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Pirates of the South Caribbean (IC, PT) - Printable Version

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Pirates of the South Caribbean (IC, PT) - Arbiter08 - 05-07-2014

Attention all Gentlemen of Rough Disposition

Bounty on Giant Squid

Reward of 100 gold

The South Carribean Trade Company (SCTC) is looking for able bodied men and women to slay a giant squid which has been terrorizing our ships in the area of San Dominique, which is on the map included below. All willing applicants shall meet with Captain Vaer of the SCTC at the Candleshade Bar in Port Crown at dawn. A ship shall not be provided, so applicants willing to use their own are recommended to do so.

Map of the South Caribbean
[Image: oahCtEX.png]


Captain Vaer
Officer of the South Carribean Trade Company

(OOC Thread: )

RE: Pirates of the South Caribbean (IC, PT) - Farengeto - 05-07-2014

[Image: hms_victory.jpg]
West of Port Crown, Admiral Tekar was staring at the map that lay on his desk aboard the HMS Invincible, flagship of the Royal Navy and the mightiest ship in the fleet.

On the map lay dozens of pieces representing the many ships of the South Caribbean. Ships of the Royal Navy, merchant ships, movements of the Spanish and French, reputed pirate locations, from this table the Admiral monitored the situation as word arrived.

Across the board lay several markings, each strange and mystical. Admiral Tekar smiled as he moved several ships around the board, all the pieces were being set up and soon all would fall into place.

RE: Pirates of the South Caribbean (IC, PT) - wetwork - 05-09-2014

The Reaper's Scythe crept without fan-fair into the harbour of Port Crown as the first bloodied rays of light began to threaten the cloak of night's darkness. Classed as a 4th Rate, she boasted a modest count of 52 cannon spread over two decks, but had been modified over the last 12 years in the service of her owner Captain Daveth Mournival. Now boasting several mortar as well as other more exotic combinations of weaponry, she was known of, but not known about. The Captain had long since decided that fame was not conducive to success in a line of work such as they pursued, so landfall was kept to hides and outlaw townships, and prisoners spent their terms aboard the vessel to find release only through merciful death. As they coasted into the dock, only one of her three masts sported a sail- a dark and oft mended affair which spoke of attention to detail and a respect for utility. They flew no colours.

A crew of 400 souls give or take, manned the Scythe yet as the ship docked most were nowhere to be seen. This was a distinct breaking of the tradition that had seen them survive as well as prosper for over a decade, and not many were desiring to show their faces to the authorities of Port Crown. The Captain shrugged on his greatcoat and gestured quickly to those around him. Several nodded and spread out around the deck while some went below to see to other tasks. Daveth nodded to the 6 men who remained and they disembarked behind him, worn boots and soft leathers alternatively thumping with ominous authority or swishing with a practised stealth as they descended to the dock. An officer with a contingent of soldiers stood nervously waiting, yet to Daveth's eye they were too bunched up and greener than a banana. His lips twitched at that.

Reaching the officer, who had one hand resting on the hilt of his blade and the other faintly wavering as he ordered a halt, the Captain pulled out the worn SCTC bounty offer and with a flourish, snapped it open. The officer glanced at it, at the Captain, and then at the loose pack of dark silent men behind him. In the lamp and torchlight, their stillness and stares made him feel like a thing. An obstacle already measured and planned for removal. It was an impersonal malice that bled from them like a tangible vapour.

Nodding a little too quickly he stepped back and let them pass. He ordered the last soldier in line to lead them to the Candleshade Bar, but the hapless conscript was held in place my a quick baring of teeth as Daveth passed. Insolent pup! As if he needed help sniffing out a bar. He paused, smelling the air and taking in the lay of the district, placing the industrial buildings and businesses in his mind. Nodding towards a street that looked as similar to the rest in the pre-dawn gloom, the party made their way into the murky town streets proper. Ten minutes saw them led unerringly to the door of the Candleshade, well lit as was to be expected. He looked back towards the last two men and nodded before he made to enter. They slipped away and vanished without sound. He paused at the portal, made a quick prayer to the Fates and ended it with a light tap on his heart, where one of several hidden plates of armour was sewn into his coat. He pushed open the doors and led his men through.

RE: Pirates of the South Caribbean (IC, PT) - Arbiter08 - 05-12-2014

Captain Vaer glanced around at the Candleshade Bar. He noticed that it seemed awefully quiet today, with all but a few of the patrons having headed home already. 'All the better for the buisness I have in mind' Captain Vaer thought while absent-mindedly examining a silver coin with strange markings etched into it. Captain Vaer perked his eyes up as he heard the bar door open, but quickly went back to examining the coin. He waited a couple of seconds as he thought he would hear the sound of footsteps, but he did not. Captain Vaer then said "Please, make yourself comfortable. I am expecting a few more to appear, and when they do I'll brief you all at once." Captain Vaer then took a swig of his rum bottle, and continued to examine his coin.

RE: Pirates of the South Caribbean (IC, PT) - VPRB - 05-14-2014

Capitan Le Pear stood on the stern of his ship, the Bad Juju, as it approached a quiet spot of the bay of Port Crown. He wasn't a criminal for the authorities of the town, but a pirate could never let his guard down, especially when he was a runaway slave. And his ship wasn't exactly hard to recognize: the 24-guns brigantine was completely black, hulls and sails; it was quite helpful during pillaging time, since Le Pear operated only at night, but the first lights of the approaching dawn now made it increasingly odd-looking. Zombie servants, some still wearing Navy uniforms, lowered the anchors, while the crew, composed of a wide assortment of criminals, rejected and fugitives from all the corners of the world, kept an eye for possible menaces. Le Pear disembarked alone, and walked with a calm pace towards the Candleshade Bar. He heard about the bounty, but more than the money, he was intrigued by the hunt. A giant squid was a creature of immeasurable primordial power, whose essence was precious as the treasure of the richest Spanish galleons… for those who knew how to use it. As he strolled through the lurid streets of the port, filled with passed-out sailors and pirates and prostitutes richer than the day before, everybody still turned the head to see. He wore elegant, albeit run down clothes, a ton of weird jewelry and a top hat, basically a unique piece for the era. As it wasn’t enough, he sported a skull-like make-up on his face. The outfit seemed to obtain his objective: everybody recognized him, and no one dared to cross his path. Not much was known of his past: he was a former slave in Bruuma who run away, some said by killing his masters and burning the plantation, others suggesting he leaded a slave ship revolt. But his heartless cunning mastery of piracy was a proven fact, and the voices about his demonic powers were quite plausible even if unproven. But a bearded, big and stinky guy, clearly in a bad mood and way too drunk to reason, suddenly decided to block his path “Wattayadoin’ here blackface? There’s no room for filthy slaves like ya here” he mumbled before pulling out a rusty knife from the rope that served as his bell. Le Pear smiled and, instead of drawing his cutlass or his pistols, grabbed one of his necklaces, made of human teeth . His eyes glowed with a eerie green glow and the drunken pirate collapsed to the ground, holding his jaw while screaming. Le Pear took a step toward, cleaned the soils of his boots on the guy’s face and calmly spoke with a deep, cold voice “Don’t ever called me blackface again”. He then left the grip on the necklace and, as the drunken left his jaw and passed out, he walked the few meters that separated him from the door of the Candleshade Bar.

RE: Pirates of the South Caribbean (IC, PT) - Kozeposlavia - 05-14-2014

Chief Admiral of the Navy Gerold Fenwick and Front Commodore Louis Blanc walked into the Candleshade Bar, with 10 or so armed sailors and angry expressions on their faces.

The Admiral was a gruff looking man, in his 40's, although he looked older. He was about 6ft tall, give or take a couple of inches. He had a broad, unshaven chin, and blue eyes. His face was covered with wrinkles, showing his His hair was black, with a couple of streaks of grey here and there, tied up at the back in a bun. His uniform and hat were a dark shade of lightly unsaturated blue with a golden lining, and his chest had about 10 medal, the majority being on the right.

Commodore Louis wore a uniform nearly identical to the Admiral's, the only differences being he had a white lining instead of a golden one, and his chest only bore one medal. He was a chubby man of short stature. His face looked the type of an annoying cherub, except without the halo and the wings. He wore a fake white wig, the kind the court judges would wear, though it looked rather messy and some brown hair stuck out from under it.

The Admiral took a quick look around the room. There were a few shady characters that could've easily matched his description. He just had to find that one detail...

He turned to the Commodore, and pointed to a table with 2 men sitting at it. One of them had dirty, blond hair tied up in the back in a pony tail. We wore a dirty gray overcoat, nearly worn white by the sea. Under that he had a white shirt with the top three buttons unbuckled, and he worse a necklace of the cross around his neck. The necklace wasn't a normal necklace, it almost seemed to irradiate a light, even from a distance.


"How do you know?" Commodore Louis asked in a heavy French accent.

"The necklace." he replied, offering no further explanation.

The Admiral has been brought here from Port Elizabeth, and he was most unpleased with it. If the queen hadn't ordered him to come here to take care of this scoundrel, this uncivilized menace, he would have never come.

The Admiral and Commodore walked over to the table with 3 sailors, while the rest fanned out and covered all corners and exits of the bar.

"I assume you're Captain Jack Finnigan?" the Admiral asked in an annoyed and angry tone.

"Aye, that I am my good sir!"

"I am Chief Admiral of the Navy Gerold Fenwick, and this is Front Commodore Louis Blanc. We are here to negotiate a treaty of peace on behalf of Her Majesty, Queen Sofia VI, the Royal Kingdom of Minuitia, and the East Minuitia Trading Company. I believe you received a letter from Admiral Achilles Davenport informing you of my impending arrival?"

"I dun' remember, mr. admrimul" the man replied in an intoxicated manner. He turned to the man sitting next to him and asked:

"Aye, jorj, you 'membu if I gots any lettus recently?"

George grunted and turned his head away, forcing Captian Finnigan to slap the back of his head to wake him up.

After a couple of snorts and a grunt, George cried out:

"Wot the bloody 'ell didj ya slap me for?!"

"I been askin' yous a question, you bloody arse!"

"Well I been sleepin' if ya hadn't noticed!"

"Shut up you idjeeit! I've asked you if I gots any lettus in the bloody mail!"

By this point the Admiral couldn't take it any more. Even though this man wore the same necklace and claimed the same name, there was no way in hell he was the one they were looking for. Either this man was a complete moron, drunk off his arse, or covering for the real Captain Finnigan. He pulled out a pistol and yelled at the men:

"God dammit, listen here you idiots, I'm not playing around anymore! Either you bring me the real Captain Finnigan, or I shoot you both right here right now. Now where is he?!"

"Aye, fine, I'll go get 'em."

The drunk man stood up and stumbled about a bit before catching his balance. He slowly put one foot forward, and didn't stumble. He tried the second foot, but as soon as he set it down, his knee buckled violently, sending the man falling to the ground.

A moment passed, the drunk man rolled forward, and before anyone knew what was going on, both drunk men and three more men sitting across the bar at a table near the entrance all drew their weapons, two pistols in each hand, on the Admiral's party.

"What the hell is going on here?!" yelled out the Admiral.

"I think you know what's going on here. I count, what, 12 guards? You really thought I wouldn't notice? You've come here to force me a deal where we surrender and give you our ship, and you let me not go to jail! Am I right? That other bastard, the friend of yours, what the hell was his name, Captain Finch or something like that, he tried this as well. You know where he is now? Under the damn bloody sea! You come here..."

"Captain, listen, I am not he-"

"No you listen you bastard. Either take your damn crew, and your damn frenchman, and your blasted ship, and get off these shores; or the next time I'll be seeing you you'll be dead. You understand me?!"

"Yes, I do. But before I leave, let me just give you this paper. It's an agreement, detailing an arrangement of mutual good will. The crown wants to hire you back, Jack. Just read it over, and think about. You know where to find me if you decide"

"Get the hell out!"

The Admiral walked quickly out the bar's door followed closely by the Commodore and the rest of the armed sailors.

"George, take that paper"

"Ya aren't actually considering going back, are ya Jack? Remember how they dropped'tchya last time, left ya with nothing but your ship?" George said.

"Difference this time is, I got you guys. I don't know if I'll do it, but I'm going to think it over. Now get your things, we're moving out of port tonight."

"Aye aye Captain!"

RE: Pirates of the South Caribbean (IC, PT) - Arbiter08 - 05-19-2014

Captain Vaer perked his eyes up as he heard the sounds of a scuffle outside. "Good thing I'm not officially on duty right now", Captain Vaer thought to himself. While his eyes were up he noticed that a few more have entered the bar. "I wouldn't be surprised if these were the only brave souls to try to accept this bounty. Mght as well inform them now, and I'll deal with any stragglers later."

"I'm assuming you all have come to be informed of the bounty. Which is what I'll be doing. No, this is not a trap, we are in dire need of your assistance. There is a giant squid in the middle of one of our popular trade routes near San Dominique."
Captain Vaer stopped for a moment, took a swig of his rum, and then continued.

"This is no ordinary giant squid, as our guard vessels have not been able to take it down. We have lost quite a few ships to it. This is where you come in. There is a shipment coming in through that trade route. This is a false shipment, and carries no valuables. Each ship will be manned with a skeleton crew, but they will be carrying weapons. The giant squid will attack the small fleet, and you will kill the squid as it is doing so. Any questions?"
Captain Vaer then stood up, walked to the barkeep, and left a few coins on the counter.

"The small fleet pushes off tommorow at high noon. I will have the skeleton crew on the merchant ships watching to see who comes and who doesn't. There is no way to scam the gold out of this deal, so don't even try. Best of luck to you all."

Captain Vaer then nodded at the barkeep, who wazed one of his hands in the air. Lights went out, and windows were shut in a few of the neighboring houses. Captain Vaer stepped outside, and waited as fifthteen men emerged from the surrounding houses, all were clad in black and silver overcoats, and sported cutlasses and carbines with bayonets attached. One of them with an hawk feather in his cap nodded at Captain Vaer, and faded into the darkness. Before long all fifthteen men were gone. Captain Vaer started off towards the SCTC Headquarters, with the strange silver coin still in hand.

RE: Pirates of the South Caribbean (IC, PT) - wetwork - 05-31-2014

Daveth slapped his palm against the rough tabletop and his party rose as one. Exiting the bar, they made there way back towards the docks, with the two errant crewmen joining the group. One worked his way to Daveth's side, who glanced across with a slightly raised eyebrow. The sailor nodded fractionally and the ghost of a smile swept across the captain's face, gone nearly as quick as it came. They continued on and reached the docks without incident.

RE: Pirates of the South Caribbean (IC, PT) - CrimsonTideFan - 09-07-2014

Former pirate captain Acrisius Corleone arrives at Tortuga with his mighty ship the mythical "Typhon," the Terror of the East Seas as legend called it. Acrisius sighed as he walked towards the local storehouse shaking his head as he recalls his life of retirement, his family, and his home back at Syracuse. Then a bitter memory crawls into his thoughts. His former first mate turned traitor Alistair Kenway, now an Admiral of the British Navy, and the regulars holding his family hostage, and his final words to him before his departure. "The bounty for your family," He said. His old friend, a former slave and current first mate named Daouda noticed this.
"Is everything alright Acrisius?"

"It's just all this business with Alistair, it bothers me to think that my family is in the clutches of that traitor."

"It seems that are a legend even here on the other side of the globe."

"Yeah, it surprises you just how far the fame of one's former days seems to travel." He looks around at the crowds of people gazing and whispering as he passes them, hearing the words "Acrisius Corleone","the Typhon," variously as he makes his way through the hordes of vagabonds. Finally as they reach a storehouse, they see a pirate whispering into the ear of the clerk who seem to stand at attention when they walk through the door. The clerk makes his way to them.
"Sir, let me just say that it is a great honor to meet you, it's not often we have legends visit," shaking his hand vigorously with excitement.

"Pleasure, my crew is in need of..."

"Is it really true that you attacked a convoy of Spanish man-of-wars carrying a trove of Indian treasures and spices by yourself, or the story about you sinking the Guerradora, what about the story about how you..."

Acrisius loosing patience with the young clerk grabs him by the shirt.
"I do not have time for this boy, either you tell me that you have the supplies that I'm looking for, or I will go to another storehouse!"

The boy stammers. "Yyyyyes sir. I'll get rrright on it sir." The captain releases him and gives him the list of supplies, the clerk hurries to the back to hurries to the supply room to get the supplies ready for delivery.
"What did you go and have to do that for, that boy probably just sh*t himself." Said Daouda laughing.

"That boy is about as bothersome as the damned gulls. I need to get to Port Royal in two days and I do not possess the time nor the patience to yammer on about old stories." Daouda laughed again. After a few minutes of waiting, the clerk returned.
"Do you have the supplies I need?"

"Yes sir, I'll have them delivered a soon as possible."

"Good, we're on the far..."

"Everybody knows where the Typhon is, your arrival has been all the talk of Tortuga."

"So much for the element of surprise," Acrisius says to Daouda, the clerk flinches as he is approached by Acrisius with his hand reaching behind his back. Acrisius stops and pulls out a rucksack full of spanish doubloons. "Will this be enough?" The clerk sighs with relief as he replies with "Yes sir Mr. Corleone, your supplies will be brought before nightfall." Acrisius nods his head with approval and then exits the storehouse.

RE: Pirates of the South Caribbean (IC, PT) - VPRB - 09-11-2014

Back on board, Captain Le Pear and his officers were gathered around the big nautical chart in his cabin. “Gentlemen, we are going the hunt the big squid, but we need no common weapon to kill the beast. Guns and harpoons might do the job but it would be risky even for a galleon. No, we need the power of a magic artifact”. He pointed a virtually blank spot on the map, a trait of coast far from any known human settlement “Here lie an old and ruined of temple of the natives. They practice human sacrifices and used a magic dagger that killed even the most powerful enemy with a single cut.” he explained “That will be our secret weapon!” He omitted to tell them that the weapon would allow the wielder to absorb the life force of the victim and use it for magic, but it was not something for the common men to know.
“Captain, how are we going to find it?” asked an officer, a scraggy Spanish deserter with big moustaches “That part of the coast is still unexplored, it’s all an impervious jungle” Le Pear smiled and grabbed a gunny sack hanging from the wall, from which he pulled out a mummified head “He will guide us. Look! Where is the temple?” he asked in a deep, cold voice, his eyes blazing red. “ South 40 degrees east” the head answered in a feeble, trembling voice. Le Pear burst into laughter and said “You heard him gentlemen! Let’s sail!”