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[WF IC] Establishment of the Commitees - Printable Version

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[WF IC] Establishment of the Commitees - GI-Land - 01-05-2018

Mr. Strunk, the Gianlucian ambassador to the WF and speaker of the Assembly, proceeded today in building up the World Forum.
Today's plan would be to establish the committees, which were discussed at the Grovne Conference in last year. Also it's not clear yet, who the members of those committees are, if there is something like a rotational system and so on. 
Many things still need to be discussed and finally made official.

"Ladies and Gentlemen,
today we have many things to discuss and vote on. We will listen to many proposals and we most likely won't come to final results on this day as we have to talk about a big topic: The committees! If you read the charter, you can read in Article II, Section B the following:
Quote:Section B — The Committees

1. The World Forum shall have expert committees reporting directly to the Assembly. These committees shall monitor the fulfilment of adopted agreements and suggest issues for discussion in the Assembly.
2. By a simple majority vote in the Assembly, committees may be formed, merged, separated, or dissolved. The rules for committee membership shall be determined by the Assembly.
3. The officers of each committee shall be decided by a simple majority vote in the respective committees.
4. Observers may speak at committee meetings, but shall not have a vote. 

Furthermore we decided on the Grovne Conference already, which countries host which committee in their nation. This has to be made official according to Article II, Section B, Paragraph 2 by an Assembly vote, as we weren't officially the "Assembly" already in Grovne at that time.
Quote:Locations of the main institutions of the World Forum:
Headquarters and the Assembly: Grovne, Sedunn
International Court: Petrovka, Karnetvor
Committee for Health:  Aweiqinna, Huawan
Committee for International Law: Gracemaria, Frost Empire
Committee for the Economy: Sydney, Valkyria
Committee for the Climate and the Environment: Resentine
Committee for Science and Education: Freudstadt, GI-Land

Apart from that in comparison minor topic, we still have obscurities that I would want to tackle in this session.
Therefore I will..."

He took a paper out of his folder in front of him.

"...quote indirectly statements of the Elector Primo of the Federated States of Omega and the Valkyrian Chancellor Harrison, who made the most, if not only striking proposals at Grovne Conference, when it came to committees."

Strunk put on his reading glasses and cleared his throat.

"The Elector Primo basically proposed the following (OOC: I will link my used quotes in the spoilers):
1. Every member state of the WF has a fixed seat in one of the five committees, so it gets an 'expert' in one field. This 'fixed' seat can get changed once in a year.

2. The rest of the seats in a committee are given to other nations. A rotational system, where a nation changes its membership in a commitee every 4 months - if I may interject: maybe now he would suggest every 3 months, as we have one committee more now than at that point of time, where he made these suggestions - should get used, so every nation is part of every committee once in a year.

3. To make a resolution brought up by an officer/a head of a committee to the Assembly binding to all member nations, it doesn't only need a vote in favour in the respective committees, but of course also a vote in favour in the Assembly.

Chancellor Harrison of Valkyria added the following afterwards to make the chair of the committee's role clearer:

Not only a chair, which is called "officer" in our charter, needs to get elected in the respective committees - see Article II, Section B, Paragraph 3 - but he or she can also, with the approval of the majority of the committee, create, merge or dissolve subcommittees of a committee. However, as we can read in Article II, Section B, Paragraph 2, if it comes to creating a whole new committee or merging or dissolving existing ones, the approval of the entire Assembly is needed."

The man took off his glasses again and looked back into the room.

"We need to discuss those things, I've just said. How many members does a committee have? Do we have a rotational system and a 'fixed seat' or not and if we have a rotational system: How much time has to pass, until rotation comes into play? What exactly are the powers of an officer/head of a committee?
I'll give the word first to the person wishing to speak on this matter first. Yes?"

He pointed shortly at the ambassador in the Assembly that wanted to speak first and awaited a first response to the introduction he made.

EDIT: Oops, I promised you my "sources". Here they are:

[WF IC] Establishment of the Commitees - Omega - 01-06-2018

"Having seen the activity of some nations in this forum, we must keep in mind that all nations will not always be available to their committee in the drafting of their (the committees') procedures."

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RE: [WF IC] Establishment of the Commitees - GI-Land - 01-16-2018

"Seeing the abscence of most nations for currently.....ten days, I think, you're right. We would have to consider this in a motion that comes to vote. May I ask once more for more proposals, what such a motion should continue too?", said Strunk to the almost empty assembly.

RE: [WF IC] Establishment of the Commitees - Omega - 02-22-2018

"We wish to propose that nations may join as many or as few committees as they seek and each committee may elect a Chair who shall represent the committee before the whole forum. The Chair may be recalled by a simple majority. Members of each committee may resign at any time and a nation may join another committee at any time."

Note: we will not actually RP committees except on major events. Chairs will just get to act as the committee for all RP purposes

RE: [WF IC] Establishment of the Commitees - Hammerstar - 02-23-2018

Dr. Valentine, being the Peonic representative of the health committee and spokesperson for the current talks in lieu of the main delegate's absence, spoke:

"Her Royal Highness the Nuwang expresses its concerns of the absence of various countries when they are needed to respond, thus, our position are that the committee shall be chair of a committee for a proposed time of 6 months, and given allowance to continue chairing if voted favorably for. Members of the World Forum may also recall chairing countries and relieve them of their duties upon a majority 50% + 1 vote."

"It is also understood that sadly, nations that are the head of the committee shall not be active to lead for all discussions and forums, including the task of initiating votes, thus, we propose a separate body within every subcommittee that could initiate the voting process and various administrative matters that would dictate the flow of the conference while not possessing a voice of their own, these individuals are able to open and close discussions as well as initiate votes."

"The head of the committee shall have the power over this proposed body, as well as become an unbiased mediator of discussions and shall speak for the committee, their respective states shall be represented by a separate delegate appointed."

[WF IC] Establishment of the Commitees - Omega - 03-13-2018

“I am more that willing to agree to the proposed framework bright forward by the Peocracy. I will be writing a resolution based on it and plan to bring it hear for Debate in the coming hours. Might I recommend that in the absence of a Committee Chair, the WF speaker fill in for them?”

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RE: [WF IC] Establishment of the Commitees - Imperial Frost Federation - 04-03-2018

"A rotational membership with one fixed seat sounds perfectly reasonable. Total seats in a committee should reflect the number of member states. Therefore each committee ought to have 1/6 of all world forum members. Therefore, a member state should have one delegate in Assembly and one in a committee."

RE: [WF IC] Establishment of the Commitees - GI-Land - 07-15-2018

The still-Deputy Speaker of the Assembly made a comment himself:

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I would in general agree with the Peonic suggested framework, but only with the addition that the Omegan ambassador made way earlier. This suggestion was that any member state of the WF may be part of any committee and how many committees they want. I think this is needed seeing the activity of this WF as a whole.
A rotational system that forces nations into a committee or out of a committee isn't good, if we want to reach a more or less high activity in those committees. The fixed seat shall be the nation the committee is having been put in, this is the only committee a nation shouldn't be able to resign of, except with approval by the Assembly and a relocation of the entire committee into another WF-member state.
I hope this idea can find approval in this house and that we finally can draft a motion to vote on before the next speakership term (elections should've been made already) begins."

RE: [WF IC] Establishment of the Commitees - GI-Land - 01-19-2020

It's a shame my successors did not continue working on this problem, but that doesn't mean we have to hold us back now!

GI-Land proposes the following motion to set up the Committees hoping to get the support of all members, so that we can have a vote on it the latest in the next few days and finally are finished with the construction of the second pillar of this enormous building we call "World Forum":

[Image: uniA0N6.png]

WF Resolution 1a – Establishment of the Committees
Section A – Purpose

1According to Article II, Section B, No. 1 of the Charter the World Forum maintains expert committees who report directly to the Assembly about observations on the fulfillment of adopted agreements as well as suggest issues to put up to discussion in the Assembly. 2This resolution aims towards establishing these expert committees and their organisation.

Section B – Definitions, Institutions and Committee Locations

1. Following definitions are used in this resolution:

a) The expert committees shall be called “Committees”.
b) “Participants” of the World Forum are all members and observers of the World Forum.
c) “Host Countries” are members of the World Forum hosting a Committee within their borders.
d) 1The head of a committee is called “Officer of the Committee” or “Officer”. 2They represent the Committee in the Assembly by presenting the monitoring results and the suggested debates and resolution topics as recommended by their Committee.
e) A subdivision of a Committee working on a special field within the responsibility of a Committee is called “Council”.

2. 1The World Forum maintains five Committees:

- Committee for Climate and Environment
- Committee for Economy
- Committee for Health
- Committee for International Law
- Committee for Science and Education

2Complying with Article II, Section B, No. 2 of the Charter Committees can be merged, dissolved or created by a simple majority vote in the Assembly.

3. 1The Committees shall be set up at the following locations:

a) The Committee for Climate and Environment in Resentine
b) The Committee for Economy in Sydney, Republic of Valkyria
c) The Committee for Health in Aweiqinna, Peocracy of Huawan
d) The Committee for International Law in Gracemaria, Imperial Frost Federation
e) The Committee for Science and Education in Freudstadt, Federal Republic of GI-Land

2The Assembly may relocate Committees with a simple majority vote. 3Before this can happen, the Assembly shall hear the Host Countries and take possible counter arguments into consideration. 4A Host Country has been heard by the Assembly after it has expressed its standpoint in the process of Committee relocation or after fourteen (14) days have passed.

Section C – Membership

1. Whenever a new Speaker of the Assembly gets elected, the Participants may join or leave any number of Committees at their own discretion.

2. New Participants may choose upon accession which Committees they would like to join.

3. Host Countries own a fixed seat in a Committee. They may not leave the Committee they are hosting.

Section D – Organisation

1. 1Complying with Article II, Section B, No. 3 of the Charter, Officers are elected by a simple majority vote in their respective Committee. 2The vote shall happen in parallel with the election of a new Speaker of the Assembly. 3Only Committee members which are also members of the World Forum may be nominated for the Officer position and are entitled to vote for it. 4Entitled nations may vote for only one nation. 5If two or more nations get the same number of votes, a run-off vote between these nations shall be held with a duration of three (3) days. 6A lot will decide the election, if there is still no clear result after the run-off vote. 7There shall be no other restrictions regarding consecutive terms or the nomination process when electing an Officer for a Committee. 8Beyond that, the electoral rules of the Assembly Speaker position apply.

2. 1A Committee can recall an Officer by a simple majority vote in favour of such a motion. 2Upon that, a new Officer election shall occur following the rules formulated in Section D, No.1. 3The newly elected Officer resumes the term of the recalled Officer until the next Assembly Speaker election. 4A motion to recall an Officer may only be submitted the earliest one week after the Officer’s term started and the latest in the second week of the fourth month of the Officer’s term. 5An explanatory letter has to be attached to the recall motion. 6A motion to recall an Officer without such an explanatory letter will not be considered. 7Committee members that are also World Forum members may vote in such a motion for five (5) days.

3. An Officer may initiate votes and open discussions in their Committee, and create, dissolve or merge Councils.

4. 1Councils have a chair position of their own. 2A Council’s chair may initiate votes and open discussions in the Committee they belong to.

5. The organisation of the Councils and the voting process to elect a chair for them are put under the Councils’ discretion.

6. All Committee members are allowed to open a discussion.

7. A discussion is considered closed after either a vote on a debate or resolution suggestion for the Assembly has taken place, or if a simple majority of the Committee members decide to close the discussion without a final result.

8. A debate or resolution suggestion the Committee voted in favour for, needs to be brought forward to the Assembly by the Officer the latest fourteen (14) days after it has been decided on in the Committee.

Christian Strunk
Speaker of the Assembly
Ambassador of the Federal Republic of GI-Land

RE: [WF IC] Establishment of the Commitees - phoenixofthesun14 - 01-19-2020

"Would these committees have additional responsibilities aside from just monitoring and reporting? I would feel more assured about this bill if it would be possible to allow these committees to have the power to execute actions in any sort of crisis that would pertain to any of the proposed committees, when critical action is needed. Otherwise, I believe that this committee idea is very sound."

Lia Kilaweioni
World Forum representative of FiHami
Deputy Speaker