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[LQ] 165th Basil Day - Printable Version

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RE: 165th Basil Day - Arbiter08 - 07-09-2015

"The Sanghelios Legion is quite the unique place to live in. Our rich culture is shaped by our unique past, and it's very prevalent throughout the Legion." Dar'sahkar explained. "One must be very guarded in how they act, for if you offend the honor of a citizen you can expect a duel to follow."

"That's enough of the Legion for now. How are things in Feirmont? I must confess that I've never visited much outside of the Legion." Dar'sahkar asked to Samuel Rondeau

RE: 165th Basil Day - RandomGuy199 - 07-09-2015

"So far, Ms. Trump, I think this is a beautiful country. Karnetvor's ambassador, Mr. Abramović, had told me about the monuments, the impressive buildings, the culture... but it's something that one has to see by himself before truly understanding it. And I'm sure someone has said this before, but this building is magnificent."

RE: 165th Basil Day - ButterFire - 07-10-2015

Lux Universus
ButterFire and Company

ButterFire smiled before replying. "I don't necessarily blame you. I'm willing to bet that over ninety percent of the people here have yet to know about our nation. The Burning Oil of ButterFire is quite... interesting... to say the least. We've existed for a long time, but the public doesn't know of our existence; much like a undiscovered tribe. Our nation is located... In the middle of a sea... in heavy isolation... I'm not actually sure if we'll be able to trade with anyone here... John, what trade-able goods could make it across the... Ocean..."

John pricked up from his conversation with Howard at the sound of his name. "The ocean, my lady?" He queried. ButterFire gave him a sight nod of the head. "Oh... Oh! The ocean... Yes! Um... We have beverages, literature, diary products... Uh... Information and technology, minerals... I think that's about it..."

ButterFire began to feel a little unsure, again, and she hoped that Commander Alpha didn't take too much notice of John's slight hesitation.

RE: 165th Basil Day - Hammerstar - 07-10-2015

Commander Alpha


*Eyes at John Smith, and gazed into his eye. Then he leered towards Butterfire's eye.*

"Baron, you exhibit such lovely eyes. It's enchanting, truly."

*Commander Alpha placed a smug face, and gave a bit of a chuckle.*

"I beg your pardon, I don't know if I should say this, but since you're not quite aware of our culture, allow me to give you one lesson in Hammerstarian culture. No matter how hard you mask it up or how hard you'll do, Hammerstarian people would always know when one is lying, whomever or whatever it may be......  A single leer was all it took for me to know that you are hiding something, please don't lie Baron Butterfire, I really wanted to learn about Butterfire, for you have totally piqued my interest.  Please be honest with me, and understand that I am not an enemy..."

Lady Avianna Lynessa Chronowallace

*Clasps hand, tilts head, and smiles with utter joy.*

"It has been great, thank you very much for asking! Though we experience several turbulences in the nation, everything was going rather well for us. The flowers are blooming and the tea is fresh! An excellent time for us I'll say. I thank you for attending this event, for the esteemed heads of Feirmont has truly graced us with their attendance in this party, for that, we welcome you in open arms.. Anyway, madame Vice President, speaking of excellence, I have heard from my friends that the Feirmontian pastries are considered the best in the region. Is it true my friend?"

Sapphire Paladin Hannelore Trump

"Thank you for the compliment, the Lux Universus is our pride and joy. Even until today our architects could not even copy the qualities of this magnificent building. The Lux Universus has stood for a very long time, and had survived almost every single war Hammerstar has ever encountered in their lands. Contributions were clocked since two millenniums ago, though some historical documents had suggested even more."

*The Sapphire Paladin then took a breath, and continued to smile.*

"Is there something that you wish to inquire concerning Hammerstar Mr. President? We have recently got out from our isolation afterall."

RE: 165th Basil Day - Bonaugure - 07-10-2015

In the way to their table, they see a familiar face waving at them friendly. It is the Feirmontian Prime Minister, Pauline Draught, and company having Samuel Rondeau dialogue with the Arbiter Dar'sahkar Kagé from the Sanghelios Legion. Then, they decide to approach to exchange greetings with them.

Erika Tachibana: "Pauline! Ça fais un bout!"
Vincent Ferrer: To the Sangheili delegation—"It's good to see you around. Are you enjoying the event?"

RE: 165th Basil Day - Arbiter08 - 07-10-2015

"This festival is quite the gathering. It'd be hard not to enjoy it." Dar'sahkar said to Vincent Ferrer. "What about yourself? Is it not nice to meet some of these people we hear so much about in person"?

RE: 165th Basil Day - RandomGuy199 - 07-10-2015

"I don't really have any questions, thank you. After seeing the country by myself, I think they have been answered. Of course, the Hammerstarian ambassador in my country helped too" answered Kerenskiy. "It was a pleasure talking with you, Ms. Trump. You should visit my country someday. I'm sure you will be well received."

165th Basil Day - Hammerstar - 07-11-2015

Sapphire Paladin Hannelore Trump

"I look forward to the day the High Paladin and I to visit Karnetvor. As a leisure activity, for we don't want our cultural experience in Karnetvor be tarnished by business. It was nice meeting you mr president, I am truly sorry to have used your time this much, I didn't mean to waste your time with these talks. I must now beg your pardon, t'was nice to see you."

*the sapphire paladin gave courtesy with grace, and left the karnetvorian delegation.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

RE: 165th Basil Day - ButterFire - 07-12-2015

Lux Universus
ButterFire and Company

"You never know..." John began defensively, "You may or may not be an enemy, but you can't speak for the rest of the world, Commander Alpha. You have no idea who might wan-"

"Please pardon him. What he means is that we don't know anyone we can trust with our secret." ButterFire quickly said, cutting off John's words, "But we have to trust someone eventually, John."

"Yes, milady," John agreed reluctantly.

"Besides, I'm sure the Commander would have figured it out once he had a look at our... plane..." ButterFire continue, "I'm sure the Commander would guard our secret. He is, after all, a honourable man."

"Of course, milady," John agreed, bowing slightly.

ButterFire pursed her lips before looking around, a little anxious. "Is there, perhaps, a room where we can talk in private, Commander?" She asked quietly, "Or where there's a lot less people?" She adjusted her perfectly adjusted tie whilst waiting for a response, trying to mask her anxiety.

RE: 165th Basil Day - Qwert - 07-12-2015

Mrs. Innienn Smiled. "Thank you. We are very honoured. This is such an interesting place." She looked to the king.

"Yes. Thank you. Our little corner of the world is actually quite calm these days. The Plannsevvd region seems to have regained its stability. I hope to be able to return the favour, High Paladin, and invite you to Sedunn. I am sure you would find it interesting, and from what I have seen so far in Hammerstar, we may have much in common.", said the king and Mrs Innienn nodded. The king continued.

"What about Hammerstar? How is getting more involved in the international affairs working?"