The South Pacific

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Looking for nations interested in being official TSP helpers.

The Ministry of Engagement of The South Pacific is looking for nations who would be willing to be official "helpers" within the ministry. Duties would include being the guides for new nations and to teach them the fundamentals of Nationstates and how to get the greatest benefit out of citizenship in our region; The South Pacific.

Candidates for this position would be provided with written guidance in how NS works and talking points on what the different programs are within The South Pacific. You should have good communications skills, a high level of patience and tolerance, the ability to seperate your gameplay persona from the helper role and a willingness to communicate through telegrams, RMB messages or Discord chat with a new nation.

It is anticpated that you would get no more than 2-4 new nations to mentor at any one time and that the guidance you provide will last no more than a few days.

For you, it gives you access to the most current updates on what is happening in the region and recognition as taking an official role. You will make new friendships that may last beyond the mentorship.

If you are interested please send a telegram or Discord mesage to Nyxonia. Once we develop a list of a few helper candidates we will have a discussion where you will be provided materials.

The helper program is an effort to formalize the existing voluntary efforts of many people on the Regional Message Board and Discord to offer assistance to newly founded nations. What this does is to create a structure to what advice is given, when and by whom. Right now there can be a great deal of mis-information or emphasis is given on the wrong things too early and it misdirects new players to esoteric areas of gameplay that may not be that rewarding.

I am not the great-expert on exactly what to say, when and in what format but I wish to pull together the best practices of a great many contributors to make something that we all can use.