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[IC] King Andrei of Stoinia State Visit to Izaakia - Printable Version

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RE: [IC] King Andrei of Stoinia State Visit to Izaakia - Izaakia - 07-07-2022

Shall we perhaps start with the CE, I think it’s important that we create a forum to discuss our defence concerns, to prevent unnecessary escalation between the United States of Izaakia and The Concordia Entente. Especially important with a member like Snolland allowing Ryccian bases so near to Izaakia, and of course Stoinia. It has potential to escalate the situation significantly, causing a war between both Izaakia and Ryccia, and when we would defend ourselves against positions in Hazelbrust, we would end up at war with the CE. I’m sure this is something we would all like to avoid.

RE: [IC] King Andrei of Stoinia State Visit to Izaakia - Maverick - 07-16-2022

- "I agree. That's why Stoinia will push the position of a Secretary-General to be created to have a clear oversight on the political and strategic overview of our organization. As for the Ryccian bases in Hazelbrust, I believe more than a handful of CE member's have voiced the same concerns as you. I can guarantee that the CE doesn't want to position itself against Izaakia. We'll deal with this specific incident in time, rest assured of it. But as you likely know, these things take time and I'm sure we will come to a solution on the matter.

RE: [IC] King Andrei of Stoinia State Visit to Izaakia - Izaakia - 07-24-2022

“I appreciate that we can see eye to eye on the bases in Hazelbrust issue, but as you can see from our perspective it’s a highly provocative action, and I hope the actions of the CE follow the sentiment you have expressed.”

”On the topic of the CMEC, I think if we are going to co-exist peacefully in Bailtem, it is going to be important that we are economically and culturally integrated, to make conflict too costly to engage in. Therefore I hope we can begin to discuss a free trade deal between Izaakia and the CMEC”

RE: [IC] King Andrei of Stoinia State Visit to Izaakia - Maverick - 07-26-2022

- "Rest assured, the provocative action wasn't just too you. I had a phone call with the President Smith and he was more than concerned about the situation. We'll resolve this situation in the best interest of us all."
Andrei took another sip from his wine and commented on it while gazing at it.
- "You know... Your wine does get better with every sip. I believe if you want a free trade agreement and cultural integration, you should instead apply to the organization. The deal you want equates to that. I believe Stoinia will be amiable to support such an endeavour as you show a willingness to maintain peace. Is there any reason you perhaps wouldn't want to join as a full member?"

RE: [IC] King Andrei of Stoinia State Visit to Izaakia - Izaakia - 07-29-2022

“I often find that most things get better the more alcohol you drink” president Blanc said with a grin growing across her face. “As for membership of the CMEC I’m sure you can see how we might be somewhat concerned about the erosion of democracy and sovereignty by being a member of such an organisation. The harmonisation of rules that joining such an organisation would involve would have a restrictive impact on our economy. Especially now the CMEC has progressed so far without our voice on the inside, our opportunity to shape the organisation is already diminished”

RE: [IC] King Andrei of Stoinia State Visit to Izaakia - Maverick - 07-29-2022

- "I've read the agreement and the harmonisation of rules is quite minimal. It's the bare minimum to adequate for free-trade while still protecting the consumer. But given your last statement, perhaps that is something we should discuss after several wine imports from CMEC. Though I'm a bit touched to hear your concern of your voice within the organization. Surely you've made your voice heard in the World Forum, why not in CMEC? Things are never too late to be reverted."
King Andrei raised his eyebrow while taking another sip from his wine glass.

RE: [IC] King Andrei of Stoinia State Visit to Izaakia - Izaakia - 07-29-2022

Taking a moment to pick her words carefully President Blanc says “I’m sure you can appreciate that if we had our voice heard at the World Forum we wouldn’t currently be reconsidering our membership. We especially find the recent new WF legislation as an unacceptable violation of sovereignty.”

RE: [IC] King Andrei of Stoinia State Visit to Izaakia - Maverick - 07-29-2022

- "Oh I think you've embarrassed yourselves over the actions you pulled with Nicholas & Great Britain, but we all learn from our mistakes. Don't we? Alas let us relish in the fact that are nations are not at odds with each other and let us instead focus on the improvements we've made here today. To Stoinian wine and Izaakian pharmaceuticals."

RE: [IC] King Andrei of Stoinia State Visit to Izaakia - Izaakia - 07-29-2022

Behind clenched teeth she says “The only reason N&GB ended in failure was because none of you had the balls to take action, and then spent the rest of the war trying to foil our attempts to prevent a genocide. Which, by the way, we succeeded in achieving, and now the Romordians have their own republic, and the ability to defend themselves. We would have been able to make the new government stick too, if it wasn’t for interference making our position untenable. When you and your CE allies look at who is to blame for what’s happening in N&GB right now, you should look in the mirror. “

RE: [IC] King Andrei of Stoinia State Visit to Izaakia - Maverick - 07-29-2022

King Andrei was rather shocked at her response. It seemed the President's youthfulness had shown a more erratic side. Or so King Andrei thought at first. Not wishing to jump to conclusions right away, he let the harsh words from the President sink in for a couple of heartbeats. He took another sip from his wine before continuing the conversation.
- "Truth be told... Stoinia at the time was an observer. Despite that status, we likely would have joined in a joint World Forum operation which likely would have been lead by you. However, you boycotted such an operation and went ahead with your own if I recall correctly. Now why should we trust such a partner in military operations that cannot live up to its own words?" He said calmly before continuing. "365... That's the number of soldiers I've lost under my direct command during my military career Mrs. Blanc.  Not a single day goes by without remembering at least one of them. Today I remembered Private Alin Caragiu. He was a wonderful lad with his future right ahead of him. Thinking to build a Zimbron farm one day with a beautiful wife at his side. Yet for whatever reason fate decided otherwise. He died under my command during the Spirasian Civil War by throwing himself on a grenade tossed in an apartment to save refugees." Andrei then rolled up his left sleeve after putting down his suit. He showed a large scar going from the elbow to roughly 20 cm alongside his lower arm. "This I got from a bullet in New Dacia." He then continued to loosen his tie and revealed another such scar, although more sporadic. "This I got from a knife fight in Spiras. So do not accuse for not having the courage of what it takes to do in a war-zone. I've seen men and women lay down their lives in the harshness of wars and I will not have my valor nor theirs be questioned." He began to button up his shirt again after showing his scars. "Nor did the Stoinian government decide to impose sanctions on your nation, because deep down we understood your cause. So please refrain from accusing us of cowardice when we've seen plenty of war ourselves or confusing the actions of our allies with our own. Tell me... Is it so wrong to try and protect the young men and women from the harshness of war? To defend your own people from needlessly throwing their lives away? Or should I just consider all your political statements as just empty words? I came here in good spirit and to tell you that we are more alike than different, but don't ever diverge your own incompetence on us. Stoinia still wishes amicable relations with the United States of Izaakia, perhaps I have been a bit harsh on you. I shall take note of it for the future and phrase my words more carefully." He looked silently for another few seconds before finally trying to ease of the tensions. His point was made after all. "Now I believe it was time for dessert. Unless the direction of conversation has taken away your appetite, perhaps we should continue tomorrow."