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[IC] Sechststurm - Printable Version

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[IC] Sechststurm - Besern - 08-28-2020

28 August 2020
Rungenbouen City Centre, Rungenbouen

A call was made out on Stream. It seems that the Texeteti' thought has reached a part of the Besernian population and the indoctrination had gone unnoticed. What the government does not know is how they
conveyed the thought and the storm that heads towards the centre of the city. The situation is vague at the moment.

[Image: cQtgF1O.png] Adalard Maatische [6TH CONSTITUTION FOR THE GOOD OF BESERN]

#freetexeteti' #ilikebrainwashing #notobeserniangov

The post was followed by this message from the Northeast Division of the Besernian Federal Police.

[Image: AsYy4EI.png] BFP Northeast

[WARNING] Mass gathering in Rungenbouen city centre. Threat of violence highly likely. Attempt to avoid Rungenbouen West Ave, Niewdeargburg South Road, Rungenbouen Plaza, Rungenbouen City Hall. It is recommended to leave the area. You may stay at your discretion.
28/8/2020 4:37PM  
#bfp #bfpwarning #bfpnortheast

The mayor of Rungenbouen looks out of the window of the city hall.

[Image: the-old-city-hall.jpg]
City hall of Rungenbouen

"Well, that doesn't look good.", the mayor said to himself.

RE: [IC] Sechststurm - Besern - 08-30-2020

29 August 2020
Rungenbouen City Centre, Rungenbouen

The police have been decieved.
They thought the protest would start on the day itself.
As the warning was lifted at the previous day at 8:40pm, the crowd came.

A protest 1 and a half thousand strong has fully arrived in the square, armed to the teeth with molotovs, baseball bats and sharp sticks galore, are becoming what would the public describe as a "riot waiting to happen".

However, the general public did not heed the police's call to evacuate from the centre. One of the reasons is probably because a cafe chain is hosting a limited-time offer of 1-hour free-flow coffee.

The mayor of Rungenbouen, Apsel Kinede looks on the crowd. He opens the window and shouts to the crowd.

"Get off the square, you cunts!"

The leader of the protest, Adalard Maatische shouts back to the mayor.

"You are an enemy of the people and have admitted so by your words. FREE TEXETETI'! REMOVE CHANCELLOR ATRUEUE!

The mayor mutters to himself.

"This will be fun."

RE: [IC] Sechststurm - phoenixofthesun14 - 08-30-2020

I am a bastion of hope and peace for my people. I must free them from the clutches of evil brainwashers...

Texeteti' took another swig of his drink as he stumbled his way home from the Prime Minister debate. In his drunken mind, he could only hear how the crowds cheered him on, and how they only politely clapped for his opponent.

"STOP BRAINWASHING THE PEOPLE, A'KILAUI!" He shouted to a garbage can in the corner.

Texeteti' somehow made it inside his own home, and turned the television on.

Breaking news: Texeteti' supporters protesting in Rungenbouen.

The television broadcast was interrupted by someone knocking at the door, where Texeteti' quickly turned the TV off, then walked over to the door and peered through the spyglass. He then swung the door wide open, letting the man at the other side in.

"Aiku! My favorite friend of the hour!"

"Hah, Texeteti'. Good to see ya. I've come with business, if you're drunk enough to discuss."

Texeteti' smiled, taking a large gulp of his drink.

"If I wasn't before, I am now."

Aiku shrugged, making his way to the bare wooden table at the center of the mostly-empty shack Texeteti' called home, laying some papers across the table and motioning for the drunk man to join him.

"So, the Matriarchy Fundamentalists are done for, but that doesn't mean that our hopes are dead. Because the Men's Rights people are pretty deflated since their biggest spokesperson is dead. The country is upset even, but we shouldn't be, because the biggest roadblock is gone."

"The stupid Besernians brainwashing our government..." Texeteti' growled.

"Yes. Which is why I fired the bullet that killed Finix. It was a perfect time, and now that she's out of the way... We can easily manipulate Puani to our side. We just need to get you to the Prime Minister seat. Which means, you're going to need to offer something else to the people. Maybe promise to eliminate taxes completely or something."

"Aiku, my're saying that taxes are-"

"Taxes are very obviously a Sedunnic construct that Sedunn has implanted into everyone's brains."

"I KNEW IT!" Texeteti' shouted, his hair slapping Aiku's face as he whirled around to face the window.

"Oh, brother. Also, development in Rungenbouen. It seems that your return to Stream has begun awakening the people there."

"Yes, That was on the news earlier." Texeteti' turned around again, more slowly this time. "I should offer my support to my brothers as they fight to get rid of their brainwashing."

RE: [IC] Sechststurm - Besern - 08-31-2020

30 August 2020
Rungenbouen City Centre, Rungenbouen

It was time. The police have arrived. 

It was over for some of the thousands on the square who innocently go about their day.

The protest lasted for almost a day, through the night.

A call for a charge was heeded by the protesters.

One thousand armed normal policemen now have to fight against a horde one and a half of their size.

Peace is over. The sixth storm has begun.

As the horde attempts to charge towards the police, a good 25 protesters, including Adalard Maatische, rushed into the city hall and confronted the mayor, with the intention to murder him.

Adalard grabbed the mayor's neck and shouted at him.

Mr. Kinede replied in a soft voice.
Do it, I don't care. I'm ready to meet my maker.

Adalard shouted as Mr. Kinede spoke.

Adalard then stabbed Mr. Kinede. He was hit with a bat ten times after being stabbed and left to bleed to death. No ambulance was called at the moment, with this incident unknown to the authorities.

Adalard and his crew calmly left the scene.

Adalard then receives a call. He hangs up after a few seconds and orders his assistant, Nixi Kilaweioni-Freivogels, to hop on a ferry to the port of Ha'Hani to meet Texeteti. He gives him three tickets. One to bring him to Ha'Hani, one to bring him back to Rungenbouen and one to bring Texeteti' to Rungenbouen. He also gives a card containing Texeteti's address to him. Nixi is also given a fake FiHami passport in case of emergencies. Nixi nods and runs to the ferry terminal.

RE: [IC] Sechststurm - phoenixofthesun14 - 08-31-2020


Texeteti' shouted down the streets in Ha'Hani's main square. He earned a few disgusted side looks, but was otherwise ignored.

"Ugh, it's that crazy Kilaweioni man." One lady whispered to her friend. Hearing this, Texeteti' jumped up and tackled the woman, who screamed in surprise.

"Am I just a crazy Kilaweioni man? Or are YOU A BESERNIAN IMPLANT???"

The crowd panicked, running over to help the woman that Texeteti' tackled, pulling the crazed man off of her, while another group helped the woman up.


At the sound of the sirens, Texeteti' bolted, running to his home while the bystanders just watched before going back to their days. When he made it home, he saw a strange person on his doorstep.

"Hey. You. Who are you and how did you find my home?"

RE: [IC] Sechststurm - Besern - 09-01-2020

Nixi sighed and told Texeteti'.

I am sent by the leader of the Rungenbouen rebellion. I need you, my fellow Kilaweioni, to come with us to Rungenbouen and help instigate the rebellion. You will definitely lose the election. Your victory chances are zero. FiHami is corrupt and there's no way around it. We will found a free land with you at the helm. Your utopia. We are spreading your ideology for you. Pack your bags. Flee the corrupt FiHami. Flee from the Besernian government implants. Come with me. Flee to find a better home with me.

He hands Texeteti' the ticket for a one-way ferry ticket from Ha'Hani to Rungenbouen.

RE: [IC] Sechststurm - phoenixofthesun14 - 09-01-2020

Upon hearing these words, Texeteti' sighed, shaking his head.

"Are you seriously asking me to leave the homeland to go help your revolution?  The people here need me, they want me.  I HAVE to try to win this race.  How do I know that you're not some Besernian government spy dead-set on kidnapping me to make sure FiHami stays the way it is?"

Texeteti' squinted at the strange man in front of him, straightening out his posture to reflect his fairly tall stature better.

RE: [IC] Sechststurm - Besern - 10-10-2020

Time has been abolished in this thread. Unless deemed necessary, all events are in present-day.

"Alright then, go win your race. I don't care anymore."

Nixi snatched Texeteti's ticket, then threw it in the bin on his way home back to Rungenbouen.

RE: [IC] Sechststurm - phoenixofthesun14 - 10-10-2020

Since the encounter with the strange man, Texeteti' had felt conflicted while he went around his daily routine.  Though his closest allies told him not to worry, Texeteti' had to wonder.

Should I have helped the Besernian Kilaweioni population?

Though it didn't matter anymore, because of how life was.  A loud SPLAT!

When Texeteti' went to investigate the sound, he found an injured bird that had run right into the window of his home.  The glass cracked, and the bird looked worse for wear.  

A bad omen... it is always bad when the birds run into your home...

"Texeteti', we have a message for you!"  An spritely young woman knocked on the door, sliding through with a wide smile on her face.  "A little thing you might be interested in."

"My dear sibling!"  Texeteti' shouted, holding out his arms for a clumsy hug.  "What is it?"

"You know there is a festival that will be taking place later on in Rugenbouen, I have a feeling you might be interested since it includes Finixi festivities, and especially Kilaweioni pride.  I was reading on the internet-"

"How many times do I have to say that the internet is the root of all evil, my dear sibling?"  Texeteti' frowned.  "I don't want you to fall into the Valkyrian brainwashing schemes!"

"I won't fall for simple mind control and you know it."  

"Alright then."

RE: [IC] Sechststurm - Besern - 10-12-2020

The tribal festival has kicked off.

The procession of the Finixi tribes has begun. The Besernian tribe procession has already ended an hour ago and Besernian tribe activities still remain at RBcity1. The streets are filled with petals and branches as people from their balconies throw them on the street as they celebrate the culture of their fellow immigrants and family.

After a procession of all tribes at once, the individual procession begins. First off was the Fi'Shi tribe, a tribute to the wise rulers of FiHami. There was delight. A few people came out in disapproval, but they were quickly pulled back by the Northeast division of the Besernian Federal Police.

A flyer then flys into Texeteti's face. It contained the schedule for the festival. It turned out that the Kilaweioni float was the last in line.

Nonetheless, excitement fills the air. Members of all tribes and spectators join together and throw and pluck the petals of flowers and leaves from olive branches.

1RBcity is a coastal mall in Rungenbouen, known for it's iconic architecture. The ferry terminal is located there.