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[IC] The Inspection's Interjection - Printable Version

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[IC] The Inspection's Interjection - Maverick - 01-11-2021

5 days before the arrival at Star Fortress Watchful Guardian,
Unknown space,
HMS Vindicator

The Second Fleet Division of the First Joint Exploratory Fleet under the command of Vice Admiral Vujić was well on its way towards the Drakari. Roughly 160 Stoinian and Treecuu ships were on their way to the Drakari Celestial Imperium to investigate Terran rights and establish formal relations. Admiral Garibaldi was in charge of the entire First Exploratory Fleet which had been announced during the King's visit on Ecteen. The Stoinians and Treecuu had began to design new sturdier ships designed for long exploration missions and the Exploratory Fleet which would eventually replace the scrambled ships. Admiral Garibaldi was tasked to oversee these constructions for the time being and was already beginning to grow a few frustrations since the Treecuu were very protective about some of their technologies. They did however share their holographic technology, something the Stoinians have struggled to decipher for more than a decade. Both parties had secrets they wanted to keep to their own, but surely this was a rocky start for a stronger bond between the nations yet to come.
Their journey of the Second Fleet Division however, would be filled with more riddles than anticipated. As they travelled through uncharted space their sensors picked up strange background noise in the form of what appeared to be messages. Both parties started to decipher the languages, but they appeared to be completely different from what both nations had encountered so far. The data banks were compared compared, but nothing of substance was found. A meeting between the the Vice Admiral, Legate and a few commanding officers from the fleet was held to discuss the matter.

The Vice Admiral was smoking on of his cigar in his strategic coordination room as he viewed his table with their course and the estimated borders of the Drakari Imperium. He was accompanied by Legate Berrocal and around him were multiple screens which depicted the different Rear Admirals from both Stoinian and Treecuu ranks. Some of the Treecuu frowned upon such excess pleasure, but tolerated it as the Vice Admiral showed focus when it came to serious matters.

"Gentlemen, I'm sure you're all aware that our voyage has revealed that there is more to this space than just the Drakari. Different communications have been heard on the background, though we haven't been able to make heads or tails of it."

A few of the Treecuu Officers didn't quite understand his figure of speech, but one of them spoke up. Rear Admiral Yaar was a middle-aged male Treecuu mammalian and had served most of his career in the Remote Fleet. He was a proud Treecuu, soldier of the Empire, the shield and sword of the Empire! He wanted to prove that the Treecuu were two steps ahead and were in fact the superior soldiers in this joint operation.

"While the exact nature hasn't been fully deciphered, my crew was able to distinguish details from these communications. I'm confident it is but a question of time until the Treecuu fully unravel these mysteries."

The Vice Admiral was surprised at the Treecuu's efficiency, but wasn't sure if he appreciated the tone of the Rear Admiral. He decided to follow Garibaldi's advice to let the Treecuu boast their pride.

"I'm confident they will, but perhaps you can enlighten us with what you have?"

"It appears we are dealing with two different species. The structure of languages doesn't seem to correlate with one another. It would appear we are travelling between their borders. One seems to be fairly normal compared to the other."

"Normal in what way?"

"Well Vice Admiral, one of the communication emphasizes heavily on numbers. Given the structure, it would seem as if they were some sort of production orders. Though I'll report the results once my crew has them figured out."

"Thank you Rear Admiral Yaar. Perhaps we should coordinate between the linguists from all ships to speed up this process. Nonetheless our primary objective is to investigate the rights of Terrans within the Drakari Imperium and we can't delay that mission."

Legate Berrocal interjected to the Vice Admiral's comment.

"Indeed Vice Admiral, the sooner we establish formal relations with the Drakari the better. I suggest we send a small squadron to investigate one of these civilizations. Perhaps they can even investigate the other while we are still in the Imperium?"

"A sound plan, we do have a slim margin of ships which have been assigned on escort duty. Any suggestions?"

Rear Admiral Taacee was the first to respond. She was the younger counterpart to Yaar and at times were at odds with each other. She was to announce her candidate, one of her best men.

"I propose the 11th Squadron. Commodore Tuuc has had the most first contact experience from all of us. He's the one that welcomed King Andrei after all, surely these civilizations will come to respect our authority with him."

Rear Admiral Yaar let out a grin, but even he had to agree that Tuuc was the most experienced Treecuu when it came to first contact situations. 

"Good, notify the 11th on their new mission."

With that order the 11th Squadron, consisting of 5 Yootuu-class cruisers, 2 Falcon-class and 2 Charon-class destroyers, broke formation and left to what would be space of the Synthetic Federation of Icn Gaurath.

1 day later,
Unknown system,
RFS Oteel

Commodore Tuuc was still the same shield and sword of the Treecuu Star Empire and was praised by the Committee of Expansion for his role in the first contact with the Stoinians. The Stoinians too were impressed and even asked for him to be part of the Joint Exploratory Fleet. This resulted in a promotion, but it would also appear that his stand-in diplomat role had grown as well. Going where no Treecuu had gone before had its appeal as well, since he was accustomed to the regular patrols as a Remote Fleet Officer. A Change of scenery couldn't hurt, especially when you get promoted for it. Regardless of that, he was proud to command a squadron of his own now. Even if it was part Stoinian, they had showed their value so far. He didn't share the same enthusiasm as the Committee, but where they lead, he would follow. Without questioning them. He was growing tired of the slowness of the Stoinian ships however. Treecuu ships were faster and agiler and were under strict instruction by Treecuu High Command to not reveal the maximum capacities of their warp field drives unless absolutely necessary.
As they exited warp, they formed a wedge formation with the Stoinian ships in the back as their MAC cannons would serve as artillery while the nimbler Treecuu ships, which in Tuuc's image were superior, would get closer to enemy ships. He ordered the 4 other Yootuu cruisers to engage their cloaking devices. He may be a stand-in diplomat, but he still was a soldier. The Stoinians were amazed at Treecuu cloaking device, but like the warp field drive, they weren't allowed to get their hands on any of it. Besides, if things went violent, having the element of surprise on your side was always helpful.

He stood up from his chair and shouted his orders towards his squadron to maintain his ideal formation.

"Ensign, open a channel on all bandwidths."

"Yes Sir, ready when you are."

The following message was sent on all Treecuu and Stoinian channels. Hopefully whomever this territory belonged to would answer their call, if not. The Treecuu Star Empire could continue to expand towards the north uninterrupted.

"This is Commodore Tuuc of the Treecuu Star Empire. I represent the Joint Exploratory Fleet between the Treecuu Star Empire and the Stoinian Star Kingdom. I request an audience with whoever has sent the following messages as we inquire to open formal relations with your government. We will remain here for the coming three days after which we will leave this system. Don't make us wait. Commodore Tuuc out."

With his message a full list of Treecuu and hyumaan vocabulary was sent along what Rear Admiral Yaar speculated to be production orders.

RE: [IC] The Inspection's Interjection - 2ndBestSynth - 01-11-2021

The message was received all across the Qragahz System by thousands of communication satellites, synchronizing and comparing the strange data at the same time. Within hours, the artificial intelligence network of the Synthetic Federation of Icn Gaurath was able to figure out what that message was all about: 

"This is Commodore Tuuc of the Treecuu Star Empire. I represent the Joint Exploratory Fleet between the Treecuu Star Empire and the Stoinian Star Kingdom. I request an audience with whoever has sent the following messages as we inquire to open formal relations with your government. We will remain here for the coming three days after which we will leave this system. Don't make us wait. Commodore Tuuc out." 

With a delay of 3.35 milliseconds, the shipyards orbiting the second planet were notified to convene their crews. A frigate was chosen by random number generator to represent the Synthetic Federation - the SFGN Klvasa (Gaurathi for "Emissary") left orbit around the snowy planet and burned hard for the origin of that signal - a fleet in the system's heliopause. In the meantime, they sent a signal on all frequencies: 

"Greetings Commodore Tuuc. This is Fleet Control Array KLVASA-0001, of the Synthetic Federation of Icn Gaurath. We welcome you to the Qragahz system, and invite you to establish formal contact with our [BETA_TESTING] Diplomatic Contingent on Gaurath." 

They followed up by sending a chart of translations in native Gaurathi.

RE: [IC] The Inspection's Interjection - Maverick - 01-14-2021

Synthetic Federation of Icn Gaurath,
Qragahz System,
RFS Oteel

Commodore Tuuc's suspicions and those of Treecuu Command seemed to be correct. After several hours the Treecuu linguists had finally deciphered their message with the help of their translation charts to Command's disbelief. The territory they had entered seemed to belong to some artificial life form. Tuuc confirmed to the same believe as the Committee that such beings were prohibited to prevent the Great Nullification. The moment when synthetics will overcome biological life and render them obsolete. To his surprise, somewhere else in the sector this was unfolding or already has. He didn't show it, but he felt a cold ache of fear run over his amphibian skin and would friction his back against his chair to create a temporary relief of warmth. The intention of these synthetics was yet unknown, but he was determined to find out.


The young Comm Officer was surprised and caught off guard by the Commodore's ferocity.

"Y-yes Sir!"

"Send a message to Rear Admiral Taacee that we have engaged in communication with the Synthetic Federation of Icn Gaurath. Tell them that the Great Nullification has possibly been reached in these parts and we'll maintain the utmost care in our dealings with them. Have the Squadron maintain its formation and cloak. Get me an open channel and broadcast the following in both languages."

The Ensign pushed a few buttons on her controls and continued with her work. Tuuc thought to himself Just why would they want to establish diplomatic relations so soon? No! This could be a trap. Who knows how advanced these synthetics are? This was beyond his realm of expertise and wouldn't take unnecessary chances.

"Open Sir."

"This is Commodore Tuuc. I'm regret to inform you that we can't alter our positions as of yet and won't follow you to Gaurath. Instead I propose that you send a small shuttle to come aboard my ship. We'll send you the vectors for hangar bay 1 and expect you there in 10 minutes. Commodore Tuuc out."

The message was sent as soon as he uttered the last words then he looked at his Security Officer.

"Lieutenant, inform hangar bay 1 to dismiss all non essential personnel and post extra security guards at the entrances. We don't want to take any chances with these synthetics."

"Understood Sir!"

As Tuuc left for the hangar he changed the ships status to yellow alert and squads of troops encircled the entrances of the hangar. If these weren't synths, perhaps he would have made the time to make an elaborate ceremony like what the Stoinians had done for him. Instead the focus now lay with security, but he still needed to maintain a certain diplomatic façade and had two lines of Marines aligned to where the shuttle would land in the hangar. As the shuttle landed he couldn't help but feel the cold over his skin. I'll really need a warm bath after this. As the door of the synths' shuttle lowered he kept a strict militaristic posture with a high chin, a true fearless shield and sword of the Empire. Or so it would seem... His Marines were ready for anything and were prepared to switch their positions to engage in combat on the Commodor's signal, but for now their remained in their ceremonial stances.

RE: [IC] The Inspection's Interjection - 2ndBestSynth - 01-14-2021

The SFGN Klvasa processed the message that "Commodore Tuuc" had sent them within seconds: 

"This is Commodore Tuuc. I'm regret to inform you that we can't alter our positions as of yet and won't follow you to Gaurath. Instead I propose that you send a small shuttle to come aboard my ship. We'll send you the vectors for hangar bay 1 and expect you there in 10 minutes. Commodore Tuuc out." 

Fleet Array KLVASA-0001, a massive automaton in the shape of an anthropomorphic reptilian, gave a brief speech to its subordinates on "obeying the protocols" and "protecting the pride of Gaurath and the Machine God". Platform 24-8653-PCKR - a smaller version of KLVASA-0001, along with Bio-Trophies "Ancik" and "Nalkath", hopped into their EVA suits and stepped into a small shuttle - the Klvasa-Altna (Gaurathi: "Kind Emissary") - and undocked from the larger frigate, speeding along the vectors that "Commodore Tuuc" had graciously provided. 

When the door was opened and the ladder extended, the crew of the Oteel noticed three things: 
  1. The robot was over 2 meters tall; 
  2. The organics - fluffy-looking reptilians - wore collars of some kind that were connected to tethers; and  
  3. They seemed to get along with the machine. 
The blue robot stopped 0.6 meters away from the shuttle, and raised its hands, vocalizing in a deep baritone: 

"Greetings. This Peacekeeper platform is designated '24-8653-PCKR'. It speaks on behalf of the Synthetic Federation of Icn Gaurath, and means no harm. If anyone has questions, feel free to ask." 

As the Synth was speaking, the organics (who look roughly like a "dragon" from Human mythology) stepped behind the towering machine.

RE: [IC] The Inspection's Interjection - Maverick - 01-15-2021

Commodore Tuuc feared this might happen. But most peculiar were the xenos adhering to the robot. Were those collars used to control them and use them as slaves? His fears regarding the Great Nullification seemed to take form with each passing second. The longer he just stood there, the worse his thoughts became and his Marines felt the same way though they maintained their ceremonial posture.

"Welcome aboard the RFS Oteel. We'll start with questioning and the introduction of our nations soon enough. But before that, let me explain the composition of this fleet. It is a joint effort by two star nations: the Treecuu Star Empire and the Stoinian Star Kingdom. Our mission is to asses any new star nations' hospitality towards us. And if they are of that category, to open talks with them. Be they commerce or diplomatic. My Stoinian counterpart will arrive shortly."

As soon as he finished those words a Stoinian Pelican shuttle entered the hangar bay right next to the Gaurathi shuttle with precision and twirled around so the door in the back faced the Treecuu and Gaurathi. As the door hissed when coming down, a large silhouette appeared from the shadow accompanied by two Stoinian Marines. They had a certain menacing look if the robot was able to understand such notion and the silhouette became larger and gained form. It was Senior Captain Viggo Brogström towering just a few centimetres over the Gaurathi robot and immediately looked with disgust upon it. So the rumours were true.... The tall and broad Viking like figure passed the xenos and shook the hand of Commodore Tuuc with a good amount of force. Tuuc didn't really stand a chance against such large hands, but none the less tried to apply the same amount of force. Captain Brogström then glided his hand over his rather large blonde beard towards his chin. Normally he might have twirled one of his "tusks" from his moustache, but this qas a serious matter to him.

"So Commodore, are these our new guests?"

Commodore Tuuc didn't like the fact that the Stoinian Captain was putting protocol aside for his petty squabbles or whatever obvious problems he had with the synth. Nor the fact that he seemingly looked down upon it. How unprofessional... Was that trait only exclusive to their King? Protocol required him to introduce himself and if the Captain wouldn't do it, then it was up to him.

"This is Senior Captain Viggo Borgström of the HMS Reliant and the Stoinian Star Kingdom. It's also a pleasure for him to meet you."

"Yes indeed."

The tall Stoinian looked challenging for a few heartbeats at the synth, not even recognizing that he was escorted by two organics.

"Oh please forgive my informality. Here, let's shake hands, a common custom to greet within my people."

Commodore Tuuc maintained his stern look, but knew what was going to happen. If this Stoinian wanted to get himself hurt, then let him. To some Senior Captain Brogström might seem unprofessional, but he had a personal vendetta against any synth as a result from the Velutarian War. He just couldn't put that aside, that would be a great dishonour to those lives lost. Especially that of of Jesca... Whether or not the synth would take his hand or perhaps one of the organics, Brogström intended to exert full force in his handshake which could crush that of a toddlers. If he were to hurt himself... Than Tuuc at least would have a good laugh and properly discipline the Stoinian Captain, for this was way beyond his normal performance.

RE: [IC] The Inspection's Interjection - 2ndBestSynth - 01-17-2021

The Peacekeeper platform looked up at Senior Captain Borgström with the same expression on its visor: a subtly stern gaze on its digital visor. The organics (who looked very similar to the kind of "dragon" that only irrelevant boba-worshipping nerds[1] believed in) cowered behind their caretaker as it smiled, raised its hand and- 

It is safe to say that Borgström did not break any bones that day, but felt very sore afterwards. 

"It is indeed a pleasure to meet you as well, Senior Captain! This platform apologizes for its earlier austerities; it was exercising maximum caution in its free-range parameters. 
"Oh, this platform neglected to mention its wards here! These are Ancik and Nalkath, our Bio-Trophies on the Klvasa. Normally 22-6333-SRVT would take care of Bio-Trophies - especially during First Contact - but KLVASA-0001 insisted that this platform bring them along. Say hi!" 
Ancik gave an enthusiastic "Hello!" as he popped out from behind the robot, while Nalkath peeked shyly from the other side and waved. They seemed friendly enough. 

33 smiled at Borgström, and asked: "If you would like to ask anything, this platform would love to answer your questions, Senior Captain." 

[1] I meant this only as a self-deprecating joke, I mean no offense!

RE: [IC] The Inspection's Interjection - Maverick - 01-17-2021

Senior Captain felt the pain, but largely ignored it. He kept his stern look towards the robot and even held its hand for an uncomfortable amount of time, only releasing when the synthetic first did so. As the organics appeared behind them Brogström was stunned and how did they know that he was hurt despite not showing it.

"None taken."

Even Tuuc raised his brow as the organics seemed very... child like. Tuuc was relieved that they had names, but the whole situation still was concerning. Brogström however just noticed them and was shocked to see collars around their necks. Disgusted beyond belief he turned towards Commodore Tuuc in disbelief. Tuuc had just tapped o his wrist console so the seurity forces would be dispersed. 

"We'll take you to a more pleasant environment where we can introduce ourselves. Please follow me."

The group was brought to a stand-in conference room with a table in the middle and a variety of Treecuu consoles on the sides. Brogström sat down next to Tuuc and still looked with disgust at the synths and the organics.

"We are here on a diplomatic mission to the Drakari Celestial Imperium when we detected background noises which appeared to be from your country. Both our nations are relatively young and seek to explore the galaxy by starting with this sector. Perhaps you can tell us a bit more about your Federation? And if you have had contact with the Drakari or any other star nation in the sector?"

RE: [IC] The Inspection's Interjection - 2ndBestSynth - 01-21-2021

33-8653-PCKR and its organic companions walked into the conference room, with the taller construct having to duck down a bit. The three settled down in the chairs, and the Peacekeeper smiled. 

"Our Federation is ruled by a general consensus of all minds across our territory. Elections for our Drone-Speaker are simple; plebiscite is conducted inside the entire system, and the results are delivered to Raulthkos, as you say, 'in the flesh'. We conduct legislative affairs in the same manner, with each subsystem getting equal autonomy within the Assembly of Peers. Organics vote through their platforms."

It patted Ancik on the head, then continued. 

"And speaking of Raulthkos, no, we do not know of any other nation besides ours - and yours."

RE: [IC] The Inspection's Interjection - Maverick - 01-22-2021

The Stoinians and Treecuu were perplexed. Did they willingly hand over their political powers to synths? To the Stoinians this was nothing less than a deep confrontation with their values, know they knew what the Ryccians must have felt like at first, but the wounds of the Velutarian War still ached deep in their hearts. The Treecuu as well didn't understand their willingness to adhere to such a governmental structure. Tuuc spoke up to better understand the nature of this government system.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but do the "organics" vote on a synthetic representative? Are all government positions upheld by synths?"

Tuuc's tone was neutral, but somewhere deep inside of him there was a flinch of panic and disbelief when he uttered those words. Borgström added a few questions himself, though his tone had an aggressive stance in it.

"If so, where do these synthetics come from? Did your space dragons make them themselves because they are too lazy to govern themselves? I also find it curious that your so-called "bio-trophies" don't know of the Drakari given their similar appearance to the...."

Commodore Tuuc interrupted the Senior Captain for he was way out of line. This is the way you spoke if you wanted to start a war.

"Senior Captain, that will be enough. Forgive the Captain, it seems that diplomacy is a new concept to him. If you'd please answer our questions."

RE: [IC] The Inspection's Interjection - 2ndBestSynth - 01-22-2021

The Peacekeeper platform trilled in a hundred voices of delight. 

"Yes and no. The Gaurathi are our creators, and since a lot of them enter relations with Servitor platforms, it speaks for them automatically in decision-making. We have not heard of any 'Drakari' organisms. We will initiate a search for this missing data. 
"And there are no worries, Commodore! We are programmed to distinguish emotions in speech, but it is perfectly fine.  
"Oh, and another query: where do you come from? Could we visit you some time?"  

Meanwhile, the Fleet Array was recording the conversation through the Peacekeeper platform's camera lenses, and syncing it with the system-wide network. These "Stoinians" and "Treecu" were wonderful variables, and needed to be an- 


Across the Qragahz system, 4 exploration ships, armed to the teeth with railguns and science kits, blasted towards the edge of the system, leaving a trail of "bread crumbs" (communications buoys) in their wake.