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Good Morning Folks from the March of Dimes!!

Good morning folks.

I know that for most of you, you will look in on this and glance at it and go about your day. That is totally okie dokie. Some of you will post heart felt messages and that is cool too. But what I am hoping is that at least one of you will find it in your probably empty pockets and toss a little of those crumbs to a cause that means the world to so many and helps so many more.

On April 17th, 2014 my son, Jeremiah Joel, was stillborn at 5 months. Just because he has wings and a new little sister, doesn't mean that we've forgotten him. This year our aim is pretty high and we hope that you will join us in raising money for this cause so that no family has to endure the pain and loss that My family, and so many other families have.

It was a case of everything going wrong faster than they could fix it. He was fine at one appointment but by the next week, he was gone. We don't know why. I hope that none of you will ever know this type of pain. And for those of you who do, you are not alone.

The sad reality of our society is that loss of a child who has not "lived" is so uncomfortable for people to acknowledge but so prevalent in women who are left feeling like they did something wrong. The devastation that a family feels at a still born or miscarriage is no less horrid then if the child passed at 6 or 13. The March of Dimes is working hard to help those who are affected by this pain and to make it so that no one else has to feel it.

If you can, donate. Share. Spread the world. Chances are someone you know has dealt with this so do it for them!

Thank you all for reading if you got this far. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them here or PM me.

Click the links below to get directed to where you need to go!

The link to our personal page for our event on April 30th is here.

For more information on what the March of Dimes is all about click here.

Our cause is slow and so we are selling Team T-shirts. Now I am very much aware that ya'll can't show up and March with us but if you want to show your support and donate and buy a shirt that would be WONDERFUL!! [Image: clear.png]

Shirts are $12USD and can be shipped anywhere for a wee bit more. So it doesn't matter if you're in Hong Kong or Spain we can get it to you and you can wear it in support of Babies Everywhere!!

Danke [Image: clear.png]

[Image: 48-488951e8ea88894727069229daf9b6b3.jpg]
This is Penguin!!
Nothing Gold Can Stay
Penguins shall one day rule the pie!
And by "pie", I mean "World"!!
Goddess Empress Queen Princess Lady of TSP 
Lilium Inter Spinas // Non timebo mala
I have done a lot of things in the Region in my History.
There's a list somewhere if you wanna go looking. 

Folks! Time is running out!!

Shirts can be ordered via Paypal!! Money can be donated via the link above!!!

Donate to an AMAZING cause and help babies Everywhere!!!
This is Penguin!!
Nothing Gold Can Stay
Penguins shall one day rule the pie!
And by "pie", I mean "World"!!
Goddess Empress Queen Princess Lady of TSP 
Lilium Inter Spinas // Non timebo mala
I have done a lot of things in the Region in my History.
There's a list somewhere if you wanna go looking. 

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