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RE: Government positions - Gustave Berr - 06-19-2014

If capability is the question, then maybe there could be some sort of mentoring or training that nominated and/or interested individuals could do to reach a level of capability to fill seats that are vacant. I believe that is a better option, and better in the long term, than allowing for a Justice to be a member of the Cabinet (Senior or Deputy), and visa versa.

In my opinion, if there is nobody else to fill the position, then the position should remain vacant until someone comes along (potentially through aforementioned mentoring) who is capable of filling the position. In the mean time, I feel it falls on the shoulders of the respective branches to pick up the slack and encourage individuals to pursue opportunities.

RE: Government positions - Rebeltopia - 06-19-2014

Im in NO WAY calling any specific people out, or looking to make those who have held office in the past look bad...

In the fairly recent past (year or 2), there have been those that run for a cabinet position, win, do little to nothing, and rely on the deputies to handle EVERYTHING. Im not saying the minister has to do everything themselves, but they should have the responsibility on their shoulders. They shouldnt be relying so heavily on the shoulders of the deputies. The deputies are there for support, not to do everything, while the minister sits back and "helps". This has lead to inactive ministries.

Deputy minister positions can be left vacant. The Minister position, cannot. Therefore, a deputy position should be resigned if someone wins an elected position, ESPECIALLY if its a judicial position.

Government positions - Kris Kringle - 06-19-2014

I fully agree with that last paragraph. It pretty much sums up my thoughts.

That said...really? Ministers rely too much on deputies? It was my impression that Ministers often had trouble in finding deputies, let alone active ones.

RE: Government positions - Sir Pitt - 06-19-2014

(06-19-2014, 05:00 AM)Gustave Berr Wrote: If capability is the question, then maybe there could be some sort of mentoring or training that nominated and/or interested individuals could do to reach a level of capability to fill seats that are vacant. I believe that is a better option, and better in the long term, than allowing for a Justice to be a member of the Cabinet (Senior or Deputy), and visa versa.

In my opinion, if there is nobody else to fill the position, then the position should remain vacant until someone comes along (potentially through aforementioned mentoring) who is capable of filling the position. In the mean time, I feel it falls on the shoulders of the respective branches to pick up the slack and encourage individuals to pursue opportunities.


RE: Government positions - Unibot - 06-22-2014

(06-19-2014, 12:41 PM)Kris Kringle Wrote: That said...really? Ministers rely too much on deputies? It was my impression that Ministers often had trouble in finding deputies, let alone active ones.

Agreed. Never seen a large abundance of players willing to take on deputy positions actively.

RE: Government positions - Rebeltopia - 06-23-2014

But when there are deputies, they are the ones running the show. Its happened this term. Its happened many terms in the past. Im not saying that every minister has done this, just that an abundance of deputies usually leads to an inactive minister.

I, myself, have had trouble getting help - deputy or otherwise - while holding down a ministry. My 3 terms of MoFA, I did every foreign update by myself, even after being told by more than one person they would help. But I have noticed, when deputies are added (especially more than one), the ministry is run by those deputies, and not the minister.

RE: Government positions - HEM - 06-23-2014

I generally have no problem with someone holding a Minister position and a Deputy position, but I see few instances in which this should be necessary.

I don't think we need to legislate this area. We should just try to set the precedent at not doing it, unless a specific instance occurs where it makes sense for someone to hold two posts.

RE: Government positions - Sir Pitt - 06-23-2014

Convention is generally better, certainly. But TSP seems to be a creative of legislative habit...

RE: Government positions - Belschaft - 06-23-2014

Convention has no formal legal standing, which is the problem. Over the last year there have been a number of times when conventions - some in place for the best part of a decade - have been broken.

RE: Government positions - Tsunamy - 06-23-2014

I mean -- it depends on how important we consider it. The problem I have with conventions are that they become a minefield for new players to try and navigate.

I'm with everyone in not wanting to legislate everything, but then we also can't criticize people who don't follow a convention they might not know about.