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Canadian Consulate - Printable Version

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RE: Canadian Consulate - Tsunamy - 08-03-2014

Thanks for the update Parrrrtay. Please let us know what we can do to help.

Canadian Consulate - Kris Kringle - 08-03-2014

We stand with Canada during this trying time and offer any help that you might need. This ridiculous and senseless occupation will not last.

RE: Canadian Consulate - parrrrtay - 09-02-2014

[Image: canadalogo2.jpg]
[Image: canadalogoreflection2.gif]
[Image: foreignreport-aug.jpg][Image: foreignreport2014.jpg]

865 registered members
290,886 posts
Population: 155 nations

Our Staff
Delegate: The Pubs of Parkplace (44 endorsements)
Minister or Internal Affairs: disposablepuppetland
Minister of External Affairs: Matilda Love
Speaker of the House of Commons: Stormaen

Delegate's Office

WA Resolutions
General Assembly
Prevention of Wildfires - AGAINST
Child Welfare in Adoption - AGAINST
Reducing Spills and Leaks - TIED, no vote cast
Legal Competence - FOR
Child Pornography Ban - TIED, no vote cast
Convention on Fracking - TIED, no vote cast
Repeal "National Economic Freedoms" - AGAINST
Cyber Security Act - MISSED due to invasion
Ban on Leaded Fuel - FOR
Fertile Farmland Protection - AGAINST

Security Council
Repeal "Commend The Joint Systems Alliance" - FOR
Commend Yohannes - MISSED due to invasion
Repeal "Condemn The Black Riders" - FOR
Liberate Capitalist Paradise - AGAINST
Commend McMasterdonia - AGAINST
Commend Sciongrad - AGAINST
Repeal "Condemn NAZI EUROPE" - FOR
Liberate Coalition Of Freedom - FOR
Repeal "Liberate Coalition Of Freedom" - TIED, no vote cast

Ministry of External Affairs
In July we welcome two Visiting Dignitaries, angusp from Global Right Alliance and Caligula SanArkus from Ainur. We are also very pleased to welcome Global Right Alliance ambassador, Rom, a new 10K ambassador, Wordy Alpha346585 as ambassador for The East Pacific and Bogans and Boozers from England.

In August we were delighted to open two new consulates. One for The Apartment Block and one for Philosophy 115. Canada welcomes Dr. George as our ambassador from Philosophy 115.

We look forward to all the updates the new ambassadors will be posting in Canada.

Canada was proudly represented at the Wysterian games by the nations of Wild Mustanges, Almonaster Nuevo, Devil Heart, Pubs of Parkplace, Lardon Atya and Stormaen. Despite the interruption of the invasion Canada had a jolly time competing in the games.

Ministry of Internal Affairs
During July an impromptu Pool Party over at the Texan Embassy has seen some jolly spirited swimming in the drink. Surprisingly, there has been no need for applied resuscitation...yet.
In addition, the Texans' found they had a thing or two to learn about pool parties in Canada.
[Image: funny-moose-swimming-pool-summer_zpsc4987d3d.jpg]

New Citizens
  • Miel
  • South Malaysia
  • TheUnitedSolarRepublic
  • Vulgaris_magistralis
  • Cromwell
  • Bogans and Boozers
  • Charlotte Bowes-Lyon
Welcome New Members!
  • Taco Cat
  • Oeu
  • Sovereign Liberties
  • Boy101
  • apeljeruk
  • the right hand of her majesty
  • Anumia
  • Vulgaris_magistralis
  • Minoa
  • Nouvel Acadie
  • Ninja Kittens
Welcome Back!
  • Old Ogastein
  • Hudson Bay

House of Commons

Canada was invaded on August 3, 2014. The invasion was led by UIAF and The Black Hawks. In true NS Canadian spirit we thew a party. The UIAF member, Athabasca Sands, held the Delegate position for 5 days, and ejected/banned nine nations. Eleven embassies were closed.

Canada remained calm and nations with high influence stood strong to hold the fort.

After five days Canada was handed over to Billy Joel, a member of The Black Hawks. Billy Joel password protected the region and ejected more nations bringing the total up to 50 natives removed.

Canadian citizens were concerned they were in for the long haul, so we wrote a Liberation Proposal. On August 14, 2014 Billy Joel resigned from the World Assembly and the raiders began to leave Canada and the Liberation proposal was not needed.

Once Canada belonged to the rightful owners we threw another party!

Canada would also like to take this time to thank all the NS Regions and individuals that supported us during the invasion (there are too many to list).
[Image: t4624.gif]
A special thanks to Yggdrasil for housing all the misplaced Canadians.

The House has been debating ways to celebrate and engage Citizens. The initial proposal was for a Citizens Day, provisionally 29th of March. Another suggestion was giving badges or other awards for various types of activity. Discussion is still ongoing.

Postcards from Canada
A new Cover Meme image created by Almonaster:
[Image: Manifold_zps3797d0b5.jpg]

QUOTE <> UNQUOTE: Directly from Canada, the non-crappy Region!
In the "We miss you! Come back soon" thread:
jDELIGHT Wrote:Move over Shark Week it's Woobactac Week!
In "Quest to 1000 Pages" thread:
Almonaster,Aug 20 2014, 02:52 PM Wrote:
Omnivorous,Aug 20 2014, 01:58 PM Wrote:I had a whole cake and two packs of cookies yesterday, I really think I should hold off.
Nonsense! Bacon is a whole different food group.
*As always...Report prepared by: The Canadian Citizens

RE: Canadian Consulate - Tsunamy - 09-02-2014

I'm thoroughly glad to hear of the liberation of Canada. Congrats!

RE: Canadian Consulate - ProfessorHenn - 09-03-2014

Thanks for the update.

And Congratulations on your liberation.

RE: Canadian Consulate - God-Emperor - 09-04-2014

Be nice to Zoe.

RE: Canadian Consulate - Almonaster - 09-23-2014

We're always nice. Confusing - yes; but nice.

RE: Canadian Consulate - parrrrtay - 09-30-2014

[Image: canadalogo2.jpg]
[Image: canadalogoreflection2.gif]
[Image: foreignreport-sep.jpg][Image: foreignreport2014.jpg]

872 registered members
292,966 posts
Population: 186 nations

Our Staff
Delegate: The Pubs of Parkplace (45 endorsements)
Minister or Internal Affairs: disposablepuppetland
Minister of External Affairs: Matilda Love
Speaker of the House of Commons: Stormaen

Delegate's Office

WA Resolutions
General Assembly
Individual Working Freedoms - AGAINST
Debris Prevention - AGAINST

Security Council
Repeal "Liberate Panem" - FOR
Liberate The Black Riders - AGAINST
Repeal "Liberate Liberal Haven" - FOR
Liberate Versutian Federation - Did not vote

Ministry of External Affairs

We welcome Kohlandia, our new ambassador from The East Pacific

Sadly, a number of embassies have been closed this month:
Equinox - inactivity
Great Britain and Eire - inactivity
The Rejected Realms - inactivity
The United Federation - inactivity
British isles - we aren't active enough for them
Europeia - Supported the raid on Canada

A number of Canadian citizens were delighted to have an opportunity to congratulate New Texas (aka Big Tex) on his 10 years of Delegacy in Texas.

We are excited about the 'in progress' renovations over in the Wysterian Embassy that will facillitate extensions to the AdianBrooks Gallery attached to the embassy.
There is to be a wing for Children's Art as well, here is and example of the kind of work that might be represented there:
[Image: OldTownElementarySchoolminimuseumsmaller...a881eb.jpg]

Ministry of Internal Affairs

This month in the 'Real Live Politics and Current Events' thread a flurry of conversation broke out around the possibility of an independent Scotland.
Not least I expect because we are home to a real life Scot, a Geordie and several Englishman, of whom we are all very fond.

Matilda Love posted this delightful presentation:
4th Dimension explained in both the Cool Linkage and the Canadian Community College it charmed her so.

For you arty types:
Almonaster fractal fans had better check this thread out for his latest - well worth a squizz.
There is another thread newly opened this month Art for all those interesting things that you see.

New Citizens
  • Cromwell
  • drummond and elmsley
  • Wpgburn
Welcome New Members!
  • Rhuztovkia
  • Charlotte Bowes-Lyon
Welcome Back!
  • South Malaysia
  • TheUnitedSolarRepublic
  • Cromwell
  • drummond and elmsley

House of Commons

In the wake of the recent raid, the House has understandably been mostly concerned with reviewing our security arrangements, and any regulatory changes which might be needed. In particular we have discussed the level of endorsement caps and procedures for enforcing these, along with ideas for formalizing the position of Senior Citizen (vizier). We also want to make better efforts to reach out to the long-term residents who do not use the forum and gain an understanding of what motivates them.

Postcards from Canada

ParrrrTay has been out with her camera this month, looks like the winter vegetables are preparing to ward off the coughs, colds and any warmly dressed vampires that might be around for Halloween:

[Image: 10628624_824198070958132_219060339760645...03f9fd.jpg]

QUOTE <> UNQUOTE: Directly from Canada, the non-crappy Region!

In the 'Blatant lies about the last poster' thread

Bogans and Boozers Posted: Sep 2 2014 Wrote:^ is an anatomically incorrect ken doll.
followed by

Almonaster Posted: Sep 2 2014 Wrote:/\ Rendered himself "anatomically incorrect" at kendo.

*As always...Report prepared by: The Canadian Citizens

RE: Canadian Consulate - parrrrtay - 11-02-2014

[Image: canadalogo2.jpg]
[Image: canadalogoreflection2.gif]
[Image: foreignreport-oct.jpg][Image: foreignreport2014.jpg]

881 registered members
295,500 posts
Population: 169 nations

Our Staff
Delegate: The Pubs of Parkplace (42 endorsements)
Minister or Internal Affairs: disposablepuppetland
Minister of External Affairs: Matilda Love
Speaker of the House of Commons: Stormaen

Delegate's Office

WA Resolutions
General Assembly
Repeal "The Landmine Convention" - TIED No vote cast
Repeal "Reproductive Freedoms" - AGAINST
Repeal "The General Patent Charter" - No vote cast
Rules of Surrender - FOR
Condemn Vandoosa - AGAINST

Security Council
Condemn North Korea - AGAINST
Liberate The International Communist Union - AGAINST
Repeal "Condemn Durkadurkiranistan II" - AGAINST
Repeal "Condemn North Korea" - FOR

Ministry of External Affairs

Getting to know Ainur
It has been a pleasure getting to know Jack Dawkins and Charlie Sheen from Ainur this month.
There has been discussion about an inter-regional festival between our two regions so we can get to know one another a little more.
So far we have discussed the possibility of a role play, and a 'treasure hunt' activity across the regions.

Preparations continue for the Islander's Beach Championship in XKI
Seven nations are entering the competition.

Applications were invited from across Canada for judges that might like to go to the games as the Canadian representative.
Almonaster tried to make contact with Mariko Santarosa to see if she wished to apply, but she remains currently indisposed.
Below are the shortlisted applicants.
[Image: JudgeapplicationXKIcrossregionalNov2014s...094a39.png]
After several days of intense deliberation and police checks, it was found there was only one applicant with a so far untainted record.
We are now proud to announce the judge representative from Canada to the Islander's Beach Championship will be Sandy McDougal.

The AdianBrooks Gallery of the Wysterian embassy
Discussion has continued with Ambassador Hemmings of Wysteria with regard the construction and philosophy behind the art museum of the Wysterian Embassy.

Ministry of Internal Affairs

Game of Werewolves
We are delighted that our games expert ambassador from 10000 Islands Aersoldorf, has expressed an interest in opening a Game of Werewolves in Canada.
Discussion patchily held from this point in Quest to 1000 Pages
Signups to start soon.

The Canadian Community College
There have been requests for courses in Fractal Art and the Art of Poetics.
And here is an explanation of The Monty Hall problem.

Results are in:

Most Survivors: we came 14th with 734.49 billion survivors
Most survivors with no infected : we came 10th with 734.49 billion
Most Infected: we did not score
Most Dead: we came in 99th with 236.24 billion dead

Final results in:
Most Survivors: Canada is 13th with 1.01 trillion survivors
Most Survivors with no infected: 1oth with 1.01 trillion survivors
As pointed out by ParrrrTay, we will not make the most infected list:
Infected: 0 this year - no record kept for last year
Dead: 3,731 this year - last year 236.24 billion

Borders were closed earlier this year.
Regretfully a number of resident nations that were building Zombie Empires had to be ejected. Canada looks forward to welcoming the prodigal children back home now this is all over!

Welcome to our Visiting Dignitary from Ainur, Jack Dawkins.
The Prime Minister from British Isles Tony Benn
Our friend from Ainur Charlie Sheen
New Citizens
  • Jóhann Adamssorn
Welcome New Members!
  • Joshua Ravenclaw
  • Procinces of Canada
  • Lutsen51
  • Jack Dawkins
  • Tony Benn
  • Charlie Sheen
  • Newland
  • Space
  • Shy Guy
  • New Dracora
Welcome Back!
  • Aersoldorf
  • wopruthien
  • Barrarabian Butlers
  • aternox

House of Commons

Postcards from Canada
Please take a look at Almonaster's proposed mask for Ainur
But for Postcards this month, ParrrTay's Canadian flag for the Zombie Apocalypse is a treat that must be shared:
[Image: CanadaZombieflagsmallerstpng_zps5bfa6852.png]

QUOTE <> UNQUOTE: Directly from Canada, the non-crappy Region!
Quotes: I liked this exchange''
Found in: The Last Person To Post Here Wins: Mach III

Almonaster Wrote:
Jóhann Adamssorn Wrote:
Almonaster Wrote:
Jóhann Adamssorn Wrote:I found the ninja. [Image: ninja.gif]
Beware of low-flying shuriken.
Or shuriken in general, for that matter.
Dammit - did we just lose another general?

And for your edification, the Canadian gals at their most genteel in the ever popular Guys vs. Gals thread.
Don't forget to click over to page 1148 to see how we win!

*As always...Report prepared by: The Canadian Citizens

RE: Canadian Consulate - parrrrtay - 12-08-2014

[Image: canadalogo2.jpg]
[Image: canadalogoreflection2.gif]
[Image: foreignreport-nov.jpg][Image: foreignreport2014.jpg]

894 registered members
298,429 posts
Population: 165 nations

Our Staff
Delegate: The Pubs of Parkplace (43 endorsements)
Minister or Internal Affairs: disposablepuppetland
Minister of External Affairs: Matilda Love
Speaker of the House of Commons: Stormaen

Delegate's Office

WA Resolutions
General Assembly
Anti-Counterfeiting Pact - TIED, no vote cast
Foreign Patent Recognition - AGAINST

Security Council
Repeal "Liberate The International Communist Union" - FOR
Repeal "Liberate Liberal Haven" - FOR
Liberate The Mountains to the East - FOR
Condemn Lazarus - AGAINST
Condemn General Halcones - AGAINST
Repeal "Commend Luna Amore" - AGAINST

Ministry of External Affairs

Canada welcomes a diplomatic exchange with The Kingdom of Great Britain.

Canada also extends a warm welcome to:
George Fominov V, visiting Dignitary from The Kingdom of Great Britain.
John Mikaelson, ambassador from United Kingdom
Tony Benn, ambassador from the British Isles

10000 Islands Cross Regional Games
Congratulations to:
Drummond and Elmsley for taking the first Canadian medal in the games: Linda Showgood won the Silver in the Beach Fashion Show.
Stormaen's Frederick St. John has won bronze and Esselldee's Laurie Lasso has won gold in the Under The Sea Spear Gunning event.
Lord Limbo from Esselldee and Bendman from Drummond & Elmlsey won bronze in the Silly Hat Limbo event.
In the "Under The Sea" Spear Gunning Stormaen's Fredrick St. John took and bronze, and Laurie Lasso from Esselldee took gold!
Almonaster Nuevo's Shiryou Cocinero scored silver in the Rock Pool Forage and Cook Off,
and also from Almonaster Nuevo, Sawa Brindish took home bronze from the "Spice My World" Cocktail Making and Judges' Toast.
Devil Heart - Knut Braveheart won the Gold in the "Wipe-Me-Out-Not!" Surfing event!
Here is an action shot of Knut Braveheart:
[Image: xatft5.jpg]

Ministry of Internal Affairs
At the closing ceremony Devil Heart was honoured to be one of the recipients of The Shelter Award.
Barry from 10000 Islands Wrote:These plaques are named after one of the most beloved Islanders to ever grace the fair shores and pristine beaches of 10000 Islands, Shelter from the Storm. A long time Mayor of Taco Island, Shelter's unsurpassed wit and good-natured approach toward all with which he interacted, set a standard for fun, friendship, and congeniality that will forever be remembered and always constitute an integral part of the true spirit of 10000 Islands.

Game of Werewolves
Although the first game came to a rocky ending everyone seemed to have so much fun that a second game has been kicked off. Feel like having some fun...stop by The Village and join in on a future Werewolf game: The Village

Welcome to our Visiting Dignitary from The Kingdom of Great Britain, George Fominov V.

New Citizens
  • MapleLeafs
  • Viviana Paterson
  • hudson bay

Welcome New Members!
  • Edward Leben
  • Freddy Fazbear
  • MapleLeafs
  • ayunli
  • Viviana Paterson
  • McMatter
  • Hahiha
  • Kugluktuk
  • Nunavut Republic

Welcome Back!
  • Ess (smells a bit wolfish to me)
  • Klopstcock

House of Commons

The House of Commons has been active discussing the Delegacy Contention.

Postcards from Canada
We have another cover meme for you this month, created by Almonaster
[Image: Sorbello.png]
Image credit

QUOTE <> UNQUOTE: Directly from Canada, the non-crappy Region!
From quest to 1000 pages, disposablepuppetland gets it down pat...
Quote:Postman Pat, Postman Pat
Postman Pat ran over his cat.
All his post went flying,
Postman Pat was crying,
I've never seen a cat as flat as that!

*As always...Report prepared by: The Canadian Citizens