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[COMMUNICATIONS] The Poll Results - Printable Version

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[COMMUNICATIONS] The Poll Results - Kurnugia - 04-20-2019

Due to no new answers having been submitted, I've decided to close the poll. Without further due, here are the results.

Satisfaction with the region:

[Image: unknown.png]
What is disliked the most about TSP: 

Unwillingness to ban obvious trolls and spammers and in general disruptive individuals

The establishment

The LC.

Stagnation in regional security reforms.


The regional board

I think that it's less active with regards to World Assembly proposals, compared to other regions. If the region wants to reaffirm its high standing in foreign power, strengthening its WA program is a way to achieve that.
Overly stern attitude of some senior legislators.

The way important things are done outside NS but I see no way that can be changed.

The establishment, political elite, culture.

nothing. We're pretty cool at the moment

The occasional all out hate fights between members that spills out all over both gameside and forumside and
interferes with everything.

A bit boring


What is liked most about TSP:

The culture

Everything that isn't the establishment

Basically everything else.

The community spirit.



I like the fact that you can take part in many things.

The democracy and fun people Smile

the peeps. <3

The close-knit community we have.

Its continuing change of blood. New people are coming in all the time and bringing in new changes and knowledge to the table.

The warm community.

Most of the leadership

Friendly Community

The Approval of the PM
[Image: unknown.png]

The tidal force and sotr

The commitment to be transparent.

Seems to be doing a good job

Judicial nominations, Cabinet Twitter

Roavin is an awesome PM. Hes doing a pretty good job of keeping his campaign promises.

Roavin seems incredibly competent and hard-working and knows how to manage the cabinet well.

The Prime Minister is executing his duties in full and with efficiency. He is also embracing new changes to meet the demands of our people, such as the Cabinet Twitter and his State of the Region address.
Regular communication.

What to do differently

I would suspect a lot

Be more transparent.

More guitar

Be able to take criticism more, don't take myself so seriously.

probably everything... which is why he beat me in the election... Tounge

I know nothing of how to run such a position effectively and am no place to say how I would run it differently other than that I would like to know a bit more about what's going on with the cabinet and their projects but I know efforts in that direction are already being taken.

He should pay more attention to enhancing cooperation between the branches of government. While his recent actions to make the Cabinet more transparent are working very well, intergovernmental relations still need improvements.

Encourage more ministry activity.

MOMA Approval

[Image: unknown.png]

Competence, friendliness, engagement

Activity, clarity, the tidal force.

The reports.

The activity of the SPSF.

Good updates

Frequent tagging, Tidal Force


She seems to have made the SPSF much more active and is doing a good job of advertising it more and letting newcomers to TSP know that joining it is an option.

The Minister of Military Affairs had introduced the Tidal Force, which is aimed at adapting our military to make it more open to people who do not have a lot of free time but still want to be a part of our military.

Regular ops


What to do differently



Not much

Make the reserve less defunct.

Nothing much

I don't really know military gameplay either, so I don't know


MOFA Approval

[Image: unknown.png]

Consistent Vision, Transparency (bringing in the Assembly for the TWP Statement)


No major issues with other regions

Amerion's Deputyship, Detente with TWP

Seems like theres a good bit of activity

I don't really know anything about MOFA

The Minister of Foreign Affairs has proven himself to be a stable and capable diplomat. I applaud particularly his recent decision to achieve a state of détente with the West Pacific.

Statement of detente

Doing differently

More activity

Be actually active

A bit quiet, get him a loudspeaker

1. Choose someone different for Minister of Intterregional Relations (Laz and TSP at the same time wouldn't work well) 2. ANNOUNCE MORE STUFF TO THE PUBLIC!!!! 3. Actual activity from our Minister on his Ministry! (The MoFA server is super dead) 4. Be more open to newer allies!

If I said I didn't know exactly how to run MOMA or PM well enough to comment on what I'd do differently I know absolutely nothing at all about MOFA I really can't comment if they're doing a good job or a bad job or anything, I haven't the faintest clue.

He should include a WA department or some government agency or entity to deal with WA affairs because I am not confident with our WA engagement at all.

More communication wrt ambassadors.

RE: The Poll Results - Kurnugia - 04-20-2019

Approval of MORA

[Image: unknown.png]


Openness, RMB engagement

Events, activity and engagement


Everything except putting Islands back on the Advisory Council

What activity there has been - Newpapers! - has been amazing <3

Beepee has done a great job not only organizing events but also keeping high quality journalism up. I particularly enjoy his return of citizen spotlights which are not only fun to read but also informative.

The Minister of Regional Affairs had introduced new projects, including the Coconut Press and other events.
Max Barry Day, Citizen Spotlights

Doing Differently

More Forum engagement

I'm not gonna awnser, as I am a former mora

More events

Beepee has been fairly quiet - as far as I can tell.

I would enjoy something festival like if at all possible but understand how hard something like that can be to set up, advertise, and carry out.

He should consider reassessing MORA fellowships, since there are many fellows but not all of them contribute to the ministry's works.

Encourage more nations to get involved.

Approval of the Court

[Image: unknown.png]


Processes, explanations, eschewing a speedy result in favor of a good and detailed result

Their work


Kringle - always

8 mo. Concrete Slab sentence

The amount of activity in the court has been a little unsettling, but, imho, the court handled it the best that they could.

Their extreme sacrificial nature for the sake of TSP, they do such a ridiculous amount of work for us, and always try to interpret the law fairly and justly.


Handling of a busy court load

Doing Differently

Diverting from process when convenient (justiciability, sentencing)

Not be so up front with their internal thinking (like: I'm tired of so and so, and don't like these cases)

I can't think of anything to legitimately write here.

Less RMB drama

Different ruling on NHC identity fraud case.

I of course would interpret the law in a different way than them or want to give different punishments then they did on many occasions and thus would do things differently but in the end I wouldn't be willing to do the amount of work they do and my interpretation of the law rarely differs from theirs anyway and even when it does, their interpretation or sentence is by no means unreasonable.


I've disagreed with some of their recent decision and the manner in which they've handled some cases, although I'm aware that this was affected by workload.

Approval of Legcomm

[Image: unknown.png]


Fast turnaround

Everything, good work

Its going ok



Doing Differently


Approval of the Chair
[Image: unknown.png]


Use of templates for statements


It's going ok

Bzern has been a great CoA so far.

Bzern is on task, gets the job done, and brings yet another friendly face to the position that's welcoming to new legislators and encourages activity.

I won't judge myself.


Doing differently

Nothing, bzern is lit

Not much

I can't think of anything in particular I'd do differently.

I won't judge myself.

Some confused communication and agenda.

Encouragement Polls
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[Image: unknown.png][Image: unknown.png]