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Full Version: [IC] Crisis in Sporal and Tryus
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Mr President,

I would like to bring the attention of this Council to the deteriorating situation in Sporal and Tryus, successor states to the former Sporaltryus. As many already know, in the past few hours Sporal has attacked the Free City of Erantor and Tryus is carrying out a series of attacks in Tryus. All these actions are sure to prove highly distablising in the Western Continent, and there is a risk that violent incidents and conflict could very well speed to neighbouring countries, like Resentine and Kringalia.

In view of these threats to international security, the Republic of Kringalia suggests that specific action be taken to return a semblance of stability to the former Sporaltryus. Whether this action involves mediation or other more direct methods is something this Council should discuss.

Jeffrey Vale
Permanent Representative
Republic of Kringalia
We condemn these attacks at the highest degree. We wish for the SCO to impose sanctions similar to what they did to Ryccia.

Utavuk Itsuuik
SCO Representative from the Federal Union of Kyrini, Irykia, Siculite, Valivory and the Ryccian Republics
We would however agree on mediating a series of peaceful forums and talks between the two states. At this moment stability is what we needed the most, the issue between Vercopa, Zadiner and Federal Union has caused quite a stir and an all out war between the two states of Sporal and Tryus could lead to a large scale conflict.

With correspondence from Mr. Vale, the Hammerstarian delegation proposes to sit the two countries down and let them talk it out. Direct intervention through military force is the last thing anyone should do.

Senior International Delegate to the SCO
Dee Lestari
Sporaltryus was perhaps one of the most restive nations there was. We do not believe sanctions would be effective. Perhaps there is a nation both Sporal and Tryus would trust to mediate between the two?

Trivvi Ijeksallu
Representative to the SCO
Kingdom of Sedunn
We suppose that its neighbor, Resentine, is perhaps the one that could mediate to the two nations. Resentine and Sporaltryus has undergone through bittersweet relationships in the course of our history, noting as well the fact that both are neighbors had meant that Resentine is the nation that perhaps be the one that could understand the situation the best.

But Broadsword would also like to explore the possible outcomes from the mediation and the conflict that would occur. The Capitol fears that an all out war would ignite in our region and thus ask the cooperation of all SCO member states if such situation happen.

Senior International Delegate to the SCO
Dee Lestari
It has been apparent, that the Sporal states have finally joined together under one banner. Any thoughts on this my friends?

Junior International Delegate to the SCO
Francis Drummond
It may appear so. In a highly questionable manner. Unless it can be determined that the unification is the will of the people and peaceful, Sedunn has no intent of giving it official recognition.

Chancellor Rasmick intends to isolate his country, which means he has no intention of interacting with the outside world, rendering political pressure from the international community pointless. We could jointly declare that his nation will not be recognised even after future opening of the borders unless free and transparent elections are held.

Trivvi Ijeksallu
Representative to the SCO
Kingdom of Sedunn
Any nation outside of the Western Alliance can stuff it. Sporaltryus has lived for thousands of years prior, and it will live for thousands of years further.

O. Rasmick

Self-Appointed Representative to the SCO

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Rasmick has no permission to speak before this council and will be escorted out.

Tunne Revvalu
President of the Southern Council
Karnetvor agrees with the Sedunnic delegation's stance on the matter. Some days ago, we released a communiqué explaining our stance, and is basically the same. We will not grant recognition to the new regime unless free, fair, and transparent elections are held.

Anna Wong
Permanent Representative to the Southern Cooperation Organization
Federal Republic of Karnetvor