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Socialism versus Capitalism - ProfessorHenn - 05-04-2015

Hahaha. Totally a description of them. It'll be like me saying, "Oh, the free market are full of money-hungry, exploitive, people with power everywhere."

Give me a link to their campaign or whatnot, or else, your argument is invalid.

Jasper Henn

RE: Socialism versus Capitalism - Ryccia - 05-05-2015

What campaign? If you mean something like this:

Then this is against everything I stand for. I want to progress, not be held back by society. I will be sad if I don't even try to be something at life, to progress. Ahead. Myself. Not the society.

Suppose there are three farmers. One who worked a lot and got his harvest in quantity, one who worked moderately and got a normal amount of crops, and one who was so lazy that his crops did not even grow, and if the crops even grew, he has few. Now, what should they do?

A. Share and redistribute it among everyone
B. Keep your hard-earned harvest
C. Share a bit, and keep the rest

I would rather go with B.

Socialism versus Capitalism - ProfessorHenn - 05-05-2015

So you'd rather the last farmer died thanks to your greed?

Jasper Henn

RE: Socialism versus Capitalism - Ryccia - 05-05-2015

He was lazy. If you don't work, no food for you!

Socialism versus Capitalism - ProfessorHenn - 05-05-2015

So what if he wasn't lazy? What if he had worked harder than you, with less room, less ability to grow, and therefore received less? Would he still deserve to die?

Jasper Henn

RE: Socialism versus Capitalism - Ryccia - 05-05-2015

(05-05-2015, 11:54 AM)ProfessorHenn Wrote: So what if he wasn't lazy? What if he had worked harder than you, with less room, less ability to grow, and therefore received less? Would he still deserve to die?

Jasper Henn
I would feel sorry for him(if I was one of the farmers), but my priority should be myself, after all. Maybe I could share food and help him get on his feet, but that's my choice. If I don't want to, then its my choice, not the community's.

Socialism versus Capitalism - ProfessorHenn - 05-05-2015

You're right. Make sure you can survive first, and when you know you'll live to see tomorrow, help out everyone else that wouldn't. It's a moral obligation.

Jasper Henn

RE: Socialism versus Capitalism - Ryccia - 05-05-2015

(05-05-2015, 12:03 PM)ProfessorHenn Wrote: You're right. Make sure you can survive first, and when you know you'll live to see tomorrow, help out everyone else that wouldn't. It's a moral obligation.

Jasper Henn
Yes, I would do that.

But the problem with socialism and communism is that the community, not myself, is forcing me to do that moral obligation. That should be my choice as an individual, not the community's.

Socialism versus Capitalism - ProfessorHenn - 05-05-2015

There's a Latin saying that I forgot, but I remember the English translation.

Man is a Wolf to Man.

The individual cannot be trusted to assist his fellow man. The community as a whole must do it.

Jasper Henn

Socialism versus Capitalism - Kris Kringle - 05-05-2015

(05-05-2015, 11:49 AM)Ryccia Wrote: He was lazy. If you don't work, no food for you!

That is a tried, tested and failed argument, not to mention it is a huge disservice to the millions of farmers and low-income families who do work hard and simply have the odds against them.

You should learn that the world is not as simple as just "work if you want to earn money".