The South Pacific

Full Version: Man in the High Palace
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In an alternate world, the nations of the world in the Great War carved out their own Empires for the purpose of their own national destinies. It has been 70 years since the war was won. The Ryccian Empire stands mighty in the world, and so do other states. But times may indeed be changing. Can the Emperor and the Imperial Council keep imperial glory in place? Or is the world breaking free?

The intro may be shitty, but, eh.

So, here's the premise: five empires rule the world. These five empires shall be determined by the first five persons (myself included) who post their interest. Those who are interested but are not one of these five empires can RP as insurgencies in their own nations.

Let's see who is interested.
An alternate Frost Empire is eager and ready to expand their borders
The Imperium of Pax Dracon wishes to begin a new era of expansion, harkening back to the glories of the mightiest lords and ladies of the Imperial House, and perhaps even try to hold the other empires in check.
signs up as FiHami, an aztec-esque hawaiian empire
The Harm-Gord Empire flexes its muscles.
I'm interested in playing Co-op with Phoenix.
[Image: QKuyY7Z][Image: QKuyY7Z.png]Here is the map.