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2016 in America

Yeah that was what I was going to do when I write it up tomorrow. It's 10 to 11 here however so it's a bit late for me to write up a big post of info. I just saw it and had to say something to prove that I wasn't just cowering away. Smile
Europeian Ambassador to The South Pacific
Former Local Council Member
Former Minister of Regional Affairs
Former High Court Justice

(03-07-2016, 06:47 PM)Punchwood Wrote: Oh I am looking forward to tomorrow so I can write a full reply. Then you can see the real Bernie Sanders. Oh and for your information I did read his policies on his website several months ago when I supported him, I soon saw sense however.

So... Are you going to somehow prove that Bernie is a one issue candidate and is accepting money from Wall Street? Because I'm sure the media would love to hear from you...
An eye for an eye just makes the whole world go blind.
~Mahatma Gandhi


I'm with Res on this. Besides, as a Bernie supporter, I object to him being called a one-issue candidate, because that simply is not true. Bernie is one of the few politicians in this world that actually tells the truth to the electorate.
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History

I would like to add one thing to Res' argument. Bernie was on the front lines when it came to civil rights and desegregation. He got arrested when he was 21 for supporting desegregation in the University of Chicago. Oh, and how the media is spinning Bernie's use of the word "ghetto" is completely uncalled for. The word "ghetto" came from Europe as a word for the places that Jews lived right before being sent to the concentration camps. Bernie's father's relatives were wiped out during the Holocaust. When I heard that bit in the debate, I'm sure that won the hearts and minds of many viewers. Of course, I was already supporting Bernie, but that bit adds to my support.
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History

I'm surprised we're arguing about whether Bernie is a good candidate when we could be debating the size of Donald Trump's genitalia Tounge
Darkstrait  :ninja:

Former Justice, Former Local Councilor, Roleplayer, Former SPSF Deputy for Recruitment, Politically Active Citizen, Ex-Spammer Supreme, and Resident Geek

"Hats is very fashion this year."


I am Zadiner/Zak. Part of Assembly, some other stuff, Founder of some other region.
Hey, I have a bunch of issues. You don't need to care.
Emoji of the week:  :dodgy:

So Bernie Sanders wants a $15 an hour minimum wage, so that's why he pays his interns $12 an hour! If so many Americans need a wage rise why doesn't he pay his own workers what he thinks should be the minimum wage?

Sanders is against war 100% right? Wrong! In 1999 when the US intervened in Kosovo war Bernie voted for military action! In fact he was in such support of intervention when anti-war campaigners took control of his office in protect he himself ordered for their arrest! One of his advisers resigned because he was so disgusted by Sanders actions.

He would like you to think he is a “fierce critic of the Iraq war,” yet despite this he voted for giving the then President George Bush even more powers to get even more involved in Iraq and Afghanistan. He was such a supporter of the Iraqi war when a Congressman proposed a 35 point document to impeach the then President, Sanders dismissed it as being "impractical."

In 2006 he refused to run as the Democratic Nominee for Senate in Vermont and said he would become “a hypocrite if he ran as a Democrat.” So why is he running to be the Democrat nominee? In fact he really doesn't like Democratic party in 1986 he had a little go at them by saying “the Democratic Party is ideologically bankrupt. Democrats have no ideology. Their ideology is opportunism,” what does that make you Sanders? An opportunist as well it would seem.

He attacks other Candidates who receive money from super PACs. He has for a long time been a real critic of how Candidates can receive large sums of money from these organisations. However Sanders has received over $1 million from a super PAC: National Nurses United. Yet Clinton has received less than half a million dollars from super PACs. Yet Sanders said he would never accept donations as they are corrupt, turns out that's a lie.

One last point, he loves to attack the private sector and one target of his is Uber. He said he had “serious problems” with Uber because it was an “unregulated” company. So that's why all his taxi expenses are for Uber! What's that Sanders, you support traditional taxi drivers? I don't think so.

These are just a few examples of his hypocrisy, there are many more. I can't see how you can say Clinton is a hypocrite yet Sanders isn't when he clear is. Sanders doesn't work for the everyday American, he works for himself.

That is one of the reasons I abandoned Sanders, hypocrisy. There are many other reasons such as being a one issue candidate (I can explain what I mean by that if need be), the unrealistic ideas he proposes and finally his un-electability.
Europeian Ambassador to The South Pacific
Former Local Council Member
Former Minister of Regional Affairs
Former High Court Justice

Hillary Clinton hasn't received only half a million dollars from SuperPACs.
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(03-08-2016, 06:51 PM)Kris Kringle Wrote: Hillary Clinton hasn't received only half a million dollars from SuperPACs.

Hillary Clinton received over half a million dollars just from "speaking fees" at fucking Goldman Sachs, and if you don't know what Goldman Sachs is, I'll let you figure it out on your own.

Her Super PACs have raised, according to Wikipedia, "$57,748,407 as of February 22". About $13.4 million of that has been spent.

That's just this election, by the way.
Darkstrait  :ninja:

Former Justice, Former Local Councilor, Roleplayer, Former SPSF Deputy for Recruitment, Politically Active Citizen, Ex-Spammer Supreme, and Resident Geek

"Hats is very fashion this year."


Don't worry guys, I got this. And Sources Wink

Punch, half of this stuff either has a really good reason behind it(Example: Kosovo), or is absolute crap(Hillary only get 1/2 million from Super PACs). Larger post is in the works, I just don't want everybody getting too riled up.
An eye for an eye just makes the whole world go blind.
~Mahatma Gandhi

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