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RE: FIFA - Gustave Berr - 06-07-2014

Well, can it wait until Kris has a chance to chime in, or do we need to open up the polling right now?

RE: FIFA - God-Emperor - 06-07-2014

We have just over two days to come to a decision so that depends on how much lead time ya want and how long it's gonna be 'til Kris chimes in.

FIFA - Kris Kringle - 06-09-2014

I avoided NS the last four days. What do I have to do?

RE: FIFA - God-Emperor - 06-09-2014

We have to decide how we watch to select our participant for the World Cup tournament with TRR and Laz. Do you want to put it up to a regional vote?

FIFA - Kris Kringle - 06-09-2014

I can set up a regional poll.

RE: FIFA - God-Emperor - 06-09-2014

I believe our selection is expected in 'bout 45 hours.

RE: FIFA - Arbiter08 - 06-09-2014

What will be the options on the poll?

FIFA - Kris Kringle - 06-09-2014

All participating nations except Brazil, England and Germany.

FIFA - Kris Kringle - 06-09-2014

Yeah...that's not a good idea. We need to limit the number of options.

RE: FIFA - sandaoguo - 06-09-2014

Portugal, United States, the Netherlands? When I talked to Unibot, he said that only Portugal or the Netherlands would keep us competitive against Germany and England, but the US team is pretty good.