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The Sosaniye Trials

During the Darkstrait Civil War, numerous rebel leaders were identified and placed on wanted lists. These rebels were then captured in the conclusion of the war and indicted with various crimes. In addition, the government invited some of the nations that had given the most help in the conflict to send delegations and ambassadors to serve on the juries of the criminals. The location for the trials was eventually decided on as Sosaniye because that city had not been damaged as severely during the war as the other major cities. In addition, it had been under wolframist control for most of the war.
List of Criminals and Their Crimes
Rhen WolframHead of the wolframist independence movement.Second-degree treason
Elf TantalusGeneral in command of the wolframist militia Tung Sten.First-degree treason and attempted murder
Darvien OsmosGeneral in the Tung Sten.Second-degree treason
Polonus IridineAir Marshal in the Tung Sten and instigator of the bombing of Black Point.Second-degree treason
Dr. Joseph MengelLeader of the secret Tung Sten atomic bomb program.Second-degree treason and attempted terrorism
Robert WilhelmHead of the communist militia group Marx's Heirs.First-degree treason
Isil QuintusHead of the communist militia group Red Fist.First-degree treason
Varen IliusHead of the communist militia group People's Hammer.First-degree treason
Marino StarilaAdmiral of the communist fleet. Led the attack on Black Point.Second-degree treason
Glen BruleveLed the Mule mutiny.Third-degree treason and mutiny
Marcus GodfreyBegan the Mule mutiny.Third-degree treason and mutiny
List of Jurors
  • Archchancellor Mustrum Ridcully, ruler of Darkstrait
  • General Samuel Vimes, leader of Darkstraitese forces in the civil war
  • Lavaeolus Ephebia, Head of Foreign Affairs
  • Justice Jonathan Zweiblumen, Chief Justice of the Darkstraitese High Court
  • Havelock Vetinari, secretary to Archchancellor Ridcully
  • General Artio Jackston, chief commander of Black Point Military Center [subject to change]
  • Lydia Sangster, Bruuman representative
  • Crystal Miller, Bonaugurean Representative
  • [not known], Punchwood Representative
Darkstrait  :ninja:

Former Justice, Former Local Councilor, Roleplayer, Former SPSF Deputy for Recruitment, Politically Active Citizen, Ex-Spammer Supreme, and Resident Geek

"Hats is very fashion this year."


Judge Anne Vestrokia will take place as our representative.
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


OOC: Thanks!
Archchancellor Ridcully banged the gavel several times. "This court will now come to order," he announced.
The courtroom went silent.
"We are gathered here to try some of the most heinous criminals Darkstrait has ever known," Ridcully continued. "Some of these men will be tried for high treason against Darkstrait. Doubtlessly some will be found guilty, and others acquitted.
"So let the legal proceedings begin for the first criminal to be tried: Marcus Godfrey, former Assassin and instigator of the infamous Mule mutiny."
Godfrey went pale.
"Charges: third-degree treason, defined as leading a plot to betray the Armed Forces of Darkstrait, minimum penalty 5 years in prison; and mutiny, defined as removing the commander of one's own military force and installing another instead, minimum penalty 10 years in prison."
The trial began with the presentation of camera and voice records showing Godfrey's role in the mutiny.
Darkstrait  :ninja:

Former Justice, Former Local Councilor, Roleplayer, Former SPSF Deputy for Recruitment, Politically Active Citizen, Ex-Spammer Supreme, and Resident Geek

"Hats is very fashion this year."


Sporaltryus sends Sebastian Dunmore as our Judicial Representative.

Ah, the wonders of technology. I'm on Tapatalk!

OOC: Is he the defense attorney mentioned earlier?
Darkstrait  :ninja:

Former Justice, Former Local Councilor, Roleplayer, Former SPSF Deputy for Recruitment, Politically Active Citizen, Ex-Spammer Supreme, and Resident Geek

"Hats is very fashion this year."


OOC: The Best in Sporaltryus. Only one to have fully memorized all five Omnibuses of law.

The cross-examination began.
"You were aboard the military transport Mule at the time of the mutiny, is that correct?" asked the prosecutor.
"Yes, sir," replied Godfrey in a voice that was calm but carried fear.
"We have evidence that you were the instigator of the mutiny," said the prosecutor.
"Play it, then," said Godfrey's lawyer.
The prosecutor activated the projector and pulled down the screen. The room went dark. The projector and speakers began playing security camera footage of the incident.
Commander Harrington lost it. "That is IT! Guards! Escort Captain Bruleve and Corporal Archos down to the detention block!" Then he made a mistake. He put his hand on the butt of his pistol. Fast as thought, the Assassin Godfrey pulled a tranquilizer pistol and shot Harrington in the throat. Harrington clutched his throat and went down.
The guards backed away uneasily. Godfrey trained the dart gun on them, then spoke in a soft but firm tone. "Any objections? No? Good. This is a mutiny. All joining, say aye."
There was a chorus of ayes.

The film cut out and the lights came back on.
"Do you deny committing the crime?" asked the prosecutor softly.
"No, sir," whispered Godfrey.
"Well, then, ladies and gentlemen, it would be quite clear that the defendant is guilty."
Ridcully sighed and banged his gavel. "The jury will now convene to decide whether or not the defendant is guilty, of what, and the punishment."

All nations with delegates on the jury, send me your verdicts by PM using the below code.
Guilty of Third-Degree Treason? Yes/No
Guilty of Mutiny? Yes/No
Darkstrait  :ninja:

Former Justice, Former Local Councilor, Roleplayer, Former SPSF Deputy for Recruitment, Politically Active Citizen, Ex-Spammer Supreme, and Resident Geek

"Hats is very fashion this year."


The verdict has been delayed due to the ejection of the Ryccian judge from the jury. We ask that Punchwood send a representative to serve on the court in replacement, and that their verdict be sent in immediately.
Darkstrait  :ninja:

Former Justice, Former Local Councilor, Roleplayer, Former SPSF Deputy for Recruitment, Politically Active Citizen, Ex-Spammer Supreme, and Resident Geek

"Hats is very fashion this year."


After watching the security film records along with the rest of the present attendees, Crystal Miller stood up and asked for voice, being granted.

"We want to know if you have anything to say about the reasons what triggered your sudden change of mind and the mutiny of the Mule itself" — directed to Godfrey, and continued — "It's evident that you have admitted your guilt in the charges you've been accused of. So, consider this a way to determine a more flexible condemnation."

"Find a way or make one."

Better known as Bon.

Godfrey spoke softly.
"I am a person of intense loyalty and trust.
"But Commander Harrington violated that trust. I had always believed him to be a sensible and level-headed man, but when he lost his temper, I realized that that was an illusion. He had indirectly threatened Captain Bruleve, a man I had looked up to for a long time, and I was not willing to let that happen."
Darkstrait  :ninja:

Former Justice, Former Local Councilor, Roleplayer, Former SPSF Deputy for Recruitment, Politically Active Citizen, Ex-Spammer Supreme, and Resident Geek

"Hats is very fashion this year."


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