The South Pacific
[CC] The Baliish Incident - Printable Version

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The Baliish Incident - ProfessorHenn - 05-12-2015

Continue sequencing, pull fleet out, land invasion fleet.

Jasper Henn

RE: The Baliish Incident - Resentine - 05-12-2015

Would you like a Stealth Check with that Invasion Fleet?

The Baliish Incident - ProfessorHenn - 05-12-2015


Jasper Henn

RE: The Baliish Incident - Resentine - 05-12-2015

Henn, you have no idea how long I've been waiting for someone to do what you are doing(I expected you eventually, but, at first, A new party)

Sedunn(Military Actions: Reinforcements, Decoding A-1 Documents, Drone Deployment, Novac Recon w/Drone 1) 11, 14, 5, 19 [Success 3, Fail 1, Critical(s) 1]

You are going to be amazed at what you find.

Henn(Military Actions: Fleet Withdraw, Landing Invasion Fleet, Stealth Check, Civilian Action: Sequencing) 16, 20, 5, 1 [Success 2, Fail 2, Critical(s)1, Critical(f)1]

I have.... Never. Done that before. Like, Ever.

Resentine(Military Actions: Marine Landing(Per BWD3264), Reinforcing FOB Indigo(Per BWD3264)) 10, 15 [Success 2]

The Marines of Sierra and Theta Platoons apparently have no sense of organization

Darkstrait(Military Action: Fleet withdraw to a safer location) 13 [Success 1]

The Baliish Incident - ProfessorHenn - 05-12-2015

So, what does this mean?

Jasper Henn

RE: The Baliish Incident - Resentine - 05-12-2015

The dice have cursed you! Repent! Repent!

The Baliish Incident - ProfessorHenn - 05-12-2015

Can't reroll, can I?

Repenting would serve no purpose.

Jasper Henn

The Baliish Incident - Resentine - 05-12-2015

Rule says no re-rolls.

Officially being omnipotent via Tapatalk

The Baliish Incident - Resentine - 05-12-2015

And besides, how many people can say they've seen a 20 and a 1 in the same set?

Officially being omnipotent via Tapatalk

The Baliish Incident - ProfessorHenn - 05-12-2015

Heh. I wish I hadn't failed that stealth check.

Jasper Henn