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RE: [OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - Awe - 10-08-2015

(10-08-2015, 11:25 AM)Hammerstar Wrote: Can I make the accession thread Kris? I'll still use the name of whomever posts accessions, I'll just post it to keep the ball going.

No. Only the Secretary General can start accession threads, as per Article 12 of the Charter

"The Secretariat shall review the contents of all accession applications and refer to the Southern Council those that have been adequately filled, notifying each applicant of the status of their application up to that moment"

There is a month long time limit as to the amount of the Southern Council can consider an application, but that limit does not apply to the time between which the Secretary General receives an application and when it is submitted to the Council for consideration, as stated by Clause 14 of the Charter 

"The Southern Council shall vote on the acceptance or denial accession applications no later than thirty days after their referral by the Secretariat."

RE: [OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - Hammerstar - 10-08-2015

Then can u post RATSPT's accession thread? Or does it have to be Kris?

RE: [OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - Kris Kringle - 10-08-2015

I think Awe's above post already answered that very question.

RE: [OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - Hammerstar - 10-08-2015

(10-08-2015, 12:02 PM)Kris Kringle Wrote: I think Awe's above post already answered that very question.

So, can you post the thread now?

RE: [OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - Kris Kringle - 10-09-2015

I...have a few problems with your Genesis and Pendragon drafts. They look more like WA resolutions rather than SCO resolutions. My problem with the WA is most of its resolutions are ambiguously worded, and "suggest" courses of action, rather than mandate or clearly describe how to implement stuff.

Could you post here descriptions of how you want Genesis and Pendragon to work, so we can work on something more specific?

RE: [OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - Hammerstar - 10-10-2015

Sorry, being in MUN, I write DR's in a UN kind of way. These are not WA resolutions, these are compact UN draft resolutions.

So, Genesis:

The Genesis Initiative shall consist of many prominent scientists from sponsor nations (If the SCO is prepared to sponsor the program, then member states in the SCO shall form the team), I have the liberty to temporarily call these people the 'Seed Men'

They shall be tasked in obtaining and preserving seeds of organic plants all over the world. The Seed bank facility would be placed in one of the sponsor nations of this initiative (Which we shall discuss as well). The seeds shall be stored in the facility, and shall be continuously researched by the 'Seed Men', reports are public under the sponsor organisation (Which means that the lab reports shall be available and distributed by the SCO)

Clear so far?

Now, Pendragon:

Full scholarship and a research grant for 1000 bright students in The South Pacific annually, payment full by the SCO. But only for select universities that wish to partake in the program (Hence the list of universities on the second post, shown belowSmile

RE: [OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - Hammerstar - 10-11-2015

See this is what I mean,

You ask me about the two initiatives, I gave an answer, but nobody is willing to go further about it. A month ago you guys said that I should revise these initiatives, and work together with users that are members of the SCO on it.

I sent some of you the initiatives, wondering wether you guys would help me revise it. Until now, these people are not willing to do such things.

Starting to wonder on wether the SCO is actually emphasising the 'Cooperation' part of their acronym.

RE: [OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - rhinotaz - 10-11-2015

Gotta agree with Hammer here. He did exactly as you guys asked in this regard, and he's still waiting. May or may not be because you are working on it, but I was expecting something from you.

*hops away before people stone me to death*

RE: [OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - Kris Kringle - 10-11-2015

I could make all sorts of excuses, but I will say the truth. I have classes, I have several projects at the Ministry of Regional Affairs and I have been handling the immense Ryccian and Sporaltryan crises. In comparison, Genesis and Pendragon are extremely worthy causes, but simply not high on my priority list. I know that sounds bad, but I think the truth would be better than whatever lie I can come up with.

That being said, I can work on some suggestions for today.

RE: [OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - Hammerstar - 10-11-2015

(10-11-2015, 01:20 PM)Kris Kringle Wrote: I could make all sorts of excuses, but I will say the truth. I have classes, I have several projects at the Ministry of Regional Affairs and I have been handling the immense Ryccian and Sporaltryan crises. In comparison, Genesis and Pendragon are extremely worthy causes, but simply not high on my priority list. I know that sounds bad, but I think the truth would be better than whatever lie I can come up with.

That being said, I can work on some suggestions for today.

I know dude, me as well. But I wrote up Genesis and Pendragon since august