The South Pacific

Full Version: Sam for Delegate (Sorry for the boring title)
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Hey everyone! Happywide For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Sam, your friendly neighbourhood Australian. I founded my first nation on July 25th 2014, nearly three years ago now. It hasn’t moved from the region since then. I was a bit nervous at first, so I mostly sat around answering issues and quietly watching the RMB, and all the amazing nations having discussions on there. I eventually worked up the courage to start talking myself, and I eventually signed up for the forum in November. I quickly got involved with the fellowship programme and the ministry of regional affairs (MoRA). I soon found myself being promoted, first to Officer, and then to Feir’s advisory council. In April, I found myself being the first elected member of the local council, and then a couple of months later I received a massive shock when Tsu asked me to be his VD for the rest of the term. This was a massive honour, and it was one of the greatest experiences I’ve had on here. After this, I had partial terms on the local council and high court, while continuing to be active in the MoRA. In October I got appointed to the Committee for State Security, or the Council on Regional Security (CRS), as it is now known. I then got elected as Chair of the Assembly. Then in early 2016, it happened. Some call it a crisis, others a coup, I just call it my biggest mistake. I deeply regret that it happened, and I always will, but I have learned a lot from it, and it has made me a better person. Since then, I’ve continued to serve on the CRS, and also served a term as Minister of Foreign Affairs. Since that term concluded, I have remained a part of the ministry, and I have also spent the past year on the advisory council of the MoRA. I have also been active in several other regions, none of which mean anywhere near as much to me as TSP does, but I have gained plenty of ideas and experience that I would like to put to use improving our great region. Becoming Delegate has long been a dream of mine, and with your help, I would like to make it a reality.

The main difference between a Tsu delegacy and a Sam delegacy will be my activity levels. Security and stability is a major part of the delegate’s role, but I see it as being so much more than that. As delegate, I would work with the local council and each cabinet minister to help them with whatever they require, whether that's things like helping Escade with treaty negotiations or a state visit, or helping organise a festival or event with Spenty, or something fun like making Yuno's RO title Queen Moma.
In cooperation with the cabinet and local council, I have a few projects in mind. It has been too long since the lampshade cabinet was last elected, so I would like to hold another election. I'd also like to have RMB awards, and give winners RO powers for a day, or allow them to design the WFE for a period of time.

I would also like to introduce a WA development program. It would involve awards being given out to people who meet certain criteria, like endorsing the delegate and CRS, or endorsing a certain number of people, and having a certain number of endorsements. There would be tiers to these awards, so you would be able to get a bronze award for endorsing a certain number of people, and silver, gold and more awards for endorsing more.
The second part of it would be to have automated telegrams sent out to nations when certain actions are undertaken, to advertise the WA and the development program, to remind them to endorse people when they join the WA, reminding them about the RMB and forum, things like that.

I would need help with doing this by someone with experience and knowledge about coding and programming. I’ve got a concept in mind, I just need assistance with the implementation of it.

This would all increase our influence in the WA. To make the most of this, I would vote immediately on SC proposals that affect us and that I’ve been advised to take a position on by the cabinet. I would also vote immediately on GA proposals by one of our own citizens. I will always follow the regional vote, unless I am advised otherwise by the cabinet. So the next time Omega submits a proposal, I will vote yes as soon as it's up to vote, or if condemn TSP comes to vote, I will immediately vote for against. :p

I would also like to appoint a new, active WA Deputy, who would be tasked with writing a small description about each WA proposal, what it does, and a recommendation of whether to vote for or against it. This would be posted on the forum and gameside, for easy viewing by everyone in the region.

Another thing I would like to do is increase the use of both the RMB and Discord for games and activities. On the RMB, I would like to see frequent games of things like trivia and hangman. On Discord, I would like to have regular karaoke nights and voice chats (everyone is welcome to come along and just listen, if you’re not comfortable talking or singing). I would also like to revive the steam group, and promote it by having regular game sessions.

I would also like to have regular game nights, playing games like Cards Against Humanity, Town of Salem and Tiny Tanks. These games could also be used as a fun way to interact with other regions, as well as having fun with people in TSP.

I will also create an upvote squad. A group of people who will sign up to be contacted, either through telegrams, discord or the forum, and will upvote our dispatches, to ensure that they get more publicity and get viewed more widely to create more interest in what we do.

Basically, I will be really active and will use my experience across the various parts of the region to help out as much as possible. I will use my activity and experience in the regional security apparatus to maintain Tsu’s good work with regards to security. I will work to increase regional endorsement levels and the overall interest in the world assembly. I will introduce things to the gameside, like the RMB awards and bring back activities like hangman, trivia and the lampshade cabinet. I will also create an upvote squad, and have more activities and games take place on Discord. I hope you will all vote for me, but I can rest assured knowing that I am up against two excellent opponents, and they will both do a good job. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask me. Smile Sorry about writing so much, but I feel it was necessary to go through everything.
(07-06-2017, 03:49 AM)Sam111 Wrote: [ -> ]I would also like to introduce a WA development program. It would involve awards being given out to people who meet certain criteria, like endorsing the delegate and CRS, or endorsing a certain number of people, and having a certain number of endorsements. There would be tiers to these awards, so you would be able to get a bronze award for endorsing a certain number of people, and silver, gold and more awards for endorsing more.
The second part of it would be to have automated telegrams sent out to nations when certain actions are undertaken, to advertise the WA and the development program, to remind them to endorse people when they join the WA, reminding them about the RMB and forum, things like that.

I would need help with doing this by someone with experience and knowledge about coding and programming. I’ve got a concept in mind, I just need assistance with the implementation of it.

You're going to need a lot of help on that unless you're already a programmer, the reason TNP and Europeia have been so successful with their WA programs is because the same dude (r3n) gave them the tools. Both regions also have Eluvatar's tarting tool last I checked. I encountered that problem trying to enhance the WA in Lazarus, but even there I had Elu's tool.

Assuming you can't find a tech genius willing and able to create such a system, or you can't convince TNP/Euro to share what options will you look into then?
We do have some gifted programmers here, and both TNP and Euro are treaty allies, so I'm hopeful with both cases there. If neither of those things were able to work out, I would look to see what else other regions are doing and look to use other strategies.
The main thing which will happen, regardless of the success of any other programs, is the appointment of a WA Deputy/Advisor, who will actively promote WA proposals gameside, using the RMB, dispatches and WFE. I would then also work with the LC to promote exchanging endorsements, having discussions about it on the RMB, and advertising it to the wider RMB community. I would also send occasional telegrams regarding the subject, and look at rewriting the welcoming telegram.
Sam: Can you explain a little bit about how you see roles/responsibilities of various elected officials in the region — especially in relation to the delegate?
Basically, I see the elected official being in charge of their respective area, and responsible for setting the direction. My role would then be to help them follow that direction, what that would actually look like is entirely up to each official, but I'd like to be the person they can come to when they need something. I also have my own ideas, as highlighted in my campaign, and will continue to have more, but it's ultimately up to each official to decide which ideas are implemented, and the final form they take.
Hi Sam, I reckon you'll make a great delegate (not an endorsement, yet) but I really must state my disappointment at you claiming to be the TSP resident Australian. I and many other's I've talked to using discord or the RMB are proud Australians. Australians are not simply a stereotype. We are a proud nation and though I often joke about my country, I am Australian. I know I may not have the same influence on the region, or even activity on NS. But I insist that you are not the resident Australian, but simply a resident Australian.

(Maybe we can all be resident Australians Smile)

Anyway good luck.

Aussie Aussie Aussie!!!

Oi! Oi! Oi!

EDIT: This is a joke.
What is one thing that you've really enjoyed doing in TSP whether as a official position or even just as a member of the community?

Your campaign envisions the delegate as far more active and engaged - what is the most important new thing you want to do as delegate and why?
As the potential in-game region's figurehead, what are your game-side credentials and how do you think the greater RMB community perceives you?
Sorry about the delay, something popped up over the weekend.

(07-07-2017, 07:33 PM)Escade Wrote: [ -> ]What is one thing that you've really enjoyed doing in TSP whether as a official position or even just as a member of the community?

Your campaign envisions the delegate as far more active and engaged - what is the most important new thing you want to do as delegate and why?

I'd have to go with either my time as Vice Delegate, I loved working with Tsu and had a great time, or my time in the MoRA, that's my real passion in the game and what I enjoy doing the most.
It's hard to pick out one thing that's more important the others, they're all rather important, but I'll go a bit outside of the box with my answer, and stick to where my passion lies, and say I want to work on having more activities and games, fun things like that. First and foremost, this is a game, and I feel that it's most important that people are able to have fun. Of course things like developing WA activity and working with each elected official to help them where needed are very important, too.

(07-08-2017, 04:16 PM)Roavin Wrote: [ -> ]As the potential in-game region's figurehead, what are your game-side credentials and how do you think the greater RMB community perceives you?

I have been, and continue to be, quite active there. I've served two partial terms on the LC, and half a term as VD, with a bit of a focus on the gameside.
I'd like to think that I'm seen as being active, friendly and helpful, but it's really hard to know what other people think of you, so hopefully I'll get to find out for sure in a few days time. Of course, not everyone is going to love me, since I try to moderate the RMB, and not everyone enjoys getting their quintuple posts suppressed. :p
It is with pleasure that I, as Vice-Chair of the APC, and on behalf of the APC, endorse Sam111 for Delegate!