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RE: The Distress Call - Qwert - 01-02-2015

From operation command to all units:
Use caution when dealing with the crates and objects found at sea. They often contain old ordnance and other exploding objects, but some contain what has been identified as drugs. We are uncertain why there are drugs in some crates, but we believe that the explosives are former military equipment from Transsuneria. We believe that simply dumping it into the ocean is the easiest and most simple way for them to get rid of it. They probably do not want that their enemies get their hands on it. Sedunnic units have found two dumping sites on the seabed where large amounts of crates and objects can be found. Based on these facts and the recent findings by Darkstrait's units we have to assume that the MdTS Soot was involved in the dumping operation when an accident happened.
We must start to collect evidence and to gather information about the their operation so we can proceed with the appropriate actions to stop such operations and to find the people responsible for these deeds. We also need to catch that unidentified ship headed for Transsuneria.

"Command recommends asking the sailors if it was the MdTS Soot that sent the distress call. Command proposes that the sailors are told what we have found out so far and that if they tell us more they will be safely brought to any location of their choice."

Flying low, the aircraft had avoided detection long enough to get within Darkstrait's operation area. It quickly neared some of the search helicopters.

The destroyers KSS Spirit and Liberty simultaneously detected a small submarine headed away from the ships leaving behind several crates.

RE: The Distress Call - Darkstrait - 01-02-2015

"What happened to your ship?" the captain demanded. "Did it call for help? Why were you carrying drugs?" He paused. "Answer the questions and we'll take you wherever you want, except Ryccia because they don't trust us enough."

"Wing Commander Toms!"
"Send your choppers to apprehend that plane. Get radio contact with it. Now!"

RE: The Distress Call - RandomGuy199 - 01-04-2015

KSS Liberty
Immediately after the submarine was detected, the captain of the Liberty tried to make contact. As expected, it didn't respond. The captain then ordered to stop the submarine at all costs. Warning shots were fired. After that, the Liberty managed to intercept the following message:

"We have been discovered! We have no choice!

Then, the submarine exploded and quickly sank. 

KSS Endurance
The misterious chemical found in the crates has been proven to be Sarin; a lethal chemical weapon.

RE: The Distress Call - Qwert - 01-07-2015

"Listen, we didn't want any of this to happen. We used the Soot as a transport ship. You see, our country is a bad place and we represent what's left of the Federation Government. We are dumping old ordnance here where the Purists or those Soormann's Fighters cannot find them. We are really sorry for all the accidents related to this, but you must understand we had to get those things out of our country. Imagine what some Sarin in the wrong hands could do", the man who spoke looked with sad eyes at the captain. "If you let us back on Transsunerian soil, we promise we will do anything we can to stop the dumping. We've learned the hard way what is wrong with dumping. The Soot is the ship you were looking for, but please believe me when I say we do not smuggle drugs."

The aircraft that had approached the helicopters started its transponder that told the Odysseus that it was a sea surveillance craft belonging to the Airforce of the Transsunerian Federation. The aircraft flew over the remains of the Soot and turned back to Transsuneria as quick as the old engines allowed.

Fortunately the sea was not very deep at the particular position where the submarine sank, which allowed for a quick salvage operation. The remains of the crew showed worn out uniforms, several of them with an insignia with the text 'Soormann'. In waterproof boxes inside the submarine could several maps showing possible dumping sites be found as well as some radio frequencies. There was also a time schedule that listed several opportunities receive radio calls. One such moment was right now.

Apparently the dumping operation was not totally unknown to others.

RE: The Distress Call - Darkstrait - 01-08-2015

"Give us the coordinates of the Soot and of some of the ordinance dumping sites, and we'll drop you off whenever you want."

"Marshal! The airplane is heading for Transsuneria!"
"Commander Toms! Get the choppers after it now!"
"But sir, it's too fast! We can't keep up with it!"
"Shoot a tracker at it! I want to know exactly where it lands. Or goes down."

RE: The Distress Call - RandomGuy199 - 01-13-2015

KSS Liberty

Just after the survivors were rescued, the Liberty managed to intercept the following radio call:

"We confirm the existence of a dumping site 10 kilometres away from your position. Get there ASAP and verify if its contents are useful for our cause. If you find any kind of ordnance (mines, artillery shells, etc) or weapons, mark the site as positive in the maps. The Federation is probably also dumping chemical and biological weapons, so look out for them too. Also, even if you are discovered, don't start the self-destruct secuence; we can't lose another submarine. Command out".

After the call ended, the submarine's Executive Officer (the Captain had died during the sinking, making him the highest ranked officer in the submarine) was taken to be interrogated.
"So, why are you searching for the dumping sites?" said David Jarić, the Captain of the Liberty.

RE: The Distress Call - Qwert - 01-14-2015

"To all participants, this is the situation. Command will call of the current search operation and arrange for a mapping/salvage operation in order to minimize the hazards of the dumping. Command wishes to extend its thanks to all participants and would also like to know what resources could be spared to participate in the new operation. Also, the government of Sedunn is looking over alternatives on how to deal with the troubling situation in Transsuneria which was was described as follows by the foreign minister.

"Transsuneria has fallen into anarchy, mainly because of high level corruption and prolonged economical failure. Several forms of government types and constellations have been tried out, they have all failed to deal with the economical situation. This led to raising tensions between different population groups, culminating in civil war. The Federational government prevailed but could not restore order completely. Lately the political party called the Purists armed themselves and the third major force is the Soormann's Fighters that Sedunn has classified as terrorists. Their goal is unclear. The Purists seek order through violent means, they want a reinstallation and a reformation of the previous Republic. We deem it necessary to send peacekeeping forces to this nation. If we achieve a stability, elections should be held and the nation should be granted financial aid to ensure the peace. This will however be difficult to do alone.""

"We will cooperate fully in this."

The tracker stuck to the fuselage and transmitted continuously until reaching a place called Freborg, inside Transsunerian territory near its capital Nieulandshem.

KSS Liberty:
"This is none of your concern. Release us immediately or suffer the consequences. Yes this is a threat!" The Executive Officer yelled angrily.

RE: The Distress Call - Darkstrait - 01-14-2015

Secret Location on the Tropic of Capricorn:
"Set an immediate detour for Transsuneria. The government there needs peacekeeping troops."
"Yes, Admiral."
The massive battle fleet had been returning from the Ryccian campaign when the message had come through to detour to Transsuneria.
"Tell the troops to prepare for battle. I don't want any of those damn Soormans coming up on us with kamikaze boats."

"Where did the Soot go down?
"Somewhere between QuietDad and Catalonia. I need to contact Command for the exact coordinates."
"Lieutenant Ronson! Give our guest access to the communications equipment."

"We have the coordinates, sir!"
"Good. Transmit them to Admiral von Feuerland's fleet. He's closer to Transsuneria than we are. Has Clairvoyant got the coordinates yet?"
"No, sir."
"Oh, well. Tell the escort to spread out and head for the dump sites."
"Yes, sir!"

RE: The Distress Call - RandomGuy199 - 01-21-2015

Secret Location, 100 km off the Transsunerian coast.
The Karnetvorian peacekeeping troops are preparing for battle. They are supported by an aircraft carrier and three destroyers. The peacekeeping force consists of 5000 soldiers.

KSS Liberty
"I don't think you are in a position to make such a threat" replied Captain Jarić. "After all, your command thinks that all of you died in the submarine. You better answer my question"

RE: The Distress Call - Qwert - 01-22-2015

Federation Government of Transsuneria:
A message was sent to all available TSP nations.
"These are desperate times, we would like to request immediate military aid to stabilize our country. We are on the verge of total collapse that will likely cause hundreds of thousands of people to perish. To show you that our intention is peace and a fair settlement of our internal troubles we will halt any operations against the Purists."

Grandmaster Soormann, a secret location:
A young pilot entered the room.

"You asked for me, Grandmaster!"
"Yes. I trust your mission was successful?"
"Indeed. I brought you the photos taken by the plane's cameras. It shows what I observed in the search area. Our analysts confirm our intel."
"Good, good. I'm sure it was tempting to shoot down some of the helicpters. Don't worry, you will get another chance. And please, when leaving, send the others in."
The pilot left the room.

"Our goals are now threatened by the international imperialists that found out about the dumping operation." Soormann, spoke to his nearest associates that just entered the room, "We must prevent them from interfering by destroying what little trust they may have in the Federationalists. Send out the "fishing boats" and make sure the Federation banner is clearly visible. The time has finally come for our take-over and the grand Rationalisation, initiate plan Locket Door."
"It shall be done, Grandmaster", answered the associates simultaneously.

The surviving crew of the Soot made several attempts to contact their command with the radio equipment. When that did not work they even tried calling people they knew with mobile phones, but it seemed like no calls came through.

KSS Liberty:
The Executive Officer was smiling. "Let me put it like this. Sarin."

With the radar systems aboard could the units from Darkstrait and Karnetvor observe several smaller fishing boats leaving the Transsunerian coast. They all flew the Federational flag.