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TSP Arena I: Hunger Games - Game Over! Feirmont Wins!

In Short, 7 people enter the arena. Each turn, you get 1 action: Attack, Defend, Scavenge. You have to gather whatever items you can to make yourself stronger, and kill all of the other opponents and be the last one standing.

Items are limited, so you're competing for resources against your opponents.

Do you have what it takes to be the last man standing?


Current Players:

District 1) Doom weapons inc killed Phase 4 by RandomGuy199 and insects
District 2) Escade killed Phase 4 by insects
District 3) ProfessorHenn killed Phase 3 by Darkstrait
District 4) Darkstrait killed Phase 4 by Sam111 and insects
District 5) RandomGuy199 killed Phase 7 by Feirmont
District 6) Sam111 killed Phase 6 by RandomGuy199 and the Red Dragon
District 7) Feirmont is the WINNER!

The entrants are shuffled into a small elevator shaft by their handlers, and the door slams shut. Even though it is glass, the deafening silence isolates them in an instant.

ProfessorHenn looked up the shaft, and saw a small beam of light outside. "Daytime," he thought. "Good."

Darkstrait fiddled with a pin tied to his lapel. It was a pin worn by his cousin 3 years ago, when he died. Perhaps it will bring him great luck... then again, it didn't do much good for his cousin. He sighed. He knew people were going to be gunning for him, his silence at the ceremonies was going to make people not trust him. Perhaps that wasn't the best idea.

Sam111 zipped up his jacket nervously. "Well, if they're gonna kill me, at least I'm gonna take somebody down with me."

The countdown timer started. 10. 9.

RandomGuy199 closed his eyes to try and calm himself. But it was hard with the loud countdown, his heartbeat syncing along with the timer.

8. 7.

Feirmont couldn't control his quivering. He would give anything to be back at home, watching the hunger games on TV. He fought back tears... weakness would not be good here.

6. 5.

Doom weapons inc laughed as he cleaned his fingernails, almost oblivious to the proceedings. His mind was clearly not all there. He was just looking forward to the violence.

4. 3. 2.

Escade tried to remember what she had been taught... she had her strategy all mapped out. She really hoped the arena had what she needed to win this thing. She would know any moment.


The elevator shafts thrust the contestants up, into blinding light. They were completely unable to see while their eyes adjusted.

In a moments time, they could see.

The lights stood red. Nobody was able to leave their pedistal until the light went green.

Feirmont looked around... and the scenery was like nothing he had seen before. A Giant castle lie in the middle of the arena, surrounded by a moat. Draw bridges were on all 4 sides of the castle, leading to a courtyard full of glistening items. Weapons, armor, and more... all piled right in the center. He looked around. Smaller piles could be seen off to the edges, away from the bloodbath in the center. But he knew the choiceist items were going to be there in the center.

A large buzzer sounded.

"Welcome, to the Inagural TSP Hunger Games!" the loud voice of The Kingdom of Fyjbarrzee boomed.

And the light went green.

Arena Effects for Phase 1:


Available Equipment:


Phase 1 Begins. Actions for Phase 1 are due in 24 hours, Tuesday Mar 24th at 12:00 PM EST (noon).

Please PM your choice to the GM.

Players are OK to post![/b]

Actions locked. Write up in a half hour or so. And, why are you guys so quiet?

ProfessorHenn was eyeing the items strewn across the battlefield.  Once the light turned green, he wasted no time and dashed straight towards the pile in the middle.  He quickly snatched up the Spiked Shield and admired its sturdiness.  No one would dare come at him now, he thought.

But what's this?  RandomGuy199 was suddenly rushing toward him.  Instinctively, ProfessorHenn held up his spiked shield, bracing for impact.  But impact never came.  RandomGuy199 had rushed past, picking up the Katana in the process.

On the other side of the castle, Sam111 picked up a shiny belt.  He wrapped it around his waist, clicked the buckle, and pressed the button.  To his delight, a force field enveloped his body offering him some protection.

Escade, Doom weapons inc, Feirmont, and Darkstrait were all so in shock of their surroundings and their situation, they had been paralyzed by fear and failed to gather up anything in the opening moments of the Games.

Suddenly a thick fog rolled into the arena.  The combatants visibility had been reduced.  

Arena Effects for Phase 2:

Thick Fog: No ranged attacks may occur during Phase 2.

Available Equipment:


Phase 2 Begins. Actions for Phase 2 are due in 24 hours, Wednesday Mar 25th at 12:00 PM EST (noon).
Please PM your choice to the GM.

Actions locked. Write-up incoming.

The fog seemingly heightened the paranoia amoung the combatants in the Arena.  But not for DarkStrait.  Not being able to see actually calmed him down and he broke out of his paralysis instantly.  He calmly went over to the pile of equipment and picked up the Fiery Armor and the M16.  Now, he was ready.

Doom weapons inc also appeared to have snapped out of his paralysis.  Still not exactly sure what was going on, he grabbed the nearest weapon he could find: a long spear.

ProfessorHenn was happy to have his Spiked Shield and couldn't decide what else to take.  He milled around for a bit before picking up the Handgun.

RandomGuy199 saw his opponents picking up some defense just before.  He figured he should get some too and opted to pick up the Body Armor.  

Arena Effects for Phase 3:

Normal conditions.

Available Equipment:


Phase 3 Begins. Actions for Phase 3 are due in 24 hours, Thursday Mar 25th at 12:00 PM EST (noon).
Please PM your choice to the GM.[/b]

Actions locked. write-up incoming

End of Phase 3: Blood Spilled

As the fog cleared, the combatants could see clearly again.  Feirmont again saw himself in the Arena with the castle and the weapons just as he had seen it before the fog set in.  It wasn't a dream after all!  He figured he may as well make the best of things, and picked up the Kevlar.

RandomGuy199 was milling around the outside of the castle, looking for more things he could use to get an edge on his opponents.  Lucky for him, he found some Medicine.

Sam111 picked up the Battle Axe.  Now he felt geared up and ready to spill some blood.  

Darkstrait already had blood on his mind.  He looked around for who would be an easy target that he could mow down with his M16.  Poor ProfessorHenn just happened to be clearly in his sights.  Without saying a word, Darkstrait fired a barrage of bullets, instantly killing ProfessorHenn.

A loud boom could be heard throughout the arena, signaling that one of the combatants had died!  Up in the sky, everyone could see ProfessorHenn's portrait and his information:
Quote:District 3: ProfessorHenn: Quick. You are quicker than the rest. When you scavenge, you always beat out anybody else for the equipment.

Escade, still paralyzed with fear, had looked up at the first death.  She suddenly cocked her head toward the woods surrounding the castle.  She could hear the feint sound of humming.  Or was it buzzing?  Suddenly, she could see a large swarm of insects rising up above the canopy line, heading straight towards the center of the arena, right where everyone was standing.

ProfessorHenn has died!

Arena Effects for Phase 4:

Swarm of Insects. Everybody will take 2 damage during the round.

Available Equipment:


Phase 4 Begins. Actions for Phase 4 are due in 24 hours, Friday Mar 27th at 12:00 PM EST (noon).
Please PM your choice to the GM.

Actions locked. Write-up incoming.

End of Phase 4: Insect Swarm

Now that Feirmont had some armor, all he needed was a good weapon.  He opted for the Long sword.

RandomGuy199 was now feeling like a tank.  He was ready to bring these Games closer to their end.  He found Doom weapons inc just putzing around, looking at the insect swarm that was coming nearer to them.  RandomGuy199 raised his katana swiftly and struck down Doom weapons inc without so much as saying a single word or batting an eye.

The insect swarm then came.  The locusts ate away at Doom weapons inc's newly-dead flesh.  RandomGuy199 and Feirmont were able to fend them off themselves.  Darkstrait ducked down and rolled himself into a fetal position; luckily most of the insects passed right over him. "Is it over yet?" he said as the buzzing died down.  

"Yes it's over," said Sam111 who was all of a sudden standing right over him before bringing his Battle Axe down, cleaving Darkstrait clean in half!  He easily resisted the fiery armor that Darkstrait was wearing and then walked through the swarm as the insects were not able to penetrate his force field.

Escade, however, was not so lucky.  Paralyzed since the begining of the games, she could do nothing but watch as the insects swarmed over her body and devoring her unprotected flesh until she was dead.

Suddenly, the loud booming voice of The Kingdom of Fyjbarrzee comes on the loudspeaker.  "Let's make things a little more interesting, shall we?"  And then....dragons.

Doom weapons inc was killed by RandomGuy199 and insects!
Quote:Thief. You are excellent at thievery. When you scavenge, you may also target any equipment currently worn by another player, which will take it from them and give it to you.

Darkstrait was killed by Sam111 and insects!
Quote:Scavenger. You are better at scavenging than the rest. You can scavenge 2 items per turn instead of 1.

Escade was killed by insects!
Quote:Graverobber. When you attack a person, and they are killed, you may take any equipment they have on them and add it to your own. PM which equipment you'd like when you submit the attack.
Arena Effects for Phase 5:

3 Dragons have been unleashed into the arena: Green, Red Black.  Each has 3 attack and 2 defense.  Each turn they are alive at the end of, they attack a random person.

Available Equipment:


Phase 5 Begins. Since the weekend is starting, this phase will last 36 hours with actions being locked at 12 AM, Saturday night at midnight.
Please PM your choice to the GM.

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