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APC Primaries for the June Cabinet Election



Prime Minister:Roavin 
Minister of Regional Affairs:Spenty 
Minister of Foreign Affairs:Escade 
Minister of Military Affairs:Witchcraft and Sorcery 
Craziest Person:Omega

PM: Roavin
RA: Spenty
FA: Escade
MA: Yuno
C: You know who I'm voting for. Cool
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History

Prime Minister: Farengeto
RA: Spenty
FA: Escade
MA: Yuno
Craziest: Omega

Prime Minister: Roavin
RA: Spenty
FA: Escade
MA: Yuno
Craziest: Omega
Chief Supervising Armchair

APC Primaries for the June 2017 Elections

Thank you for voting. The polls are now closed and now I will be announcing the candidates whom the APC will endorse for this elections.

Prime Minister: Roavin
Minister of Regional Affairs: Spenty
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Escade
Minister of Military Affairs: Yuno
Craziest Person: Omega

As always, you are free to vote for whomever you want; The results will only mean that the APC will endorse that candidate as a party.


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