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Hammerstarian Trial, Code 1482L, State vs Valiant Governor

Days gone by to get complete information from Amelia’s colleagues and family. Full information has been received and logged by the court. The judge is exhausted with all the things he must log into a report and is resting himself in his chambers, he wiped his sweaty head and looked at the clock for a moment.

“Couldn’t hurt to drink a few right?” He wondered wether the judge’s chamber has a couple of alcoholic drinks, the Apollonix was a moslem and this is technically her chambers. He examined through her office desk, and found a bottle of liquor inside her drawers. “That’s odd.” thought Pascal, but it didn’t matter, he took a nap after two glasses of bourbon.

After a couple of minutes, Serena decided to pop inside her chambers in order to pray. She saw Pascal napping in her seat, Pascal woke up as Serena entered.

“I am sorry that I woke you up, I want to retrieve my praying mat.”

“No, no. I am fine, I haven’t read the data… Thank you for waking me up.”

Serena gazed at the glass and bottle on top of her desk. Pascal  would later ask Serena about that drink, but Serena would just tighten her veil and responded with quite a higher tone.

“Monsieur, that is not bourbon… It may taste like it but it’s my homemade barley tea. Did it really taste like bourbon?”


Serena smelt an door from the glass.

“Oh dear, monsieur I believe the beverage you’ve consumed is… expired.”

“No, I do not feel anything wrong. I am fine.”

“Are you sure monsieur.”

“Yes, yes I am…I…..I feel funny.”

“I would heartily recommend for you to use my restroom….”

Pascal held his mouth, going to barf. Serena took her trash can and held it up against Pascal.


Pascal did not hesitate.

“…Use this trash can.”

Mason wiped his mouth

“....Thank you Madame...”

He continued to hurl, with Serena tapping his back.

In the defendant’s lobby, Amelia is laying down on a sofa drinking soda from a straw, reading the transcript in such a calm and chilled manner, putting her legs up on the sofa’s hand rest. The security guard in the defendant’s lobby watched Amelia being so calm, Amelia looked at the security guard and looked at the clock. Just then, another security guard came knocking, and whispered on the one inside the defendant’s lobby and gave him a paper bag. Afterwards:

“Defendant, did you order fast food?”

“Yeah, I ordered a burger, some fries and a salad.”

“Are you aware of the court rules?”

“I was a prodigious attorney, a valiant governor, a high paladin, an apprentice to the king, a marchioness, and a co-writer to the Ordonis Fenix of the Technocracy. Believe me, I can quote you the exact date of its made, the exact place its made, who wrote it, the amount of people in the court agreed to it, the court code, and what’s written. Do not try to test me security boy.” Responded Amelia, “now come here with my order and have some fries.”

Of course, the security guard could not do anything but comply.

Things can’t be said in the prosecutor’s lobby however, both the prosecution and the investigative teams are slouching on their seats with a mountain of paper in front of the desk. Tired, exhausted and defeated.

“I have never seen a defendant and an attorney that’s as good as Amelia. She never needed to read law books, she could still deliver.” Said Tano.

“A grade S+ attorney as I recall, but she only less than 20 cases, what’s up with that?” Asked Edna.

“Care to elaborate Commander?” Inquired Tano.

“Not only Amelia was the apprentice to Stephen Pendragon, she acted as the Royal Attorney as well. That gave her at least a couple of information on how to become a great attorney. Other than that, she is the master of the Ordonis Fenix and every other code of the Technocracy.” Explained Alpha, “unlike Dietrich or most of the heads of state in this region and outside, she never needed an attorney or an individual that masters the codes of the law for them to refer. Amelia can just say it, and understand it. She is virtually prepared for it.”

“She’s a tough person to bring down, this case will definitely be in the history books.” Marked Rowan.

Afterwards, Serena’s aide got inside and brought a message from Dietrich. Serena read it, crumpled it and threw it to the wall.

“Dietrich would want the court to be finished today, it’s been dragging on too long.” Said Serena. “I concur, do we have anything else in our arsenal?”

“… Madame Wrightfey, we actually have conclusive evidence of Amelia’s crimes that we found on a storeroom in the mountains.” Responded Rowan. “The missing link? It’s there, it’s all there.”

“That info inside the case file? Yeah, I’ve read it.” Stated Serena

“Why haven’t you disclosed it? It is quite conclusive don’t you think?” Asked Tano.

“If we are to put all the evidence in one story and just shove it all into the courtroom, no one would buy the story, a large amount of conclusive evidence does not come from just one source, it is from many sources woven into the truth.” Explained Serena

Ms. Tano’s satellite phone rang, and she answers it.


“Chief, it’s Pietro.”

“Yes lieutenant?”

“We have finished piecing the data together, it is all complete.”

“Hang on, I’ll put you on speaker.”

The phone was put on speaker.

“Chief, we have gathered all the information found in the storage room, we have dusted all the prints in the storeroom and have also calibrated the evidence in the storeroom and the ones we currently have. We even have video clips of the defendant in the storage room at the Haddock Organisation, cut out pieces, when you put them with the videos we have, they match. Another thing is that the prints in that room is more than the defendant, there are several unidentified individuals as well. The crew are sending the evidence boxes to the court, but w’ell send you several pictures and datafilee as well as a full summary on what has happened. They should be in your account chief.”

“Thank you very much, good work lieutenant, see you back at base.”

The phone was turned off, and Tano checked her email. She brought that email to the screen and decided to review all the evidences together.

“I already have a feeling that these evidences are true, it just seemed so weird that all the evidences weighing to her guilt is all in that one place.” Explained Tano. “So i asked the agency to piece all the evidences together to create one logical strand of information. Now, let’s close this case.”

“Court will now reconvene,” stated Mason. “Prosecutor, please provide a summary on the progress we have made so far.”

“Honorable members and delegates of the court, allow me to provide the summary on the progress so far. We have brought multiple evidences, and interviewed countless of witnesses in the bench until this present moment.

Major evidences that was put forth by the prosecution and the investigation included: First, multiple bank transfers to the defendant’s offshore accounts which could be traced back to the Haddock Organization, the defense argued that while her account indirectly received money from the Haddock Organization, they were all sourced from various charities, university lectures, business agreements, and other activities that are all proven to be legal. The sources are proven and legitimate, and no evidence surfaced that indicates direct transaction between the defendant and the Smuggling Ring.

Second, major evidence included testimonies by all captured members of the Haddock Organization, this is rebuked by the fact that all interrogated members of the smuggling ring did not have evidence that could validate their claims.

Third, multiple M.I.A cases when she took her position as Valiant Governor. When pursued by the investigative team and the prosecution, the defense declared their right to privacy as well as providing multiple quotations from the Phoenix Order, the Hammerstarian book of rights and laws.

Various witnesses are also called, an exact 100 witnesses are brought to the stand and interrogated. These include: Lady Francesca Forevermore, Lady D’lena Filla De Xeo, Sir Quincy Williams, Archbishop Renatta IV, Lady Elizabeth Leopardi, Lady Elizabeth Caroline Smith, High Chaplain Holly Golightly Pendragon, Professor Adwin Eliwood Pendragon II, Royal General Mathys Desirée Chronowallace-Pendragon III, Doctor Ronald Trachteten Androvitch Chronowallace-Layton, Captain Falkner Skaya Stonefeather, Emerald Paladin Markus Frederick Stonefeather, Professor Nicholas Sylvain Layton VII, Lady Katia d’Sofia Layton V, Sir William Steele, High Paladin Dietrich Fillo Do Xeo, Marquess Charlie Anglekuss, Sapphire Paladin Hannelore Trump, Oak Paladin Wolfram Strauss, Marchioness Boadicea Le Croft, Ambassador Anatolus Karpov, Vice-Ambassador Draco Dudunovitch, Ambassador Nedward Eygma, General Ambassador Campbell Liu, Vice-Ambassador Felicity Cornwall, Lady Amalia Fatima Ermina, Valerie Marchioness Leony Wangi Yuwono, Castellan Adolpho Remiso, H. Tharwa Mostafa, Copper Paladin Elizabeth Caroline Smith, Lionheart Paladin Geoffrey Lancelot Porter, Blackthorn Paladin Matthew Obadiah Halvorsen, Turquoise Paladin Millicence Leawine, Vermillion Paladin Ridwan Koroma, Papyrus Paladin Niu Xiulan, Aerial Paladin Chicomehuitl Tezozomoc, Ebony Paladin Sulevi Kärkkäinen, Obsidian Paladin Reginald LeClés, and Lady Melissa Foster of the Regal Condottiere. This is by far the highest profile case in the history the Technocracy and the Palatinate over the course of the Court Forum since the famous case of the validity of Kingship for her majesty La Pucelle D’Quintopum, hundreds of years ago. This case also breaks the records, namely being the longest Court Forum case to proceed, being the Court forum with the most witnesses, and so forth. I hereby end my summary.”

“And the case is coming to a close, the statute of limitation is coming to an end.” responded Mason, he tapped his gavel on his palm and went over what has happened.  

“This case has been dragging far too long. The defence, prosecution, and the judge... We have seen all the pieces of evidence.” Thought Serena, “and that is how we have come to know the "truth". But there are people who have not seen them all. And those people do not know the "truth". That truth... It may be what will bring about the miracle in the end.”

“There are no objections this time, correct? Now then, I will end this court!” Stated Mason.

Serena banged her desk and uttered a loud word she had said over and over again in this court.

“I have already told you, Prosecutor. This court does not need any more evidence.” said Mason.

“I am not saying that the court that needs the evidence, Your Honor!” Shouted Serena.

The entire courtroom was in shock, but Mason did not impose quorum.

“Then... you want to show the evidence to a certain individual?” Asked Mason.

“Yes your honor.”

Mason continued to tap his gavel to think, of course, Serena couldn’t wait. Serena banged her desk once more.

“Please, Your Honor!”

Mason wiped his head, and sat back straight.

“Madame. For you to ask with such passion... I will grant you one chance.”

“O….One chance?” thought Serena.

“Please show your evidence to who you think is the right person.” said Mason.

Of course, Tano was the first to shout her objections.

“That's impossible! To turn this situation around in one try…”

“One try. That is all I will permit.”

Amelia threw a smile as she listened intently. Serena caught up to it and decided to present the skills that made her the High Apollonix.

“One chance, alright. The prosecution calls the defendant to the stand.”

Amelia straightened her dress and went to the stand.

“What would you like to show the defendant, prosecutor?” Asked Mason.

“I would like to provide them with this evidence.”

Serena gave a picture to the defendant, and that made Amelia quite wide eyed. She kept it under though.

“Defendant, do you recognize this picture?”

“No, I do not.”

[Image: kQBofgKl.jpg]
“This is a barn in the middle of the woods of Varisha, near the Celestine Sanctuary close to a settlement in the middle of the woods. Anything wrong with it defendant?”

“No, I don’t see what’s wrong with it.”

“I’ll tell you, a lone barn in the middle of the woods that has no livestock, no plants, nothing that indicated a farm. It was a bit too suspicious don’t you think?”

“No, I don’t think its suspicious.”

“Get to the point prosecutor…”

“Well, the barn is in the Condottiere archives. We took note of the coordinates, and found that the barn was indeed Condottieri property. The barn was bought for storage, but its contents wasn’t specified in the database. So the barn was infiltrated by the Condottieri and the F.I.A, it was met with considerable fire…”

“Well, you were infiltrating Condottieri property.”

“The people who protected the barn were not of Condottieri origin, Ms. Amelia, apparently the protectors were not people, they were android machines. Loaded weapons with thermal detectors to kill anyone on sight, when they were disarmed though, a full investigation came into the barn with authorization from the Supreme Commander. What we uncovered was something quite enlightening.”

Serena flashed the screen, and showed the evidences uncovered by Tano. The missing links for everything in this case.

“Here we have video evidence of your involvement and presence in the smuggling ring. Oral contact with members of the organization, in and outside the storeroom. The investigation has successfully recalibrate the pieces of video to several videos reclaimed in the raid. Apparently the perpetrator has successfully cut out tapes that have the defendant’s faces and perfectly taped them together. Such skills with video editing, do you not agree?”


“We did not only found video evidence, we found emails, papers, and every document for the Smuggling Ring all traced to you. We have agreement letters, contracts and papers signed to you. Basically every single evidence imaginable that indicates of your involvement in the case.”

Amelia kept a straight face, undeterred.

“Now the final strike in the hammer. We have fingerprints that indicate your presence in the storage. Your DNA evidence in the barn. Every single evidence pointed to you as the ringleader of the smuggling ring. Now what do you say about that defendant?”

“….. Well I see you’ve been working so hard, but I am afraid that this evidence is not conclusive.”

“I beg your pardon?”

Amelia made a gaze to Alpha.

“Let us have a battle of wits, you and I.”

Amelia looked back at Serena.

“Every evidence is piled up into one place, doesn’t that strike as a convenience? Does that not rule out that someone set the defendant up to become the leader, like every single member of the organisation did before? The perpetrator could just bribe every member of the syndicate to mark the defendant as the ringleader, the emails and letters? Easily forged, it’s so easily forged I actually tried to use a special ink for signing documents. I’ll bet you that those documents do not use the special ink.”

“These videos as well, are they of high resolution prosecutor?”

“…. No.”

“I’m sorry, can you repeat that response?”

“No. The videos we retrieved are not of high resolution.”

“So, for all we know it might be just some other blonde young girl being the leader.” Said Amelia. “I’ll bet you that in order to make them impersonate the defendant, they would wear veils and other outfits. Am I correct?”


“Your silence speaks a thousand words, but I’m only interested in one, ‘affirmative’. I am right aren’t I?”

“…We can’t tell for certain that the figure in the video is the defendant. Without your precious cutouts the video still makes sense right? A video is incredibly easy to replicate.”

“DNA evidence in the barn, my DNA evidence… I sense a tone in your voice when you said that acronym followed by that word. It’s only my fingerprints right?”


“Now fingerprints, easily replicated… You can put the defendant’s fingerprints in this barn. But there are other fingerprints in the barn, and your whole conclusion that I had done this comes toppling down.”

Serena smiled.

“Ha…ha….ha” laughed Serena.

“Did I miss something?”

“Check the transcript, did I mention anything about other fingerprints in the barn?”

“Verify.” Ordered Mason.

“No mentions from the prosecution about such detail.” Said the court secretary.

“Now how would you know that there are other fingerprints in the barn? We have not divulged the information at all.”

“Wouldn’t it be reasonable to assume that a group may have made this play?” Challenged Amelia.

“What makes you say that? In the course of the court we have only indicated the ringleader to be singular.”

“Can’t be just me, there’s a group of people.”

“Now how would you know that? I’ve not said the amount of fingerprints found, what makes you so sure?” Asked Serena.

“Really, a work as intricate as this is could not be done by a single or two individuals. Is it impossible that the investigator that stumbled upon the barn may have been on the ring’s payroll? Someone to lead the investigation to this barn and found all the incriminating evidence?”

“….. I guess I have no choice but to take out this card. Ms Amelia, who do you think discovered the entire facility?”

“Detective Tano?” Guessed Amelia.

“No, it was your bodyguard. A person that acted as the current Supreme Commander of the Regal Condottiere, codename Alpha. Are you saying that he was the organisation’s operative that led you to this path and incriminate you as the ringleader? Would you possibly believe that Alpha was the one who made these evidences and lead us to it in order to frame you as the ringleader?”

“No, I do not. Someone who would incriminate me as the ringleader is despicable and an enemy of the state that would expect the downfall of the Technocracy. Someone must’ve led them to the barn when they were on the train to Broadsword.”



“How would you know that it was Tano and Alpha? How did you know that they were on the train to Broadsword?”


Amelia blew off some steam as if she had let out a cigarette smoke. She smiled at the court, and decided to finish.

“I never thought for a moment that a freudian slip would be the one that caused my ultimate downfall. Bravo all, BRAVO ALL!”

She clapped her hands with a smile.

“Great sport, great sport!” Shouted Amelia

“So, you admit of being the ringleader?” Asked Serena.

“I am not the ringleader, but I am what they call ‘Mama Boss’. An executive of this criminal enterprise.”

The court went into an uproar, and Mason was there to bang the gavel over and over again. Amelia wiped her smile off and looked a tad bit sad.

“Yes, I am the member of this enterprise. I manage all the smugglings as well as the transactions. I even manage the laundry, I managed everything that kept this enterprise afloat while still being the Valiant Governor and my other memberships in organisations.”

“The prosecution........... rests.” Said Serena.

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

It was another night at the precinct. The man in the mask sat down to finally find out about Amelia’s involvement to the case. She had gave a summary to the others, but he knew that there are more to it than meets the eye. His attire was quite dark, unlike before it is instead a black trench coat with a grey sweater and a pair of grey jeans. The light did not flicker this time, and opposite to him is the defendant's chair. There was no glass, there was no guards. The room was more comfortable than before.

The guard escorted the defendant in. The defendant did not wear anything fancy or interesting, just a white jumpsuit for inmates. Her hair is tied, but she had a fresher look on her face than before. Both of them exchanged a smile.

“I see that our little battle of wits has ended. I lose. You win. It... was fun. Congratulations, Aaron.”

“There is something more to it isn’t there Amelia. Let’s talk about your involvement, from the top.”

“After the basil day celebrations I had a visitor at my home. They offered me a good business contract with me being CEO. It was a legal trading company and I see that they have great incentives as well. A great amount of money could be made with me being the CEO, and it had quite a low workload, I had no problems with it, so I agreed to the position. The corporation was known as the Althean Logistics Corporation. Everything went smoothly with me in charge, several paperworks and our involvement in the transport of our state deals. I had a lot of money with me in the job. One day I received the accounting’s report, and something just didn’t make sense. I had to audit the report and in the process uncovered an interesting fact.

The Althean Logistics Corporation was syphoning 40% of its total profits into a certain offshore account which I was able to trace into the haddock organisation. I uncovered this smuggling ring that was cooperating with many governmental and corporate officials around the region who had been using legal trading between nations as a coverup for smuggling contraband. Managing 75% of the total illegal import and export of products in the Technocracy. Of course, when i infiltrated the storeroom, I had every intent in destroying this organisation and everyone who dared to hurt this fine nation.

I was discovered, I escaped without my presence with the incriminating evidence. Unfortunately, when I came home, they already waited for me… They did not eliminate me, they provided information about this organisation instead that still weighed on my head."

“Why is that?”

“L’Priore Solaris… A secret organisation that sprouted with the sole purpose to challenge order and impose full anarchy in favour of the foreign powers of our nation. They challenged the rule of Holy Queen Artroria Saberiée Pendragon which shook the nation, noting that her Kingship would unify the nation and stop the cashflow. The priory has been dividing the nation in secret to satisfy the foreign powers of the old, tracing back their cooperation with neighbouring powers of Quintople, and Artroria is able to take them down. L’Priore Solaris is an organisation that lingered in our history books, even the leaders of the Twilight of the Maelstrom was influenced by them. They have done anything to break up our nation, turn us against each other and greedily take our livelihood with help from foreign powers. They would do anything to advance their agenda, things that no one would believe. Torture and the drink of blood…”


“As it has been witnessed by the court I have not been fully honest about myself for reasons of safety. One of the things that is not fully honest about me is of my membership to the Priory. That is the only thing you needed to know. So when they came to my house and threatened me to advance their agenda with my contacts and reaches of Hammerstarian law, I could not refuse. I have been using my position as Valiant Governor to continue my role in the Haddock Organisation. I knew that most of the money have been going into the Priory but I could not do anything.”

“Why did you not report this?”

“One of the reasons is that if they knew their Valiant Governor had been in cahoots with criminals, as well as being fully aware of my background, the whole nation would collapse. However, that is a reason that I could not support, the primary reason is that I don’t know who to trust. I don’t know wether they are watching me right now. I had to keep my mouth shut in order to protect my friends and family. L'Priore Solaris could do anything, it is easy for them to infiltrate. I was a doll, but I have to be honest with myself, that it felt quite good being in this organisation. Most of the people in this room, I want to protect them from the horrors of the Priory.”

“So you were forced to do this?”

“Yes, I am forced to be a member of the priory. I knew that it was only a matter of time for the whole thing to blow up and investigated, that is why I had kept any evidence of my involvement in said barn. I bribed a couple of individuals to help me with clearing my involvement. Once I finished cleaning the slate, I ordered the FIA and the KICOVE to conduct the surprise audit. Which broke the organisation down, the Priory was nowhere to be seen though, and I know every single member of the Priory who was involved in the organisation was not captured at all.”

“How did you still receive your pay check?”

“We had to syphon everyone’s pay check into small crude chunks of money that could be slipped inside their accounts. My pay check? It was cut to bits and pieces and divided unevenly to various sources. Some of them are from the lessons I provided, the seminars I have done, and other work I’ve completed. They were untracable, and it was made like that. The same system occurred for everyone.”

“Some of them killed themselves right?”

“Indeed, most of the members of the Haddock Organisation are given juicy incentives. Protection, money, healthcare, and so forth. Some of the members join the organisation because they would like to put through their children to university, or their family members to healthcare. If they had ever provided information about the Priory and other nefarious hush-hush organisations, gone, everything, the incentives, the leverage for their families, gone. That’s why they bit the pill, their families are able to keep their incentives.”

“But Hammerstar gives so many leverage to its people.”

“Well, some members of the organisation are not of Hammerstarian origin. Especially the people from other countries in here. I offered them a chance to live here and help them. But they wanted the safety.”

“Who else is involved other than the Priory?”

“I had personally recruited several mercenary organisations. The Black Union, the LieYing and the Londoneir. All of them keeping guard of the organisations interests. Other international governments and multinational corporations also join in the organisation.”

“I see…”

“But there’s something that might want to be investigated further.”


“The Priory had a cooperation with a certain party, most of the organisation’s earnings go to this party. I am not sure what they are cooking up, but I can tell for certain that L'Priore Solaris are completely untraceable at this point. All we can do right now is prepare for the worst. They are bringing huge amounts of firearms, chemical weapons, electronics and everything needed to start a war. They even started to bring cases of uranium below a pile of contraband and smuggling them out to a secure place.”

“Do you know the individual that became their representative?”

“Only a name… Fleur.”


“Yes.. Fleur, does it ring any bells for you?”

“No. It doesn’t…”

“Aaron, I’m sorry that I put you up to this. But how were you so sure that it was me.”

“…Nathan told me, he had told me that you were involved with L'Priore Solaris, and to tell you the truth, I’ve been using the Lie Ying to find out about this organisation. You were quite deep in the place, and the Condottieri are investigating it along with our other allies… But I wish there was more to tell apart from what you’ve just said.”

“But did you think I would have actually done it? Become so despicable to the nation that trusts in my potential?”

“… I want to know the truth, though your skills are far above the average person, though you can cope with such responsibilities, I knew that you didn’t enter this place because you want to, but because you have to… Or not people would be in jeopardy.”

“The priory itself is quite strict around us, they did not divulge a lot of information as well. It was all business, and I’m not sure what they’re planning. But it’s something quite large, and they would need a lot of people for it. They can’t go underground in their plans that’s one thing for sure.” “What about the ruling? I guess you’d like to tell me as well.”

“The court is going to present you with some leverage considering the nature of your involvement and the amount of information you have divulged. But you are still involved with the smuggling ring, and other criminal organisations as well as undertook illicit activities. They’ll put you in the box, but you’ll have some colour for you to play.”

“Thank you for helping me Aaron…”

“If you were there in our darkest times, we shall there for you 100% of the time.”


“Everyone of us, me included… The prosecution would go easy on you if you would divulge full information about the Haddock Organisation.”

“No one must know of my involvement to L’Priore Solaris, for their sakes. Can you please tell them that?”

“They understood, trust me.”

“Thank you for helping me…”

“There’s one thing in my mind Amelia, if you were so keen to not be indicted. Why lead Tano and I to the Barn, why do the audit where you’d know there’s a high possibility of you being incriminated. Why provide so many chinks in your armour?”

“…Maybe part of me wanted somebody to save me from this all consuming madness….. As you did, all those years ago…”


“Tell the others to not worry about me. For I intend to atone for my crimes."

“You’ve had quite a long day Amelia, maybe you should rest.”

“You are right, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow?”

“Soon, I promise.”

The next day, the Commander went to his office in the secret Condottieri base and cleared out several confidential documents and have them safely secured, he made up his room and left no secret documents behind. He had to leave some of his food in his refrigerator, but decided to bring a bottle of soda to be placed inside his bag.

The only thing he had brought with him was a messenger bag filled with several pieces of clothing and documents. He wore a simple white shirt and khaki slacks. The only electronic device he took was his satellite phone, not even codes or secret condottieri gear was at his disposal. The Condottieri base was quite empty that day, perhaps Eirika placed them all in errands, the artefacts of the world won’t go protected by themselves after all. He rode his motorcycle on the way to the Lux Universus, and inconspicuously entered through a series of halls to his destination. A lab sitting deep behind the walls of the university.

“Room 411C4… That’s gotta be it.”

He entered the room and found it to be a bit cluttered and a bit gloomy, soda bottles and mathematical equations grace the interiors of the lab. If anything, it’s more to a slob’s apartment than an actual lab. Nevertheless the workspace is not cluttered, the owner of this lab is quite neat.

“Who’s there?”

“It’s me.”

Then a young woman came out of the deeper section of the lab, an unusual sense of fashion. A slender young woman with waist-length, reddish hair, and dull violet eyes. Her hair, which she prefers to let loose, ranges in ginger shades all the way from mahogany to auburn. Her outfit being composed of a white long-sleeved blue-rimmed dress shirt. Her shirt is tucked into a pair of black shorts on top of black tights, held up by a white belt with a gold buckle. Her red tie hangs loosely around her collar, and she wears a loose khaki jacket that covers her upper thighs, and has black and white straps at the end of both sleeves and the rim which are used to keep the entire jacket on her arms. She also wears a pair of black boots which are partially unzipped and folded down. She pauses for a moment to place at her visitor.

“…It’s been a long time hasn’t it?”

“I felt like it was just yesterday. Of course the perspectives of individuals differ.”

She took two bottles of her favourite soda flavour and passed one to Alpha.

“I’m fasting.” Said Alpha as he placed the bottle on top of the workspace. The young woman nodded.

A genius stood infront of Alpha, a genius who graduated from two universities at the age of seventeen in engineering. But she is not just any engineer, she is a neurological engineer, focusing herself in studying and mastering the inner potential of the brain.  Though continuously overlooked and ignored, her research on the brain's memory retention system has earned critical acclaim in the scientific community.

“What did they say?”

“They did not send me, but they did made an article about your ‘disappearance’.”

“I’d like to hear it.”

“It’s filled with nonsense. Reported to be seen hiking in the Crystal mountains, riding her horse in the copper forests…”

The young woman chuckled.

“Anyone who’s knew you better would know that you’re more secluded than that, more like a zombie.”

“I told you to not call me that!”

“Sorry, Zombie~~”

The young girl threw her soda bottle at Alpha, she may not have much muscles, but she could indeed give a hard throw.

“I guess that’s enough of that…"

“Would you be interested in telling me what’s going on? I mean you called me here.”

“A storm is brewing, I’m sure that you are aware of that. I am aware of the conversation you had with Amelia.”

“My men can handle it.”

“Hmph, A man without fear cannot be wise.”

“Queen Altria.”

“That is what she said to the overconfident recruits. As with you as well.”

“A recruit?”

“In here, you are a recruit.”

“To what exactly?”

“I have received special orders from Caitlin, she informed me of the recent happenings in the region. The High Paladin had asked her to create a response team.”

“Why call me?”

“Because you are amongst the original members of the team, are you not?”

“…….Finally, we rise from the ashes.

“Yes. Aaron, I know it must be hard for you to relive the memories once more, but I need your help in shaping the team. To gather combatants for this specific task.”


“I recall that you wanted to contact me as well? I take that you’d like to continue your training?”

“Yes, the conventional methods could not be used for the upcoming disaster.”

“That justifies the existence of this team doesn’t it? Now are you onboard or not?”

“I will join if she joins.”

“Who…….Ah yes, your wife.”

Alpha glanced at a picture hanging on the wall, a time that would stay on his mind forever.

“People's feelings are memories that transcend time, like you right now…. Her membership to this organisation is also sought after, don’t worry.”


“But we can approach her later, we should conjure up a small team first, some members come to mind?”


“Well then enough chitchat, let’s get to work.” Said the young woman as she placed on her oversized lab coat.


Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

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