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[IC] Federation of Scientific Organizations in the South Pacific

In order to foster international scientific cooperation between the nations of the South Pacific, the United Kingdom of Brutland and Norden would like to announce the creation of the Federation of Scientific Organizations in the South Pacific (FSOSP, Fédération des organisations scientifiques du Pacifique Sud).
This project will be spearheaded by the Royal Nord-Brutlandese Academy of Sciences, in cooperation with the Ministry of Science and Technology.
We would like to invite fellow nations, national scientific organizations, and the governmental scientific bodies to join in the FSOSP, its three dozen scientific organizations, and five Associated institutions.
Introduction to the Organization
The Federation of Scientific Organizations in the South Pacific is an international non-governmental organization devoted to regional cooperation for the advancement of science.
The mission of the Federation of Scientific Organizations in the South Pacific is to strengthen international scientific cooperation for common benefit. It aims to mobilize the region’s knowledge and resource base in order to:
1.       Identify and address major scientific issues of importance to nations of the region.
2.       Facilitate interaction among scientists across all disciplines from the nations of the South Pacific.
3.       Facilitate information and knowledge exchange between scientists and institutions in the South Pacific
4.       Promote the participation of all scientists in international scientific endeavors.
5.       Provide independent, authoritative advice to encourage beneficial dialogue between the scientific community and governments, civil society, and the private sector.
Organizational Structure
Scientific Organizations
The Federation of Scientific Organizations in the South Pacific is the umbrella organization for the 36 specialized scientific organizations covering much of the known scientific fields. Each specialized Scientific Organization is composed the National Adhering Organization relevant to the particular field. A National Adhering Organization can be a professional society, a section of the academy of sciences, or another body representing the scientists in the field.
The 36 Scientific Organizations can be found in this list.
Associated Institutions
The FSOSP also currently has five Associated Institutions, which are inter-governmental organizations concerned in a particular field. The Federation of National Science Academies (SPFNSA, Fédération des académies scientifiques nationaux du Pacifique Sud) is the organization representing all national science academies in the region. Unlike Scientific Organizations (which are composed of organizations of scientists), Associated Institutions are composed of national institutes or government bureaux/departments relevant to the field.
The 5 Associated Institutions can be found here.
The FSOSP is headed by a president, to be elected by the Scientific Organizations, with one organization having one vote.
Contact Details
Federation of Scientific Organizations in the South Pacific
1 Cerchio di Poggio
Cumunoíe, Kingsville EU015
(+1509)(+01) 1446-0000
How to Join
See here.

OOC Note: This is for modern-tech nations or the modern-tech version of your nations. Smile

Scientific Organizations
Federation of Scientific Organizations in the South Pacific (FSOSP)
Fédération des organisations scientifiques du Pacifique Sud

Umbrella organization for the regional scientific organizations.

Formal Sciences

the South Pacific Mathematical Union (SPMU)
Union mathématique sud-pacificaine
Regional federation for mathematicians.
the South Pacific Union of Statistical Sciences (SPUSS)
Union sud-pacificaine des sciences statistiques
Regional federation for statisticians.
the South Pacific Union of Information Science and Technology (SPUIST)
Union sud-pacificaine de science et de technologie informatiques
Regional federation for organizations concerned with computer science, information science, and information technology.


Association of Engineering Societies of the South Pacific (AESSP)
Association des académies ingénieries du Pacifique Sud
Regional federation for engineering societies

Natural Sciences
Physical Sciences
the South Pacific Union of Pure and Applied Physics (SPUPAP)
Union sud-pacificaine de physique pure et appliquée
Regional federation for physicists.
the South Pacific Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (SPUTAM)
Union sud-pacificaine de mécanique théorique et appliquée
Regional federation for organizations concerned with applied and theoretical mechanics.
the South Pacific Nuclear Research Organizations (SPNRO)
Organisations sud-pacificaine pour la recherche nucléaire
Regional federation for nuclear scientists.
the South Pacific Astronomical Union (SPAU)
Union astronomique sud-pacificaine
Regional federation for astronomers and space scientists.
Earth Sciences
the South Pacific Cartographic and Geographical Union (SPCGU)
Union géographique et cartographique du Pacifique Sud
Regional federation for geographers and cartographers
the South Pacific Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (SPUGG)
Union sud-pacificaine de géodésique et géophysique
Regional federation for surveyors, geodetic engineers, and geophysicists.
the South Pacific Union of Geological Sciences (SPUGS)
Union sud-pacificaine des sciences géologiques
Regional federation for geologists.
the South Pacific Oceanographic and Hydrologic Administration (SPOHA)
Agence sud-pacificaine d'observation océanique et hydrologique
Regional federation for oceanographers, hydrologists, and marine scientists.
the South Pacific Meteorological Organizations (SPMO)
Organisations sud-pacificaine pour la météorologie
Regional federation for meteorologists.
Chemical Sciences
the South Pacific Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (SPUPAC)
Union sud-pacificaine de chimie pure et appliquée
Regional federation for chemists.
Material Science Research Organizations of the South Pacific (MSROSP)
Organisations sud-pacificaine pour la recherche sur les sciences des matériaux
Regional federation for material scientists.
Life Sciences
the South Pacific Union of Health Sciences (SPUHS)
Union sud-pacificaine des sciences de la santé
Organization for the scientists in the medical and allied professions
the South Pacific Union for Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (SPUBCP)
Union sud-pacificaine de pharmacologie base et clinique
Organization for pharmacologists and other pharmaceutical sciences.
the South Pacific Organization of Genetic Societies (SPOGS)
Organisation sud-pacificaine des sociétés genetiques
Regional federation for geneticists.
the South Pacific Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SPUBMB)
Union sud-pacificaine de biochimie et de biologie moléculaire
Organization for biochemists and molecular biologists.
the South Pacific Union of Microbiological Sciences (SPUMS)
Union sud-pacificaine des sciences microbiologiques
Regional federation for microbiologists, including bacteriologists and virologists.
Union of Phycological Societies of the South Pacific (UPSSP)
Union sud-pacificaine des sociétés phycologiques
Regional federation for phycologists (algae scientists)
Union of Mycological Societies of the South Pacific (UMSSP)
Union sud-pacificaine des sociétés mycologiques
Regional federation for mycologists (fungi scientists)
the South Pacific Union of Botanical Sciences (SPUBS)
Union sud-pacificaine des sciences botaniques
Regional federation for botanists.
the South Pacific Union of Zoological Sciences (SPUBS)
Union sud-pacificaine des sciences zoologiques
Regional federation for zoologists.
the South Pacific Society for Ecological Studies (SPSES)
Société sud-pacificaine pour les études ecologiques
Regional federation for ecologists.
the South Pacific Union of Paleontological Sciences (SPUPS)
Union sud-pacificaine des sciences paleontologiques
Regional federation for palaeontologists.
Food Sciences
the South Pacific Union of Agricultural Sciences (SPUAS)
Union sud-pacificaine des sciences agricoles
Regional federation for agriculturists and agronomists.
the South Pacific Union of Food Science and Technology (SPUFST)
Union sud-pacificaine de science et de technologie alimentaires
Regional federation for food scientists and technologists.
the Suth Pacific Union of Nutritional Sciences (SPUNS)
Union sud-pacificaine des sciences de la nutrition
Regional federation for nutritionists.

Social Sciences

the South Pacific Sociological Association (SPSA)
Association sociologique du Pacifique Sud
Regional federation for sociologists.
the South Pacific Philosophical Union (SPPU)
Union philosophique sud-pacificaine
Regional federation for philosophers.
the South Pacific Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (SPAES)
Union sud-pacificaine des sciences anthropologiques et ethnologiques
Regional federation for Anthropologists and Ethnologists.
the South Pacific Linguistics Association (SPLA)
Association linguistique du Pacifique Sud
Regional federation for Linguists.
the South Pacific Union of Economic Sciences (SPUES)
Union sud-pacificaine des sciences economiques
Regional federation for Economists.
the South Pacific Union of Societies for the Study of History (SPUSSH)
Union sud-pacificaine des sociétés pour l'étude d'histoire
Regional federation for Historians
the South Pacific Society of Archaeological Studies (SPSAS)
Société sud-pacificaine pour les études archéologiques
Regional federation for Archaeologists.

Associated Institutes

Federation of National Science Academies of the South Pacific
Fédération des académies scientifiques nationaux du Pacifique Sud

the South Pacific Space Agency (SPSA)
Agence spatiale sud-pacificaine

A consortium of the national space agencies dedicated to the exploration of space.
the South Pacific Civil Aviation Organization (SPCAO)
Organisation de l'aviation civile du Pacifique Sud

An organization composed of the government agencies dedicated to civil aviation and aeronautics.
the South Pacific Maritime Organization (SPMO)
Organisation maritime sud-pacificaine

An organization composed of the government agencies dedicated to maritime transport.
the South Pacific Health Organization (SPHO)
Organisation sud-pacificaine de la santé

An organization composed of the government agencies/departments/ministries dedicated to health.

Application Form

[b]Nation Name:[/b]
[b]Name of the National Academy of Sciences:[/b]
[b]Head of the National Academy of Sciences:[/b]
[i]Which of the Organizations would you want to join? (Check appropriate box)[/i]
[  ] Federation of Scientific Organizations in the South Pacific
                [  ] all Scientific Organizations
                [  ] select organizations only (please specify)
[  ] Federation of National Science Academies of the South Pacific
[  ] all other Associated Institutions
[  ] select institutions only (please specify)
[i]Does your country want to host an organization? (Maximum of two per country, colonies may host only one. First come, first served. Hosting also entails being able to nominate the president of that organization.)[/i]
[  ] Yes.
                Name of the Organization you want to host:
                Name of the President of the Organization:
                Address and Contact Details for the Organization:
[  ] No, thanks.


National Academy of Science
Brutland and NordenRoyal Nord-Brutlandese Academy of Sciences
Academio Reala Nordèbrutelliense di Cienzi
Dr. Fiorenzo GarlaschelliFullFSOSP

CeretaniaInstitute of Ceretanian Studies
Institut d’Estudis Cerdans
Dr. Ferran Soms FiguerasFullSPUGS
DarkstraitDarkstraitese Federal Science OrganizationDr. Ponder StibbonsFullSPUPAC
KarnetvorNational Academy of Sciences of Karnetvor
Karnetvorya Natsional'naya Akademiya Sientsya
Kapнeтвopя Национальная Aкадемия Cиьенця
Dr. Stephen MiloševićFullSPUZS
QvaitNational Institute of QvaitDr. Maxwell DavisonFullSPUES
SporaltryusThe National Sporaltryan Academic Institution of the Arts and Sciences
La Nacia Sporaltryan Akademia Institucio de la Artoj kaj Sciencoj
Ms. Dr. Angela SikesFullSPNRO
* Associated Institutes only.



Sample Application
Nation Name: the County of Ceretania
Name of the National Academy of Sciences: Institute of Ceretanian Studies (Institut d’Estudis Cerdans)
Head of the National Academy of Sciences: Dr. Ferran Soms Figueras
Which of the Organizations would you want to join? (Tick appropriate box)
[X] Federation of Scientific Organizations in the South Pacific
                [X] all Scientific Organizations
                [  ] select organizations only (please specify)
[X] Federation of National Science Academies of the South Pacific
[X] all other Associated Institutions
[  ] select institutions only (please specify)
Does your country want to host an organization? (Maximum of two per country, colonies may host only one. First come, first served. Hosting also entails being able to nominate the president of that organization.)
[X] Yes.
                Name of the Organization you want to host: the South Pacific Union of Geological Sciences
                Name of the President of the Organization: Dr. Neus Espelt de Florejacs
                Address and Contact Details for the Organization:
                                Casa Tivissa
                                Passeig de Providència 156
                                Les Corts, Targassona 1000
                                (+104)(+02) 3434-3400
[  ] No, thanks.

Nation Name: Sporaltryus
Name of the National Academy of Sciences: La Nacia Sporaltryan Akademia Institucio de la Artoj kaj Sciencoj (The National Sporaltryan Academic Institution of the Arts and Sciences)
Head of the National Academy of Sciences: Ms. Dr. Angela Sikes

Which of the Organizations would you want to join? (Check appropriate box)
[ X ] Federation of Scientific Organizations in the South Pacific
[ X ] all Scientific Organizations
[ ] select organizations only (please specify)

[ X ] Federation of National Science Academies of the South Pacific
[ X ] all other Associated Institutions
[ ] select institutions only (please specify)

Does your country want to host an organization? (Maximum of two per country, colonies may host only one. First come, first served. Hosting also entails being able to nominate the president of that organization.)
[ X ] Yes.
Name of the Organization you want to host: the South Pacific Nuclear Research Organizations (SPNRO)
Name of the President of the Organization: Mary Cole
Address and Contact Details for the Organization:
Name of the Organization you want to host: the South Pacific Union of Pure and Applied Physics (SPUPAP)
Name of the President of the Organization: Ella Wright
Address and Contact Details for the Organization:

Nation Name: Darkstrait
Name of the National Academy of Sciences: Darkstraitese Federal Science Organization
Head of the National Academy of Sciences: Dr. Ponder Stibbons

Which of the Organizations would you want to join? (Check appropriate box)
[X] Federation of Scientific Organizations in the South Pacific
               [X] all Scientific Organizations
               [  ] select organizations only (please specify)

[X] Federation of National Science Academies of the South Pacific
[X] all other Associated Institutions
[  ] select institutions only (please specify)

Does your country want to host an organization? (Maximum of two per country, colonies may host only one. First come, first served. Hosting also entails being able to nominate the president of that organization.)
[X] Yes.
               Name of the Organization you want to host: South Pacific Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
               Name of the President of the Organization: Professor Ladislav Pelc
               Address and Contact Details for the Organization: 2289 99th Street, Skotino Steno, Darkstrait. Phone Number: 545-211-0930. Webpage: spupac.com Email: info@spupac.com

[  ] No, thanks.
Darkstrait  :ninja:

Former Justice, Former Local Councilor, Roleplayer, Former SPSF Deputy for Recruitment, Politically Active Citizen, Ex-Spammer Supreme, and Resident Geek

"Hats is very fashion this year."


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