The South Pacific

Full Version: Map of Aurora
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Map of Aurora

Welcome to Aurora - the classical fantasy canon set in a medieval era of the South Pacific.
The map below shows the various nations located in Aurora (Land of Sunrise), its many peoples and races.
Unlike in other TSP-canons you do not only have the opportunity to claim a plot and build a player nation (PN), but you can also cooperate with other roleplayers by creating co-player nations (CPN). Additionally to that there are also non-player nations (NPN), which the community may flesh out together later down the line and also provide an autonomous location for everyone, who wants to solely focus on story-telling and character-building.

We have not set firm rules for this canon right from the start. Instead we want the community to develop this canon naturally, which means we are open to changing the initial rules, instructions, design, etc.

[Image: kS8vz7e.png]
Aurora - Last Update: 27 February 2021 - 1 toor = 1 km
Draft: | Creator:
Click to enlarge

Do you want to participate?

If you are interested, scroll down and read the instructions on how to be added onto the map. Upon making your claim, you may continue introducing your nation, people or character here

If you are new to roleplay in general, please take a look at this comprehensive guide.
Getting on the Map

Before you are eligible to be added to the map, please make sure to read the current rules for the map of this canon below.
The cartographer reserves the right to disregard any application not in compliance with the rules.

After that you can reply to this thread by using one of the application forms on the bottom of this post.
You know, that you will be put onto the map, when the cartographer likes your application and does not ask any more questions about it.

If any rules are unclear to you, please do not hesitate to ask.

Claiming Rules

You have three options to join this canon's map:

1) claiming your own plot (maximum freedom in worldbuilding)
2) co-claiming a plot with other players (for playing together)
3) adding a nomadic/minority people.

You are currently only allowed to claim a maximum of one plot. There are no activity requirements.
A co-claim with another player also counts towards your total number of claims.
There are no restrictions on the number of nomadic or minority people you can add to the canon, however be reasonable. It is advised to get in contact with other roleplayers of this canon on TSP's Discord server. Maybe someone else already had an idea for a people, kingdom or story line similar to yours. This might open opportunities to cooperate and create a more streamlined canon.
If you add a nomadic tribe or a minority people, you can add them either to your own nation, to a NPN, a CPN or another player's nation. If you place your tribe or people in a nation of another player, please make sure to get consent from them beforehand.

Application Forms

Once you have read the rules and decided on what kind of claim you want to make, please fill out the form(s) below with the requested information.

Your own Plot/Co-Op Plot
Players: (only mandatory, if you claim a co-op nation)
Name of Nation:
Coat of Arms: (Optional)
Capital: (Optional; if applicable define the name, location and whether there is a castle)
Customisation: (Optional; Cities, castles, names of rivers, ...)

Nomadic/Minority People
Name of the nomad group/people:
Location of the group/people:
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