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Legal Question (interpret the meaning and application of a law) (Else-World) The Second Resentinian Civil War

The Kingdom failed to win the Civil War. 100 years of blood and turmoil amounted to nothing as the forces of the Southern Corporate Alliance marched into Theron. King Claudius was executed in the Royal Square mere days after the city was captured. The age of monarchs was over, and greed swept across the land.

An oligarchy was established, the country run by only the most rich and powerful. Anyone who resisted the power of the Corporations was eliminated. The rich competed among themselves, creating secret alliances, assassinating each other, committing corporate sabotage. Anything to make sure they were at the top in the Oligarchy.

Renaming itself the Corporate People's Democracy of Resentine, the country went on an imperialist craze, starting with the reconquering of Baliish(which was taken by Royalist Rebels), and causing a 10 year war with Sporaltryus, ending in 2014 with Sporaltryus having been completely conquered. Resentine left the country in early 2015 however, deciding to use it as a testing ground for their nuclear weapons, covering the entire country of Sporaltryus in atomic fire and radiation.

However, a beacon of hope remained. The Region of Anton was never invaded, leaving the last Regent to inherit the Throne. Anton and Cochise Islands now stand as fortresses, almost impenetrable, serving as the small chance that one day, the monarchy would return, and save its citizens from the the darkness that now plagued Resentine...    
Phillip K. Braddock sat silently at his desk in the Regent’s Mansion. The paper that sat in front of him was passed through the Assembly with relative ease and silence. Every member of the Assembly knew what this would mean, and all of the blood spilled in the aftermath. A necessary evil, he thought, as he looked over the bill, checking to make sure everything was correct and ready.

As he read over it, he thought about the events of 40 years ago. So much happened then, there was little you could do then. Phillip was only Colonel in the Royal Guard at the time. The sudden surge by the Southern Corporate Alliance was unexpected. They ransacked Theron, burned the Royal Palace. Killed his King. Destroyed his country. He remembered loading onto boats at the shores of Barden, with the Corporatist Army not far behind. The fear he felt in and around him. It’s time to change history. He picked up the Red Phone on his desk, and dialed the number 1. The Phone was answered with a simple, “Yes, sir.” before the other end hung up.

He signed the bill, making it a proper declaration. He stepped out of his office, telling the guard outside, “It’s time.” Phillip and the Guard walked out of the Regent’s Mansion, to the Regent’s car, and proceeded to the Assembly Building. One the way there, Phillip thought about Claudius’s final words to him. "It was never my destiny to save Resentine. The duty was always yours, my friend. Go. You have far greater work ahead than you will ever imagine.”  He thought, I have not failed you today, my king.

His door opened. Phillip stepped out to look upon the Building. It stood as a symbol to what the Royalists sought, almost mirroring the old Royal Palace from the outside. He walked into the building, escorted by two guards, and went to the Assembly Hall. As he stepped in, the semi-circle shaped room was filled with representatives, military officers, and advisers. He heard the voice of Assembly Speaker Gidenhiemer over the loudspeaker, “Representatives, members of the Cabinet, the Regent of the Kingdom of Resentine.” Phillip walked toward the center of the room, waving at the members the crowd. He stepped up to the center podium, and shook hands with the Speaker. He then leaned in towards Gidenhiemer’s ear, and whispered, “This is it.” Gidenhiemer winced back for a moment in shock, but, after a second of thought, realized that this was the right move to make. He backed away from the podium, sitting in the Speaker’s seat, which was just above it. Phillip moved up to the podium, and cleared his throat.

"Representatives and Cabinet members, it is my honor to speak to you today. 40 years ago, I was in shock after the Corporatists sacked Theron, and murdered our great leader Claudius in cold blood. That will forever go down as one of the darkest days in our history. However, We did not surrender to the Corporatists then, in our Darkest Hour, and we most certainly will not surrender now. Freedom, not only for ourselves, but for all Resentine, stands at stake should we ever surrender. So, we have been building the last 40 years, training our troops, rebuilding our numbers, preparing for ourselves for the day we free Resentine from the oppression and tyranny incurred under Corporatist rule. That day has come. We will no longer stand idly by while the Corporatist torture and kill our brothers and sisters on the mainland!  No longer will they be allowed to slaughter the citizens of Resentine like pigs! It’s time to show what they’ve feared in their dark hearts all along! We will rise up, we will fight back, and we will take back what we lost 40 years ago!” Applause overtook the room. Phillip checked his teleprompter, just to make sure he got the next part right.

“As we speak, the First and Second Marine divisions are landing at Barden, from where we retreated so long ago, and the Fifth Battle Group has destroyed the Corporatist Northern Carrier fleet. And so, the time is now, brothers and sisters, the time we return home, and fight to reclaim it! And so, with this declaration, The Kingdom of Resentine hereby declares and renews war with the Corporate People’s Democracy of Resentine!” The assembly applauded, having a rancorous uproar. He motioned from them to settle down.

“And CEO Petrovich. If you are listening to this this, which, I know you are, I’ll see you soon, you son of a bitch.” The Assembly was once again caught in uproar. Re-opening the war was one thing, but, directly insulting the leader of the CPDR was something else entirely. Phillip waved to the crowd one final time before walking away from the podium, surrounded by his Guards. Royal Intelligence reported that members of the CPD Intelligence Service had attempted to place jammers around the Assembly Building to prevent the broadcast from reaching the mainland, but, they were stopped. Checking with his Press Secretary, he confirmed his belief that the Broadcast had reached the mainland. The broadcast was so powerful, that it was on almost every radio frequency, making it almost impossible not to be heard. He traveled back to the Regent’s Mansion, to plan his next move, and try to gather allies.
The news had spread across the world in less than two hours. From Kringalia to Sedunn, The world stood watching, narrowing its focus in on Resentine. From the deepest valleys to the highest mountains, the world knew that Resentine was back at war. The Second Resentinian Civil War had begun.

War Map:
[Image: 346coA5.png]
An eye for an eye just makes the whole world go blind.
~Mahatma Gandhi


[Image: ZGoY29c.jpg]
From the Desk of Chairman Mikol Petrovich

To the Assembly and Regent of the Region of Anton

Dear Assembly and Regent,

For your constant crimes against the government of the Corporate People's Democracy,

For your never ending instigations against the proper government of Resentine,

For your direct insult to the chairman of the rightful government of Resentine,

For deliberately disrespecting the proper authority of Resentine,

And for attacking the legal and legitimate forces of the Corporate People's Democracy,

The Region of Anton is now recognized to be in full rebellion against the Corporate People's Democracy. Any and all persons associated with the Region of Anton and her rebels, shall be deemed a traitor of the Corporate People's Democracy, and sentenced to death by hanging.

God save the Chairman.
An eye for an eye just makes the whole world go blind.
~Mahatma Gandhi


[Image: 2szHtUW.jpg]
Union of the Soviet Socialist Ryccian Republics

To: The Regent of Anton
From: Aaron Kircosly, President of the USSRR and General Secretary of the Supreme Soviet


Greetings from the Soviet Republic of Ryccia,

We have heard that Resentine has fallen to an imperialist, fully capitalist pigdog corporate state. As a communist state, we cannot stand that.

Even though we despise monarchies, we have an offer: Rescue your nation from the clutches of full capitalism, if you allow some communist elements and communist parties.

Thank you for your time,

Hon. Aaron Kircosly
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


A madman sat on top of the Hammerstarian, he sees a great barbaric nation that he rules as its sole warlord. A nation where its military is strong, its people war hungry, and its nation divided. The madman kept these psychos and pirates in line, if an income would flow, he needs to keep what very little order he has.

He took a book and burnt it in the fireplace to keep warm, the entire nation is literate, but hates the very idea of books and knowledge. The only thing they needed to know is how to fight, how to pillage, and how to act. He had thought on wether there is an alternate world where Hammerstar has and cherishes everything the madman had gone against in here.

A nation of barbarians and bandits, illicit activities from pickpocketing to raiding an entire village at the neighbouring state has actually contributed to the crumbling treasury. When he heard that pig Ryccia is actually negotiating with that slut known as Anton, he had heard that perhaps a war is going to start, and he'd best prepare his men, for there are many things to pillage in a war. He plans on fuelling the tension to create even more friction in the region, but how? He thought about it, and called the Priory for their suggestions.

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

TO:Aaron Kircosly, President of the USSRR and General Secretary of the Supreme Soviet
FROM: Regent of Anton, Phillip K. Braddock

Mr. President,

While you may only have been aware of our situation as of our broadcast, our nation has been occupied for almost 40 years. We have only gained enough strength recently to attempt a reclamation effort. However, any assistance is significantly appreciated. The Kingdom has never restricted political parties, and would welcome the input of any Resentinian Communists that seek to create a Communist Party. And we also have several Social Policies, and plan on adding more in a post-war enviroment. Once again, I emphasize that any and all assistance is appreciated.


His Excellency, Regent Phillip K. Braddock


First Marine Division - South of Barden, Resentine
"Second Squad, push up!", Sargent Demler shouted as explosions landed around him. The First and Second Divisions had been pushing forward against the Corporatist Forces for almost 12 hours. Each of the squads in his Platoon took shifts dealing with the onslaught of the Corporatist troops, with each squad leaving a trail of bodies in it's wake. Demler was amazed that they'd been able to make a push like this against the Corpies. I guess they really didn't see us coming. A mortar round exploded about 10 meters to his left, catching him off guard for a moment, with him hitting the ground hard. Smoke seemed to be all around him, but, he got back up and kept charging. Delmer's father was in the Royal Army, and had always dreamed of returning to the family home in Charon. He wasn't about to let his father's dream go. And so, Delmer, his squad, and the First Division, charged into the smoke and the night, fighting to take back their home...
First Armored Division - South East of Mt. Zorov
The AMX-40's rolled off of the landers with relative ease, leaving tread-marks in the sand as the sped off north east toward Echenston. Captain Artyom Bagrov was placed in charge of his first section, codenamed "Jolly". That was a mere understatement to how he felt. His family had served in the Royal Military for 6 generations, and it was his great honor to do so again, even under the circumstances. He opened up his tank's canopy, and looked out at the massive formation of armor, everything from Armored Personnel Carriers to Mobile Artillery Pieces. It was a glorious sight. His Father would have been proud. He ducked back down into his tank as the Division traveled up the coast, destined to reach Echenston.
An eye for an eye just makes the whole world go blind.
~Mahatma Gandhi


The priory had insisted the dictator to plant several insurgents in Resentine to cause havoc. Several people have been planted in Resentine to start an underground group. It is their goal to imprint Ryccia as the enemy. A war would certainly be lucrative for the Hammerstarian people. Terrible suicide bombings shall be the main method to trigger a full scale war.

What should be the encore to this entire thing? Trap the CEO like a mouse with a ton of explosives? Burn theron in flames? He only wanted chaos, a place so that maggots could thrive. A crazed laughter was heard from the castle.

What's next? Intoxicate the Resentinian army? Easy picking for his pirates perhaps… Alcohol is one of the closest friends the madman has. He sat down for a while, thinking on his escape route. But took those thoughts away, and proceeded to the courtyard. An execution of 500 anarchists is in place, "fear must creep into the hearts of everyone, all must fear the priory." he thought.

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

Unconfirmed reports suggest that Royalist Armored forces have entered the Zorov Mountian Range.
An eye for an eye just makes the whole world go blind.
~Mahatma Gandhi


The Union of the Soviet Socialist Ryccian Republics has declared its undying support for both socialist and communist resistance against the "imperialist, extreme capitalist pigdog Corporate Republic" and to the Region of Anton. Troops will be sent in, if the Region of Anton allows it. We will be also searching socialist and communist rebel groups inside non-Anton territory, in order to help and arm them.

If Anton allows it, a naval invasion of Renis can be fufilled with the 6th Soviet Naval Fleet.
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


A simple telegram arrives at the President's office. It says, "You are authorized. - Braddock"
An eye for an eye just makes the whole world go blind.
~Mahatma Gandhi


Upon approval of Braddock, the 8th and 10th Soviet Armies landed in Anton, a few days later. They numbered 150,000 troops if united together.

Meanwhile, by not crossing the Kringalian Strait but by rather taking a turn towards north of the Western Continent, and crossing to Anton-friendly waters without the Corporate Republic ever noticing by avoiding their forces, the 6th Soviet Naval Fleet arrived at Anton, and secretly reported to the Region's officers, They then proceeded to invade the Region of Renis with 100,000 troops from the 5th and 7th Soviet Armies.

Their primary objective was to invade and secure the Region of Renis, and a secondary objective was to keep invading territory, only if it was possible.
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


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