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RE: Trump Presidency - Jay Coop - 08-18-2017

However, Bannon has returned to run Breitbart in an official capacity.

The Weekly Standard, a right-wing publication, published an article with Bannon having said, "The Trump presidency that we fought for, and won, is over."

RE: Trump Presidency - RandomGuy199 - 08-18-2017

Eh, at least he won't be in the White House anymore. That's something.

RE: Trump Presidency - Hammerstar - 08-20-2017

Is it too late to have Kanye west as president?

RE: Trump Presidency - Jay Coop - 08-20-2017

At this point, Kanye would be an improvement.

RE: Trump Presidency - Malayan Singapura - 08-20-2017

Seriously, I wished I had bought some lobbyists to get some other candidate win.

RE: Trump Presidency - Pronoun - 08-20-2017

Frankly, excessively rude rhetoric would probably do better than lobbying.

RE: Trump Presidency - Malayan Singapura - 08-20-2017

Note to self: Make Internationally Relevant Super PAC (USA, UK, Germany, Australia, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, France, Italy, Camada, Brazil, India, Indonesia, South Africa, Nigeria, Egypt, New Zealand, Switzerland and the Carribean)

I like the idea of a Twitter President, but why did it had to be Trump ? Of all the American people who become POTUS, why some Rich White Trash ?

RE: Trump Presidency - Pronoun - 08-20-2017

The thing about Twitter, for me, is that the 140-character limit leaves highly limited capability for well thought-out plans with solid logical reasoning and evidence. If only politicians used more of that... 

On a side note, imagine how much agitation conservative TSPers could create in this thread...

RE: Trump Presidency - Kris Kringle - 08-20-2017

While on that note, TSP has a Twitter craze in mid to late 2013. You can see the sidebars here.

RE: Trump Presidency - Pronoun - 08-20-2017

I probably shouldn't allude to this, but can't resist, so here goes:

Fake News!

(My first response was to wonder if a random Twitter user who happened to stumble upon it would take it for an election with much greater RL consequences.)