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[OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - Printable Version

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[OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - ProfessorHenn - 03-17-2015

I feel that the SCO's main mission should be towards full peace, and for that to occur, a gradual demilitarization should occur.

I feel it should be a main goal of the SCO, at least until after every member of the South Pacific joins it voluntarily.

Ah, the wonders of technology. I'm on Tapatalk!

RE: [OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - Kris Kringle - 03-17-2015

Considering the severe situation in certain countries, like Ryccia and Darkstrait, I don't think demilitarization would be a viable option. I could see arms reduction as feasible, though. I see the SCO, in military terms, as a mediator and stabilizing force, so it may intervene, either with observers, peacekeepers or otherwise, in war-torn nations.

Of course, this is all in terms of military force. I would love the SCO to be much more comprehensive, and involve education, trade, etc. Ideally it should set standards for other nations to follow. Like in diplomatic immunity and similar practices, for instance.

[OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - ProfessorHenn - 03-17-2015

Of course, my idea wasn't never meant to be a totally comprehensive and singular idea of the SCO's agenda.

Also, a helpful, but controversial idea would be a required language among SCO members. Like, TSP Standard(English).

Ah, the wonders of technology. I'm on Tapatalk!

RE: [OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - Kris Kringle - 03-17-2015

I could live with an official working language for the Organisation, but I think imposing a language on member states would be an intrusion into their internal affairs.

[OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - ProfessorHenn - 03-17-2015

Aye, hence the "controversial".

I'd be alright with an official Political language, though. I.E. One that is required of the government to post in. A bit less intruding than the entire nation, to be sure.

Ah, the wonders of technology. I'm on Tapatalk!

RE: [OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - Kris Kringle - 03-18-2015

That thread is a Council discussion about inviting you to the SCO. Even if invited you would still need to apply for membership. Check the pinned threads for more info!

RE: [OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - ProfessorHenn - 03-18-2015


I'm confused a bit.

RE: [OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - Kris Kringle - 05-26-2015

re: Laiwan's latest post.
We had agreed that the Ryccian War never happened. There is no reason why the SCO would have sanctions against Ryccia in the first place.

RE: [OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - Laiwan - 05-26-2015

Oh. Then Im changing that.

RE: [OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - Kris Kringle - 05-28-2015

I'll be honest. The text of that extradition treaty looks way too much like a copy from RL extradition treaties, with some names and words changed here and there. There is nothing fundamentally wrong with that, but I just don't like it. Hence my hesitation with moving on with it, and I haven't drafted any alternatives because I just don't have the time. I haven't even been able to draft some planned improvements to the Standing Orders.

I would really appreciate it if other members could also take the initiative and do staff. It seems like nobody aside from Qvait will post treaties or propose courses of action.