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Hileville and Imki for TSP

You asked for 'em so here they are! Come grab our brand new campaign badge and show your support for #HileImki


[Image: Uy6Tvaj.gif]

Is it true that you(Hile & Imki) plan on opening up the right to hunt and kill citizens when you get into office?
An eye for an eye just makes the whole world go blind.
~Mahatma Gandhi


(11-20-2015, 01:46 PM)Resentine Wrote: Is it true that you(Hile & Imki) plan on opening up the right to hunt and kill citizens when you get into office?

Only inactive ones and it will be limited to the first Thursday of every month. You will also be required to get a license from what will be the Ministry of Hunting Affairs.

*Hides rifle and whistles nonchalantly.*

[Image: Uy6Tvaj.gif]

*picks up blowgun*

My time to shine! Happywide


With voting set to begin soon, I wanted to take a moment and thank all those that have been active during this election cycle. Without involvement from the region we wouldn't be here. If anyone has any further questions we are here to answer them. We will be having a party in #HileImki on IRC throughout the voting period. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs campaign committee is footing the bill for all the drinks and food you want.

Remember to vote #HileImki at the polls!

Good luck!

(Post 1000!! Yay!)
I am Zadiner/Zak. Part of Assembly, some other stuff, Founder of some other region.
Hey, I have a bunch of issues. You don't need to care.
Emoji of the week:  :dodgy:

Because I love sweeping in at the last minute:

Questions for both of you:

Internally, what do you see as TSP's biggest flaw; not necessarily something you can fix (it doesn't have to be a problem; it could be something we just deal with, if you understand what I'm saying).

There are many that don't want to sign up to the offsite forums. Would there be a theoretical way of boosting Gameside participation? What in your opinion are the limitations of doing so?

In your joint campaign, it was mentioned about opening talks with other GCRs, namely TWP. Do you believe TSP is internally ready to put it's 'foot out the door' right now, or is there some internal problems to think about first; or are we as a region able to focus on both (if you believe there are issues)?

Questions for Imki:
When you first started NS and became active in TSP, was there anything that jumped out at you that made you go ''Oh, that doesn't seem right.''?

What do you believe is the main task of a Vice-Delegate Cabinet wise? What do you want to focus on personally during your term?

Can you fufill the duties of Chair of the CSS adequatly, given you have less experience in Gameplay and R&D? Or, more specifically, do you understand what the CSS is and how it operates?

I have a hypothetical for you:
I believe it is safe to assume you and Hileville agree on many aspects when it comes to leading TSP.
However, there is the possibility of debates within the Cabinet itself about unforseen circumstances, say a Foreign Affairs issue. Will you back up whatever your Delegate's ideas are, even if you don't agree with them; or would you follow what you believe is best for TSP, even if that means arguing against the Delegate's stance?

Questions for Hileville:

What do you believe is the main task of a Delegate Cabinet wise? Some say a Delegate should moderate and guide the different ministries, while others point out the Delegate should have a more active role in the various aspects of TSP, what are your thoughts on that?

Since you have more experience in Foreign Affairs and have been around longer than your Vice counterpart, will you split the ministries up between the two of you, or are you both going to focus on the ministries as a whole?

Which ministry do you think would need the most focus this term? Which one the least? Why?

Looking at the current polls in the election; do you think with a relatively fresh Cabinet we can achieve your goals? Do you expect some 'stumbling out the gate'? Someone also brought up an interesting point about newcomers and how the bigger players in the game act to newer inter-regional faces. Do you think that will come into play when we try to reach out to the other regions?

Thank you for your time Smile

Feirmont Wrote:Internally, what do you see as TSP's biggest flaw; not necessarily something you can fix (it doesn't have to be a problem; it could be something we just deal with, if you understand what I'm saying).
That is a good question.  I believe that our biggest flaw is low involvement from the in-game region.  We haven't been successful at showcasing what we have to offer. 

Feirmont Wrote:There are many that don't want to sign up to the offsite forums. Would there be a theoretical way of boosting Gameside participation? What in your opinion are the limitations of doing so?
We will never get all 6,300 nations involved on the forums.  However, I do believe that we can do a better job and promoting what is going on in the region and offering in-game programs and events to provide recognition to nations that aren't involved on the forums.

Feirmont Wrote:What do you believe is the main task of a Delegate Cabinet wise? Some say a Delegate should moderate and guide the different ministries, while others point out the Delegate should have a more active role in the various aspects of TSP, what are your thoughts on that?
I think I generally fall somewhere in the middle of those two beliefs.  The Delegate should be the leader of the Cabinet and be active in providing a general direction for the region.  However, they also need to be willing to let the individual Ministers have the ability to develop their own Ministries.  I can tell you that I will be active in getting the projects we have laid out in our campaign up and running. But in order for that to be successful we will need the support of the entire Cabinet.

Feirmont Wrote:Since you have more experience in Foreign Affairs and have been around longer than your Vice counterpart, will you split the ministries up between the two of you, or are you both going to focus on the ministries as a whole?
It is important to me that Imki be able to gain a lot of experience as Vice Delegate.  I think the best way for us to do that is work together.  So we won't necessarily be splitting up who does what with each Ministry.   We will be looking at things on a case by case basis and our main focus will be how can we best help in the specific situation.

Feirmont Wrote:Which ministry do you think would need the most focus this term? Which one the least? Why?
That is a tough question.  I am confident that we will have a great Cabinet that will be able to carry out the duties of their Office without any problems.  I don't foresee any specific Ministry needing a huge focus from us.  But that can change based on what happens throughout the term and what the Minister is and isn't comfortable with.  Our campaign does have a lot of Regional Affairs items in it.  So you could say that we will be heavily focused on enriching the regional experience.

Quote:FeirmontIn your joint campaign, it was mentioned about opening talks with other GCRs, namely TWP. Do you believe TSP is internally ready to put it's 'foot out the door' right now, or is there some internal problems to think about first; or are we as a region able to focus on both (if you believe there are issues)?
It is important that as a region we are able to focus on building our external relations while ensuring we are solid internally.  Internally we need to focus on crushing the cliques that have formed.  I recently talked to a new nation that hadn't signed up on the forums because they felt that certain groups were focused on fighting each other for control of the region.  That isn't good when someone new to NationStates gets that feeling.  We need to fix that by truly coming together as a region and focusing on what we are all here for.  That is to make TSP a better place.  We used to be able to claim that we were a very welcoming region and I think we have lost that.  It is very important to fix this now.  But we can't stop interacting with the international community either.  TSP has previously went down the path of isolationism and it ended up in a coup.  I don't want that to happen again.  We have the ability to be the leader among the GCR's.  That is where I want to see us.

Feirmont Wrote:Looking at the current polls in the election; do you think with a relatively fresh Cabinet we can achieve your goals? Do you expect some 'stumbling out the gate'? Someone also brought up an interesting point about newcomers and how the bigger players in the game act to newer inter-regional faces. Do you think that will come into play when we try to reach out to the other regions?
I think having new faces in the Cabinet will be a very good thing for us.  The only stumbling I would expect is the figuring out how to work together phase.  It is going to take time and a lot work to build up the region and really become that leader in the GCR's.  You have to start building the foundation now and I know we can do that.  People in NS definitely tend to steer toward who they know and who they can work with.  For some regions we will benefit by having a well known Delegate.  Others we will benefit from having  a fresh face dealing with them.  But to me the most important thing is having a Delegate that is willing to defer to the member of the Cabinet that handles whatever aspect of the region they were approached about.

(11-23-2015, 11:09 PM)Feirmont Wrote: Internally, what do you see as TSP's biggest flaw; not necessarily something you can fix (it doesn't have to be a problem; it could be something we just deal with, if you understand what I'm saying).

I think personally what I see as the biggest flaw is the lack of interest from the Gameside community, we have over 6000 in the region Gameside but so few cross over and get involved in the other aspects. As a feeder it's bound to happen, not everyone is interested in much beyond what they've signed up for and that's fair enough but I think if we want to really get fresh blood into the political side then we need to get them interested in doing things with their region mates in the first place. Becoming part of a community makes you want to have your say in it.

(11-23-2015, 11:09 PM)Feirmont Wrote: There are many that don't want to sign up to the offsite forums. Would there be a theoretical way of boosting Gameside participation? What in your opinion are the limitations of doing so?

It is tricky, people have all kinds of reasons for not wanting to join the forums but I think non-traditional ways of getting us all doing things together could really help boost Gameside integration and bring our whole community closer. Many people already have and use Steam so I think this is a good start, other things like the radio if done right will help keep them up to date in a more interesting format and I'd really like to get as many other nations involved as possible too. The limitation of people just not being interested in joining and socialising with the rest of the community will always be a problem but by expanding the range of things we can do together could help bring that interest I think.

(11-23-2015, 11:09 PM)Feirmont Wrote: In your joint campaign, it was mentioned about opening talks with other GCRs, namely TWP. Do you believe TSP is internally ready to put it's 'foot out the door' right now, or is there some internal problems to think about first; or are we as a region able to focus on both (if you believe there are issues)?

I see no reason why we can't look both internally and externally, the current Cabinet candidates are promising, with a good, active and devoted team I think we can do both. There are always improvements that can be made internally but that doesn't mean we should ignore our foreign relations.

(11-23-2015, 11:09 PM)Feirmont Wrote: When you first started NS and became active in TSP, was there anything that jumped out at you that made you go ''Oh, that doesn't seem right.''?

When I first joined TSP my first thought was ya needed a graphics revamp. Tounge I wasn't that interested in the political side at first so nothing particularly jumped out at me. When I started getting involved I wanted to help out, I didn't know much about the region but I knew I liked drawing and TSP was lacking in pretty pictures haha. It's made me a lot of connections, first time I spoke to Hile was about the FA logo I believe.

(11-23-2015, 11:09 PM)Feirmont Wrote: What do you believe is the main task of a Vice-Delegate Cabinet wise? What do you want to focus on personally during your term?

From the outside the position of Vice doesn't seem to have to do a lot besides accept citizen applications but I see my task as more than that, in the Cabinet I really want to get the other Ministries involved with our media projects as much as possible and see what other ideas they have to use the new platforms. I also think, as a pretty fresh face to the political side of TSP, I can bring a new perspective to things. While I enjoy having a laugh I can be serious and I am not afraid to speak my mind if I disagree.

(11-23-2015, 11:09 PM)Feirmont Wrote: Can you fufill the duties of Chair of the CSS adequatly, given you have less experience in Gameplay and R&D? Or, more specifically, do you understand what the CSS is and how it operates?

I am less experienced that's true but I am a quick learner. R&D was actually the first thing I learnt when I joined TSP as ProfessorHenn was the first person I spoke to properly in the region and I was curious about what he did as the head of the SPSF at the time. I understand that the CSS act as a barrier/backup by collecting endos and insuring no one passes the cap.

(11-23-2015, 11:09 PM)Feirmont Wrote: I have a hypothetical for you:
I believe it is safe to assume you and Hileville agree on many aspects when it comes to leading TSP.
However, there is the possibility of debates within the Cabinet itself about unforseen circumstances, say a Foreign Affairs issue. Will you back up whatever your Delegate's ideas are, even if you don't agree with them; or would you follow what you believe is best for TSP, even if that means arguing against the Delegate's stance?

Hahaha, if I may be so blunt; I'm looking to be Hile's Vice, not his b***h. Tounge I try to keep an open mind and hear every side of an argument when possible but if I disagree, even with Hile, I will let it be known. I accepted to run because I want to help improve the region for all of us and after speaking to Hile and going over our similar ideas and plans I really think we can do that together! Happywide

Thanks for the questions!
[Image: Uy6Tvaj.gif]

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