The South Pacific
[IC]JKOM 2017 - Printable Version

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RE: [IC]JKOM 2017 - Hammerstar - 03-24-2017

dr. Aminah Teh had finished her countless preparations as well as preparing multiple first aid kits for the simulation. She was assessing the different medicines, infusions, strechers and ropes that they brought for the mission. Hopefully it is enough, noting the fact that the team assigned is a large one.

She was briefing her troupe when she got a call from their Troenian counterpart, she had assessed them carefully, and answered the phone.

"I am here, sou ka, our capability is 400 surgeries in max capability, hmm? mind you sir, I was deployed in the earthquake that hit Ciria and we provided surgery over 843 patients, one patient every 6-9 minutes, and it is common knowledge that unless we have excellent ground facility, we could not reach such high capabilities, not in this jungle at least."

"Nevertheless we could provide help and aid to the team whenever necessary. Yes, a unique part of our capability is that our medical troupe are also expert survivalists and woodsmen, it would be elementary for them to transverse a lot of terrain without the need to use helicopters and other modes of transport unless absolutely necessary, Definitely, I look forward to cooperate with you, alright, take care."

dr. Aminah Teh took a breather, and continued briefing her troops. She had received the plans by the Resentinians and has decided to prepare at least a medical HQ next to command, two bases and three medical outposts deep in the jungle. She has informed her colleague to help them create proper camouflage to avoid detection from the skies.

The Hikari was prepared to be deployed anywhere they're needed, they established contacts with their Resentinian counterparts. The Hikari preferred to be in the front lines at the start, and retreat back to the woods where they can deploy their defensive traps, Kamui visited command centre and met with the Resentinian Commanding Officer to discuss about the tactics.

RE: [IC]JKOM 2017 - Hammerstar - 04-10-2017

After going out from the meeting, Maku Kamui decided to finish the preparations. He decides to chart the area and observe the opposition.