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[CC] The Baliish Incident - Printable Version

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RE: The Baliish Incident - Hammerstar - 05-30-2015

Ok, this your hectic is over, mine has just begun.

So these are my actions, and keep repeating them.


Recon of library (Do it until suceeded)

Document analysis (Idk if its possible, but do me a favor and roll it five times and take the average number as success or not?) Just do it until your troops come to the base and asks info on the documents, and take them away from me.

Recon of Baliish island (Repeat it again and again)

Reinforcements movement (Do it until it arrived in Baliish)

Cure (Do it again and again)

Sporaltryan, Resentinian refugees return movement.

RE: The Baliish Incident - Hammerstar - 06-11-2015

Is this still on? Because if it's not, I would need Condottieri's stationary for other RP's

RE: The Baliish Incident - Resentine - 06-14-2015

I'm sorry. I haven't been thinking about this at all. There was even a time I wanted to stop this, and not finish it. But, all stories must come to an end, and this one has been great. Let's reel it in, and make it something memorable.

TIK(Military Actions: Recon Library, Document Analysis, Recon Island, Cure[plz stop Sad] ) 15, 12, 11, 7(Success 3, Fail 1)

Going to say no multi-rolls for specific actions in a single set of actions because that would:
1) Destroy the purpose of Failure
2) Why would I bother rolling if I did it so many times that you succeeded anyway
3) Undermine the purpose of the Dice Experiment

Henn(Military Action: Bombs Go Boom[easy peasy lemon squeezy]) 16 (Success 1)

Congratulations. You have been awarded additional time.

Darkstrait(Military Actions: Helicopter Deployment, Recon) 12, 14 (Success 2)

Resentine(Military Actions: Move to Dedric, Move to Novac, Survivor Contact, Contact Sporaltryan Fleet) 12, 16, 11, 2 (Success 3, Fail 1)

Once again, I apologize for the delay. Let's finish what we started!

RE: The Baliish Incident - Resentine - 06-14-2015

Also, TIK, Before you call BS, I promise you, as an honest individual, That is exactly how I rolled it. I swear on my Grandmother's grave.

RE: The Baliish Incident - Hammerstar - 06-18-2015

Alright, I've done it, please respond to my plan.

RE: The Baliish Incident - Resentine - 06-19-2015

Oh shit, sorry. I had NO idea what you meant by that and didn't think to read it. And I'm sitting here wondering "Why hasn't TIK/Hammer posted their moves yet?"

RE: The Baliish Incident - Resentine - 06-19-2015

Let's get it started.

Sedunn(Military Actions: Move into bunkers, Acquire Dead Dark One(Easy), Reinforcements) 12, 14, 18 [Success 3, Critical(s) 1]

Darkstrait(Military Actions: Helicopter Deployment, Contact Survivors) 20, 16 [Success 2, Critical(s) 1]

TIK/Hammerstar(Military Actions: OP Stump pt. 1(Govanzino), Deployment to Unknown Structure, Finding Survivors) 14, 17, 14 [Success 3]

Resentine(Military Actions: Survivor Contact, Bunker Search(Helix & Delta), Bunker Search(Phoenix & Baker), Force Recon Teams to Unknown Structure) 14, 11, 14, 20 [Success 4, Critical(s)1]

Woohoo! No Fails!

RE: The Baliish Incident - Hammerstar - 06-19-2015

Add another player: ??? (Deployment in Govanzino, Deployment in Structure)

The Baliish Incident - Resentine - 06-19-2015

Another player? Where?

RE: The Baliish Incident - Hammerstar - 06-19-2015

The last of my post indicates a mysterious player. I won't spoil the fun, but they would be joining the attack, and Regal Condottieri hated them a lot.