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The Most Powerful Nations in TSP (2nd Study) - Printable Version

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RE: The Most Powerful Nations in TSP (2nd Study) - Qwert - 05-17-2015

(05-17-2015, 02:36 PM)ProfessorHenn Wrote: Sill plenty of "fair" people.

Qwert, change my responses that say, "Kringalia", to the Resentine Kingdom. Should only be one.

Jasper Henn

Yeah, I believe people will be fairly fair.

Alright, will change.

The Most Powerful Nations in TSP (2nd Study) - ProfessorHenn - 05-17-2015

Thank you.

Jasper Henn

RE: The Most Powerful Nations in TSP (2nd Study) - Darkstrait - 05-18-2015

A. these are the three (3) most politically influential nations in the South Pacific:
1. Sporaltryus
2. Kringalia
3. Resentine

B. these are the three (3) most militarily powerful nations in the South Pacific:
1. Sporaltryus
2. Qvait
3. Darkstrait

C. these are the three (3) most economically powerful nations in the South Pacific:
1. Sporaltryus
2. Ryccia
3. Kringalia

D. these are the three (3) most technologically advanced nations in the South Pacific:
1. The International Knights
2. Resentine
3. Scienta

E. these three (3) nations hold the most soft power in the South Pacific:
1. Sedunn
2. Resentine
3. Karnetvor

RE: The Most Powerful Nations in TSP (2nd Study) - Ryccia - 05-18-2015

In descending order, according to Ryccia,

A. these are the three (3) most politically influential nations in the South Pacific:
1. Resentine
2. Kringalia
3. Qvait

B. these are the three (3) most militarily powerful nations in the South Pacific:
1. Ryccia
2. Sporaltryus
3. Qvait

C. these are the three (3) most economically powerful nations in the South Pacific:
1. Qvait
2. Kringalia
3. Ryccia

D. these are the three (3) most technologically advanced nations in the South Pacific:
1. TIK
2. Darkstrait
3. Qvait

RE: The Most Powerful Nations in TSP (2nd Study) - Kris Kringle - 05-18-2015

Something that you could have simply searched on Google before posting here.

RE: The Most Powerful Nations in TSP (2nd Study) - Ryccia - 05-18-2015

(05-18-2015, 05:53 PM)Kris Kringle Wrote: Something that you could have simply searched on Google before posting here.

Hah hah, very funny.

Well, I can't remember any cases of soft power, so I deleted my question.

The Most Powerful Nations in TSP (2nd Study) - ProfessorHenn - 05-18-2015

Qwert, what were the cases that I voted Qvait?

Jasper Henn

RE: The Most Powerful Nations in TSP (2nd Study) - Qwert - 05-24-2015

(05-18-2015, 09:20 PM)ProfessorHenn Wrote: Qwert, what were the cases that I voted Qvait?

Jasper Henn

Questions D and E.

Anyone else who would like to participate?

The Most Powerful Nations in TSP (2nd Study) - ProfessorHenn - 05-24-2015

Can you move those ones down 1 spot? Let me know if I have to provide a new nation to fill a spot.

RE: The Most Powerful Nations in TSP (2nd Study) - Qwert - 05-26-2015

(05-24-2015, 06:12 PM)ProfessorHenn Wrote: Can you move those ones down 1 spot? Let me know if I have to provide a new nation to fill a spot.

PM sent.