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[OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - Printable Version

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RE: [OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - Kris Kringle - 10-11-2015 explained by what I just said. O.o

RE: [OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - Hammerstar - 10-11-2015

My point is, don't you think it's kinda irritating when you said you're going to do something, but you made the other person wait for two whole months without response? Just say you're busy and that you'll post two months later,

RE: [OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - Kris Kringle - 10-12-2015

Here is the basic sketch of information I would include in the resolution. Should I draft it, or would you rather amend it yourself?

> Scholarship is established
> How the scholarship will be funded (common member contributions or does each government pay for their students)
> Qualifications (how many students, how will they be selected, who manages the selection process, is there a minimum or maximum per member nation)
> Fund/committee (will there be a multinational committee for manage the fund and the scholarship, will they measure common standards across participating universities, will they accept new universities)
> Participating universities (how do universities join the programme, what are the requirements to join, what services or courses should they provide the students)

Really sorry about the lateness. I know it has been really frustrating, but hopefully we can work on this quickly.

RE: [OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - Kris Kringle - 10-13-2015

Sean, remember that the Headquarters thread is IC. You can't reference the US there.

RE: [OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - Hammerstar - 10-15-2015

Point one: IDK what you mean
Point two: Members would pool up an assigned number of money which would then be re-distributed as the scholarship package.
point three:
1000 students in annual, no minimum or maximum per nation, but the quota is 1000 students.
they shall be selected by the universities they wish to apply to, a multinational body (Currently named: A) shall be formed for this scholarship program, but they are not to interfere with the selection process by the universities.
But students currently studying would have the opportunity to apply for scholarship so that his tuition fees would be alleviated. They would need a recommendation letter from the universities and several other requirements.

Point four: "A" would be the multinational body in question, their roles would simply be managing the intake of applicants for scholarship, referring the intake to the universities, and prepare the students for studying abroad

point 5: They apply their interests to A, their requirements is that they would need to be formally recommended by their respective governments and has a great track record. The services and courses would be the same as other students, they are only given a scholarship, that's all.

But hey, that's the thing I've got in mind.. What do you think?

[OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - Awe - 10-15-2015

I'll get to putting Sam's accession up to vote tomorrow, feeling exhausted today

RE: [OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - Kris Kringle - 11-01-2015

We have an OOC thread. Let's keep OOC comments in here.

RE: [OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - Resentine - 11-01-2015

Yes sir.

RE: [OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - rhinotaz - 11-01-2015

My bad.

RE: [OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - Kris Kringle - 11-01-2015

*gives rhino a glass of SPIT*

Courtesy of the SCO. ; )