some of that finds its way into Vatersvolk businesses, or their international allies in the marketplace. Remarkably inefficient, but an operation of huge scale and almost total decentralization - a careless observer would mistake what eventually gets taken in by the Fatherland itself for the operations of luck. Those are the observers who fail to understand the importance of strong family values - of the ever-present power of a hereditary promise of nobility, giving the successful the chance to rub shoulders with the slightly more successful, and ad infinitum down the family line.

Not a perfect operation, though. Sometimes people break the mold - people who disdain the manners and nuances of noble life as dictated by those who hold on to tradition, or abuse it as an omniscient reminder of their dominance. Trendsetters - the Emperor, Luna von Blood (the woman who bought the Navy, as she has recently come to be known), the Twin Ladies (the women who dared defy half a century of culture to be named heirs to the throne instead of fighting for it). Even they, however, admit some are not within their grasp.

Dr. Diogenes Rosstsson Tyrus. A difficult name to get your head around, perhaps - positively Frankenstein's Monster, much like his heritage and his job roles.

Chief Information Officer of the Vaterssuedpazifik Charted Trading Corporation.

Minister for Health, Science, and Human Resources to the Vaterssuedpazifik Colonial Volksgovernment, and heir to the Prime Ministry and Volkscommandant.

Chairman of the Board for Attenborough, Lillians, and Thomasstik Military Industries (ALT-MIND). The self-declared successor to Black-Goods Chartered Trade, also known as the Operation Juno Branch Office - the first Vatersvolk organization to develop a viable biological WMD early in the 60s. Contemporary high-class gossip characterizes ALT-MIND as the most powerful organization whose administration are unwelcome in polite company. And, like all powerful organizations excluded from the Vatersvolk tradition of polite backstabbing and manipulation, they can exercise their wealth only abroad - the most lucrative market of such being the medical slave market, a sector that repels even the long-established Vatersvolk slaving tradition. Forced harvesting of organs, live human testing.

Some would argue Doctor Tyrus is the closest thing the Vatersvolk have ever produced to an antichrist. Others would argue that such a title is best saved for someone who is competent as acting as a human being - if Dr. Tyrus had it his way, he'd have accidentally starved himself by now. His ability to operate as a human being, or analogous to one in polite company, is mostly thanks to the good work of Mr. Philip Young Yurichrist. The ubiquitous Vaterssuedpazifik Minister of Communications, and perhaps the only person in the Vaterssuedpazifik government that anybody in Vatersvolk nobility would admit to more than an indirect knowledge of. Mr. Yurichrist, the man who saved the Attenborough family name from total devastation in the 90s, after the Lillians had died out without a noble family willing to allow their children to marry into the Lillians (at any rate, there was not a noblewoman alive who would have married into the Lillians), and the Thomasstiks disappeared under a self-imposed exile when the head of the Thomasstik household was outright crucified outside a rural police-station after a drunken altercation with the significantly more respected Peregrinus household. Given the reputation of both those households together, it was only the police-station's budget that stopped them from setting the cross alight themselves. Thankfully, such budgeting shortfalls have been repaired in the modern day.

Yet, for all of their infamy, they meant nothing. That is what infamy means in Vatersvolk culture - nothing. It is those who are unknown but for their grave marker who have left the greatest mark - the Emperor's gravemarker will be the new Church, and the claim of the forgotten Martyr - the first female warlord in Vatersvolk history, and the first person to enforce a standard social structure on the Vatersvolk people, and with it the first signs of the new state's government in the Rules of Enslavement act - is the literal rock on which Citadel City is built.

Look at them.

They are but puppets for foreign nobles, in a meeting that they fully know they will not be complying with - they assert their power now and they will lose their trade later. They keep quiet now, and they stay but a part in the structure.

They dare dissent, and any one of their 'diplomatic' detachment could be a law enforcement agency with authority granted by the power of a cheque made out from a noble family. Or, God forbid, with the almost brand-new seal of the Church that has within just a few short months been created out of the fall of the Rithosian Orthodox Church and become synonymous with the personal affairs of the Emperor. If there's anything worse than rabidly loyal secret police, it's rabidly loyal secret police who also fancy being martyred for their government.

Then again, death's a bad deal whatever way you cut it. Doctor Tyrus would know, wouldn't you?

"Know about what?"

"The native people around here - they're not like either populations. It's like the South Pacific grew in isolation - other regions active in international politics traded heavily amongst each other, but suddenly we have the South Pacific - with ancient, strong ties between various nations in the region, and maybe even outside the region, but it's as if foreign colonialism never touched them. Foreign disease, foreign culture. Death's different with them - you can see it in their thyroid glands. Photos from pretty much any nation in the region? They look much like our own dead.'s different when we do it in our lab, with instruments we've recycled from our chattel. No matter whatever way we cut it, it's a worse deal here than it is back home. It's like they're from a different world."

"Yeah, well...they might as well be. You're on, what, 50 years in one of the most secure jobs this side of von Blood's palace? And suddenly, you're on off-shore. No caviar for you any more. No fine cheeses, no fine wine, no quarter. You aren't a nobleman if you're not a Vatersvolk nobleman, so the rules of engagement are different."

"How very morbid of you. I don't see why the biographies keep calling me the evil doctor."

"You'd be morbid too if you were looking Death in the face for the first time again."

It was perhaps not Death's face, but the dozens of faces that could not be trusted. The cooks. The stewards. Even the scribes - both men carried their own recording equipment in addition to what their secretaries were bringing, just in case. Live feed to the Attenborough's 'off-shore accountants' - as you can imagine, rumoured to be the remnants of the more tenuous and stubborn of the Thomasstik businessmen.

The captain's face, as it spied land. As it brought them in. As it looked over the control panel, watching the slight distortion of the light in the burst of freezing air from the cabins as the doors automatically unlocked, the sudden mechanical release relieving the air-tight seal.

Cold like Death's laboratory - Tyrus liked it that way. As for the men onboard, and Yurichrist, they were all from the mountainous regions of the Fatherland. Its tropical eastern coasts were closely analogous to both Vaterssuedpazifik and Government Island, but for the 'Landsmen', those of Germanic or Scandinavian descent who generally hail from the noble families that settled in the mountains, the cost of cooling was generally astronomical.


"Ack, why are we here?"
"International summit, they intend to regulate maritime trade, and no doubt enforce border control or something of the sort. It would be just our luck - they choose to organize themselves as soon as we finally set up shop."

"Bah, we're not moving anything anyway. It's fine this way. None of those abolitionist bastards on our heels."

"Sure, for now, but you of all people should know - we find something interesting, and suddenly we need as much berth as possible to ship a live subject to the highest bidder without the thing going to shit, or else we're all fucked. Not a man alive who'd pay a second-rate slave colony a dime without seeing that we can put the dime where our fucking mouth is, and our mouth isn't going anywhere if this summit's a success."

"Then have the feds bomb 'em, take the survivors for our own. We've sold them more than enough to blow this whole region to pieces."

"What, assuming everything hits, and everything works? You know perfectly well that half those missiles barely fire and the other half only exist on paper so that von Blood can up her precious shareholders' distributions before the Emperor corks it. There's a reason she paid below nominal cost for most of it."

"Whatever, we'll have one of those ships come over, scare the living daylights out of them."

"Yeah, because they'll bombard good stock sooner than our arses. I've told you time and time again your research isn't worth jackshit - we're a fucking arms-length away from being outsourced anyway, and if someone else buys cleansing rights to this colony they won't give a shit what we're packing or who we're with - hell, we might burn our passports anyway and hope we don't get sold to someone who knows us, might work out better."

Yurichrist lit a cigar for himself - some nameless, unlabeled import, but the taste of refinement, blood, and sweat almost lingered in the throat just to stand near it. One of the very, very few luxuries that could be afforded to the Vaterssuedpazifik. Imported directly from the manufacturer, god knows where, tossed over the side in a waterproof crate by an unflagged vessel peddling wares to the more seedy parts of the South Pacific. Tyrus looked over with disdain. "Damnit, don't light up when I'm around - I told you to keep it to your office. That stuff will kill you - a slow, painful death."

"No-one's stopping me from putting a gun to my head when that slow, painful death starts - there's a thousand and one people who would like to pull the trigger themselves."

A beam of sunlight through the treetops as gate upon gate opened - some clearly well-maintained and secure, others there as a hold-back from some older times. Almost all of them, however, were fairly recent - for those unfamiliar with the area's history, it remained to be seen if there was much more than factory-made fencing and cheap security barriers to Government Island. At any rate, Dr. Tyrus and Mr. Yurichrist did not care to see what was around - much too sticky and warm. Yurichrist was already starting to feel his lips crack, and his cigar sat uncomfortably on his flaking skin, the lazy wisps of smoke hanging tight to the paradoxically sweaty dry skin just under his nose. It tasted more of his own sweat than of sweet unassuming wealth, right now.

It was a motley crew that actually made it into the discussion hall - much of the detachment had been left to stand guard in rings around the main buildings of government island, many wearing plainclothes. It was hard to tell how many were loyal only to the Attenborough family name, and how many were either currently military or working for another employer. Generally speaking, those who would dare interfere in the affairs of another noble family were themselves no longer worth the time of the Vatersvolk nobility, but with people like ALT-MIND...

At any rate, almost all of the detachment were apparently unarmed - all were however trained in the martial arts that formed a key part of Vatersvolk physical education at almost every level of schooling, a curriculum that also embraced as necessary skills for the young shooting, archery, swimming, and endurance training. Certain elements of their training allowed them great feats of combat with their bodies - others with improvised weapons, such as polearms. All were trained to kill - unlike usual, however, it was rather likely all of them would have liked to collect the doubtlessly impressive bounty on the heads of their two beneficiaries.


The hall was...rather ordinary for something of this stature. As was to be expected for a region that was, despite its relative lack of relationship with the international circles the Vatersvolk involved themselves in, rather wealthy indeed (even by Vatersvolk terms)/ The hall was opulent, large, and outfitted with the latest in electronic systems for communications and information display. A neat podium, microphones for delegates to speak, and headphones provided by some generic but well-intentioned electronics company (probably regional). The Doctor noted with displeasure that the Vaterssuedpazifikan delegation seemed to be one of the first - he spied some local service staff eagerly checking and double checking and triple checking everything they looked at.

A quick check of his own assuaged his immediate concerns - the seating was comfortable, and the headphones had clear output, although that may have been his own biases towards the pretty blonde who had been testing the equipment. Nevertheless, he felt that he could positively nap here, for the use of headphones and microphones meant that the acoustics of the hall gave way to aesthetic concerns and the visual prominence of the chairperson and podium, no doubt reserved for use of delegates intending to give significant presentations - the right side of the podium taken up by what seemed to be a very large projection screen, to be amply assisted in its role of conveying information in the touchscreens embedded in front of every delegate's chair - fairly small, but high resolution, leaving space to comfortably write or peruse notes by hand should the delegate choose to utilize paper.

Mr Yurichrist took a seat behind the Doctor, presumably provided for delegations requiring a translator in close proximity to their delegate. Headphones and a microphone were also provided here, Yurichrist deciding that the microphone fed directly into the associated delegate's earpiece should translation be required. Other assorted seating was just as comfortable as the Doctor's although their screens were larger but had no input facility - presumably for support staff.

The only issue that Yurichrist took with the set up was the hall's slight lack of character - such cultural dilution for the betterment of regional relations seemed to have rather killed any sense of interest he could have had with it. A pity, for he did not intend to be particularly involved in the discussion.


The summit opened as was to be expected, a short presentation by the Awesomiasan delegate immediately after a formal opening of procedures by what was either an Awesomiasan or a local chairperson, Yurichrist did not notice which.

An open invitation to speak, and a momentary awkward silence as the South Pacifican delegations took their time to settle into this new idea of international relations - surely, this was a major moment for anyone who actually called the South Pacific their home. A new era.

"I would like to propose that this summit address the concerns raised by the Awesomiasan delegation in numerical order, as listed in the presentation. As a result, the first order of business is to decide on a name for the organization that would theoretically result from this summit, which should also ease our discussions. Whilst I am aware that depending on the authority and the responsibilities we give to this organization, we may find the name chosen now to be inappropriate, I would for now like to propose we choose a working name for the duration of this summit, and furthermore propose this working name should be the South Pacific Regional Cooperation Group."

An exceedingly formal speech, delivered in an almost robotic fashion by Doctor Tyrus, for like a robot he barely understood what he was saying in reciting what was fed to him by Yurichrist.

Jared Howell Wrote:Feeling the familiar light dropping sensation as the undercarriage of the VTOL jet settled onto the pad, Jared Howell glanced up as his attaché Ilyana Othar immediately began her customary itinerary check. Knowing her, such things had already been triple-checked, confirmed over comlink and then checked again, but she was a perfectionist and it gave him the chance to appear at ease and causal on the eve of the summit. It had been bold, bringing a delegation that represented the entire Iyadaran Caucus, but the political benefits had already begun to show as his approval rating in the Argot Trends slowly ticked up.

The Iyadaran Tac Fighter escorts spun down their engines as the delegation left the aircraft, escorted by the Srna-an advisors and translators in their long trenchcoats. One by one, they filed past Howell's more expansive seat, the Speaker always leaving last as per Iyadaran custom...first (of course) was Deken Othar, rumoured to be the Othars' primary information broker and one of the reasons Howell now occupied the position he did. A sly man, eager to please. Howell had become accustomed to his ways of flattery, with more headstrong political opponents often finding themselves wound up in a web of his words. Next came Jennifer Lonnic, whose past occupation as a pilot in the TDF put her in the Amarnas' camp a little too often for his liking. Mirroring his thoughts, right after her came Jacyn Amarna, a big-mouthed kid who had somehow got enough support via his clan connections to get elected to their seat. He was green though, and had enough trouble stringing his speeches together that nobody but the Lonnics and Sorens would listen to him.

Some of his own allies passed by his seat. With their clans currently engaged in some of the biggest joint construction projects ever seen in the Commonwealth, it was no surprise to see Melia Sini and Kazht Hua opt to be seen leaving the VTOL together. It was Kazht's clan, in fact, that had created the very technologies on this aircraft (and had even installed their kinetic screening technology as a goodwill gesture). Behind them came Elstrid Zalde and Antoniy Chernovetskya, friends since their teens and only kept apart romantically due to their clans' unwillingness to have any perceived alliance, especially to the Frays. Behind them, Inisa Fray was making sure nobody could mistake that she was glued to the HUD of the visor over her right eye, which meant she was actually monitoring everything Elstrid and Antoniy said and did.

Karl Lahun said a few encouraging words as he filed past, looking every inch the ex-gameshow host he was. He was followed by a small vertical-effect camera drone, which seemed keyed to film wherever the Lahun representative directed his gaze. Lassner Soren and Oscar Vitoria were deep in conversation regarding Government Island and the security arrangements, barely sparing Howell a nod. Jheira Cayan had insisted she hand-pick her own representatives rather than have assigned Srna-an aides, which he had allowed as none of the other clans had had a particular problem with it. These wore the distinct tattoos of not only the Cayan but also the Dervish Corps, likely procured from Rahm-Izad. Anya Kaliko was one of the last to leave and paused to allow Brand Vethic, Alexiy Rezol and the unaligned representatives to go ahead of her. Howell had always found the Kaliko representative enchanting, especially since her artificially-whitened hair made her tattoo seem very beautiful in comparison to others of the clan.

'Good luck, Jared,' she said quietly. 'I think this is a big opportunity for the Commonwealth - but watch these people. Some of the nations here...some of them aren't democratic. You understand what I mean?'

'Of course, Anya. Illy took me through the dossiers and I even had a very interesting commcall with Kuril City yesterday. They were very concerned about overall security, especially regarding Narcxis. They had some very interesting information about their potential activity in the area. Who knows, we might even see a Dominion representative before this thing is over.'

As she left, Ilyana handed over his jacket and ensured he was looking his best. Then he stepped out and onto the tarmac on Government Island for the first time...


Jared Howell addresses the assembled delegates:

'Thank you to the representative from Awesomiasa for this opportunity and to Vateressuedpazifik for opening the agenda. Could I also extend greetings to all of the delegates and attendees from the Commonwealth of Iyadara. I'd like to second the proposition of South Pacific Regional Cooperation Group as a working name until such time a formal title can be assumed.

I'd like to submit the following for consideration for the naming of the international body:

Coalition of South Pacific Nations (COSPAN)
South Pacific Compact (SOPAC)
League of Allied South Pacific Nations (LASPAN)

For the two chambers:

Congress of Ecumenical Standards
Congress of International Arbitration

Again, thank you to Awesomiasa and our hosts. I hope this will prove to be a productive and satisfying summit for all concerned.'

Rebeltopia Wrote:Normally, a flight for Rebeltopian officials to Government Island is a leisurely day, and only an hour and a half of time spent in-air. But this day was far from that normal, leisurely trip for President JD. In the early hours of the day, the CRNAF Presidential Jet left a small nation part of the CRN, and the eight hour flight back to Rebeltopia was less than smooth. Councilman of International Affairs Jason Davenport, an eager fellow, barely 26 year of age, was also on this trip, and it was his first trip to a Rebeltopian colony. He spent most of the flight home in the lavatory, expelling much, if not all, of his last two meals.
Once in Warner, Davenport, and his staff were dismissed, and a "changing of guard" of JD's staff to take with him to Government Island for the regional summit boarded. After taking off from Warner, an in-air briefing over dinner was in order, as JD had been out of the country the last 60 hours or so. JD trusted his VP, but hated having to leave the country for more than three days at a time, and as this summit was going to be a long, drawn out affair, he wished he would have sent Davenport instead.

Which of our good friends will be joining us on GI?
JD's most trusted adviser, James, spoke, while rustling through a pile of papers on top of his folder. As you well know, Joel is quote-unquote hosting this summit. Alexander, Secretary of Foreign Affairs in Belschaft, and Rodgers and Scott from Kringalia. Those are the people we've been in contact with since Joel sent out the formal invitation.
Ok. Well... JD paused. Let's hope this doesnt take more than a week to get things rolling. How far are we from GI?
A woman dressed in a white business suit-type dress approached from the front of the room, and answered. We're starting our decent. We should be on the ground in fifteen.
JD turned to look at the woman. Thank you. He turned back to the three advisers at the table with him. James. If you'd be so kind to let Joel know we'll be landing shortly. We are almost a full day behind schedule, because the trip to the colony was very unexpected.


JD moved forward after Jared Howell spoke, and addressed the summits delegates.
I would like to thank you for all coming out here to Government Island for this summit. Thank you to President Joel for setting this up, and to the first two delegates whom have already spoken here this evening. We in Rebeltopia are honored to help shape The South Pacific's government. Serving this great region is our first obligation, and we will see that the laws are fair and just. I'd like to add an option or two for namings.

For the body as a whole:

The South Pacific Regional Presiding Organization (TSPRPO)

I second the names for the chambers as presented by Mr Howell.

Thank you.

The Grim Reaper Wrote:God, this is infuriating. Tyrus absent-mindedly doodled on his notepad - Yurichrist watched nervously, perfectly aware that every second piece of work the Doctor did of his own accord could be claimed as a trade secret. The other half was generally the kind of thing that would get them arrested at an event like this - that being said, so were the trade secrets.

Tyrus' right hand glove started to take on a darker shade of grey, smudging some of the ink Tyrus wrote with. It was a little too wet for Tyrus' liking, but they generally bought everything they could in bulk. Expensive ink for expensive pens, all of it shipped in unmarked containers by questionably flagged ships.

His gloves were an exception - he'd had them custom-made for himself, by a poor craftsman who owed him a favour for fixing his car on the side of the road. They looked, at first glance, as dress gloves, but one who stepped closer would find a thin outer cover of grey wool held together only by the latex and rubber typical of surgical gloves. Unlike most stereotypical mad scientists, Tyrus had someone looking over his shoulder all of the timee. Appearances are appearances. However, Tyrus always felt uncomfortable without the sweet feeling of latex on his skin - in his line of work, that feeling being absent almost invariably spells a painful night of decontamination, or an even more painful death.

And sniffing the latex had become a way of stress relief - he was always calmest in the lab, where a mistake meant real trouble. Speaking with people? You'll probably live to tell the tale if you screw up - a terrifying prospect. That sweet, comforting smell of business and hygiene.

Tyrus was already borderline comatose by the time Yurichrist had switched their microphones and begun to speak.

"If I may, the Vaterssuedpazifik delegation echoes Rebeltopia in concurring with the proposed Chamber names by Mr Howell. We would also like to suggest that Howell's proposal of LASPAN is perhaps not appropriate, as it suggests a sense of militarism and broadly links the positive international relations of the region to compliance with this international organization. We would therefore like to suggest we do not adopt the moniker of "Allied States" that is present in LASPAN, and instead lean towards a name that simply deals with the organization itself, rather than making any suggestions about the relationship of the member states. Therefore, of Howell's suggestions regarding a name, we are supportive of the South Pacific Compact, but will also support Rebeltopia's suggestion of TSPRPO, despite our reservations regarding the inclusion of the word 'Presidency', which has connotations of executive authority.

That being said, we still feel our own suggestion of the South Pacific Cooperation Group (SPCOG) is a strong one."

Jared Howell Wrote:As Howell spoke, Ilyana Othar's feed that monitored the Argot Trends flickered upward another few points. It was possible that the Speaker would end the day with a higher approval rating than perhaps even the previous holder of the post. Clan Othar's stock would almost certainly rise with it, given their choice to back him last time. A figure slid into the seat beside her, causing her to glance over. Deken Othar took note of her tablet screen before activating his own device, small but equipped with the latest holographic interface. A Chernovetskyan invention, developed for their military pilots but proving to have lucrative corporate applications.

'Our clan has made an awful lot of money over the last 24 hours, Illy.'

'I know. You could almost say we knew this was going to happen,' she said with a slight smile. He didn't answer for a time, but concerned himself with his device. After a few minutes a message appeared on her own.

<Is everything in place?>


'We would concur with the delegate's reservations regarding any reference to 'Presidency' within TSPRPO, as it would create perceptions regarding the authority of the TSP government in certain areas. Of the proposals submitted already, we lean most towards South Pacific Compact (SOPAC). However as mentioned in the opening speech, one of the areas within which this international organisation would have a mandate to intervene will be Peacekeeping. We believe that League of South Pacific Nations (LOSPAN) may be a more acceptable alternative given the Vaterssuedpazifik delegates' concerns and I submit this amendment for consideration.'

VPRB Wrote:The unnamed Bruuman envoy sat quietly, waiting for the conference to begin, wearing a red tunic and liberation cap outfit . His escort of Red Jujus, the bodyguard and personal militia of Chairman Grand Bokor Unclepear, stood still around him, sporting their Mao suits with red and black voodoo skull-like masks.
When the conference began, the envoy started shaken uncontrollably, then his eyes rolled over and he collpased on his chair for a few seconds, before reassuming his posture. When it came the VPRB turn, he rose and spoke with an unnatural, deep voice, which was clearly not his own. It had a cold tone, and felt like it was coming from some distant Abyss.
"Dark greetings to all of you. This is Chairman Grand Bokor Unclepear, the Eternal President of the Voodoo People's Republic of Bruuma, speaking on behalf of the Bruuman people.
I do not intend to waste unnecessary time with my intervention, so I will directly state our proposition:

We propose the establisment of the "The South Pacific Nations International Commitee", divided in an International Agreements & Treaties Sub-Committe and a People Peace Sub-Committee, where each sovereign nation will have one seat, and all delegates will have equal rights and powers.
Each Sub-Committee will have a Moderator to discpline their works and prevent abuses. This position will rotate on an annual basis between all delegates.
The Committee will regulate international trade and relations, but will not make and impose decisions regarding internal affairs of sovereign nations, nor it will force its international decisions on the relationship between two sovereign nations, if they do not will. The Commitee will however stop nations engaging in such acts.
In case an arbitration is required, the whole Committee will be called to vote, in respect of the legal premises.
A peacekeeping force will be established with an equal contribution from all nations, and will only be deployed in case of conflict between two sovereign nations with the sole aim to restore peace, but it will not interfere in case of civil war, and it will prevent foreign nations from doing so in such case.
The particular national composition of the peacekeeping force will vary in each case, with the aim of sending troops belonging to the countries most neutral towards the warring parties.

The Voodoo People's Republic of Bruuma retain the right of not joining the future organization in case its final outfit will be a threat to our sovereignty.

May the Loa grant you a socially advanced day"

After saying these words, the envoy sat back on his chair.

Arbiter08 Wrote:A mighty gust blows across Government Island as Thel Vaddam stepped out of his Seraph class personal VTOL. Two Sangheli bodyguards standing at 2.6 meters tall follow Thel out of the seraph. Thel looks around to see who has arrived to the meeting. He notices most are looking at him with a curious look in their eyes. Thel then realizes that many have never seen a sangheli in person before. Thel quickly takes his seat and opens his cell phone as he addresses the Arbiter... My lord Arbiter, I have arrived at the specified meeting grounds. The summit has not yet begun, but I shall wait until either recalled, or the meeting has begun.. It appears most have not brought weapons, so I have left mine in my shuttle, along with a couple guards. However, I did not come unprepared. I shall await further instruction.

Thel then puts away the cell phone and gets comfortable in his seat. Thel then prepares himself for a long wait...

Qwert Wrote:Elective King Vimmru II casually watched the four brand new Hotvemm fighters of 1 Attack Division break formation. The fighters made a wide turn and set course to the home base in Goends with their mission complete. As they accelerated, the aircraft containing the Sedunnic delegation began its descent to the landing strip.

Sun light immidiately elluminated the entire aircraft as the doors opened. One by one, the delagtes walked down the staires to the red carpet enjoying the clear skies. A storm had struck just as they left Betinn International Airport and the takeoff had been rough. Now those who were afraid of flying could finally relax. The delegation was led to the cars that were to take them to the summit. The King did not show any signs of being nervous, or excited.

The King observed the assembled delegats for a few seconds. From the rostrum he had a good view. Behind him slighlty to the right, the speaker of the parliament stood. Both of them wore refined suits.
"Honoured friends!", he said authoritatively, "First of all I would like to congratulate the government and people of Awesomiasa on this fine initiative. Today, a new era of peace and understanding begins. I speak on behalf of the people of Sedunn. As this is only the initial part of the summit, I wish to be brief."
He cleared his throat and continued. "I would like to propose the name South Pacific Collaboration (for Peace and Stability), SPC(PS), to reflect upon what we, the people of Sedunn, strongly belive in and hold dear: independence and freedom. I know this thought is shared among alot of you, dear delegates. We do not want an organization that limits the rights of self-determination, but an organization that truly enriches intergovernmental talks so that understandning can be achieved where it normally would fail."
The King inhaled and paused for a few seconds.
"Togehter we could reach further than ever before!"

After the first day of the summit the delegation retired to its private quarters.

Kris Kringle Wrote:President Elizabeth Rodgers calls the attention of all those attending the summit, and prepares to give some introductory remarks on behalf of the People of Kringalia:

It is a great pleasure to speak before this forum of international cooperation, to be part of the integration of our region into an organisation that will ensure the safety of our people and the development of our nations. I have come from Kringalia to lead a delegation of the highest possible level to bear witness to the fact that to us this conference is of the utmost importance, and thus we are prepared to support it to the best of our abilities.
It is my belief that we have all agreed on the aims that this proposed organisation should have, those being the safe and secure development of our nations with the guarantee that all our neighbours are also our friends and partners. This is an objective that we can all accomplish, and which some nations have already sought through the establishment of other institutions that can more than adequately complement the efforts of this summit. I point out to the creation of the Southern Cooperation Organisation between Kringalia, Awesomiasa, and Rebeltopia as a sign of the growing friendship and cooperation between nations in the South Pacific, and as prove that the objective we all now seek can and will be accomplished.
As this summit progresses I am confident we shall decide on the details of this organisation, and at this point would like to second the proposal of Speaker Jared Howell to name it the South Pacific Compact. Finally, I would like to thank our friend, the Awesomiasan Government, for hosting his summit, and to all nations in the South Pacific who are participating in this event. I have full confidence that this future organisation will be of great benefit for our nations, and look forward to working with each and every one of you.

Thank you

Arbiter08 Wrote:The Arbiter would like to bring forth the question of war to this summit. Shall all skirmishes be illegal?

The Grim Reaper Wrote:Yurichrist leaned back for a moment, chewing on the question. One that allowed for a myriad of various unsavory loopholes.


But, decorum must be respect.

"I propose that the organization's involvement, or lack thereof, in warfare and armed conflict be our next topic of discussion. However, I suggest that enough discussion has taken place that we may bring the current question to a vote?"

Awe Wrote:Permanent Representative Jen Chan spoke up: The VSP delegate would be indeed right to say that we shall put the names to vote. The names proposed are as follows:
  • South Pacific Compact
  • South Pacific Collaboration (for Peace and Stability), SPC(PS)
  • The South Pacific Nations International Commitee
  • South Pacific Regional Cooperation Group
After which we shall discuss matters with regards to warfare and armed conflict. The Government's view on this would be that skirmishes are unpreventable as the organisation does not, and will not dictate the policy of nations involved. However, the organisation can fulfill a role in keeping international peace through the creation of a peacekeeping corp to maintain such peace. We also hope that the organisation will become a neutral meditating party in resolution of armed conflict and warfare to promote a sense of harmony and goodwill in the organisation.

In addition, I also propose that the organisation set up an aid agency to provide aid in war-torn and disaster-affected nations. We, as an international community, must look out for one another to ensure the common good of our peoples.

Farengeto Wrote:The Farengeto delegation beamed itself down from their flagship in orbit, much to the surprise of some delegates. Between their unambiguously alien nature and unconventional entrance they had drawn the attention of some delegates, though the Farengeto's fears were lessened by the nearby presence of the aliens who called themselves the "Sangheli". Since their arrival on this world the Farengeto had been a secretive nation, speaking little of their technology and civilization beyond their borders.

Chancellor "Tekari" the other 4 members of his delegation, each of a different species, each took the seat specially designed for their race. To the right of the chancellor sat the Farengeto Minister of Foreign Affairs, Lanar Harenia. Lanar was the son of the original chancellor of Farengeto. Though much of his early career was following in his parent's fame, he would prove a strong politician in his own right, and carried on their parent's strong policy of peace. At the chancellor's left sat Lareer Uebon, the governor of the Farengeto colonies on this world. The other two were unfamiliar faces, though their deeper breathing and more shruggish steps made it clear they were offworlders. At the head of the group was the Farengeto Chancellor, and perhaps the most mysterious of them all. He called himself Tekari, but even that was a pseudonym, a name from a distant past kept only for the comfort of those terrified by its true nature. Its true identity was that of the AI named TekNet, the subspace network behind many Farengeto technologies. Tekari was merely its avatar, his body composed entirely of nanomachines, serving as a physical avatar for itself.

None of the ambassadors spoke aloud, instead communicating mentally through the implants in their heads.

(OOC note: preferably that happened several posts back)

Chancellor Tekari stood up and prepared to speak. He spoke in a near perfect English, translating the entire session live for his ambassadors. He looked a look around him and noticed the expressions of the ambassadors with a superhuman level only technology could grant him.

"Perhaps you would be more comfortable with a different form?" He said, rearranging the nanobots composing him into that of a human male.

"On the issue of names, we find the second and fourth overly pacifist. We also find the use of 'committee' to be an understatement of scale, more fitting of a program of this organization, and the 'Nations International' redundant. Our delegation also voices dissatisfaction of the first name. Therefore, we would like to propose a fifth name, 'International Assembly of the South Pacific'.

"As for peacekeeping and emergency aid, the Republic of Farengeto is willing to use it's technology to aid the suffering nations of this planet. Within the terms of Farengeto Non-interference Policy, of course." As he speaks he picks up a glass of water, and after swirling his finger in it for a few moments, uses his nanotech to turn it into wine. "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. I can assure it's real, take a sip.

"Our policy does limit our ability to solve all your problems for you, so don't expect us to do everything. We've already pushed it as it is, but we can still contribute. A few aliens with personal shields and particle weaponry should be effective at distracting conflict for a bit, after all." He lets out a synthesized laugh before sitting down again.

Arbiter08 Wrote:Thel Vaddam nods at chancellor Tekari.

The Arbiter aproves of this name. He feels that it is best suited for this organization.

Jared Howell Wrote:'We would like to raise the point that including any 'Assembly' reference could lead to confusion regarding the organisation's relationship to the World Assembly. It would be preferable for the organisation's name to be unique.

The Commonwealth votes for South Pacific Compact, of the options discussed here and listed by Permanent Representative Chan.

As for Peacekeepers and their role, it will not be the intention of any Peacekeeper force to serve as a distraction, nor should they be heavy-handed with technology. Any force sent into a combat zone will have the goal of increasing security, preventing war crimes, protecting non-combatants or disarming belligerents, as well as other potential objectives, as determined by International Arbitration.'

Rebeltopia Wrote:Id like to vote for the "South Pacific Compact".

And I second the sentiment of Jen Chan, that the organization here cannot and should not outlaw any types of skirmishes. But, we should help resolve them. We can not let our brother and sister nations destroy The South Pacific. I see it best to be peacekeepers, but not condemn those who do not believe the things we believe.

Belschaft Wrote:OOC - Point of order: The thread is flagged as MT (Modern Tech) and as such spaceships and teleportation are inappropriate, as are aliens.

Arbiter08 Wrote:OOC Thread is here:

(I thought the MT meant Meet)

Awe Wrote:Jen Chan, as Permanent Representative of the host nation, speaks. "Based on previous comments in this thread and votes taken, the majority of delegations voted. By virtue of their votes, this internanational organisation shall henceforth be known as the South Pacific Compact.

The next item on the agenda is to decide upon the names of the two chambers of legislation, namely the general legislation chamber and the conflict resolution and arbitration chamber. I propose the names of General Assembly for the general legislation chamber and Peace Council for the conflict resolution and arbitration chamber."

Jared Howell Wrote:'We have put forward the proposals:

Congress of Ecumenical Standards
Congress of International Arbitration

and would vote for those. We think it would be beneficial to avoid any potential confusion or association with the WA.'

Rebeltopia Wrote:JD speaks up

I would like to propose "General Council" and "Arbitration Council". As Jared has already stated, I would also like to avoid any confusion with the World Assembly, and TSP's governmental Assembly.

Qwert Wrote:"King, our proposition is now ready for presentation", said the speaker of the parliament. "Verry well", the King replied.

"We, aswell, belive that "General Council" and "Arbitration Council" are suitable names. They will have our votes.

Awe Wrote:Permanent Representative Jen Chan speaks "I agree that there is a need to more properly differentiate gameplay institutions and this international organisation's legislative chambers. In light of that I'll be for the names of General Council and Arbitration Council as the names of the respective legislative chambers. However, I'll leave the floor open for more delegates to voice their opinions before making a decision."

Arbiter08 Wrote:The Arbiter approves of the names "General Council" and "Arbitration Council".

The Grim Reaper Wrote:With a light touch of his chin, Yurichrist looked over at his deadweight companion.

A subtle nod on Yurichrist's part was barely noticed - either the Doctor had floated into a comatose state or he was being uppity again. With a sigh, Yurichrist cleared his throat.

"The VSP delegation formally indicates its support for the names 'General Council' and 'Arbitration Council'."

Founder Synod Wrote:During the lull, a woman steps up to speak. She is dressed in what looks like a cross between a lab coat and a robe of some kind, coloured charcoal grey. At her sides are two soldiers in jet-black armour emblazoned with the Rahm-Izad eagle on one shoulder. Their faceplates are blank. After turning her cold gaze on every delegate present, she speaks:

'I am Founder Arma Devi. You may address me as Founder. Do all of your regional affairs take so long? My departure was delayed for several days, yet you have achieved so little with so much of your undoubtedly well-paid time.

We vote for the chamber names proposed by the Iyadaran delegates, though I confess the Dominion cares little. Let us proceed with the affairs that matter.'

Qwert Wrote:"Regarding 12 in the agenda, we simply propose Government Island, which is both neutral ground and located in the centre of this region", said the speaker of the parliament.
"The position of the government of Sedunn regarding 13 is that there should be no standing peacekeeping force. Instead we propose that each abled nation should participate in joint education and training. Some units from these nations could be dedicated for these purposes. The total need of soldiers, and such, should be evaluated. Also, their jurisdiction is a matter of future concern".

"Regarding 15, we propose an international competiton"

Jared Howell Wrote:(OOC: I'll keep this going until Awe next gets on)

'Enough time has passed and votes that are in show that the preferred names for the organisation's chambers are indeed 'General Council' and 'Arbitration Council'.

We will now move on Articles 2 and 3, which are related. How will legislation be passed and in what timeframe will it be debated/put to vote?'

'The Commonwealth believes any organisation of such type should pass legislation/resolution via simple majority vote, with a time period of no less than two to four weeks for debate before the vote must be called.'

Arbiter08 Wrote:It is the firm belief of the Arbiter that legislation should be passed by a simple majority vote, with no longer then a week's debate before the vote is called.

Rebeltopia Wrote:Its our belief that a motion should be made after no less than 5 days, and a final draft of legislation should be made no less than 10 days from the start of the debate. A simple majority is ok with us.

Jared Howell Wrote:It seems as though one weeks' time for debate and a simple majority vote will be acceptable. There has been enough time to hear any other ideas.

If there are no other suggestions, I propose we move on to Article 4-6:

4. How will this organisation be led?
5. How will those leaders be elected?
6. What powers will those leaders have?