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Arby-Rhodes: Opportunity and Discovery

[Image: xwlPNQI.png]

Hello, South Pacificans! As many of you already predicated, I will be running for the position of Delegate. But I would like to introduce my running-mate, who many of you also thought was going to make a run for Delegate: Sandaoguo, or better known as Glen-Rhodes! I asked Glen-Rhodes to run with me because he has proven to be very dedicated to the region, and has shown that he is willing to do what's right, regardless of public opinion.

Our platform focuses on building upon the great changes our great region has undergone these past 8 months under Kris’ administration. A lot has happened, and it’s time to capitalize on it!

Our Plan for Action

Activity is our central focus. We want to seek out as many opportunities for engagement as possible, both with our allies, with the on-site community, and with those of you on our own forums.

Mock Trials

One of the first things that we will work towards getting done shall be working with the current panel of judges to create a Mock Trial game. This is something that can interest players who aren’t otherwise interested in legislating through the Assembly, or getting involved in the military, or cutting their teeth in Gameplay politics. Along with just being a fun thing for those interested in being part of the judicial system to do, Mock Trials have two other benefits: they can introduce people into our government, and hopefully get them involved in other areas; and it puts to use our judiciary that isn’t used much, finding kinks in the system and overall making a largely inactive part of the government a source of fun!

Model UNs

We also want to explore a similar idea with Model UNs. The idea of coming together to discuss international issues has already worked for NationStates, and the World Assembly gives a good model of how it can work for TSP. Glen-Rhodes has been involved in Model UN during college, so he has a good idea of how it will work for us. The great thing about this would be that, because we could be discussing real-world issues, a Model UN could be a great opportunity to get involved for those who don’t find NS roleplaying interesting.

South Pacific Regional Games

We also want to work with the newly-elected Minister of Regional Affairs to put on the second South Pacific Regional Games. This was one of the crowning achievements of last term, and we think it will not only be a fun activity for many to enjoy, but also it would help us build cross-regional ties.

Market Street

One more objective of ours is to bring Market Street up to it's full potential. We shall work with whoever is elected MoRA, and any volunteers from the Fellowship Programme to get an economy system set up. By finally rebooting Market Street it will help bring activity and interest to the roleplay section of our forums.

Our Plan Abroad

Our plan for TSP’s foreign affairs has 3 pillars: commitment to the GCR Security Network; emphasizing non-military relations; and defining who we are as a region. While we want to focus primarily on the above agenda to generate activity in our own community, as a GCR we have an inter-regional presence in this game, so we also need to capitalize on the opportunities that flow to us.

There are many regions out there that are friendly to TSP, and many more who could become close friends during this term. We shall broaden our horizons and establish new links with new partners. Although, we can’t forget the importance of our old allies, so we will seek to discover and to create opportunities for engagement with them, along with our new allies, this term.

GCR Security Network

The basic idea of the GCR Security Network is that we should strive to create security agreements with our brother and sister GCRs. We should all be looking after each other’s security, instead of forming rival blocs or outsourcing regional security to User-Created Regions and military alliances. We will work with whoever is elected as Minister of Foreign Affairs to pursue these agreements and to improve relations with other GCRs in general.

Not Everything Is About The Military

Foreign Affairs in our region has long been focused on mostly how treaties and alliances improve our military. Oftentimes, the politics of alliances centers entirely on military gameplay. But there is so much more to NationStates than raiding regions or defending them, which really were accidental byproducts in the first place.

We want to branch out and discover new opportunities. Foreign affairs can really bolster domestic affairs if done right. We want to look at non-military regions and build connections, cooperating to make things like Mock Trials and Model UNs really successful. Roleplay regions like Taijitu and Greater Dienstad could work with us to create roleplays, even engaging in cross-forum roleplays. It’s really an untapped market for TSP that we want to explore.

In addition to roleplaying regions, we think TSP should get more involved in the World Assembly. We have quite a few people with a lot of experience in the World Assembly, who know the inner machinations and the political jockeying that goes into writing and passing resolutions. There are very, very few regions dedicated to the World Assembly, but we should see how these few regions can work with TSP regardless of their size.

Defining Who We Are

The elephant in the Foreign Affairs office this election is going to be what we do now that we aren’t “officially” Independent per legislative declaration. That was a big moment for our region symbolically, but it did not necessarily change who are. We know that, but others do not. The next Cabinet, and the Assembly during this next term, will define who we are for the rest of the game.

We believe in staying the course. TSP is neither a defender region nor a raider region. We are not imperialist, Independent, or neutral. We are TSP. Now, that is really generic, even though it sounds really great and would probably suffice during campaign season. But what it means is that we want to do things that will make us more active, and we don’t want to be limited in that arena.

Independence limited us to what other Independent regions thought was proper. Defenderism would limit us to defending. Raiderism to raiding, and so on. We will work with whoever will work with us. That does not mean there aren’t limits to what we think is acceptable, such as wanton region destruction. It means we want to provide everybody with as many opportunities as possible. It will always be more challenging to walk this path, because there is no clear doctrine to follow that says X is okay, but Y is not, and we need to uphold Z values.

But we are a GCR, and we have a duty to show new players everything NationStates has to offer. That really is the crux of our campaign. We believe the Delegate and Vice Delegate, along with the rest of the Cabinet, have a responsibility to not only our community, but to the game as a whole, in ensuring that The South Pacific is a realm of opportunity and discovery for everybody.

What exactly do you mean by Model UNs and where would they be kept? Keeping in mind some people in NS prefer to just stay in NS and not join the forums.
Europeian Ambassador to The South Pacific
Former Local Council Member
Former Minister of Regional Affairs
Former High Court Justice

Model UNs would have to be done on the forums. Ideally, they would be done in real time, but it's impossible to get that many people online at the same time and stay for hours.

Depending on how cross regional it is, it would be held on these forums or on dedicated forums sponsored by TSP.

As for what they are, it would be similar to regular Model UNs. There would be a scenario and a background given, and the goal would be to address it somehow through either the UNSC or the UNGA, or both, or even a committee like UNEP. People would pick countries to play, and research how their country would act in real life. Then it's pretty much free form from there.

I think a Model UN would be awesome. Smile

The NS World Fair is coming up during this term - what would you like to see in a TSP booth?

What's your favorite moment in your time in TSP and why?
The 16th Delegate of The South Pacific

(11-15-2014, 07:36 PM)Unibot Wrote: The NS World Fair is coming up during this term - what would you like to see in a TSP booth?

One thing I want to be in our booth for certain is a branch of the LB&G. TSP can't host part of an event without the good 'ole Lampshade Tounge

One other thing I want to see in the booth would be an event like "Battleship" from the First SPRG that Escade created. Something that takes strategy and teamwork to beat an enemy team.

(11-15-2014, 08:46 PM)southern bellz Wrote: What's your favorite moment in your time in TSP and why?

My favorite moment would be the South Pacific Regional Games, as I loved the teamwork and comradary shown beteeen teamates during both iterations.

I really like the Mock Trails and Model UN idea. I think that would be a great way to increase activity in the regional government.

you had my curiosity, but now you have my attention. (i wish i could have attached the django unchained gif here but i cant seem to be able to)
King of Haldilwe

Here are some questions:

(For Arbiter)
1. Why are you running for Delegate?
2. You have been in the region for one year now. What would you bring to the delegacy, in terms of skills, policies, focus, etc?
3. How would your leadership style be? Would you be an active coordinator among the different ministries or would you just act as a facilitator for the agenda of each Minister?

(For Glen)
4. Why are you running for Vice Delegate? ('Because Arbiter asked' is not a valid answer!)
5. Obviously being Minister of Foreign Affairs is different from being Vice Delegate, since the latter one has a wider range of responsibilities. Do you think you have the necessary experience and skills to help lead the South Pacific?
6. How would your style be? Would you just wait for the Delegate to assign you duties, or do you want to be an equal partner and help him coordinate the regional agenda?

(For both)
7. Your Plan for Action looks a bit scattered. You have good ideas like Mock Trials and a Model UN, but I would like to know if you have a larger strategy, or more comprehensive plan, to create activity in the region.
8. What do you think of the Fellowship Programme? Should we continue encouraging newcomers, regardless of their citizenship status, to get involved in the region?
9. Undoubtedly there is a divide between the forum and in game communities. Do we need to involve the in game community more in regional affairs? If so, what steps would you take to accomplish that?

10. The GCR Security Network was an important foreign policy objective of the current administration, but kept a low profile ever since the problems we had with the conferences, and the Lazarus-Osiris War. Should it still be our main objective, or should we focus more on building relationships with UCRs who are similar to us, for example?
11. We have a treaty with Balder, and I believe it is our least known treaty. Why do you think that is? How should we address that situation?
12. We have been accused of going defender, even though that is not true, and even when there is nothing wrong with being a defender. Do you think we should respond to that criticism?

13. Many still have the image of the South Pacific as an unstable and drama-filled region. How should we fight that perception?
14. No Cabinet is perfect. What failing has the current Cabinet had, and how should it have acted instead?
15. There are three (maybe even four) other candidates for Delegate and Vice Delegate. Why should we vote for you?

Thanks in advance for answering, and good luck!
Former Delegate of the South Pacific
Posts outside High Court venues should be taken as those of any other legislator.
I do not participate in the regional server, but I am happy to talk through instant messaging or on the forum.

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Nice questions Kris, looking forward to the responses, as they will hopefully clarify a few of the concerns I had with this campaign.

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