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Amendment to Article 6, Section 1 of the Charter, regarding CSS Nominations - Printable Version

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RE: Amendment to Article 6, Section 1 of the Charter, regarding CSS Nominations - sandaoguo - 05-25-2014

The CSS is the security organ of the region. It's reserved for people who can objectively secure the region. In other words, people with high influence levels. It functions best as a group of security technocrats, and should be expanded only when necessary.

I'm not sure I'd support opening it up just so we can "expand democracy." I don't think the CSS was ever formed to be democratic.

RE: Amendment to Article 6, Section 1 of the Charter, regarding CSS Nominations - Kozeposlavia - 05-25-2014

(05-25-2014, 05:02 PM)Tsunamy Wrote: No, true.

But if we nominate and nominate, we end up with like ... 50% of citizens being in the CSS. It sets up a tiered system.

This would probably never happen. If the Assembly decides there are too many people in the CSS, they can just reject nominees. Every member has to be approved by the Assembly, and I don't think the way the assembly does things that it would be possible for even 10-15% of citizens to become part of the assembly, much less 50%.

RE: Amendment to Article 6, Section 1 of the Charter, regarding CSS Nominations - Tsunamy - 05-25-2014

I was just re-reading this ... and I suppose the way it's currently written, anyone would be able to nominate themselves for the post.

As such, I see no reason to not allow citizen's to nominate each other.

RE: Amendment to Article 6, Section 1 of the Charter, regarding CSS Nominations - Belschaft - 05-26-2014

The fact that anyone can already nominate themselves is the reason why Citizen nomination is redundant. It's also an idea based on a misunderstanding of the reasons for the Delegate nomination process; it was created so that the CSS numbers can be brought up to strength by the government if needed. The last wave of CSS members were all suggested and vetted by the CSS before the Delegate nominated them, with the objective being to increase the size of the body.

RE: Amendment to Article 6, Section 1 of the Charter, regarding CSS Nominations - Tsunamy - 05-27-2014

But ... the point was that someone might be good for the job, but not want to offer themselves. I get that someone could "nominate" and then they accept ... which would, in of itself be a nomination ... but I still don't think it hurts to have this.

RE: Amendment to Article 6, Section 1 of the Charter, regarding CSS Nominations - sandaoguo - 05-27-2014

I'm not opposed to the amendment itself, just the sentiment. The CSS shouldn't really be seen as an opportunity to "get involved." It's our main security organ. It's basically for knights and councilors, aka those with a lot of endos+influence and those who know security.

RE: Amendment to Article 6, Section 1 of the Charter, regarding CSS Nominations - Sir Pitt - 05-27-2014

Agree with Sandaguo, I personally do not see any reason for this change.

RE: Amendment to Article 6, Section 1 of the Charter, regarding CSS Nominations - Rebeltopia - 05-27-2014

I see no need for this. If another citizen thinks someone could do a good job within the CSS, then talk to them about it. Theres no need to straight-up nominate them.

In any case, I think the the person in question should discuss with the CSS any need for additions beforeany formal Assembly discussions go on. I think there needs to be a need for an addition, rather than a nomination going right to vote... But thats a discussion for another day.

RE: Amendment to Article 6, Section 1 of the Charter, regarding CSS Nominations - Tsunamy - 05-27-2014

Well -- what if we change point 4 to something along the lines of "If individual wish to nominate themselves or a fellow citizen for the CSS, they may submit the nomination to the Vice Delegate for consideration."?

It would take away the idea of nomination right to vote, allow nominations of other people and give the VD a prime role in deciding if we need more CSS members?

RE: Amendment to Article 6, Section 1 of the Charter, regarding CSS Nominations - Belschaft - 05-27-2014

I think that's a fairly good idea.