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[LQ] (Else-World) The Second Resentinian Civil War - Printable Version

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RE: (Else-World) The Second Resentinian Civil War - Resentine - 10-31-2015

The Theron Times

Oct 31, 2015


Vol. 30

Echenston Falls!

[Image: 04C4F13A4768C6751FADC2A41009C3D05F112A35]
Anti-air missiles firing at Royalist jets as they fly over the city

The Royalists came in force to Echenston this morning, coming down over the mountains to the east of the city in force with several hundred tanks and other armored forces. Naval Air assets from the Royalists' fleet also assisted in the attack. The brave forces of the CPDR's Army were caught completely off guard by the move, and were forced to fight block to block as the forces from the Royalist Army continued to close in on them.

"It was like all hell had broken loose", claimed one soldier, who was wounded during the fighting. "We never expected them to come over the mountains. We had sentry posts up there; They were supposed to report any movement up there. I mean, we might have expected a few elite military troops to come over, but, an entire group of tanks and armor? Well, my CO did say that the sentries stopped reporting in a few days ago, but, he said everything was fine, even sent another unit up to check on them! Come to think of it, we-" The soldier passed out from the morphine he was given at this point in our conversation.

Though the great forces of the CPDR Army were pushed out of the city, they left a significant number of the Royalist forces injured and killed. Some reports suggest that the killed anywhere between five to seven thousand Royalists in the fighting. The capture of Echenston means a significant change in the war plans of the military, as Echenston has the potential to lead the Royalist scum straight into Theron itself. Chairman Petrovich has stated that the Royalists shall not hold Echenston for a week. He also emphasized that any reports of defections during the fighting are severely overstated, and that any coward who did defect is "worse that the Royalist scum that defile our soil."

God save the Chairman.
Anton, The Resentine Kingdom- Braddock gave a tablet with the news piece over to the Marshall-General, Markov "Marko" Ramius. Ramius was also a veteran of the "first" war, having served in the Royal Army at the time. He and Braddock had originally gotten acquainted after they were stuck behind enemy lines during the retreat from Barden. Braddock looked at Ramius and smirked.

"Looks like you did good over there. You've got the propaganda machine all riled up already", Braddock said.

"That's good to know. Should we prepare to push on Theron? Our fighters and bombers now have an airport available to them that isn't mobile."

"Not yet. I want to see what Petrovich's next move is. Now that we've gained some ground, we can start earning some allies. I'll get Jak Bodenhamer here after we're done and start discussing options."

Ramius looked quizzically at the Regent. "So, what would you have me do?"

"Let's get the fleet near Renis. The Ryccians should be arriving soon. Let's show them some good faith and have our fleet help them on the assault. As for the Army, Let's get an airborne division to go help the Marines near Barden, and an Infantry division to Echenston in case Petrovich moves sooner than we expect. Otherwise. I'm going to suggest some attacks from the Blue Stripes, but I'll leave that to you."

"Sounds good to me, Phil." He stood up and saluted. "I'd best get going if we want this all done as soon as possible"

"Of course, dismissed". Ramius left the Regent's office as Braddock went back to looking over intelligence reports at his desk.
CPDR Navy 6th Battle Group, The Kringalian Strait- The Group Captain yelled into his FLTCOM phone, "You'd better damned well do it Commander! Those orders came from the Chairman himself, and if you continue to defy me, I'll have you shot!" He slammed the phone down into it's holster, went over to the Navigations Officer and said, "Take us into Kringalian Waters. I want us there for 15 minutes and then back on a normal route North East to Renis." The Officer nodded and started issuing orders to his comrades. The Group Captain was ordered to send a clear message to the CPDR's rivals from across the waters: Do not get involved. He intended to send that message to the letter.

CPDR Naval Assets have crossed into Kringalian Waters. Royalist Forces have taken the city of Echenston, and a reinforcing their current positions. The CPDR is mobilizing more military assets.

RE: (Else-World) The Second Resentinian Civil War - Darkstrait - 11-01-2015

Emperor Windle Poons sat at his desk. It had been ten years to the day that he had suspended elections and begun Darkstrait's corporate oligarchy.
His aide entered. "Sir, the Council wishes to solidify the military agreement with the Resentine government."
"Fine, fine. I hear the royalist forces have taken a major city. The collapse of Resentine could very well destabilize us here."