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[IC] Stories of the Imperial Navy

14:57 Hours
Sennun System, Wild North

"Admiral, we are approaching the Sennun Asteroid Belt, where the Gayongo Pirate Clan are rumoured to be hiding"

The Imperial Navy was doing its routine job of rooting out piracy in lawless regions. This time, it was the Sennun System, in the notorious Wild North. A fleet of 5 Star Destroyers (4 Imperial-Class, 1 Resurgent-Class), 2 Interdictors, 3 Cruisers, 1 Corvette and 2 Frigates arrived, set to destroy this pirate organization. This was technically the military acting on behalf of the police, so it was a police action, not a military attack that the Senate would have to approve.

The Gayongo Pirate Gang had been dealt a series of defeats after the Navy came to the aid of local security forces. Now, their remaining fleet was said to be hidden here, and as they would not surrender, they would have to be destroyed.

"Thank you, Lieutenant. Send TIE Vigilators to scout the area"

"Yes, sir"

TIE Vigilators surveyed the area, and found the remaining fleet of pirates: a single cruiser, and a...no, that cannot be right...

"Sir! We have spotted their fleet! They contain a Aurotiye-T6 Cruiser, and a Venator-Class Starfighter Carrier!"

"A what?!"

A military vessel?! How could this be?!

No time for thought.

"Sir, enemy fighters incoming! TIE Fighters in different coloration!"

"How many?!"

"Around 40 TIEs, mostly TIE Fighter models! One TIE Imperial and two TIE Interceptors can be confirmed, Admiral!"

"Send 200 TIEs! At once!"

"Yes, Admiral"

The order was given. 200 of the 500 TIEs under the command of the fleet were scrambled to fight. 130 TIE Fighters, 30 TIE Interceptors, 20 TIE Imperials, 15 TIE Imperial Plus, and 5 TIE Silencers were ordered to attack the enemy.

The Admiral now ordered the fleet.

"All ships, open fire on the enemy fleet! Do not destroy the Venator-Class Starfighter Carrier, we need the ship alive! Lieutenant, send Imperial Marines to board the enemy flagship"

"Yes, Admiral"

15:20 Hours
Gayongo Pirate Fleet

"Damnit, damnit! The Navy's here! Their damned Interdictors won't let us go!"

That is the pirate leader, Jazumong Gayongo. A Velpan of the Velpan Rim region, he got engaged in smuggling and piracy in the Wild North.

"M'lord, Imperial Marines are boarding the ship!"

"Curse the Imperials! Damn them! Resist! We can't get captured!"

"M'lord, we can always escape in the escape pods..."

"You cursed grunt! They'll find us anyway! Better to die fighting than to let them arrest us! Man the guns, men!"

"Yes, sir!"

The Venator's turbolaser turrets and laser cannons began to fire at the enemy. Jazumong knew it was a hopeless stand. But it was a last stand. If he's going to get beaten, he'll take some Imperials with him.

He'll take the secret to his grave.

15:53 Hours
Sennun System

"Admiral, we have destroyed the enemy cruiser, all enemy TIEs, and we have disabled the opposing flagship"

"How many casualties?"

"7 TIEs, sir. None of the ships in our fleet were damaged beyond repair. Only the Imperial-Class Solarium had a turbolaser turret destroyed. Other ships had batteries and armour damaged, but nothing of note"

"Good. Send the report to the Sennun Police Department. I wish to board the enemy Venator. Get me a shuttle"

"Yes, Admiral"

16:10 Hours
Gayongo Pirate Flagship

The Admiral landed in the ship, protected by Imperial troops. All the pirates that had surrendered or had been captured were paraded in front of him, so he could interrogate them.

"...So, you are the last of the Gayongo. Who is the leader?"

"W-we wo-won't tell...!"

"I see. Marine Commander?"

"Yes, Admiral?"

"Kill him"

"But, sir, we have a policy of imprisonment! We cannot kill prisoners!"

"This is a special matter, Commander. These thugs have stolen a military ship, and none will tell a word! If we must make an example, we shall. Now, kill him"

Desperation set in. The pirate didn't want to die. Like most individuals in this world, he is a coward to lethal force.

"No, okay, I'll talk! Please!"

"I see. Do not kill him"

"It's him! The Velpan over there! Jazumong!"

"I see. Take this "Jazumong" for questioning"

"Yes, Admiral"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


Messages In This Thread
[IC] Stories of the Imperial Navy - by Ryccia - 10-23-2017, 08:19 AM
RE: [IC] Stories of the Imperial Navy - by Ryccia - 02-20-2018, 10:15 PM
RE: [IC] Stories of the Imperial Navy - by Ryccia - 08-24-2020, 02:19 PM

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