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TSP's IRC Quotes

21:51 Kringle challenges Farengeto to a duel
21:52 Farengeto pulls off a mask to reveal he his actually future Kringle
21:52 Kringle: O_O
21:52 Salaxalans: Uh-oh
21:52 Salaxalans: NOBODY STAB EACH OTHER
21:53 Farengeto laughs maniacally and points a gun at Kringle
21:53 Kringle points out that Farengeto could cause a paradox
21:53 Salaxalans: NO
21:53 Salaxalans: DON’T DO IT
21:54 Farengeto rushes at Salaxalans
21:54 Salaxalans: Sad
21:56 Farengeto teleports Salaxalans back in time, destroying himself in the process, with Salaxalans eventually becoming Kringle
21:56 Kringle: O__O
21:56 Salaxalans: O_O
21:56 Bon-mobile eats popcorn
Former Delegate of the South Pacific
Posts outside High Court venues should be taken as those of any other legislator.
I do not participate in the regional server, but I am happy to talk through instant messaging or on the forum.

Legal Resources:
THE MATT-DUCK Law Archive | Mavenu Diplomatic Archive | Rules of the High Court | Case Submission System | Online Rulings Consultation System

That'd have made a good movie.

"Find a way or make one."

Better known as Bon.

11:32 PM <•KringPhone> All otato and no potato make TSP a sexy region
11:33 PM <•Dali> The Sexy Pacific!
11:33 PM <•KringPhone> Happywide
11:33 PM <•tsu> Word.
11:33 PM tsu → •SexyTsu
11:33 PM <•Raven|nest> The Seduction Pacific
11:33 PM <•KringPhone> That needs to go in the WFE
11:33 PM — •Dali swoons at the sexy Del
Former Delegate of the South Pacific
Posts outside High Court venues should be taken as those of any other legislator.
I do not participate in the regional server, but I am happy to talk through instant messaging or on the forum.

Legal Resources:
THE MATT-DUCK Law Archive | Mavenu Diplomatic Archive | Rules of the High Court | Case Submission System | Online Rulings Consultation System

Blue_Wolffles reads TSP forums.
19:48 <Blue_Wolffles> Hey Xoriet
19:48 <Xoriet> =_=
19:48 <Xoriet> I know
19:48 <Blue_Wolffles> Verbal diarrhea
19:48 <Xoriet> AGH

19:48 <TheGrimReaper> for instance, the leader of the Labor Party is ALWAYS someone who is from Labor Right, except for Julia Gillard because she took over from Kevin Rudd who was Labor Right
19:48 <Dali> ugh, do I have to check the forum now?
19:48 <Todd_McCloud> You Osrian you
19:48 <Xoriet> You ass
19:48 <Blue_Wolffles> Heh
19:48 <TheGrimReaper> and the deputy is always Labor Left
19:48 <Xoriet> ;x;

19:48 <Dali> how "left" is Labor Left?
19:48 <Dali> also, the spelling for Labor is wrong <_<
19:49 <Blue_Wolffles> I'm guessing Xoriet is also a person that doesn't enjoy the word "Moist"
19:49 <Xoriet> =_=
19:49 <Dali> LOL

19:49 <TheGrimReaper> It used to basically be every in Labor who wasn't pro-the major Unions
19:49 <Xoriet> I am filled with many negative emotions right now
19:49 <Xoriet> And all of them are directed at EW

[00:03:14] <+ProfessorHenn> Maybe Xor wouldn't enjoy the words "Hot" and "Wet" being used in the same sentence either.
[00:03:36] <@Xoriet> <.<
[00:03:52] <@Xoriet> The negative emotions towards EW have multiplied and I am glaring at Henn.
[00:04:00] <+Blue_Wolffles> Vey nice Tounge
[00:04:02] <+Dali> <TheGrimReaper> party discipline is ridiculously tight in Australia <- We're notorious for party discipline up here
[00:04:13] <+Dali> We train trained seals instead of thinking MPs Tounge
[00:04:20] Xoriet coups Evil Wolf
[00:04:21] <@Xoriet> <.<
[00:04:23] <+Dali> :o
[00:04:27] <+Blue_Wolffles> Kinky
[00:04:52] <@Xoriet> That never seems to achieve the desired effect
[00:05:15] <+TheGrimReaper> xP I wish we had trained seals in parliament - they'd be better at legislating than the thinking MPs
[00:05:25] <+Blue_Wolffles> It only serves to make my forehead a bit hotter and wetter, one could even say moist.
[00:05:36] <@Xoriet> ......
[00:05:38] <+TheGrimReaper> it's rather annoying going into ANOTHER federal election knowing every MP spent their time trying to pick the Prime Minister
[00:06:31] <@Xoriet> So much HATE =_=
[00:06:55] <+ProfessorHenn> "Seductive"
[00:07:16] <@Xoriet> There is nothing seductive about hate
[00:07:25] ProfessorHenn [~Professor@c-66-177-184-210.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] is now known as SeductiveHenn
[00:07:27] <+TheGrimReaper> maybe a bit
[00:07:33] <+Blue_Wolffles> Sexy hate?
[00:07:44] <+SeductiveHenn> "Slurp" and "Sweat"
[00:07:55] <+Blue_Wolffles> *SLLLUURRRRPP*
[00:07:59] SeductiveHenn slurps
[00:08:10] <@Xoriet> I am extremely disturbed by the association of Henn with a word associated with seduction
[00:08:14] SeductiveHenn slurps rather seductively
[00:08:35] <@Xoriet> Ugh
[00:08:45] SeductiveHenn swoons
[00:09:13] <@Xoriet> Both of you
[00:09:46] Blue_Wolffles [Mibbit@209-6-123-59.c3-0.arl-ubr1.sbo-arl.ma.cable.rcn.com] is now known as SeductiveWolf
[00:09:51] <+SeductiveHenn> Wink
[00:10:08] <+SeductiveWolf> Are you... trying to seduce me?
[00:10:23] axis_of_evil [~Joshua@pool-96-248-105-226.cmdnnj.fios.verizon.net] has joined #the_south_pacific
[00:10:23] <@Xoriet> O_O
[00:10:24] NyanServ [nyaaaaaan@kitty.services.esper.net] has set mode +v axis_of_evil
[00:10:42] hobbes [hobbes@Off.With.Their.Heads.PanicBNC.com] is now known as SeductiveTiger
[00:10:48] <@SeductiveTiger> it begins
[00:10:53] <@Xoriet> GAH
[00:11:33] SeductiveWolf giggles
[00:11:34] <+SeductiveWolf> *GIGGLE*
[00:11:59] <@SeductiveTiger> http://cdnph.upi.com/sv/b/i/UPI-55813469...n-1992.jpg
[00:12:07] <@SeductiveTiger> very seduct
[00:12:08] <@SeductiveTiger> much ive
[00:12:17] Dali [~Dali@CPE788df714e5f3-CM788df714e5f0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] is now known as SeductiveDali
[00:12:23] <@Xoriet> ;x;
[00:12:26] <@Xoriet> Dali too
[00:12:27] <@SeductiveTiger> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4DrHK4ErUI
[00:12:27] SeductiveDali winks at Xor
[00:12:33] <+SeductiveWolf> A Tiger, a Wolf, and a Henn all tring to seduce a Fiendishly Adorable Ocelot of Xoriet? Yup, this has accidently become a furry convention XD
[00:12:45] <@Xoriet> D:
[00:12:54] <@SeductiveTiger> We can always get Todd on if you want it to go that route
[00:12:55] <@SeductiveTiger> wolf
[00:12:56] <+SeductiveDali> Xorbutt, you're looking fiiiiine tonight
[00:12:57] <@Xoriet> N
[00:13:02] <@Xoriet> NNNNNNNNNNN
[00:13:23] <@Xoriet> Keep your seductions to yourself
[00:13:42] <+SeductiveWolf> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpqmoBYkQfc
[00:14:08] SeductiveDali slides over to Xor
[00:14:13] <@Xoriet> <.<
[00:14:13] <+SeductiveDali> How you doin' gurl
[00:14:22] Todd_McCloud [~Todd_McCl@cpe-74-141-53-30.swo.res.rr.com] is now known as SeductiveTooooooooooodddd
[00:14:27] <@SeductiveTiger> ^^^
[00:14:29] Xoriet coups Dali in the darkness
[00:14:31] <@SeductiveTiger> Now it's gone full furry convention
[00:14:33] <@SeductiveTooooooooooodddd> Heyyy
[00:14:35] <+SeductiveHenn> o/
[00:14:35] <+SeductiveDali> oh myyyy
[00:14:41] TheGrimReaper cracks his knucles
[00:14:45] <+TheGrimReaper> oi
[00:14:47] <@Xoriet> TGRdad Happywide
[00:14:50] SeductiveTooooooooooodddd arches his eyebrow as it peers over some sensual shades
[00:14:53] <+TheGrimReaper> no seducing xoriet without a luxury automobile!
[00:14:55] <@SeductiveTooooooooooodddd> me-ow
[00:14:58] <@Xoriet> D:
[00:15:00] SeductiveTiger sits on thegrimreaper in his Bugatti
[00:15:16] <+SeductiveWolf> A 1978 Bugatti?
[00:15:32] <@SeductiveTiger> Type 59.
[00:15:49] <@SeductiveTiger> http://ipocars.com/imgs/a/h/n/i/d/bugatt..._3_lgw.jpg
[00:16:16] <@SeductiveTooooooooooodddd> I'll drive my 1994 camaro
[00:16:22] <@SeductiveTooooooooooodddd> it has hydraulics
[00:16:23] <@Xoriet> I will not be sold for a car, TGRdad
[00:16:24] <@SeductiveTooooooooooodddd> girl
[00:16:26] <@SeductiveTooooooooooodddd> you know it
[00:16:33] <+TheGrimReaper> Xoriet: you get to pick the car D:
[00:16:47] <@Xoriet> <_<
[00:16:52] SeductiveHenn grabs the keys to his '69 Mustang
[00:17:08] Xoriet isn't a car person
[00:17:13] <+TheGrimReaper> oh
[00:17:14] <+TheGrimReaper> hmm...
[00:17:18] <+SeductiveHenn> An aeroplane?
[00:17:19] <@SeductiveTiger> http://ipocars.com/imgs/a/h/n/i/d/bugatt..._3_lgw.jpg
[00:17:27] <@SeductiveTiger> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXjXmvy-c34
[00:17:28] <+TheGrimReaper> I mean, there are too many goats, to be honest
[00:17:28] <@SeductiveTiger> ^this
[00:17:29] <@SeductiveTooooooooooodddd> I drive a train yo
[00:17:29] <@SeductiveTiger> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXjXmvy-c34
[00:17:30] <+SeductiveWolf> We could be so gooood togeather, Xoriet.
[00:17:31] <@SeductiveTiger> video of TSP
[00:17:41] <@Xoriet> How? =P
[00:17:51] <@SeductiveTiger> hey xor
[00:17:55] <@SeductiveTiger> wanna coup a gcr
[00:18:15] <@Xoriet> N
[00:18:25] A-Henn [Mibbit@c-66-177-184-210.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #the_south_pacific
[00:18:25] NyanServ [nyaaaaaan@kitty.services.esper.net] has set mode +v A-Henn
[00:18:26] <@SeductiveTiger> nyes?
[00:18:26] <@SeductiveTiger> cool.
[00:18:35] <@Xoriet> No <.<
[00:18:42] <@SeductiveTiger> why
[00:19:12] <+SeductiveWolf> Everyone's doing it. It makes Unibot spew verbal diarrhea everywhere.
[00:19:16] <@SeductiveTiger> I've couped all the gcrs besides twp, tnp, and balder.
[00:19:20] <@SeductiveTiger> I'll show you the ropes of subversion
[00:19:30] <@Xoriet> >.<
[00:19:47] <@SeductiveTiger> Oh and TRR, mostly because TRR isn't worth couping
[00:19:49] SeductiveDali subverts the furries here
[00:20:00] SeductiveHenn jiggles
[00:20:06] <@SeductiveTooooooooooodddd> if subvert means what I think it means
[00:20:06] <@Xoriet> Urgh
[00:20:08] <+TheGrimReaper> I still need to coup Osiris Tounge
[00:20:09] <@SeductiveTiger> no ban button = no coupsies
[00:20:35] SeductiveHenn rustles his feathery scales

I am glowering right now.  Angry
@MallRiva: Pants are like defenders: they stifle all the fun and no one actually wants them around at a party.

<@Zeorus> Xoriet is my favorite fendascum <3

Darkstrait  :ninja:

Former Justice, Former Local Councilor, Roleplayer, Former SPSF Deputy for Recruitment, Politically Active Citizen, Ex-Spammer Supreme, and Resident Geek

"Hats is very fashion this year."


[23:53:49] <+Salaxalans> Someone let me know when/if the drama ever stops!
[23:53:52] Salaxalans [~Salaxalan@] has left #the_south_pacific
[23:53:56] <@QuietDad> Didn't it used to be the VD checked the "paperwork/app" and the CSS checked IPS/masedked?
[23:54:15] <@Hileville> no
[23:54:34] <+Le_Loup_Bleu> Nuts Tounge
[23:54:45] <@QuietDad> Well that set me straight
[23:55:10] <@QuietDad> Never reallly paid attention to that process
[23:55:23] <@Hileville> lol
[23:55:41] <+TAC> In TSP, the drama NEVER STOPS!!!
[23:55:45] <+TAC> Tounge
[23:56:10] <+Le_Loup_Bleu> Watch this next election be a tie too Tounge
[23:56:13] <+hobbes> tac
[23:56:17] <+hobbes> i motion that as new regional motto
[23:56:18] <+Le_Loup_Bleu> But, this time, a three way tie.
[23:56:39] <@QuietDad> Been amazed for years now of a forum that in one thread we have "How do we get new people" and in another thread "Fuck em, lock the doors" been that way forever
[23:56:58] <+TAC> Sounds good to me. While we;re at it, why not change TRR's motto to "We Take Your Trash"
[23:57:07] <+hobbes> Yes!
[23:57:12] <+Le_Loup_Bleu> Isn't that already their motto?
[23:57:13] <+hobbes> TAC, you've found your true calling
[23:57:16] <+hobbes> GCR motto generator
[23:58:01] <+Le_Loup_Bleu> Balder: How the fuck did I end up here?


The members of the Ministry of Regional Affairs try to sit down and be productive in the Ministry Channel....

[23:51:14] Bon-mobile: Are you in the Council now, Sam111?
[23:54:36] Sam111: As long as I beat RON
[23:54:47] Sam111: He's making a comeback
[23:55:38] Bon-mobile: You seem to be winning...
[23:56:05] Sam111: Half way there
[23:56:41] Bon-mobile: But RON has been very popular in these past elections...
[23:59:12] Feirmont starts to sing Bon-Jovi
[23:59:22] Feirmont: WOAH! LIVIN' ON A PRAYER
[23:59:31] Bon-mobile chuckles
[23:59:34] Bon-mobile: xD
[23:59:42] Sam111 managed to restrain himself
[00:00:01] Feirmont: TAKE MY HAND, AND WE'LL MAKE IT A SWEAR!
[00:00:06] Feirmont: *I
[00:00:24] Bon-mobile is containing himself not to change his nickname xD
[00:00:53] Feirmont is now known as Feir-Jovi
[00:01:07] Feir-Jovi: XD
[00:01:21] Bon-mobile is now known as Bon-Jovi
[00:01:25] Feir-Jovi: YES
[00:01:31] Bon-Jovi: Hahahaha
[00:02:01] Sam111 is now known as Sam-Jovi
[00:02:09] Bon-Jovi: IT'S MY LIFE!
[00:02:41] Feir-Jovi: AND IT'S NOW OR NEVER!
[00:02:59] Bon-Jovi: I AIN'T GONNA LIVE FOREVER
[00:04:14] Bon-Jovi: IT'S. MY. LIFE!
[00:04:39] Feir-Jovi: XD
[00:04:52] Bon-Jovi Ok... That's it Tounge

I see the probationary cuts are in place!

Good work, gentlemen. We'll collect our dues when we meet again.

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