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Resident Spotlight: LadyRebels

Interviewer: Lady Elysium
Interviewee: LadyRebels (Kitty Cat Claws)

Last time, we interviewed someone new to our region. In this spotlight, we are interviewing someone who has been around TSP for a really long time!!! She has recently been seen posting in the various spam threads and creating a few new RP ideas. Let's give a warm "Welcome Home" to our very own LadyRebels!

1. How did you learn about NationStates? Why did you join?

In a galaxy far far very far far away one dark night in the middle of the day a student was sitting in a political science class the students were given an extra credit assignment. They were given a web site to go to and create a nation. In the process of getting bored and ready to quit a discovery was made, the wonderful world of the RMB. Joining The West Pacific's RMB was a very fun/life changing experience for the Amazon Queen of LadyRebel's.

The school assignment theme seems to be a common thread among many TSP NSers in my experience so far!

2. What made you decide to come to The South Pacific?

In the middle of winter on a dark summer's day a nation called Tsunami showed up on TWP RMB speaking of needing help in The South Pacific. Where is this place? How can I help? My friend Desert Rose is there, let me seek knowledge. So with knowledge, ready for battle, seeking to help, the move from TWP was made. LadyRebels, with a heavy heart, moved from her region of birth to TSP. Oh yea and orders from The ACC. Yes back in those days LR was a Raider. Keep in mind that the history of those days proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that TSP held the loyalty of the Amazon Queen of LadyRebels. To this day and beyond TSP holds the heart of LR.

3. What do you like most about being a resident of TSP?

I am not a current resident of TSP. But I love coming back to see what is going on and seeing what changes have happened.

4. Do you have any interests outside of NationStates?

Yes, several, including the most amazing thing out there called life. Smile

5. What is the significance behind your nation/forum name?

IRL I used to be a Fire and Rescue volunteer, this tale is not easy to tell or read but it is the reason/truth behind the name of LR. One day the team was dispatched, sadly we were called out to an accident that involved our Fire Chief and his family. A drunk driver had hit them almost head on, there was a fatality, their 2year old daughter Lacy. Lets time skip a bit, three days later, while sharing some fond memories of her I changed my handle/username/call sign from PinkLady to LadyRebel. I made a promise in her memory that as long as I never took a drink of alcohol and get behind the wheel of a car I get to keep that name. I share Lacy's story when I can hoping that maybe by telling it someone will choose to never drink and drive.

Thank you for sharing her story with us here today.

6. If you were delegate for a day, what would you do?

This question is not fair, I have already been Delegate. But for one day? Hmmmmm, (insert evil grin) I would throw the party of the century. Now keep in mind this is TSP, the party region of NS. (Follow with evil laugh)

Most definitely we are!! *dances the hula in a grass skirt and lampshade*

7. What is your favorite book/movie/song (or band)/video game?

I read and listen to music like most people watch TV, so honestly I love what I love and have no problem ripping apart that which I don't like. But one book I highly recommend is The Chalice and The Blade.

8. What is your favorite dessert?

If it has chocolate I am so on it.

9. Who or what would you want with you if you were stranded on a deserted island? Note: you already have food, some semblance of shelter, a grass skirt and a lampshade.

A kindle, WiFi, my Minion, GE and everyone in CoS and TSP.

10. Anything else you’d like to add?


Wait what? (Insert slow blink)

Thank you so much to LadyRebels for agreeing to be Spotlighted (Spotlit?) We hope to see you around again soon!!
~Lady Elaine Elysium

Elysian Pastures

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Resident Spotlight: LadyRebels - by LadyElysium - 06-11-2014, 09:08 PM

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