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[OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - Printable Version

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RE: [OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - Hammerstar - 05-23-2016

I remember

We gang up against the aggressor.

Srsly, it would be nice to replace all the old links

RE: [OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - Kris Kringle - 05-23-2016

(05-23-2016, 12:57 PM)Qwert Wrote: Does the charter say anything about actions in case of an attack against an SCO member?

On top of that, Ryccia has just violated the Government Island Accord, and that will have serious consequences.

[OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - ProfessorHenn - 05-23-2016


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RE: [OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - Ryccia - 05-23-2016

I believe the Ryccian Federation does not follow the accord. The Consitutional Monarchy, now defunct, technically does.

RE: [OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - Kris Kringle - 05-23-2016

I don't think the International Oversight Commission will care about that.

Government Island Accord Wrote:(1) Whenever a nation named in this Accord undergoes a change of regime or official name, it shall be the prerogative of the Southern Council to name their legal successor or lack thereof and to enact all changes necessary to this Accord in terms of quorum requirements and passage thresholds.

RE: [OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - Hammerstar - 05-23-2016

Can you tell me what is going to be the agenda of SCO member states?

If we're sending forces. Then I'm ready for it.

RE: [OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - Kris Kringle - 05-23-2016

I'm finishing class right now, but Wilcox will deliver a statement within the next hour. I don't expect Kringalia will ask for an armed intervention (for now), but Ryccia really shouldn't have done this.

RE: [OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - Hammerstar - 05-23-2016

I'll open my gates if you want to pour in your forces

RE: [OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - Kris Kringle - 05-23-2016

Can we take the resolution to a vote, @Qwert?

RE: [OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - Hammerstar - 05-24-2016

(05-22-2016, 10:19 PM)Kris Kringle Wrote: Then draft resolutions on that. Save for some exceptions, I seem to be the only one to ever draft actual resolutions. Get the resolution format, write all the necessary points in detail, and submit it. Nobody will fault you, and I'll welcome not being the only one to draft resolutions for a change.

So, posted two. No one seems interested in them

I call bs on it being "There's something else we can talk about other than war."