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Invasion of the Seventh Alliance

Ryccia Wrote:Dear members of TSP:
A terror is being brought upon the TSP Nations. The Seventh Alliance, composing of the nations of Vaserra, Kilosse, Nagilisk, Göz, Naarden, Geronimo Islands and the leader of this alliance, Juaryesa, has invaded TSP. Ryccia was the main victim, because the Seventh Alliance sent 2,000,000 troops to invade Ryccia. Ryccia will be providing the general information of these nations.
Capital: Valiun
Mayor Cities: Valiun, Naki, Enose, Dalox, Xiria and Port England.
Military Number: 3,000,000
Capital: Kosere
Mayor Cities: Kosere, Asin and Leioxburg
Military Number: 2,000,000
Capital: Nalke
Mayor Cities: Nalke, Agisto, Deluxs, Sepox and Varua
Military Number: 1,000,000
Capital: Hensbörg
Mayor Cities: Hensbörg and Naökrit
Military Number: 800,000
Capital: Maol
Mayor Cities: Maol and Selox
Military Number: 650,000
Geronimo Islands:
Capital: Viyea
Mayor Cities: Viyea
Military Number: 450,000
Capital: Grand City
Mayor Cities: Grand City, Eagle, Kiois, Erton, Darwin, Teolpo, Ahon, Honik, Jolk and Hiserya
Military Number: 6,000,000
(OOC: I'll be controlling their roles. I hope this is succesful).

Qwert Wrote:Sedunn, Grovne:

General Kvestarl was concerned. The entire region was unexpectedly under attack. He draw several red arrows on a region map, not shure if he could grasp the magnitude of the invasion.

"General, standing units have mobilized, and are now securing key positions. Conscripted forces have begun their mobilization, but it will take 12 days to reach completion. We do not expect enemy contact today", said a pale looking member of the staff.

"Notify civil command to start evacuation procedures. Contact friendly forces immidiately" the general responded.

Pointing on his map he said "Concentrate naval forces here and here, I want 1st anti air brigade to screen off any access here".

Ryccia Wrote:Samantha, Ryccia...
The city was attacked by a force of 1,550,000 men of the Seventh Alliance. Almost the entire opposing invasion force was there. "GAAAH!" said the Commander of Samantha "We need to defend!". "Sir, they are too powerful! They suprised us in a sneak attack and we are only 800,000 men!". "I'll call the Military for help and reinforcement. For now, let's focus on defending the city!". In the city you could see both teams battling in land, water and air. They were battling with tanks, they were destroying the port and moving in the beach and the city was heavily bombarded. It was a siege. It was total, cruel destruction.

Escade Wrote:Escadian General Theo Daniels receives a distress signal from Ryccian Emergency Services.

He immediately contacts the President of Escade, Lady Sarah Meow, in light of their alliance with Ryccia in the bunny wars.

"We need to mobilize all emergency units," President Meow authorizes.

General Daniels begins the process of sending support troops, 500,00 can be deployed immediately while others have to be recalled in from various missions abroad.

"I will let the Ryccian President know that help is on the way," President Meow says.

General Daniel nods, "Excellent, I'll contact our allies and ask them to begin mobilization. We cannot accept this wanton act of violence and aggression against a fellow sovereign nation."

Commonwealth of Callistaire Wrote:[bold]The Callistaire Times- Trouble in Ryccia[/bold]

The Commonwealth Security Council met in emergency session today to discuss the alarming reports of a full scale military invasion of South Pacific Coalition member nation Ryccia. Independent confirmation of the identity of the culprits has yet to be obtained but outside sources, including the Ryccian government claim that the invaders are from a group of belligerent nations known as "The Seventh Alliance".

The commander of the Commonwealth Marine Corps, General Perneus, has advocated strongly for immediate intervention in this statement made outside the Commonwealth Council Chambers in Prospur;

"This is a clear threat not just to Ryccia, but the stability of the entire region. We cannot allow a sovereign nation to be overrun by hostiles... Especially when Callistaire could be their next target!"

President Dante de Solario had this to say on the matter;

"We don't yet have enough information to act on. The worst thing we can do is to act rashly. Our diplomatic and intelligence corps are looking for more information so we can make an informed decision. I urge you all to be patient while we work to resolve this crisis"

Ryccia Wrote:Genove, Ryccia...
Samantha had been sieged. The city was taken by the TSA(The Seventh Alliance) and began to mobilize and invade the city's neighbor, Genove. With reinforcement troops from other countries and the Ryccian Military fully mobilized, the invasion was not as easy as they thought. "We are getting other troops from TSP Nations. This is great!" said the Commander of Genove "But we must not chant victory. TSA's soldiers are trained to the highest brutal point, and we must not give up".
Hensbörg, Göz, TSA:
"How could they resist in Genove?!" said the Head of State of Juaryesa, Darius Mikolone.
"We don't know. It was because Ryccia was alerted and helped by allied nations" said Görit Helkürk , Head of State of Göz "I suggest we start invading another nation and the others later".
"Okay, I choose to still invade Ryccia and start to invade Escade by Lava Island".
"But what about the others?" said Katy Halox, Head of State of Naarden. "Its simple. We just make a nuclear threat to the others if they dare to help Ryccia and Escade".

Founder Synod Wrote:While other nations may debate the response to this invasion for some time, we have already mobilised carrier forces from the Eighth and Ninth Fleets and they arrived in the vicinity of Ryccia early this morning. Utilising the highly advanced VX-101 stealth fighter/bomber, Dominion air forces began sorties against Seventh Alliance hardpoints and armour in and around the city of Genove at approximately 2100 hrs local time. So far, of the 15 sorties against Seventh Alliance hardpoints, 13 have resulted in success with the enemy locations destroyed. 12 sorties were deployed against TSA armour, with 96 heavy tanks destroyed or disabled.

On the ground, 50,000 mechanised Dominion troops consisting of Dervishes and regular army were deployed by air to the far side of Genove in order to provide reinforcements to the Ryccian military. They are expected to be joined by 6,000 Flagellan troops by the end of the night.

The Rahm-Izad commander is General Hadran Chauki and has overall operational over all Dominion forces.

[Image: EDI_h2.jpg]]

VX-101 stealth fighter/bomber

Ryccia Wrote:Genove, Ryccia...
The Ryccian and Dominion Forces were fighting. However, it wasn't good. The TSA had already defeated 34% of the local forces and the local forces were planning to retreat when the Dominion Forces showed up. "Sir, the Dominion Forces are here!". "What? At such a hard stake they are helping us?! Cancel the retreat! Cancel the retreat!". "But sir, our local forces are down to 15,000 so...". "Come on! Take a chance! We got another army helping us here so we have hope!".
Lava Island, Escade...
The TSA was unmatched. They surrounded the underground city by land, water and air and wanted the mayor's surrendering. "We have orders" said the TSA General "We must conquer Lava Island and then conquer Viridian City in Viridian Island. You know what?! Send 8,000 soldiers of our 300,000 invasion force to attack Viridian City and force it to surrender! Soon, we will have Escade under the TSA Control!". "But sir, what if their army opposes us?". "So what? Escade dosen't favor war! They reduced their army because of that!". "Good point, sir. We will conquer Viridian City and make it our own!".
Naki, Vasseria...
"What?! How could that Dominion oppose us?! Send a letter right now!" replied Darius "But sir, what if they refuse and launch a nuclear threat?!" said Valeria Masami, Head of State of Vasseria "Easy! We'll fire them when we get the letter!". "I don't like this...".
TSA sent a letter to the Dominion:
The Seventh Alliance
The Dominion Government:
We come to say this message:
You must retreat your forces in at least 48 hours or we will send a nuclear threat. We are not afraid to do this on your capital city and your other mayor cities. You have been warned. This is your last chance.

The Leaders of The Seventh Alliance

Qwert Wrote:Grovne, Sedunn

"General, mobilization is complete, all units report ready!". A staff assistant handed over a report to Kvestarl. "Sir, intelegence indicate that Lava island will be attacked. Also Genove, Ryccia is under heavy attack."

The general got a determined expression in his face. "We need to assist in every way possible. Our long range capabilities are not good, but initially I belive 3rd and 4th submarine flotillas could deal a great punch. 3rd air wing have better long range capabiliteis than any other of our units."

"Sir, intelegence say that the enemy has threatened to use nuclear weapons if attacked countries are assisted."

"Our anti air units are very well trained and equppied, simulations and training show that they are capable of destroying ballistic missiles. They still pose a threat, but I belive it could be handled".

Another general added "There's no guarantee that they wouldn't use them even without intervention. Our main strategy should be to meet the enemy where we are the strongest, here! No one would stand a chance! However, units that are not engaged in combat should be made accesable to friendly forces in need. The main attack on us has yet to come."

The following messages were sent to Ryccia and Escade:
Submarine units equipped with anit air craft missiles, high yield cruise missiles, torpedos and mines are ready to assist upon demand. They can complicate or obstruct sea-to-land operations and also screen off air space.
Cruise missile equipped aircrafts are ready to deploy and will attack any location marked by laser.

Ryccia Wrote:Genove, Ryccia...
"Gee, they are powerful!". "Sir, we have contact that the TSA Invasion Force is spreading through towns and conquering them!". "Well, I'll send a message to the King about this...". The TSA Forces were spreading to weaker towns. One of them, a peace-loving town named Vukon with only 50 police as their defending force was burned through the ground. In addition they executed 30 men in a firing squad, and captured the resting population to deport them in the TSA Prisions. Separated from their families, the citizens could not take it anymore. They wanted peace.
Naki, Vasseria...
"How...?! They should not interfiere!". "Sir, we have information from our intelligence squads that Sedunn has helped Ryccia and Escade navally and they are prepared for a nuclear threat". "Then we'll invade them" said Darius "Send a 400,000 invasion force and tell them to burn the towns they conquer to the ground. Sedunn should learn a lesson from this!". "Right away, sir". No one knew, but Darius's eyes were glowing red. Who is he, with that red, evil-looking glow in the eyes?

Jared Howell Wrote:0100 today:

Elements of the IDF coastal fleet were ordered into Escadian waters to protect the Commonwealth's neighbour. Iyadaran Dreadnought missiles destroyed 14 TSA ships off the coast of Lava Island, followed by stealth fighter/bombers that conducted raids on the TSA positions on the island itself. These attacks are being led by the Second Fleet, Iyadara's primary Southern Ocean military force.

Iyadara has formally requested permission from the Escadian government to provide military and humanitarian aid on the ground. Until this is accepted or interference is formally requested, IDF forces will not make unauthorised landfall on Escadian or Ryccian territory.

The Seventh Alliance has been advised that unless its troops withdraw from Escade and Ryccia by 1600 tomorrow, there will be full military deployment to protect Iyadaran interests and allies.

Iyadara and its economic partner Rahm-Izad possess full air and orbital defences capable of neutralising ICBMs and other forms of nuclear deployment.

Ryccia Wrote:Naki, Vasseria...
"How dare they threathen us?!" said Darius "Send 1,000,000 robots to invade Iyadara!". "WHAT?! SIR, WE DON'T HAVE ROBOTS!". "Yes we do... Gyaaaaesh!" screamed Darius in an alien-like tone. "Sir, what the heck are you doing?! Your eyes... they are glowing red!". "Gyaaaaaah!". "You are scaring me...". Darius sent 1,000,000 robot soldiers to invade Iyadara. But, what was it with that alien tone on his voice? Who is he?
Genove, Ryccia...
The allied forces won the battle. But the invasion was spreading. What will Ryccia and TSP do?
Lava Island, Escade...
"Seek shelter!" said the TSA General as they battled the Iyadaran Army. They refuged themselves in Lava City and threathened the Iyadaran Army with this letter:
TSA Army
Iyadaran Army
If you dare to enter the city we will massacre the people in here. Retreat or we'll kill citizens and burn the city! Retreat or else! You have been warned!

Qwert Wrote:Command bunker, somewhere in the southern Limmvasd Range:

It was finally happening. Enemy forces were approaching from the south, closing in on Loenn Bay.

"As soon as they enter firing range, order coastal batteries to fire!" General Kvestarl looked angrily on the digital map on the wall. "The enemy has gathered a huge force in the bay, but has so far taken great losses advancing further, thanks to navy and air force. Navy is slowly pulling back to our shores. Main enemy losses are one aircraft carrier, seven destroyers, four frigates and an unknown number of landing crafts, 14 - 21 air crafts. Our losses so far are 9 fighters and corvette Intryu."

"Yes. Ground units are gathering on the shores, within one hour all divisions of the southern defence regions should have gathered" a general dressed in army uniform responded. "However estimates show that we will not outnumber them as much as planned. We need reinforcements from the north".

"That will not be possible, if we move these units we will have to choose between leaving parts of the country exposed to the nuclear threat or have these units unprotected from air strikes" a third general responded.

"I'm confident in the coastal batteries, they will give us the upper hand. At least we are not out numbered."

A man ran in to the room. "Good news! Allied forces have been successfull in defending Genove. The submarine units are awaiting new orders." A staff assistant handed general Kvestarl a report.

"Have them locate and contact IDF coastal fleet and offer support".

Escade Wrote:Empyreal City, Escade

"Lava City, located in a bunker under an active volcano, can hold out against the The Seventh Alliance's forces for some time" said Escadian General Theo Daniels. The bunker was built during the catastrophic first civil war in Escade and will withstand nuclear weapons and heavy bombardment while reinforcements are moving in.

He continued, "We must press on an attack the main TSA force located in Ryccia, particularly focusing on liberating Samantha and Genove.

While only 10% of the Escadian population is in the military, due to the fact that our population is a 1.9 billion, that means we have 19 million military units available. Over 9 million of the Escadian military has arrived in Ryccia and is pushing back the TSA forces.

"Our mechas, infantry and droids are assisting with the land battles. We've also sent a contingent of units including field medics to help Ryccian civilians who have been bombed and to help rebuild towns that have been razed." The General paces in front of his trusted lieutenants. He is angry at the devastation of war, he is furious with rage at the reports of innocent civilians and unaware soldiers being massacred. This will not stand.

President of Escade, Sarah Meow, learns of the assistance from various nations including Sedunn and the IDF. "I authorize their assistance as it is in our mutual interest to protect our peoples and nations. I would like to thank both nations for showing their friendship and cooperation and ask them to let us know if they need any assistance from us at all."

Speaking to the Escadian government in the capital building in a televised broadcast, the President states, "While the Seventh Alliance may have pushed a devious surprise attack upon us, they cannot face the combined forces of our allies. We will push them back."

Prominent Research Scientist, Elena Pierce, presents her findings to a group of scientists in Alpha City, before the Escadian Research and Defense committee. "It seems that the same alien force that attacked the South Pacific during the dome wars, is somehow involved in this battle. We have received reports of high level irradiation coming from Naki, Vasseria."

"This is troubling indeed."

CrimsonTideFan Wrote:Patagonya 10:00 AM
News Reporter: After mercilessly killing off all enemy numbers and equipment in Patagonya at 7 o'clock this morning, President Cesar Augusto has announced that a full scale invasion of Juaryesa has been commenced.
5th fleet Aboard the R.P.S. Samuel Fenix, schooner class Destroyer 10:30 AM
Captain Forsythe: Alrighty boys, Hiserya's on the horizon.
Senior Chief 1st Class Sanchez: Ready the guns
Chief Petty Officer Smith: Hell yeah, payback's gonna be a b*tch.
SC1C Sanchez: We about to f*ck their shit up.
*the entire 5th fleet got within range on their designated target
Capt. Forsythe: Okay men, when I give the signal, level that place to the f*cking ground.
*The men waited, fueled by rage and anxiety the sailors waited on what felt like an eternity.
5th fleet aboard the R.P.S. Themistocles, a trireme class battleship 10:36 AM
Chief Fleet Admiral Douglas H. Nimitz: Is the fleet in position?
Vice Admiral James Rogers: Yes sir.
CFA Nimitz: Unleash hell on them sonsab*tches!
VA Rogers: Aye-Aye!, attention all ships! Attention all ships! Fire upon designated target with extreme prejudice!
*In an instant a wall of steel that was once as tranquil, now released a cloud of thunder. The cloud of shells was said to black out the sun in the instant before they struck the city. The barrage roared for a solid 30 minutes before the ships started firing. What once stood a proud city, was now a barren wasteland, craggy with the craters made by hundreds of shells.
CFA Nimitz: Rogers, alert the other branches, tell them that Hiserya is currently a f*ckin' hole in the dirt.
*As VA Rogers made the broadcast Nimitz pulled a cigar from his shirt pocket and lit it while he watched Hiserya burn.

Ryccia Wrote:Patagonya...
After Patagonya began a full scale invasion on Juaryesa, the TSA has begun the same thing in Patagonya. Here is the invasion force:
•100,000 men
•1,005,000 robot soldiers
•200 Tanks
•860 Fighting Aircraft
•10 Aerial Troop Carriers
•53 Destroyers
•1 Main Ship equipped with a super-tech cannon and a Nuclear Missile
•40 Naval Troop Carriers
The TSA began to invade the eastern coasts of Patagonya. Here's a jet bombarding a Patagonyan City:
Tyganado, Ryccia...
The TSA Forces, frustated by their loss in Genove, began to invade the eastern city of Tyganado. "Sir, a TSA Fleet is incoming!". "Rally up the defense troops!". The Ryccian Defense Army began to battle navally. The invasion force had a quite bit more ships than the Ryccian Defensive Navy had, so it was a tough battle.
Lava City, Escade...
Realizing that they couldn't win and now that 30,000 Ryccian Troops arrived, the invasion force raised a white flag of surrender and began to retreat in their ships to go and report in Naki, Vasseria, where Darius was.

Jared Howell Wrote:Air raid sirens, a thing never before heard in Iyadara's history, rang out in all major cities as the TSA robot invasion loomed. All coastal defence units and naval ships have deployed as the country prepares for war. Corporal Anatoly Liscev, assigned as part of the infantry defence force around a giant coastal defence battery, swallowed hard as the sky at the horizon darkened with the robot swarm. Almost immediately their battery opened up, joining the thousands of others. VX-101 fighter jets screamed overhead to engage, aware that they would be heavily outnumbered but possessed a substantial speed advantage. They released their missiles well before they got into the range of the robots' weapons, making good use of the technological advantage the IDF had over most nations in TSP. After firing their payloads they banked sharply and took evasive action, hoping to draw off some of the enemies. Ruined robots rained into the sea under the vicious bombardment, with over 10% of them destroyed well before they even fired a shot.

Liscev's sergeant looked grim. 'We might destroy a third of them before they hit the coast.' He made a wry grin. 'Just means more for us, right?' He jumped up onto the parapet so that the entire defence unit could see him. 'Listen up! In a few minutes we will be slap in the middle of what will be the very definition of a target-rich environment! We can't wait for them to wake up the Dervishes and bring them their slippers, so we'll have to hold them off ourselves! Make your clans proud, people!'

In the cities, the population is warned to stay in their homes or make it to local air raid shelters. Elements of the Iyadaran mechanised infantry deployed around every major city, including the formidable Prism tanks and the VK-88 Whirlwind air defence system.

As the robot fighter force reached the coast, perhaps 40,000 of them had been destroyed or otherwise knocked out. The gunships of the coastal units hovered just within range as they approached the dug-in troops, opening up with hellfire missiles and APDS ammunition that pierced the robot armour easily. Even so, thousands of robots descended on the coastal barriers, heading for the batteries themselves. The IDF troops opened up and the battle truly began.

Jared Howell made a formal address to the TSP Government on the closed channel only accessible to TSP nations.

'We regret to inform you that Iyadara has been invaded by The Seventh Alliance. As of 1000 local time, we are at war with TSA and all of its member nations. At this time, we cannot reinforce our units involved in Escade. We need other TSP nations to respond to TSA aggression, their military has clearly been preparing for this attack for some time. Patagonya is under attack from its Western coast while we have been attacked from the Eastern.

We also condemn any action that involves weapons of mass destruction or wholesale attacks on population centres. We strongly urge our neighbour Patagonya to reconsider such tactics and target military units and bases only.'

Founder Synod Wrote:A Rahm-Izad general arrives at the mobile HQ of the Escadian forces in Ryccia and is shown in to see the General. He is clad in a black armoured Flexweave bodysuit that does not impede movement and is flanked by two Dervishes.

'General. I am Founder Denon Varl of the Dominion Synod. Our forces have been ordered to link up with yours in order to bolster its numbers. With me are 150,000 fully mechanised Dervish, Flagellan and regular army troops. I have also authorised the use of our full regiment (5,000) of experimental Kossack armoured airborne infantry units to liberate several isolated Ryccian towns and villages. They may be forced to hold these areas for some time, but we will replace them with regulars once their positions are secure.

Our stealth fighter/bombers will continue their attacks in order to give us air superiority. Our technology appears to be far in advance of the TSA and thanks to Escade the manpower equation is looking a lot better.'

CrimsonTideFan Wrote:Helios Patagonya 12:00 PM
*A sheet of metal rain fell on Helios. Battle Mechs flooded the streets engaging troops, fighters from the local bases were combating the threat. President Augusto and the members of Senate and Supreme Court have been evacuated. The army was evacuating citizens while other units were keeping their attention focused elsewhere.
In an undisclosed location, President Cesar Augusto meets with leaders of Patagonyan Forces 9:00 PM

President Augusto: "What's our current situation?"

Chief General of the Patagonyan Shock Army Julius A. Patton: "Enemy forces have invaded Helios sir."

President Augusto: "What about the other cities?"

CG Patton: "So far they remain untouched sir."

President Augusto: "How are our troops doing?"

CG Patton: "As of the moment sir, it seems to be a stalemate."

President Augusto: "Hmm" *looks at the holocronic 3-D representation of the battle in Helios, pointing to a glowing red object "What is that?"

*from a monitor CFA Nimitz: "It's a Juaryesan class-one super destroyer sir. It has two 10 lbs. guns, three duckfoot 12 lbs. guns, a X200-J Pulse Cannon, and 20 ICBMs "

President Augusto: "What is capabilities of the pulse cannon?"

C.F.A. Nimitz: "It fires a concentrated laser." During the trials for better naval guns, this and our railguns were the final two options. But the railgun succeeded because it had better range and didn't use so much electricity. On a test ship when it was fired all electrical functions ceased to work for a 28 hours. It can destroy anything within a range of 2 miles"

President Augusto: "General Hummel, can we use our space weapons platforms to drop Mjolnir tungsten warheads on the ship?"

Chief General Francis X. Hummel: "Not without putting Helios underwater sir."

President Augusto: "Admiral, what are the weaknesses in the vessel?"

CFA Nimitz: "It doesn't have any weaknesses, it's radar is just as good as ours and it has 22 in. plate armor, but it may be possible for the cannon to destroy the ship if were to be overloaded."

President Augusto: "An explosion? Wouldn't that set off the ICBMs?"

CFA Nimitz: "Not an explosion, a nuclear meltdown. The meltdown would short circuit all systems on the ship plus only the room itself would be contaminated."

President Augusto: "How do we overload it?"

CFA Nimitz: "Computer program wouldn't do it, it would have to be done manually."

President Augusto: "S.W.O.R.D. team Delta. Will they be able to get out without being contaminated?"

CFA Nimitz: "Yes, they should, they would have 30 seconds before the meltdown. They would have to set off semtex explosives on the cooling system to stop anyone from stopping the meltdown."

President Augusto: "What kind of resistance would they face?"

Patagonya Bureau of Intelligence Director James Fisher: "Readings say that there are 200 Juaryesan Marines and 40 Battle Mechs on board."

President Augusto: "Any chance of them getting off of there quietly?"

PBI Director Fisher: "Not likely sir, the possible way is if they set the explosives on for a minute thirty tops."

President Augusto: "Hmm, Fine. Nimitz debrief your men on their mission. General Hummel our second option is to get those Mjolnir platforms over the other Juaryesan cities. Once the ship is destroyed, somebody get me their leader on the phone. Okay, mission is a go. Godspeed Gentlemen."

Escade Wrote:Outlying Islands, Lava City

Frustrated by their difficult in overcoming the Lava City bunker city, The Seventh Alliance targets the outlying islands full of civilian population. Two islands, with one million population together, are annihilated completely by a series of blasts from advanced naval weapons.

President Sarah Meow receives a tele-message from Darius, "You cannot protect all of your population, we will target civilians. You'll never know when we attack or which island of your archipelago nation will be next."

"Why are you doing this?" the President asks. She is so disheartened by the loss of her people that for a moment she contemplates whether or not she is worthy of being a president.

"We have no purpose other than to dominate. We have no desire other than to destroy," Darius cackles madly.

President Sarah Meow is quiet. She holds her hands in prayers for all the lost souls, Escadian and other. "No," she says.

"What's that?" Darius asks.

"No more," she says. "I've had enough."

She looks to General Daniels. "I want a full scale offensive mission. We will not harm civilians but we will target all military members of the Seventh Alliance. First priority is capture them alive so that they may be put under trial in the South Pacifican Geneva Conventions."

Daniels nods. Outraged Escadians protest in the streets against the Seventh Alliance. The army, navy, and air force are all itching for revenge. Even he wants to see the enemy burn and rot but he understands why the President wants POWs.

To his troops he gives the command, "Limit casualties unless its puts our people in danger. We want some of these maniacs alive, but we don't need all of them to be."

Ryccia Wrote:Viridian City, Escade...
"Stop the protests! We have occupied this island and we all now that!". The Escadians didn't stop, so the TSA Troops opened fire against them and started to burn the city, not long after the Escadian Military got in the scene. TSA Troops have now a challenge.
Tyganado, Ryccia...
Once again the TSA Army was defeated. Frustated and nervous, the remaining troops launched missiles to the port of Tyganado as their last resort and then, they ran away and retreated to Viridian City to assist the TSA Invasion to Escade. 300 men were separated and where commanded to help in the defense of Juaryesa, which was invaded by Iyadara.
The Iyadaran Army was defending well but that didn't stop the invasion force to get in. The Navy Ships in the coast began to fire to soldiers, military bases and civilians alike with cannons or automatic machine guns in the ship. The robots were given tasks: To kill anything unless its TSA Allied and to burn cities if they could.
Helios, Patagonya...
"Fire! Fire at anything not TSA Allied!". Around 7,000 men and 100,000 robots made it to the shore and began the invasion while the others weren't in the shore. "Burn that store! And the city hall! Burn it all!". However, it was difficult to burn the buildings since they were in a heavy battle with the Patagonyan Army.
Daonlathas, Ryccia:
"We will not tolerate this!" said the King in a press conference "We will not tolerate the invasion of our allies, but we have been invaded as well, so we are only sending 10,000 troops to every invaded nation. We will win. God bless Ryccia and TSP". Later on the discussion room...
"Sir, we have our TX-0978 Tanks ready and the 75-RY65 and 65-DF67 jets ready as well". "Oh, the ones with the advanced technology copied from Catacombs?". "Yes sir, these new battlecrafts's tech has been modified with advanced technology and with our modifications to the technology to make it even more powerful".
"Huh... The modern world we are living in".

Qwert Wrote:Coastal battery unit two, Loenn Bay:

...between mountains, between seas!
Ooouur land, Ooouur laaannnd!

The last part of the Sedunnic national anthem faded out. The speakers in the bunker had played all kinds of music since the barrage begun, only audible when then gun was reloaded by the fully automatic system. The crew of three had been working tirelessly. They were dirty from gunpowder gasses and sweaty from the heat of the large gun.

"Firing!" The soldier at the gun control yelled, and got nods for answer. First a great blast, then a mechanical cacophony of the loading system.

Coastal battery unit two had been lucky so far, they had not been hit by enemy fire. Number three had not been that lucky. Artillery radar had tracked the trajectory of the incomming shells, but there was no time to evacuate. At least the coordinates of the source could be used for revenge. Unit two had fired several rounds on the target, but could not determine if it was they or others that destroyed the target. It really didn't matter were you aimed, the bay was so crowded that chances were great that you would hit something randomly, the soldier at the gun control thought.

"New fire mission, AA12/AB13, fire for effect!" The crew repated incomming orders.

Command bunker, somewhere in the southern Limmvasd Range:

"The situation is as follows. The enemy has taken severe losses, landing attempts have been made but they've been repulsed, our ground units are holding. We estimate that the enemy will be in full retreat soon. If we could move in reinforcements, we could have them surrounded. They will have no other choice but to surrender!" General Kvestarl smiled. Victory! The people in the bunker started to shake hands and hug in exalted happiness.

Another general cleared his throat. "The nuclear threat is still an issue. Satellite command and "sub orbital assets" have located enemy ICBM units that are an immediate threat, belonging to the TSA nations closest to us . We could move our units if we were to take them out. We would still not be free of the threat, there are other units located further away. These far away units could, during their flight, be taken out however."

A major spoke up. "Cruise missiles carried by 3rd Air Wing and the submarines will deal with this", he was interrupted before he could finish his sentence. "They are to few! We must request assistance from the other TSP nations to coordinate this attack." Kvestarl turned to a table with a radio. "Contact them!"

CrimsonTideFan Wrote:Helios, Patagonya, 12:30 AM

Sitting silently in the water 500m from the super destroyer, Omega Team, a 4 man team from Patagonya's elite naval special forces unit Special Warfare Operational Detachment Delta (SW.O.R.D.D.) waits in silence for the other team to arrive.

King: There it is, now we wait.

Voodoo: "You missed a spot." *points to the only spot of Monster's face not covered with paint.

Panther: "Commander, do you think this will really work?"

King: "They say it can."

Panther: "That's what they say, what do you say Walker?"

Voodoo: I don't know.

*a boat appears out of the mist

Voodoo: Echo team's ready to go.

King: Okay, start the engine.

*Monster starts the engine. The zodiac hummed as they zig-zagged through the rocks to avoid detection by mechanized pt boats patrolling the open water around the enemy ship.

King: *whispering "Stop! Cut the engine now!"

*King points a patrol of 2 battle mechs patrolling the beach near the rocky pass.

King: No sound.

*The anxiety made the time that lapsed feel like an eternity as they sailed the currents directly under the rock where the robot was standing. They restarted the engine 25 yards past the robots, using the crashing of the waves on the rocks and the battle in Helios to mask the sound of their engines they made their way to the ship. They used their C.E.M.A. (Controlled ElectroMagnetic Apprehension) devices in their gloves to grip the plate steel on the side of the ship. One by one they scaled the side of the ship, leaving one man behind to watch the boats.

King and Bandit, from Echo team, were the first to climb to the top. In front of them were two sentries who were quickly dispatched. Monster and Voodoo kept watch while King and Bandit threw the bodies overboard to avoid detection.

King: Okay, Echo team you guys are going to keep watch for battle mechs and marines outside, if you have to dispatch the threat be sure to do it quietly. If you are compromised, the code is Alamo, you will then provide cover fire until omega team plants the explosives. We will then use our gloves to scale down the side of the ship and make way through the craggy shore to lose any enemy. Any questions? Good. Let's move out.

*The teams moved to their positions dispatching several sentries along the way. King and Monster check the room killing 5 operators and 2 sentries. The other two members of omega team enter, while echo team takes defensive positions around the door.

King: . Me and Voodoo will use the console to get the weapon hot. I need you two to plant those by the cooling system for the weapon

Panther: Shit, where's that at?

Monster: You see those tanks over there?

Panther: Yeah

Monster: That's them.

Bandit over the radio: Omega team do you read? Over.

King: Yeah, we read. What is it Shaw? Over.

Bandit: Somethings up, I got two battle mechs checking out the positions of the sentries we took out. What do you advise? Over.

King: Do not engage unless threatened. But if you are compromised use the flashbangs on your vest, it'll scramble their targeting systems. Aim for the center of the abdomen. That's where their computer core is. See if you can hold off for a little while longer, we're almost done here. Over.

Bandit: Wilco, echo out.

King: How are you two doing over there?

Panther: We're almost done, got a few more to set.

King: We're done here. We're going to take defensive positions outside. And you need to hurry.

Monster: Why?

King: They know something's up, two battle mechs are investigating the missing sentries.

Monster: Okay, we'll let you know when we're done.

King: Trigger the timer while you're at it Monster, something tells me this party is about to liven up big time.

Bandit: Alamo!

*gunfire and explosions are heard over the radio.

Monster: Shit, c'mon Panther let's get this planted and let's go!

Panther: Last one!

*He sets the timer to 1:30. and starts it

Panther: Let's go.

Monster: Explosives are planted and timer is ticking. Over.

King: Alright, we got multiple bogeys coming up fast. We're going to provide cover fire for echo team!

80 seconds

*Monster and Panther join the rest of the squad and starts providing cover fire. One by one echo team descends down the side of the side.

30 seconds

King: Okay, echo team's down. Monster you and me are going to cover Voodoo and Panther!

*they fire at the growing opposition as Panther and Voodoo slowly make their way off the ship. The weapon starts to fire.

20 seconds

*It gets harder and harder to fire as their ammunition depletes and the entire force of mercs and mechs begin to fire at them.

10 seconds

Monster: King, we only have 10 seconds!

*Kings turns around to see Panther and Voodoo scaling down the side of the ship.

King: Our turn. Use the rest of your flashbangs! Now!

5 seconds

*The grenades are thrown

4 seconds

* First one goes off followed by others

3 seconds

*They run for the side of the ship

2 seconds

*They jump off the edge

1 second

*The main weapon goes into nuclear meltdown, the radiation causes the sailor to fall, and the mechs to deactivate. The force of the fall knocks King unconscious and Monster is dizzy. King goes under, Monster dives after him. The currents in the water are picking up, already dazed Monster struggles to make it to his squad leader. He grabs him and sets off the life jacket in his vest. They float to the surface. Monster pulls the flashlight from his vest and signals for his team to get him.

Undisclosed location, Patagonya 12:50 AM

Praetorian Guard: Sir, the commander of the S.W.O.R.D.D. op says it was a success.

President Augusto: Good, get me the leader of Juaryesa.
key= *The names of the S.W.O.R.D.D. operatives are callsigns, not their actual names.
*Praetorian Guards are Patagonyan Secret Service.

Jared Howell Wrote:'Fire in the hole!'

Liscev ducked back around the corner of the maxicrete bunker as another swarm of Hellfire missiles swept overhead and bullseyed several TSA robots that were clambering up the seawall. After swamping the IDF forces dug in, the robots' strategy had changed. They were losing far too many units in the air attacking the coastal batteries, so they had resorted to a ground advance, scattering everywhere along the coasts. The IDF forces were now fighting the length of the coastal bunker defence line, hunting robots and keeping their own lines of retreat intact. Liscev's squad had been on the verge of being overwhelmed when the prism-tanks and VTOLs had arrived. As he watched, a prism fired a crackling line of energy that arced between robot units, destroying fifty of them at a time. He had no idea where the sarge was. They only had three men left in this bunker section itself, with others surrounded further down the line. But the battery continued to fire, now dropping its barrel to destroy robot units assaulting from the beach itself.

Suddenly over the comline came a priority message, pinged to every frequency. Protocol 3-4-7-Alpha-Tango.

'EM Protocol!' Shouted one of the men. The VTOLs banked and gained altitude quickly. All along the beachfront, everything stopped firing as detonations sounded overhead...

Far above, ARC stations had launched pinpoint EMP missiles to key locations on the coast. IDF units were EMP-shielded right down to their communications equipment, requiring only a system reset afterward, but the mass-produced TSA robots were of far inferior technology. Even shielding of their tech level would not be enough.

Liscev watched as robots everywhere began dropping, either from the air or simply collapsing onto the ground. Resetting his weapon quickly, he and his remaining men ventured out, blowing the heads off several robots as they struggled on the ground. Many of the robots were still operational but had suffered sensor burn-out, allowing IDF snipers to take them out easily. The battle was over and the mop-up operation had begun.

The population of Sokolova cheered as the news was relayed to them on state com services. The TSA robots had made it to the outskirts of the city before the EMPs had burned most of them out and left the others scattered and in disarray.

The Speaker quickly ordered his military advisors to contact other TSP nations. 'Tell them how to bring the robots down, this could be a major blow in this whole war! They are vulnerable to EMP weapons and hardened armour-piercing ammunition!'

Ryccia Wrote:Grand City, Juaryesa...
Darius was frustrated. He didn't knew what to do. His 3rd Class Robots were failing against the TSP Armies but he couldn't send the 1st Class ones. They had an unknown technology that only he knew. But he decided to send them anyway after thinking. "Argh! Auuuuusya! Kirooooon! Galeeeeeeee! I must defeat TSP! My brother failed and I won't!". Görit overheard him. He suddently thought "Who the heck is he?!". He decided that Göz should leave the TSA and be neutral and that's what happened.
Here's the letter:
Who all may concern...
I quit the TSA. Göz will be neutral for the time being.

"Asssssyo! Maurrrrr!" Darius screamed "Send an invasion force to Göz! Betrayal must be punished with DEATH!". 350,000 soldiers were sent to invade Göz, which 260,000 are robots.
Accio, Ryccia...
"At this moment we must send reinforcements to the coasts... What the..." thought the Accio Commander. TSA Planes were on the scence. "How the heck did they get here?! Accio is in central-central Ryccia! How could this happen?!". "Sir, the planes could not be detected. They are detect-proof. Like those US Planes". "God dam it all! Mobilize all defense troops now!".
Invaded areas of TSP...
The nations had a short rejoice, because now the 1st Class Robots are invading Patagonya and Iyadara. They are resistant to medium and almost critical weapons, including tanks.

Qwert Wrote:Command bunker, somewhere in the southern Limmvasd Range:

"To all allies and warring nations of TSP. Our intelligence assets have located the enemy ICBM launch sites that are closest to the TSP. Our intention is to incapacitate the enemy's first-strike ability to give our units a greater freedom of movement and to free TSP nations that lack ability to destroy ballistic missiles of the immediate nuclear threat. We lack the full ability to deal with all of the launch sites, therefore we request your help". General Kvestarl was interrupted by a woman rushing intp the room.

"General, this just came in!" She handed over a note.

Kvestarl continued. "As you may have noticed, TSA has turned on one of its members. I think it's crucial that we show them our support. We need to show other hesitating TSA members that we may support them should they leave the alliance". The general ended his transmission.

"The enemy is breaking its attack and are beginning to retreat. Our fleet is leaving port to pursue and air force will continue with its attacks as ordered!" shouted a communication officer from the other side of the room. "Casualty reports are comming in. 6 navy vessels, 31 aircrafts, 6 coastal battery units, 18 tanks and a total of 7500 men and women. Enemy losses are severe. Estimates are 46 naval vessels, landing crafts not included, 104 aircrafts and a total of 77000 men and women.

Another of the generals responded. "If we are quick enough we could have them surronded and make them surrender, but this require the reinforcements from the north. We must deal with those ICBMs."

"Make the necessary prepartions and launch as soon as possible, with or without help. If possible, send rescue units to the bay Also, gather as much information as possible on those robots." Kvestarl turned to the door and left for a well needed coffee break.

Ryccia Wrote:North of Sedunn:
The TSA saw an opportunity in Northern Sedunn, because the Sedunn Military was bringing reinforcements from that area. "Okay, now!". "GOOOOOOO!". The TSA had entered a northern town and quickly took over. They executed 10 people and deported another 200 to TSA Concentration Camps. The others, hiding or not, would either face death or inprisionment.
"Send a message to the TSP! Jetzt!". "Yes sir!".
Göz had sent a message saying that it needed help against the TSA and would join TSP if they helped it. Görit had hope.

Jared Howell Wrote:For a brief period, all looked lost. Another huge formation of TSA robots approached, and a test-fire of the EMP weapons revealed that these units were more advanced. Some fell, but they seemed to adapt quickly. Preliminary bombardment was largely ineffective at destroying large groups of the robots. Prism-tank fire, being a hugely destructive directed energy-based attack, was far more effective but there were nowhere near enough Prism-tanks to protect the entire country. As the range to the coast closed, the IDF was authorised to deploy 'clean' nuke technology. Similar to regular fission explosives but with no fallout (at the cost of destructive energy), the ARC platforms, bombers and starships rained hundreds of them onto the latest robot formation. The robots were obliterated in their thousands, with many more suffering extreme damage that disrupted their combat effectiveness, allowing them to be easily picked off by conventional weapons. The TSA's second attack had failed.

Over the intervening days, the salvagers and tech redemptionists among Clans Zalde and Sini began preliminary operations to retrieve the downed technology and utilise anything intact, while moving the useable alloys on to Clans Hua, Cayan, Kaliko and Rezol.

Qwert Wrote:Occupied town, northern Sedunn:

"42nd Mountain Ranger Batallion reporting, as ordered!"

"11th Lifeguard Batallion reporting, as ordered!"

"122nd Armoured Batallion reporting, as ordered!"

Colonel Bretynre was pleased. The reports told him that all preparations were done and all was set. "Initiate jamming on all frequencies. AA, AB, AC, forward, forward, forward!"
The colonel had a good view from the forward operations base over the southern outskirts of the occupied town. He watched the rangers sneak up on the enemy guards. As they had been taken out, the rangers called on the IFV's. Soon the whole town was trembeling from the cacophony of small arms fire.

All Sedunnic units moved in fast. Although they had to use caution not to inflict too much damage on the town, they had the upper hand. They knew every street and corner. Enemy units that were out in the open were quickly dealt with, and soon dug in enemies were defeated. The attack halted when the units reached major buildings occupied by enemies.

"Surround them and cut off any access. I'll join you." The colonel put on his helmet and called on a driver.
People cheered as they drove by on their way to the occupied town hall. When they arrived, the colonel stepped out of the vehicle, joined by to soliders. He held a megaphone and spoke up.

"We have you surrounded. Surrender now, and you will survive this! You will be granted free passage if you return our citizens!" The colonel withdraw to his vehicle and awaited an answer.

Command bunker, somewhere in the southern Limmvasd Range:

"Using those reinforcemants was risky, I admit that. We got ourselves a situation, but it's being dealt with." Kvestarl looked up from a map. "All enemy units in Loenn Bay have surrendered. I think it was worth the sacrifice." The other generals nodded.
"The situation is as follows. Enemy soldiers are beeing gathered in the camps that we prepared. However, we have so many prisoners now, hundreds of thousands, we have to figure out how to, and where to contain them. There are also alot of surrendered enemy ships in the bay. Orders. Use army barracks to accommodate the prisoners and make sure they are treated well according to the Geneva convention. Regarding the ships, tie them toghether and use the to block access to Sedunnic Loenn Bay."

The general turned to a communications officer. "Any answers from TSP nations?"

"No." A short answer.

"Very well then. We can not wait much longer to incapacitate those ICBM's." An air force officer replied.

"Agreed. Prepare to launch operation Black Bird".

Ryccia Wrote:Northern Sedunn...
"Sir, they beat us again!". "Arrgh! Well, I always wanted to". "To what?". "Live here..." said the General. 15 minutes later, they raised a white flag of surrender and of the 100,000 alive force, 500 came to the General of Sedunn and asked if they could be granted citizenship of Sedunn. "Im sick of live in the TSA. However, we can't oppose the TSA Governments because protests of all kinds are prohibited. We have little or no civil rights and political freedoms. Please let us stay here, for our sakes!". The other 99,500 soldiers were ordered to attack another town in the north, which had no troops. They violently raided that little town and deported the whole 2,000 people in there and of those 2,000 people, 20 were executed, including the mayor. Then they began to move into weak targets surrounding that town and the TSA began to put 3,000,000 robots to ensure the invasion. Another force of 4,000 robots was underway. With no General, the TSA Invasion Force put Mark Claug as their new General.
The TSA began their third attack, this time with 300,000 1st Class Robots and 2,000,000 3rd Class Robots. They bombarded a town and another. They took over 5 towns which were weak. The attack style of the TSA became obvious: they attacked small towns first.

CrimsonTideFan Wrote:President Augusto: Mr. Darius, this is President Cesar Augusto of Patagonya. Please remove your troops from Patagonya and allied nations otherwise we will be forced to use drastic measures.
Darius: Never. You shall feel my wrath! Guuuuuah! *The Ryccian King steps up on the conversation*.
Jose: Please remove your forces. I don't want to nuke you like I did with Catacombs.
Darius: Foolish child! You should be a disgrace to your nation and the world! Inmature child!
Jose: Im not inmature anymore! Do you know what it takes to be a leader of a nation at MY AGE?! Do ya?!
*Darius and Jose argue over and over*.
President Augusto: Enough! King Jose, with all due respect please stay out of the conversation. Mr. Darius, don't say that I didn't warn you.
*hangs up the phone*
Jose: Ok, I'll go. But you have been warned, Darius.
Darius: I was gonna step out anyway of this conversation!
*Both hang up the phone*.
After President Augusto hangs up, Undisclosed Bunker, Patagonya 9:41 AM

President Augusto: Gentlemen that was Mr. Darius of Juaryesa, it seems that he desires to take Patagonya as a prize. General Hummel, use the Mjolnir weapon over Kiosis.
General Hummel: But sir, they haven't used WMDs on us.
President Augusto: No, but you don't think that the citizens don't support it.
General Hummel: I don't really give a shit, I'm not ordering the use of that weapon unless they fire at us.
President Augusto: If they weren't serious about destroying us don't you think that they wouldn't have sent that f*cking floating nuclear meltdown in the harbor?
General Hummel: That means our problem is with the Darius, not the civilians.
President Augusto: You know for someone as yourself who's considered a brutal tactician you seem awfully skittish about bloodshed.
General Hummel: That's the thing sir, when it comes to battle I am a brutal tactician. Unlike some people I consider honor to be more important than victory.
President Augusto: That's good and all Hummel, but what the f*ck is that going to do when is trying to destroy our home. Don't you think that's important to keep safe? I understand completely where you're coming from Francis, alright. I don't like this decision anymore than you do, but you know what is also in Kiosk besides civilians? Their entire f*cking aerial fleet. Getting rid of that will give us aerial superiority for our boys on the ground.
General Hummel: General Ross is right there! He has control of the entire Air Corp! There's no sense in killing 30 million people just to take a single f*cking air base.
President Augusto: The air base is not the priority.
General Hummel: Then what the f*ck is it?
President Augusto: The priority is to scare them into submission, it worked for the Americans when they were fighting the Japanese.
General Hummel: That doesn't make any more right sir.
President Augusto: But they projected a million losses, if they attacked the mainland. The chose to bomb two cities with WMD's in order to save the lives of their soldiers. I don't like my options, but when it comes down to it these soldiers, these people, this country are what matters to me. If I have to kill in order to keep all of that safe, then hell yeah I'm willing to. What do you think the soldiers in Catacombs are doing?
General Hummel: I'm not giving that order sir.
*The two men pause as they stare each other down, it was a contest of wills as both men refused to back down. President Augusto sighs.*
President Augusto: General Ross, how long will it take to turn that airbase into a parking lot?
General Ross: *clears his throat* Sir, the bombers on the R.P.S. Napoleón Francisco Chávez can be there in 30 flat.
President Augusto: Tell those pilots to get ready.
General Hummel: Thank you sir.

Jared Howell Wrote:The third TSA robot attack was not unexpected, with heavy tactical 'clean' nuke bombardment of the robot forces from the ARC platforms. Even so, it wasn't enough.

With the IDF now fully mobilised, a counterattack began. Dervish units of the 19th, 20th and 22nd ODP divisions were dropped right into the occupied towns while the 63rd armoured division, a primarily light armour group built around prism-tanks, created a front that prevented the enemy gaining any more ground. IDF tech troopers and regulars assisted this push, sealing off the beachhead with multiple heavy weapon emplacements. While the TSA seemed overconfident in their robots' capabilities, their sheer numbers meant containing them would be difficult. The Dervishes' assignments were simple: create enclaves within enemy territory that the divisions outside could then push towards, distracting the enemy and killing their forward momentum.

EMP bombardments had destroyed a majority of the 3rd class robots, with follow-up Tac-Nuke bombardment adding to the carnage. Many thousands had still made it to Iyadara's shores. The IDF had more surprised for the robots, however. Tech troopers, recently upgraded with new BodyComps, deployed their sabotage programs against the synthetic enemies.

These new programs had only recently been developed by Clan Fray and worked on any technological system. In some cases the coded pulses turned units against each other as their IFF systems were scrambled, while in others the robot would lock up and refuse any override signals. In combination with their hovering auto-sentry turrets and holo-drones, a single tech trooper could take on a whole robot unit by themselves. The class 1 robots were harder to dispatch, but Clan Cayan techs had discovered their main resistance came from their self-generated energy shielding. The shielding absorbed EM blasts up to a certain magnitude, but could be overcome via an overloaded EM pulse similar to the prism-tanks arcing effect. Modified EM Pulse Guns were distributed to infantry units, allowing them to bring down the shields and wreck the robots with Armour-Piercing tungsten rounds.

The TSA forces were contained and being destroyed by the hundreds.

The Speaker and the ambassador from the Rahm-Izad Dominion retired to private chambers to discuss an urgent matter...

Founder Synod Wrote:Viyea, Geronimo Islands - 0500 local time:

With the Geronimo Islands' smaller military occupied abroad on TSA operations, the invasion by Rahm-Izad took them utterly by surprise. 300,000 regulars of the People's Divisions supported by armour and infantry fighting vehicles smashed the meagre garrisons around Viyea's primary port, taking the entire zone by 0830. Local commanders surrendered to Founder Keena Alen, who rounded up any and all military personnel. Dervish brigades stormed the barracks and military residences, capturing thousands of military wives and children.

This however was a diversion from the main objective. A brigade of Kossack elite armoured troopers were launched from high altitude in reinforced drop pods from a military transport, crashing into the capitol building and shooting any military personnel or official on sight. Within minutes they had cut off the Geronomo Islands' government from any escape and had them at their mercy. The Captain of the Kossacks radioed through for orders regarding the ministers and president. Keena Alen ordered every military official shot and precautionary measures taken with the rest of the government. This involved placing a part-technological, part-organice device on the back of the neck, which would regulate system responses and addict them to a very specific drug...all of the military officials and captured soldiers from the government building were executed.

'Proceed with Phase 2 as ordered,' said the Founder to her military commanders on the ground. 'No civilians are to be harmed unless on my order. Place your military control devices on the military wives and children. Do not enable the organic component, I don't want them subdued at this time.'

Around the main island, Dominion forces pushed on, killing or capturing local garrison forces, taking whole towns and villages and turning them into makeshift internment camps. Whole towns were rounded up and forced into football stadiums, town halls and gymnasiums under constant guard. Local officials were arrested, subdued with neck devices and released back into their communities with instructions to keep order. Founder Alen had this official message to the TSA and TSP:

'TSA forces, withdraw from the Commonwealth of Iyadara and all other TSP nations immediately. We have taken control of the government in the Geronimo Islands and will not hesitate to execute them. We have also captured the families of a great proportion of the Geronomian armed forces. Should the TSA as a whole refuse, we strongly suggest Geronomian forces surrender to local TSP units or aid them in the defence of the region.'

Juaryesa, Unknown...
"Gyooooh!" said Darius "Release the dragons!". "But sir, that machinery is almost indestructible and could kill thousands nonstop. Don't you care about people?". "Who cares?! Just do as I SAY! DO IT! DO IIIIIIIIIIIT!". Moments later, the robots named Dragons were released into Patagonya, Sedunn, Iyadara, Escade and Ryccia. TSP Soldiers and Tanks tried to defeat them, but all efforts were in vain. Bombarments didn't even left a scratch eiter. Nukes were powerful, but could not defeat them. They number to be 100 dragons, 20 in each nation. It was...


~ Positions Held in TSP ~
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Minister of Regional Affairs, | Minister of Foreign Affairs | 
Minister of Military Affairs
~ The Sparkly One ~

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