The South Pacific
Stepping down - Heliseum appointed MoMA - Printable Version

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Stepping down - Heliseum appointed MoMA - Witchcraft and Sorcery - 08-22-2019

Hi everyone,
Unfortunately due to my utter lack of interest in NS and an extremely demanding real-life schedule once school starts, I'm going to be stepping down as Minister of Military Affairs. This probably isn't a surprise to those of you who frequent Discord - the few times i have been in there I've disappeared shortly thereafter. I don't feel it's right for me or the region to continue in this way, so I'm stepping aside.

After some consultation with the General Corps, and since my term recently crossed the halfway point, Heliseum is being named MoMA to finish out my term. Please congratulate them on their new appointment!

Much love and Viva TSP!
-W&S, your armchair soon-to-be-ex-MoMA.

RE: Stepping down - Heliseum appointed MoMA - Amerion - 08-22-2019

All the best W&S Heart

Congratulations Heliseum!

RE: Stepping down - Heliseum appointed MoMA - Seraph - 08-22-2019

Congrats, Helisium!

Heart W&S

RE: Stepping down - Heliseum appointed MoMA - Aga - 08-22-2019

*Echoes what Seraph Says*!

All the best, W&S! We will miss you! And Good Luck, Heliseum!

RE: Stepping down - Heliseum appointed MoMA - Nakari - 08-22-2019

Note from the Prime Mister: while Heliseum's under discussion to become the next MoMA, the decision has not yet been formally made. Apologies for the confusion!