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[IC] King Andrei of Stoinia State Visit to Izaakia - Printable Version

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RE: [IC] King Andrei of Stoinia State Visit to Izaakia - Izaakia - 06-14-2022

“Ah, well, I hope it doesn’t offend your palate too much, it seems Izaakian intelligence don’t know as much as they think, still, I hope we can convert you to curry and spice, it really does Spice Up Your Life, as the famous hit goes. As for Queen Artemesia, you could say this was her redeeming third act, she was the Empress who lost Montacia and Brodlancia to the Gianaltan Empire, left a deep scar on our history, but in many ways we came back a stronger and richer nation, economically, politically and culturally. Who knows, without this darkest moment in our history how different history may have panned out? Without our displacement, we wouldn’t be the unconventional forward thinking nation we are today, a hardworking diverse and versatile people.”

”Anyway, let’s not dwell too much on the past, and let’s focus on building the future together.”

RE: [IC] King Andrei of Stoinia State Visit to Izaakia - Maverick - 06-23-2022

- "I'm afraid I'm as devout to my cuisine as I am to the Lord."
King Andrei chuckled on President Blanc's remarks. He sipped again from his wine as Blanc continued with Artemesia's history.
- "I agree and I believe Izaakian pharmaceuticals are something that could complement Bailtem."

RE: [IC] King Andrei of Stoinia State Visit to Izaakia - Izaakia - 06-25-2022

President Blanc managed to restrain herself from rolling her eyes at the Kings comment on the Lord given Izaakias history with Christianity. 
She then took up the comment on pharmaceuticals with great enthusiasm. “Actually, this is something I hope to become my legacy, we are currently drawing up plans to revolutionise the pharmaceutical industry. It’s something I hope you will support us on. I hope to create a global organisation for the regulation of the medicine and pharmaceutical industry, setting minimum standards for manufacturing and distribution, easing transfer of medicines over borders and easing the regulatory burden. I don’t know how much you are familiar with the industry, but at the moment without mutual recognition of regulatory bodies medicines have to be tested in the receiving nation, adding time and costs, amongst other set backs. But I hope we can count on your support to bring this new body into existence, to improve access to medicines and remove costs.”

RE: [IC] King Andrei of Stoinia State Visit to Izaakia - Maverick - 06-25-2022

- "How shall I put this... Back in the Spirasian Civil War I became intimate with morphine. Though I do hear the merits of such an organization, I've also heard plenty of stories on rare diseases of which the medicine costs millions. Beyond the reach of those families as you can guess. I'm sure that we can endorse the organization that you propose, but perhaps we can already take a first step. By making a joint foundation to help pay the costs of such rare cases. Send a clear message to all of Pacifica that the pharmaceutical industry is indeed in need of some reorganization. Would you be interested in such an endeavour? I'm thinking we should call it the Azima Foundation."

RE: [IC] King Andrei of Stoinia State Visit to Izaakia - Izaakia - 06-25-2022

“Well I’m glad you’ve kicked the habit, I have to admit I was on pain medication after my injuries in the summer, and I found it hard to kick. You’re quite right, this would be an amazing philanthropic endeavour, and you have my full support.”
Desert arrives, a berry St Ottery Mess. 

“I would also whilst your here, like to set the ball rolling on mutual recognition for our USI Federal Drugs Agency, and your regulatory body, this way our pharmaceutical companies can sell drugs without the additional costs of applying for regulatory approval in both nations. Our regulatory bodies are two of the most high quality regulators in the world, and this would make great sense, allow them to focus on companies within territories we are not overly confident in”

RE: [IC] King Andrei of Stoinia State Visit to Izaakia - Maverick - 06-25-2022

- "I may not be an expert, but I believe those regulations will have to be checked first before it can go into full effect. I'll be glad to whatever I can to put that into motion. Though I suggest that if only few medication poses a problem, we still clear the majority that won't pose a problem. Perhaps we can find some interesting working points for the global organization while doing so. I'm sure you understand my concerns."

RE: [IC] King Andrei of Stoinia State Visit to Izaakia - Izaakia - 06-25-2022

“Well exactly, you can never be too safe when it comes to medicines, and neither of us are experts on the matter, but it’s something my health minister asked me to bring up, so let’s get those guys together.”

”Actually, if you don’t mind me asking, what does Azima mean?”

RE: [IC] King Andrei of Stoinia State Visit to Izaakia - Maverick - 06-25-2022

- "Ah yes. Azima is a fairy from Stoinian mythology. She was kindhearted en healed the weak and sick as she roamed across Stoinia. I do have a soft spot for some poetry now and then. I hope you enjoy the naming as well."
Andrei then lifted up his wine glass again for a toast. 
- "To a new foundation to help those in need!"

RE: [IC] King Andrei of Stoinia State Visit to Izaakia - Izaakia - 07-01-2022

President Blanc Raises a Toast “To no disease uncured!” 

“I’m sure we can think of many more things to cooperate on, but perhaps we should talk more broadly about relations between the CMEC, CE and the United States of Izaakia. Naturally we are keen on improving trade with the CMEC, perhaps we should discuss a trade deal.”

RE: [IC] King Andrei of Stoinia State Visit to Izaakia - Maverick - 07-03-2022

- "I'm sure you can understand that I don't speak for the entirety of either organization, but a call for mutual cooperation will indeed help to build fruitful partnerships. I'm curious as to what you are about to propose to me."