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Nakari: Because Chairing is Caring

First of all I'd like to thank Drall for nominating me and giving me the encouragement to run. It means a lot!
I came up with this title because I like dumb puns, but honestly it’s grown on me as a representation of the role. From what I’ve heard of the pre-reform role, it’s a bit tedious but essential to the smooth running of government. The kind of thing you’d need to care a lot about the region to put yourself through. The good news: I care a lot about the South Pacific! I’m very aware that my time in the South Pacific is nowhere near as long as the other candidates’. This is partly due to me not being involved in regional gameplay until last year, and partly because I was worried that if I so much as touched the South Pacific with my grubby defender fingers, I’d accidentally subvert it. Recently I’ve realised that it isn’t inherently subversive to contribute and be an active part of something I care about. So - here I am. I want to help this region run smoothly, with high-quality laws, and an Assembly that is accessible and welcoming to all.

What do I plan to do in my term?
  • Establish a system of tags for assembly threads, as suggested by Roavin. Threads will be marked according to their status (for example, [AT VOTE], [DRAFTING], [WITHDRAWN]). This should make the Assembly's progress easier to understand, and will let legislators know what still needs input.
  • If you want to find laws relevant to a certain topic, it’s not easy right now. You have to open up quite a few threads in the MATT-DUCK archives and search with no sign of where relevant laws are. This may be manageable to those familiar with the laws, but it’s intimidating when new. I want to establish a directory that includes summaries and keywords for each law so that it is easy to search. I’ll also work with the High Court to integrate summaries of legal questions and court cases.
  • There are small sections in our laws that are unclear, outdated, or just plain confusing. Mostly these are tiny phrases that don’t seem to impact meaning. Our laws should be clear and understandable, even in the little things. The process for fixing these small mistakes is far less tedious for a Chair than for a legislator, so I would make use of this to perfect our laws.
  • I will be talking to the Legislator Committee to find the best way to integrate the legislator activity checks in the new system. As the Chair is the one counting up votes, it makes sense for the Chair to help the Committee in identifying legislators who don’t have the required votes – we just need to figure out how this will work in the new system.
  • Barring any necessary delays, I will aim to keep the process of making law fast, and respond to seconded motions in the next 24 hours with either a vote or, rarely, with a good reason to postpone the vote. I realise this isn't exactly going above and beyond. Oh well. If I can't be an outstanding Chair of Assembly, I will at least try to be a competent addition to the current rotation.
Why should you vote for me as Chair of the Assembly?
  • I am very active, especially on Discord. I follow Assembly threads well enough to track their progress and to be quick to bring them to vote, and if I don't happen to be quick enough, I am  available daily to be prodded into action.
  • I am enthusiastic! While I’d only distantly dreamed of this role in the past, having a real possibility, no matter how small, has made me quite passionate about wanting to do it.
  • While I am fairly new to the legislature, I have been an officer of the SPSF for almost a year, and am a fellow of the Ministry of Regional Affairs. I am loyal to the South Pacific and see it as one of my homes in NationStates.
  • The Assembly should be welcoming to newcomers so that they can contribute fresh and interesting ideas without being scared off. Being so new, I'm pretty familiar with the ways the Assembly might scare people off. This is one of the reasons I want to create the directory of laws, as I found, and still find, it difficult to know where to look. I believe that making the Assembly welcoming and accessible helps to preserve democracy, which is extremely important to me. 
  • While I don't have any directly equivalent NationStates experience, I do have some real life experience of similar work, and I've always found it quite satisfying to get things in order.
  • I am responsive to criticism and eager to fix my mistakes. I will always be ready and willing to improve and be the best Chair of the Assembly I can be.
I hope you’ll consider voting for me!

At what point should threads in the Assembly Halls be archived? In your answer, please consider the differences between threads concerning passed bills, failed bills, discussions, and whether they were in the public or private halls.

Please give a brief overview of how you intend to use, if at all, each of these discretionary powers:
- Correcting typographical errors, grammatical errors, or formatting inconsistencies
- Delaying votes
- Waiving mandatory debate periods
- Ruling whether an amendment to the Charter or a constitutional law affects the game-side governance

Our assembly occasionally has heated debates, and the use, or lack of thereof, of moderation powers or discretionary powers in these debates are likely to lead to pressure. Please tell us why you think you will be able to reasonably and rationally deal with such a situation.

Do you intend to appoint a deputy? If so, what kind of person(s) are you looking for, and what would you have them do?
[Image: XXPV74Y.png?1]

1. You're at a bar. What's your drink of choice?

2. What's your favorite sports team and why?

3. I think it's without question that humanity will eventually colonize the other planets of our Solar System, starting with Mars. What dynamic do you think this will present to human interaction, and do you anticipate a potential interplanetary conflict between Earth and Mars should that time come? 

4. Do you believe there is value in the metal, mineral, and ice trade that could blossom from the Asteroid Belt and Outer Planets of our Solar System once humanity achieves viable inter-planetary travel and colonization? How do you anticipate that playing into the scenario from Q3?

5. What's your favorite food?

6. What is your favorite emoji?

7. Please post a gif that describes your campaign.

8. Who is your favorite Emperor of the Roman Empire and why?

9. Why?

10. As Chair of the Assembly, you will undoubtedly sit in a chair. Please show me your chair of choice.
[Image: Lj1SunN.png]
Formerly Banned For Still Unspecified "OOC Toxicity"

Thank you for all the thought-provoking questions! Tim, I will reply to yours later today.

At what point should threads in the Assembly Halls be archived? In your answer, please consider the differences between threads concerning passed bills, failed bills, discussions, and whether they were in the public or private halls.

I started writing my answer to my question thinking you must be referring to locking, since I’d never seen an Assembly thread be archived. I then realised that nothing had actually been archived since the Great Council. Since this would be a change from a year and a half of precedent, I’d bring this to the Assembly to discuss first, but I’m going to discuss a system I think would work well first.
The questions we need to ask:
  1. Would it help to archive things? Is the Assembly too cluttered?
  2. Should old threads be archived or locked?
For me, personally, yes, it is a little cluttered, and there doesn’t seem to be a real reason to keep threads from 2016 alive. Compare it to the system for votes, where only things recently relevant are kept unarchived. Maybe for some people there are reasons and I would hear those out first. Perhaps the new tag system will help with discerning what is useful but it can’t help with the sheer volume. Locking has the same issue. Again, we would need to decide together whether any of these are problems.

In an ideal world for me, all public Assembly threads that have been inactive for more than four months would be archived into an Assembly archive, separate from the pre-Great Council Assembly archive. This subforum would be linked to at the top of the Assembly. According to the Sunshine Act, cabinet discussions should be released after eight months unless there’s a significant security risk. Cabinet discussions are clearly higher privacy than the private halls, so I don’t see why the Assembly can’t follow a similar timescale. I would consult with the CRS and Cabinet to determine which threads are too much of a security risk to be archived.

With this system, there would be no difference in the treatment of passed bills, failed bills, and discussions. In a system of locking threads instead of archiving them, the main reason I can see to distinguish them is so that certain threads can later be revived after a period of inactivity. (No active thread should be archived or locked for obvious reasons.) But this revival can be achieved just as well by creating a new thread with a link to the old.

Please give a brief overview of how you intend to use, if at all, each of these discretionary powers:
- Correcting typographical errors, grammatical errors, or formatting inconsistencies

With great joy. I’ve already got a small list of things to fix, including one typo, two formatting inconsistencies, and four instances where a superfluous word appears to have been left from an earlier draft. Any newly proposed legislation will also be corrected if it has these errors. The Assembly will have 3 days notice to ensure that I am not changing the meaning of the law with these corrections.
- Delaying votes

I see this as being necessary in only a few cases. These are if debate is still ongoing; if a draft for an amendment or bill is clearly unfinished, and it has been motioned to vote against the author’s intent; if the draft would be in any way illegal, in which case I’d inform the author and give time to redraft; if the scheduling is such that I’d expect unusually low turnout for the vote if started immediately, for example if it would start just before a real life holiday. I don’t see this as something I’ll do often.

- Waiving mandatory debate periods

If a motion to waive is seconded, and nobody objects, I’ll follow that lead unless for a reason I would delay a vote for.

- Ruling whether an amendment to the Charter or a constitutional law affects the game-side governance

I will look mostly for laws or amendments that directly impact the gameside population, rather than gameside in general – for example the recent amendments on Border Control affect gameside officer powers, but this has no real effect on the gameside (a person about to be banned would be banned no matter who does it), so it was right not to put it to gameside vote. On grey areas I will consult the Local Council.

Our assembly occasionally has heated debates, and the use, or lack of thereof, of moderation powers or discretionary powers in these debates are likely to lead to pressure. Please tell us why you think you will be able to reasonably and rationally deal with such a situation.

I like to think of myself as a reasonable and rational person who can recognise when people are going too far, no matter if they are on ‘my side’ or not. I tend not to get involved in heated arguments, so my reasoning should not be swept away in the pressure. I would look to moderation precedent to find how similar pressure had been dealt with before, and focus mainly on cooling down the situation and sorting out differences before it gets too intense, rather than dealing with the aftermath.

Do you intend to appoint a deputy? If so, what kind of person(s) are you looking for, and what would you have them do?

Not yet. If there comes a point where I don’t feel I can fulfil the duties alone, then I will gladly appoint a Deputy who is organized and detail oriented. I would have them take over the more administrative, objective jobs such as counting votes, if I did not have time to do both these and the more subjective duties – it wouldn’t be fair to hand those to someone unelected.

You're at a bar. What's your drink of choice? What's your favorite sports team and why?

I understand that the purpose of these questions is to establish personality and approachability, but… not all personalities know what drinks and sports teams are! My personality is that I like to sew goats. I’d much rather just have hot chocolate and watch the Great British Bakeoff. I hope I’m still approachable Tounge

I think it's without question that humanity will eventually colonize the other planets of our Solar System, starting with Mars. What dynamic do you think this will present to human interaction, and do you anticipate a potential interplanetary conflict between Earth and Mars should that time come? 

Mars will be colonized by private industry, as government organizations don't seem to have much interest in building that scientific infrastructure so far. I don't think they'll manage to do the complete turn towards utopian in time - both to fix Earth's environment to buy more time, and to use that time to build the scientific infrastructure. I think it's far more likely to be private industry (like SpaceX?) that does manage to reach and begin to colonize Mars. At that point, though, goverments will begin to wake up to the possibility and contribute to terraforming Mars. The main problems will be in energy and food production. Mars just doesn't have that much productive potential without a lot of infrastructure being built first. However there are a lot of nutrients in the soil of Mars - eventually Mars would have food security, using water form the ice caps and nutrients from the soil to fuel vast hydroponic facilities.

The first people to live on Mars will be the super rich who have invested in the private industries. Over time, resources and the richest people will be funnelled into Mars. The Earth's resources will fuel Mars becoming partly independent, but there is just such a greater variety of resources on Earth that they would not break apart completely. Earth would become mostly rural, as the tertiary industries are more in demand on Mars. Current urban populations would either revert to primary and secondary industries on Earth or move to Mars, as industry follows investors to Mars. The divide between Mars and Earth would not cause conflict at first, but would recreate the current rural/urban divide on Earth.

Do you believe there is value in the metal, mineral, and ice trade that could blossom from the Asteroid Belt and Outer Planets of our Solar System once humanity achieves viable inter-planetary travel and colonization? How do you anticipate that playing into the scenario from Q3?

There's value in it, but the most difficult part will be getting the materials and fuel in order to reach the asteroid belt and send materials back. This will probably have to be mined from Earth, or perhaps Mercury. The population will become polarised between primary + secondary industries on resource-rich planets and tertiary + quaternary industries on planets like Mars. 

What's your favorite food?

Tortillas filled with turkey, pork meatballs, salami, onions, garlic, red peppers, tomato sauce, and chillies. Seriously try it. So good.

What is your favorite emoji?


Please post a gif that describes your campaign.

[Image: giphy.gif]

Who is your favorite Emperor of the Roman Empire and why?

Otho. Not because he was good, but because he was interesting. He started off a rich kid without a care in the world, banqueting with Nero until Nero exiled him and stole his wife. He was also pretty feminine and borrowed culture from all over the world. He was a member of the cult of Isis, which basically always wins a thousand points of affection from me, since it's based on rebirth and forgiveness and care. Later he rebelled against Nero along with Galba - Galba became the next emperor, and Otho, frustrated by not being able to inherit power from him, paid the Praetorian Guard to kill him.

After a couple months of ruling, someone else rebelled, but Otho's impatience doomed the army by attacking too fast. When he realised he wasn't going to win the war, he killed himself in order to end the fighting so no more had to die. Or maybe he was just tired of it. Poor guy. I don't particularly model myself on him, or think I share many of his values, but he's fascinating and tragic.


Why not?

As Chair of the Assembly, you will undoubtedly sit in a chair. Please show me your chair of choice.

[Image: portrait-of-a-young-man-sitting-on-a-bal...a1hp6m.jpg]

Bakeoff fan? That's my vote secured!

Sent from my KOB-L09 using Tapatalk
Founder of the Church of the South Pacific [Forum Thread] [Discord], a safe place to discuss spirituality for people of all faiths and none (currently looking for those interested in prayer and/or "home" groups);
And The Silicon Pens [Discord], a writer's group for the South Pacific and beyond!

Yahweo usenneo ir varleo, ihraneo jurlaweo hraseu seu, ir jiweveo arladi.
Salma 145:8

Not to be too much like Tim, but here's my question(s):

You're on an island, deserted with 6 others. You have just enough resources & food to last you all 4 days. What do you do to ensure that you & your group survive?

You have unlimited power for 24 hours region. What do you do with it?
It's casual- Sharikan
The Gameplayer also known as Kangly/Kang/Kangles

Thank you for the questions!

You're on an island, deserted with 6 others. You have just enough resources & food to last you all 4 days. What do you do to ensure that you & your group survive?

First off, sort out the resources we have with us into food, shelter, other essentials, and nonessentials. Ration out the food evenly, and set up shelters. If any phones survived the circumstances that got us there, try using them to connect to the outside world to get help. Probably impossible, but phones can be useful in other ways - if there's GPS, we can work out where we are and the likely hazards we'd have to face, we can use the calculator to help sort out rations, camera to record where resources are. Then evaluate the resources on the island for further food and water and shelter to sustain us for additional time. Have half the people off exploring the island and finding ways to survive, while the rest set up a pyre with the nonessential resources (and possibly wood and grass from the island) to signal for help, draw the word "HELP" as big as possible in the sand, and use reflective surfaces to beam light at passing planes or ships. Our effort would be split between finding and processing resources for survival, and trying to get attention. Trying to leave the island ourselves with a raft would be certain death unless somehow we had GPS and knew land was close enough to reach semi-safely.

I'm assuming you meant that we had brought 4 days worth of food and resources with us - if you just mean there is only that much available on the island, then we'd realise that pretty quickly and funnel all our effort into signalling for help.

You have unlimited power for 24 hours region. What do you do with it?

>: ) Unlimited, you say?

I go into the game mechanics, and apply the feeder + sinker mechanics five times as strong to TSP so we permanently get 70% of all refounded and founded nations. Who needs recruitment? I also tweak how TSP's WA power works - mysteriously, each endorsement is counted twice in our Delegate's vote. I would do this secretly, of course, and maybe the site admins would never find out... evil laughter

Well, it's pretty much the end of the campaign period (though I'll still be around if there are additional questions in the next couple hours, and would love to answer anything especially about my campaign!) Griffin and Omega, you have both been great fun to run against, and I wish you both good luck. I'd be surprised if many voters didn't approve of both of you - it'll be close. Sure, I want to win, I've enjoyed campaigning, and I think I'd be a great Chair of Assembly, but so would either Griffin or Omega.

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