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Legal Question (interpret the meaning and application of a law) Darkstrait Civil War

Punchwood is sending the supplies now. We are also sending paratroopers to guard our embassy. They will NOT help in the conflict they will only get involved if rebels attack or try to attack our embassy. We are sending food, water, medicine, weapons and ammunition. We hope these supplies help in the conflict.
Europeian Ambassador to The South Pacific
Former Local Council Member
Former Minister of Regional Affairs
Former High Court Justice

"You got to be kidding me!" shouted Papa Unclepear, angrily crushing the report about the Darkstrait civil war and jumping up from his throne. The generals and secret service officers, lined in front of him,  started sweating, while the Red Jujus on guard awaited for his orders. "How come we did not foresee this? Who was in charge of monitoring the country?" One of the officers, a plump and balding man, timidly raised his hands, shaking almost uncontrollably. Papa Unclepear looked at the Red Jujus and ordered "Bring him to the Self Criticism Room!" While the soldiers dragged the unfortunate officer away, silencing his pleads for mercy with a swift hit on the throat, the Eternal Leader started to instruct his generals about the next moves.

An official statement from the Voodoo People's Republic of Bruuma

We will not leave our ally alone in its fight against the counter-revolutionary insurgents. We are deploying by sea to Darkstrait a full Army division, including tank and heavy artillery battalions, supported by our Navy frigates  and our Air Force attack helicopters and planes. We are also sending a rescue team of Red Jujus to evacuate our embassy personnel.  

Dark powers to the People!
To guard Peace and Socialism!
Brother Unclepear
Dear Leader of the Voodoo People's Republic of Bruuma

Representing also

El Pollo Diablo
Boss Maximo of the Estado Libre Asociado of Puerto Pollo

Chairman Lo Pol
Core Leader of the People's Republic of Kai Fa

Official Update
The situation has fluctuated considerably. On the up side, landings at the docks are about to begin, and our tanks have secured a path through to them. On the downside, rebel forces are nearing Octavo Square and are attacking Embassy Street. Fortunately, the embassies have been mostly evacuated.
The Docks
The small fleet pulled out of the docks at Black Point Military Center. As it entered the Dark Strait, it met up with the fleets from Bonaugure, Sanden, Bruuma, and Ryccia.
"Prepare to dock," the admiral ordered.
The ships' big guns began to fire. Flame rippled across the docks. There was return fire, but from across the strait. The allied ships had forced resistance fighters on the coast to flee or dig in. The warships began to move toward the docks and soldiers grabbed machine guns and rocket launchers. The boats bumped the docks and the men rappelled down the sides quickly. Shots rang out and the more enterprising men dropped crates down before heading down the side, so as to have cover.
Embassy Street
The soldiers were outgunned. They were forced to take cover as machine gun fire erupted from several areas, then had to abandon cover as Tung Sten with rudimentary flamethrowers advanced. Eventually, they fled. The Tung Sten troops advanced cautiously, then began looking around. The commander of the government troops thought to himself: Damn! We left the explosives!
Economic Advisory Building, Octavo Square
The EAB was the tallest building in Octavo Square, and, indeed, one of the tallest in the city. It had been evacuated immediately, but soldiers had set up a field command center in the lower levels. Snipers and machine-gunners had headed to the top, where they began picking off communist troops who strayed from cover. They knew, though, that it was only a matter of time before enough armored vehicles could be gathered up to advance with impunity.
Some of the better snipers had gone around to the other side of the building, where they monitored the wolframist activity. Then they saw that the wolframists had taken Embassy Street. Two of them ran down to inform the commander, leaving one at the top.
The remaining sniper was named William Rincewind. Prior to the Sporaltryan War, he had been an outspoken journalist. However, when he had returned, he had become quieter. Now, he pulled out his binoculars and scanned Embassy Street.
He saw that an explosives cache had been left by the retreating troops...and that some of the wolframists had flamethrowers... and that they were all gathering around the cache...
Rincewind blinked. He knew what he had to do. In one smooth motion, he pulled out his rifle and raised it to his shoulder. He took careful aim and fired.
The aim was perfect. The bullet hit one of the flamethrower fuel tanks, and the resulting explosion ignited the explosives cache.
By the time the smoke had cleared, government troops had retaken Embassy Street and were pushing toward the docks.
The Mule had been lucky. The heavy cruiser had fired on her, but she had managed to get a lucky hit on the cruiser's bridge, causing mass chaos. By the time things were running smoothly again, the Mule had disappeared, and the new orders were to return to Darkstrait immediately to resolve the conflict.
Meanwhile, the Mule had also returned to Darkstrait to join the rebellion. The communist leaders had been glad to see the ship and, after discussion with the Tung Sten, had scraped up a small battle fleet. This fleet then smuggled supplies into the city by night and, in a daring raid, stole fifteen civilian ships. These were then modified for combat and sent to a staging area to prepare for an attack on Black Point.

Darkstrait  :ninja:

Former Justice, Former Local Councilor, Roleplayer, Former SPSF Deputy for Recruitment, Politically Active Citizen, Ex-Spammer Supreme, and Resident Geek

"Hats is very fashion this year."


Ridcully's Office
"More Ryccians are coming every day, sir."
"We can't take them. We're in too bad of shape."
"What should we do?"
"Close the docks to civilian ships. Unless the Ryccians will fight, we simply don't have room for them."
Darkstrait  :ninja:

Former Justice, Former Local Councilor, Roleplayer, Former SPSF Deputy for Recruitment, Politically Active Citizen, Ex-Spammer Supreme, and Resident Geek

"Hats is very fashion this year."


Colonel Desmond Morgan was directing the disembarking operation from the improvised HQ set on the docks, at the moment little more than a perimeter delimited by sandbags and shadowed with a tarpaulin. He felt weirdly happy being in command again: the battlefield felt like home.
“Sir, the Red Jujus didn’t manage to deploy to our Embassy; the helicopters came under enemy fire and are retreating.” “Casualties?” “None. They were able to neutralize heavy machine gun nests and disperse infantry, but then were targeted with RPGs and MANPADs by multiple locations. One helicopter suffered light damages.”  Morgan remained silent for a few moments, looking at the map and thinking frenetically.
He then pointed to the Wolframist-held block right North, the only obstacle between them and Darkstraitian loyalist troops. .  He told his officials” If we can secure this block, we’ll have a corridor open right to the Embassy. We will still risk flanking attacks, but most of adjacent areas are held by unaligned rebels.” He paused and added “We will support our infantry with tanks and IFVs by land. Have the helicopters ready to intervene as soon as necessary. Get the artillery ready too. I hope we can avoid bombardments but they might be necessary” He interrupted as the Bruuman helicopters passed over their head, one of them leaving a thin trail of smoke in the air. “You have an hour to define the plan. Attack will commence in two hours” Morgan ordered “I will see if our allies want to join in”.
Brother Unclepear
Dear Leader of the Voodoo People's Republic of Bruuma

Representing also

El Pollo Diablo
Boss Maximo of the Estado Libre Asociado of Puerto Pollo

Chairman Lo Pol
Core Leader of the People's Republic of Kai Fa

Skotino Steno Docks- Government Area
Capt. Hizzorus ordered his men to land in the docks. As they gained a foothold, hundreds of Ryccian Soldiers were being unloaded. About 10,000 men were unloaded, and more were still coming. Some of them joined with the Embassy Street troops to help.
"Did the troops land?"
"Yes Captain, succesfully"
"Okay, let's plan our next move"
"Hmm, how about we launch an offensive to those areas south of Octavo Square that are held by the Wolframists?"
"No way. We should attack those civilian rebels near the Eastern part of the docks"
"No. We should eliminate the Wolframists near us. The ones who are in front of us?!"
Capt. Hizzorus was deciding.
"Okay, I say we go my way" said the Captain "we will attack the wolframists in front of us"
The Ryccians tried to deploy as many soldiers as possible to the battlefield. They tried to attack. But when they went to the battlefield, something particular happened:
"Oh holy s***! Keep aiming at the tar..."
"Sir, ain't that..." *Visualizes* "Ryccian immigrants?!"
"Well, yes..." BOOM! "Aaargh! Yes, yes they are!"
"What are they doing?!"
The Ryccian Immigrants were fighting on Darkstrait's side. Many held handguns, but some held military weaponry stolen from the Wolframists. They also had mortars and tanks stolen from the Wolframists as well. The fight raged on as the immigrants wanted to be accepted, not kicked out. About 6,000 immigrants were there.
"HOLY F***! They are fighting! I don't like this!"
In the distance, one immigrant could be heard screaming:
"For our survival! Let's go win! For Darkstrait, our probable new home!"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


Some sort of radio signal began sounding on every commander allied with the Government, from Col. Morgan to Archchancellor Ridcully himself, informing the following:

«To all allied forces battling in Octavo Square, Embassy Street and whereabouts: we request you to take distance from the enemy troops to the west of Octavo Square and immediate streets to the south of Embassy Street. The Undermine Protocol is ready to be executed with the permission of Archchancellor Ridcully, only if he commands AYE in the next minutes under this signal. This is Colonel Tristan Liang in command of the Bonaugurean ATD units 203 and 205.

I repeat: we await your permission and our allies taking distance from those zones.»

"Find a way or make one."

Better known as Bon.

Official Message
Despite the brave actions of snipers and machine-gunners in the EAB, the area west of Octavo Square has fallen to rebel forces. Our forces have evacuated the EAB and have primed explosive charges to take it down if it is occupied. A squad of Assassins is still inside the building with the intent of defending it if rebels gain entry. The snipers have meanwhile moved to the roof of the High Court, a more durable stone building that engineers assure us will be far harder to destroy. However, we suspect that the wolframists have gotten their hands on a Haber-Bosch ammonia fertilizer plant, which gives them the ability to produce in worrying quantities ammonium nitrate, which when mixed with a trace of fuel oil gives the notorious explosive ANFO, or when mixed with aluminum powder will explode even more violently.
However, we are glad to report that our forces have seized most of the dock and coastal areas and are, with allied support, bombarding the rest. In addition, we are pleased to announce that all Ryccian refugees who fight for Darkstrait in this war will receive citizenship at its end.
We want to know what Bonaugure has in mind for this attack.
Here is the current situation map:
Communist Fleet
The shipwrights had been busy.
The communist fleet consisted now of the Mule, two stolen, armed, and armored cruise ships, ten similarly modified smaller fishing boats, and about 25 speedboats, each with a machine gun mounted in front and a mortar in back. But the communist forces had, in the dock raid, managed to, in a daring raid, steal a large civilian transport ship and had begun turning her into the fleet's flagship. Massive armor plates had been affixed to her sides, huge cannons had been mounted on her deck, and advanced computers and communication equipment had been hauled up to her bridge. The name Stalin had been painted on her side.
As soon as the ship was complete, it went straight out to the staging area. Once it arrived, Tung Sten aircraft began taking off from various hidden airstrips around the country.
Operation Schwarzmeer had begun.
Darkstrait  :ninja:

Former Justice, Former Local Councilor, Roleplayer, Former SPSF Deputy for Recruitment, Politically Active Citizen, Ex-Spammer Supreme, and Resident Geek

"Hats is very fashion this year."


From the Office of the President

Sporaltryus will conduct high altitude bombing upon all areas west of Octavo Square and north of the Docks. A time-frame will not be provided should members of the government prove to be moles.

Jasper Henn

President of Sporaltryus and Aquica

Ah, the wonders of technology. I'm on Tapatalk!

We will provide Sporaltryus with the coordinates of major Haber-Bosch plants in enemy territory. We urge them to avoid hitting plants in cities with government forces, as the blast will destroy much of the city.
Darkstrait  :ninja:

Former Justice, Former Local Councilor, Roleplayer, Former SPSF Deputy for Recruitment, Politically Active Citizen, Ex-Spammer Supreme, and Resident Geek

"Hats is very fashion this year."


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