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Socialism versus Capitalism - Printable Version

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RE: Socialism versus Capitalism - CrimsonTideFan - 05-13-2015

Call me a hypocrite or enlightened. I just know the system itself is flawed. Thank you for the medal.

Socialism versus Capitalism - ProfessorHenn - 05-13-2015

Of course. I too know it's flawed, why else did I become a socialist?

Jasper Henn

RE: Socialism versus Capitalism - Ryccia - 05-13-2015

Still rather stick with capitalism. It should be the government's problem to help the less fortunate, not the whole community.

I don't care if Im greedy. Its not my problem that the poor are poor. That's a responsibility of the government, not the general population.

Yes, the system is flawed. But Im not going to be a slave of the community. And the government the only supplier? No. There needs to be a competition. And with the US Government preventing monopolies, that makes the companies face off, trying to offer the cheapest deals, and the consumer benefits.

I can help another person. But its my, and I repeat, my choice. Not the community's. My life is my greatest priority, not someone else's. And I try to enjoy it the best I can.

And how about those things that only companies offer? Games, toys, video games, etc. Will the government ever offer those sorts of entertainment? No. And why? The companies are the ones who are creative. But the government is as creative as f*ck.

My things, my belongings, all of them will not exist in a socialist or communist society. How about my little shih tzu dog? Or my video games? Or anything I cherish? Or even TSP?

Think about it.

Socialism versus Capitalism - ProfessorHenn - 05-13-2015

The government would control all the companies. Nothing big would change from the product development.

Jasper Henn

RE: Socialism versus Capitalism - Ryccia - 05-13-2015

Like I believe that.

And I don't want rations. With that, the government is just pushing me. Kicking my beliefs, punching my lifestyle. Oppressing me.

So we cannot reach a conclusion. How about we stop arguing, as the other side won't give up. I stay capitalist, you stay socialist or communist, simple.

I'll never change to socialism. I won't.

Socialism versus Capitalism - ProfessorHenn - 05-13-2015

You don't have to. I'm simply trying to demolish your wrong view and attitude of it.

Oppression is characterized in a dictatorship. Were the Nazis socialists or capitalists? Capitalists.

You are taking the most notable(unfortunately) cases of socialism(communism, really) in it's dictatorship style. It doesn't have to be that way.

And does Research and Development of a company not fall under it?

Jasper Henn

RE: Socialism versus Capitalism - CrimsonTideFan - 05-14-2015

(05-13-2015, 08:25 PM)ProfessorHenn Wrote: Oppression is characterized in a dictatorship. Were the Nazis socialists or capitalists? Capitalists.

Jasper Henn

They were also a supremacist, pretentious, mass-murdering regime whose ideologies were based on a idea that they were descendants of the Indo-European Aryans and a page out of Nero's playbook, but you know.

RE: Socialism versus Capitalism - Qwert - 05-14-2015

Just want to point out that "nazism" is short for "national socialism". The fact that both Germany and the Soviet Union in some sense had "socialism" as state ideologies (officially) was  something they both wanted hush up.

RE: Socialism versus Capitalism - ProfessorHenn - 05-14-2015

I made a mistake. Sorry about that.

RE: Socialism versus Capitalism - Darkstrait - 05-14-2015

Nazism is not in any way related to democratic socialism. Socialism is moderate-left to far-left. Nazism is basically fascism, which is usually considered to be far-right.